Sunday, March 7, 2021



Allah (swt) can be physically seen in the sky

We read in Sharh al-Aqida al-Wasetiya by Imam Ibn Uthaimin, page 246: 

فقد أجمع السلف رضي الله عنهم على أن الله تعالى بذاته في السماء

“There is consensus among the Salaf that He can be physically located in the sky”

Allah (swt) can write (God forbid)

We read in Sefat Allah by Alawi al-Saqaaf, page 181:

الْكِتَابَةُ وَ الْخَطُّ صفةٌ فعليَّةٌ خبريَّةٌ ثابتةٌ لله عَزَّ وجلَّ بالكتاب والسنة ، فهو سبحانه يكتب ما شاء متى شاء

“Writing and drawing are qualities of Allah almighty proven by the Quran & traditions, he almighty writes what ever he wants whenever he wants”

We read in Sharh al-Aqida al-Wasetiya by Imam Ibn Uthaimin, page 185:

قال أهل العلم وكتب الله التوراة بيده

“The scholars said that Allah wrote Torah by his own hands”


At least we know that Allah (swt) is using his two right hands to good effect! Could Salafis tell us what he writes on? Does He (swt) have a pocket diary that he takes with him wherever He (swt) goes?

Nasibi belief that Allah (swt) created the angels from His arm and chest

We read in Al-Sunnah by Abdullah Ibn Ahmad ibn Hanbal, page 190:

عبدالله بن عمرو قال : خلقت الملائكة من نور الذراعين والصدر

Abdullah bin Amro said: ‘The angels are created from the light of (Allah’s) arm and chest’.

Nasibi belief that Allah (swt) is exactly same as human being with the exception of only two qualities

Abu bakr ibn al-Arabi records in his famed work Al-Qawasim min al-Awasim, page 209:

أبا يعلى محمد بن الحسين الفراء رئيس الحنابلة ببغداد كان يقول إذا ذكر الله تعالى وما ورد من هذه الظواهر في صفاته يقول : ألزموني ما شئتم فإني ألتزمه إلا اللحية والعورة.

Whenever Abu Y’ala Muhammad bin al-Hussain al-Fara, the chief of Hanbalis in Baghdad mentioned the qualities of Allah, he would say: ‘Comply with me on whatever you wish, I comply with every thing except the beard and genitals.’

Salafi belief that Allah (swt) is holding the earth and heaven on his fingers

We read in Al-Tauhfa al-Madania by Hamad bin Nassir al-Mu’amar, page 131:

وندين أن الله تعالى مقلب القلوب وأن القلوب بين إصبعين من أصابعه وأنه يضع السموات على أصبع والأرضين على أصبع

“We believe that Allah almighty changes the hearts and the hearts are between two of his (Allah) fingers and he put the heavens on a finger and the earth on another finger”

Salafi belief that Allah (swt) could travel over a mosquito

Imam Darami records in his book Aqa’id al-Salaf, page 443:

وقد بلغنا أنـهم -الملائكة- حين حملوا العرش وفــوقــه الجــبار في عزته وبـهائه ، ضعفوا عن حمله واستكانوا وحنوا على ركبهم حتى لقنوا ( لا حول ولا قوة إلا بالله ) فاستقلوا به بقدرة الله وإرادته ، ولولا ذلك ما استقل به العرش ، ولا الحملة ولا السماوات ولا الأرض ولا من فيهن . ولو قد شاء لاستقر على ظهر بعوضة فاستقلت به بقدرته ولطف ربوبيته ، فكيف على عرش عظيم أكبر من السماوات السبع ؟

“It has reached us that when the Angels lifted the throne while the almighty is on top of it in his might and glory, they were weak in lifting it, and they rested and bent onto their knees until they said (there is no might or power except with Allah) but they lifted it with His power and will, and if it wasn’t for it (His power and will), it would not have been possible for the throne, or those that carry it or the skies or the earth or whoever is inside it. And if he so wished, he would have mounted on the back of a mosquito and she would have carried Him by His Divine Grace, so how about a great throne that is larger than the seven skies?


Just look at the Salafi thinking. Allah (swt) is beyond the comprehension of man, and it should suffice for believers to accept his existence and think no more. For Salafis this is simply not possible. Rather than accept his omni present existence in the cosmos, they seem it there academic duty to start describing him with human qualities. After that, they next ponder the types of things that He (swt) could do, why? Don’t we know that He (swt) can do anything? Why do we need to start contemplating His abilities to the point that His (swt) ability to travel on a Mosquito is also pondered over? What is the benefit from such an absurd belief?

Nasibi belief that Allah (swt) suffers from weight gain (God forbid)

We read in Al-Sunnah by Abdullah Ibn Ahmad ibn Hanbal, page 161:

خالد بن معدان انه كان يقول أن الرحمن ليثقل على حملة العرش من أول النهار

Khalid bin Madaan said: ‘Allah’s weight becomes heavy on the throne in the beginning of the day’


We would invite the Salafis to clarify which diet plan Allah (swt) is on that enables Him to gain and lose weight so quickly? The next Salafi fatwa may well explain the reason for this amazing weight loss…

Salafi belief that Allah (swt) performs jogging

We read in Sefat Allah by Alawi al-Saqaaf, page 232:

الْهَرْوَلَةُ صفةٌ فعليةٌ خبريَّةٌ ثابتةٌ لله عَزَّ وجَلَّ بالحديث الصحيح.

“Jogging is a quality of Allah almighty proven by Sahih Hadith”

We read in Fatawa al-Aqida by ibn Uthaimin, page 112:

وأي مانع يمنع من أن نؤمن بأن الله تعالى يأتي هرولة

“What could forbid us from believing that Allah performs jogging?”

In Fatawa al-Lajnah al-Daema lelbuhuth by Ahmad al-Duwaish, page 196, we read the following fatwa of late Salafi/Wahabi leader Ibn Baz:

س : هل لله صفة الهرولة ؟
ج : نعم

Question: Is jogging a quality of Allah?
Answer: Yes.


We tried to search into the Salafi literature in order to know whether He partakes in early morning jogging or an evening one but we couldn’t find any precise stance on this. It is still good to know that He (swt) keep in shame. We would urge the Salafi and Deobandi Mullahs whose eating habits have given them a waist size the size of the equator, to likewise adhere to the example of Allah (swt) and take up jogging.

If the above Fatwas do not evidence tha atrocious concept of anthromorphism that is no different to the depictions of Allah (swt) locate in Judaic-Christian texts allow us to conclude with one final Fatwa, that shall leave us with no doubt that the Nasibi concept of Tawheed is worse that that of the Christians and Jews…

The Nasibi Fatwa that Allah (swt) is in hell (God forbid)

We read in Sahih Bukhari that the Prophet (saws) said:

“The people will be thrown into the (Hell) Fire and it will say: ‘Are there any more (to come)?(50:30) till Allah puts his foot over it and it will say ‘Qat! Qat!” (Enough! Enough!)”
Sahih Bukhari Arabic-English Volume 6 hadith number 371 translated by Dr Muhsin Khan

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