Sunday, March 7, 2021

Allah (swt) has hands, fingers and fingertips


We read in Sefat Allah by Alawi al-Saqaaf, page 246:

الْيَدَانِ صفةٌ ذاتيةٌ خبرِيَّةٌ لله عَزَّ وجَلَّ ، نثبتها كما نثبت باقي صفاته تعالى

“Possession of two hands is a quality of Allah, we believe in it as we believe in other qualities”

On page 184, we read:

الْكَفُّ صفةٌ ذاتيةٌ خبريةٌ ثابتةٌ لله عَزَّ وجَلَّ بالأحاديث الصحيحة

“Palm of the hand is a quality of Allah almighty proven by Sahih Hadiths”

On page 32, we read:

الأَصَابِعُ صفةٌ فعليَّةٌ خبريَّةٌ ثابتةٌ لله عَزَّ وجَلَّ بالسُّنَّة الصحيحة.

“Fingers are Allah’s quality proven by Sahih Sunnah”

On page 36, we read:

الأَنَامِلُ صفةٌ ذاتيةٌ خبريَّةٌ ثابتةٌ لله عَزَّ وجَلَّ بالحديث الصحيح.

“The Fingertip is a quality of Allah almighty proven by Sahih Hadith”

On page 26, we read that Allah (swt) uses his hands to lift things:

الأَخْذُ بِالْيَدِ صفةٌ فعليةٌ خبريَّةٌ ثابتةٌ لله عَزَّ وجَلَّ بالكتاب والسنة.

“Lifting by the hand is a quality of Allah proven by Quran and Sunnah.”

Similarly Salafi scholar Hamad bin Nassir al-Mu’amar states in Al-Tauhfa al-Madania, page 129:

وأن له يدين

“He (Allah) has two hands”

Allah (swt) has two right hands

We read in Al-Wajiz fi Aqidat Al-Salaf al-Saleh by Abdullah al-Athari, page 47:

وأَنَ الله تعالى خلق آدم – عليه السلام- بِيَديه ، وأَن كلتا يديه يمين

“Allah almighty created Adam (pbuh) with his own two hands both of which are right sided”

Allah (swt) has a face, legs, feets, a shin, hands, waist, hips and flanks

We read in Sharh al-Aqida al-Wasetiya by Imam Ibn Uthaimin, page 179:

من عقيدتنا أننا نثبت أن لله وجها حقيقة

“Our belief is that Allah has a physical face”

We read in Sefat Allah by Alawi al-Saqaaf, page 101:

الرِّجْلُ وَالْقَدَمَانِ صفةٌ ذاتيةٌ خبريةٌ ثابتةٌ لله عَزَّ وجَلَّ بصحيح السنة.

“The leg and feet qualities of Allah proven by the Sahih Sunnah”

On page 113, we read:

السَّاقُ صفةٌ من صفات الذات الخبريَّة ، ثابتةٌ لله تعالى بالكتاب وصريحِ السنة الصحيحية.

“Shin is a quality of Allah, proven by the Quran and Sahih Sunnah”

On page 71, we read:

الْحُجْزَةُ وَالْحَقْوُ صفتان ذاتيان خبريَّتان ثابتتان بالسنة الصحيحة.

“Waist and hip are proven qualities by Sahih Sunnah”

About Allah (swt) possessing flank, Muhammad Sidiq Khan al-Qanooji records in Katf al-Thamar fi Bayan Aqidat Ahl al-Athar, page 76:

ومن صفاته سبحانه : اليد (1) ، واليمين (2) ، والكف (3) ، والإصبع (4) ، والشمال (5) ، والقدم (6) ، والرجل (7) ، والوجه (8) ، والنفس (9) ، والعين (10) ، والنزول (11) ، والإتيان (12) ، والمجيء (13) ، والكلام (14) ، والقول (15) ، والساق (16) ، والحقو (17) ، والجنب (18)…..

His almighty qualities are: hand, left hand, palm of the hand, finger, left hand, feet, leg, face, soul, eye, coming down, coming, arrival, talking, saying, shin, waist, flank…

Allah (swt) factually talks to people

We read in Sharh al-Aqida al-Wasetiya by Imam Ibn Uthaimin, page 265:

عقيدة أهل السنة والجماعة أن الله يتكلم بكلام حقيقي متى شاء كيف شاء بما شاء بحرف وصوت

“The creed of Ahlulsunnah wal Jamah is that Allah speaks physically whenever He wants, whatever He wants and in whichever form He wants, by voice and words”

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