Monday, December 14, 2020


One of the most embarrassing events in Muhammad’s life occurred when Satan cast his words upon the tongue of Muhammad. And Muhammad spoke the words of Satan as the words of Allah. This incident came to be known as “The Satanic Verses.” Of course, this episode is an embarrassment for Muslims today. And as usual, Muslims deny and dismiss the entire incident as a fabricated story invented by the enemies of Islam. However, their lies and deceptions are utterly indefensible because we have Islam on our side to prove it. The event is recorded by the earliest Islamic sources available on Muhammad’s life.

The episode of the Satanic Verses is not an obscure event. The event is well documented in many authoritative Islamic sources. It is recorded by the earliest Islamic sources available on Muhammad’s life. Renowned Muslim scholars like Ibn IshaqIbn Sa’d, and al-Tabari has all documented this event in their scholarly works. They have all testified to the Satanic Verses as an authentic event. And none of them are enemies of Islam. And educated Muslims know this.

In his commentary regarding the historicity of the episode of the Satanic Verses, prominent Muslim Scholar, Shahab Ahmed, stated:

The Satanic verses incident constituted a standard element in the historical memory of the Muslim community in the first 150 years of Islam and was recorded by almost all prominent scholars working in the fields of Tafsir and Sirah-Maghazi. (Shahab Ahmed, The Satanic Verses Incident in the Memory of the Early Muslim Community – An Analysis of the Early Riwayahs and their Isnads, p.i)

And Shahab Ahmed also observed that the Satanic Verses event is recorded and confirmed in numerous Historical and Scholarly Commentaries of early Muslims:

The Satanic verses incident is narrated in numerous reports (between 18 and 25) scattered in the Sirah Nabawiyyah and Tafsir literature originating in the first two centuries of Islam. The indications are that the incident formed a fairly standard element in the historical memory of the early Muslim community regarding the life of its founder. (Shahab Ahmed, Ibn Taymiyyah and the Satanic Verses, p. 70)

There is ample evidence to show that the Satanic Verses event did occur as recorded by early Muslim scholars. Many prominent Muslim scholars accepted it as a factual incident. Muslims who reject it do so because they just cannot believe that their beloved Prophet would sin against God in such a blasphemous manner. Centuries earlier, the Holy Bible cautioned Christians:

1 Timothy 4:1: “However, the Spirit says definitely that in later periods of time some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to misleading inspired utterances and teachings of demons.”

1 John 4:1: “Beloved ones, do not believe every inspired expression, but test the inspired expressions to see whether they originate with God, because many false prophets have gone forth into the world.”

This proves that inspired expressions can come from sources other than the true God. They can come from impersonating demons. Those who did not receive their callings from the true God could be deceived by demons who fake inspiration as coming from the true God. Could Muhammad be a victim of such demonic influences? Were demonic powers at work in the inspirations received by Muhammad? The answers to these questions are vital for all sincere Muslims who seek to know the truth about Islam. It is imperative that we use Islamic sources to answer these questions. This is important if we do not want to be accused of being discriminatory.

Muhammad ibn Jarir al-Tabari (839 C.E–923 C.E) was a prominent and influential Muslim scholar, historian and exegete of the Qur’an. Right to this day, he is known for his expertise in the Tafsirs (Commentaries), Islamic Law, and the History of the Qur’an. His most influential and best-known work is “Tarikh al-Tabari.” The English translation of this distinguished work on Islam is known as “The History of al-Tabari.” In this esteemed work, al-Tabari recorded the confession of Muhammad after he was thoroughly deceived by Satan:

“That evening Gabriel came to him and reviewed the Surah with him, and when he reached the two phrases which Satan had cast upon his tongue he said, “I did not bring you these two.” Then the Messenger of God said, “I have fabricated things against God and have imputed to him words which He has not spoken.” (The History of al-Tabari –Muhammad at Mecca)


Narratives involving this incident can be read in the very early Biographies of Muhammad by the following recognized scholars of Islam:

  1. Ibn Ishaq (704 C.E. – 767 C.E.) “The Life of Muhammad” is a translation of Ibn Ishaq’s “Sirat Rasul Allah” by Alfred Guillaume. (The Satanic Verses account is specified on pp. 165-167)
  1. Al Waqidi (747 C.E. – 823 C.E.) “The Life of Mahomet,” Volume 2, pages 150-152, by Muir. Quotations from “Kitab al-Wakidi”
  1. Ibn Sa’d (784 C.E. -845 C.E.) Ibn Sa’d’s “Kitab al Tabaqat al Kabir,” Volume 1, parts 1 and 2, pages 236 – 239, translated by S. Moinul Haq. Muhammad’s exultation of the idol goddesses is recorded in Volume 1, p. 237.
  1. Al-Tabari (838 C.E. – 923 C.E.) “Tabari’s History,” translated by Watt. The Satanic Verses event is recorded in Volume VI, pages 170-178.


When Muhammad was preaching in Mecca, he did not win many converts to his newfound religion. But he wanted those from his tribe to accept Islam. He was hoping to receive a Qur’anic verse that would help them to become reconciled to Islam. Then one day he got the revelation that he was longing for. We will now consider the detailed account of this incident as recorded by al-Tabari. Please read his narration carefully because it lays the groundwork for our discussion.

History of Tabari, Al-Ta’rīkh, Volume I:

“The prophet was eager for the welfare of his people, desiring to win them to him by any means he could. It has been reported that he longed for a way to win them, and part of what he did to that end is what Ibn Humayd told me, from Salama, from Muhammad ibn Ishaq, from Yazīd ibn Ziyād al-Madanī, from Muhammad ibn Ka’b al-Qurazī:

When the prophet saw his people turning away from him, and was tormented by their distancing themselves from what he had brought to them from God, he longed in himself for something to come to him from God which would draw him close to them. With his love for his people and his eagerness for them, it would gladden him if some of the hard things he had found in dealing with them could be alleviated. He pondered this in himself, longed for it, and desired it.

Then God sent down the revelation. ‘By the star when it sets! Your companion has not erred or gone astray, and does not speak from mere fancy…’ (Q.53:1) When he reached God’s words, “Have you seen al-Lāt and al-‘Uzzā and Manāt, the third, the other?” (Q.53:19-20) Satan cast upon his tongue, because of what he had pondered in himself and longed to bring to his people, “These are the high-flying cranes and their intercession is to be hoped for.”

When Quraysh heard that, they rejoiced. What he had said about their gods pleased and delighted them, and they gave ear to him. The Believers trusted in their prophet with respect to what he brought them from their Lord: they did not suspect any slip, delusion or error. When he came to the prostration and finished the chapter, he prostrated and the Muslims followed their prophet in it, having faith in what he brought them and obeying his command. Those mushrikūn of Quraysh and others who were in the mosque also prostrated on account of what they had heard him say about their gods. In the whole mosque there was no believer or kāfir who did not prostrate. Only al-Walīd bin al-Mughīra, who was an aged shaykh and could not make prostration, scooped up in his hand some of the soil from the valley of Mecca (and pressed it to his forehead). Then everybody dispersed from the mosque.

Quraysh went out and were delighted by what they had heard of the way in which he spoke of their gods. They were saying, ‘Muhammad has referred to our gods most favourably. In what he has recited he said that they are “high-flying cranes who intercession is to be hoped for.”’

Those followers of the Prophet who had emigrated to the land of Abyssinia heard about the affair of the prostration, and it was reported to them that Quraysh had accepted Islam. Some men among them decided to return while others remained behind.

Gabriel came to the Prophet and said, “O Muhammad, what have you done! You have recited to the people something which I have not brought you from God, and you have spoken what He did not say to you.” At that the Prophet was mightily saddened and greatly feared God.

But God, of His mercy, sent him a revelation, comforting him and diminishing the magnitude of what had happened. God told him that there had never been a previous prophet or apostle who had longed just as Muhammad had longed, and desired just as Muhammad had desired, but that Satan had cast into his longing just as he had cast onto the tongue of Muhammad. But God abrogates what Satan has cast, and puts His verses in proper order. That is, ‘you are just like other prophets and apostles.’ And God revealed: ‘We never sent any apostle or prophet before you but that, when he longed, Satan cast into his longing. But God abrogates what Satan casts in, and then God puts His verses in proper order, for God is all-knowing and wise.’” (Q.22:52)

We will now look at the historical records of another prominent scholar of Islam. He is well-known as one the earliest historian of Islam. Ibn Ishaq documented the incident of the Satanic Verses in his esteemed work known as “Sirat Rasul Allah.”

Sirat Rasul Allah:

“Now the apostle was anxious for the welfare of his people, wishing to attract them as far as he could. It has been mentioned that he longed for a way to attract them and the method he adopted is what Ibn Hamid told me that Salama said M. b. Ishaq told him from Yazid b. Ziyad of Medina from M. b. Ka`b al-Qurazi: When the apostle saw that his people turned their backs on him and he was pained by their estrangement from what he brought them from God he longed that there should come to him from God a message that would reconcile his people to him. Because of his love for his people and his anxiety over them it would delight him if the obstacle that made his task so difficult could be removed; so that he meditated on the project and longed for it and it was dear to him.

Then God sent down “By the star when it sets your comrade errs not and is not deceived, he speaks not from his own desire,” and when he reached His words “Have you thought of al-Lat and al-`Uzza and Manat the third, the others,” Satan, when he was meditating upon it, and desiring to bring it (reconciliation) to his people, put upon his tongue “these are the exalted Gharaniq whose intercession is approved.”

When the Quraysh heard that, they were delighted and greatly pleased at the way in which he spoke of their gods and they listened to him; while the believers were holding that what their prophet brought from their Lord was true, not suspecting a mistake or a vain desire or slip, and when he reached the prostration and the end of the Sura in which he prostrated himself the Muslims prostrated themselves when their prophet prostrated confirming what he brought and obeying his command, and the polytheists of Quraysh and others who were in the mosque prostrated when they heard the mention of their gods, so that everyone in the mosque believer and unbeliever prostrated, except al-Walid b. al-Mughira who was an old man who could not do so, so he took a handful of dirt from the valley and bent over it.

Then the people dispersed and the Quraysh went out, delighted at what had been said about their gods, saying, “Muhammad has spoken of our gods in splendid fashion. He alleged in what he read that they are the exalted Gharaniq whose intercession is approved.”

The news reached the prophet’s companions who were in Abyssinia, it being reported that Quraysh had accepted Islam, so some men started to return while others remained behind. Then Gabriel came to the apostle and said, “What have you done, Muhammad? You have read to these people something I did not bring you from God and you have said what He did not say to you.” The apostle was bitterly grieved and was greatly in fear of God.

So God sent down (a revelation), for he was merciful to him comforting him and making light of the affair and telling him that every prophet and apostle before him desired as he desired and wanted what he wanted and Satan interjected something into his desires as he had on his tongue. So God annulled what Satan had suggested and God established His verses i.e. you are just like the prophets and apostles.

Then God sent down: “We have not sent a prophet or apostle before you but when he longed Satan cast suggestions into his longing. But God will annul what Satan has suggested. Then God will establish his verses, God being knowing and wise.” Thus God relieved his prophet’s grief, and made him feel safe from his fears and annulled what Satan had suggested in the words used above about their gods by his revelation “Are yours the males and His the females? That were indeed an unfair division” (i.e. most unjust); “they are nothing by names which your fathers gave them” as far as the words “to whom he pleases and accepts,” i.e. how can the intercession of their gods avail with Him?

When the annulment of what Satan had put upon the prophet’s tongue came from God, Quraysh said: “Muhammad has repented of what he said about the position of your gods with Allah, altered it and brought something else.” (The Life of Muhammad: A Translation of Ibn Ishaq’s Sirat Rasul Allah, with introduction and notes by Alfred Guillaume, pp. 165-167)

Why would Allah make “light of the affair” of a prophet speaking the words of Satan as the words of God? As we can see, Muhammad confessed to being deceived by Satan. Muhammad’s exultation of the idol goddesses of the Quraysh polytheists and their willingness to now prostrate with him in prayer clearly proves that the Prophet of Islam succumbed to idolatry. Although he later realized the consequences of what he had done, this does not diminish the fact that he was deceived by Satan. This does not excuse his participation in idolatry.

What is important for Muslims to learn from this incident is that it shows that Muhammad could not distinguish between the words of Allah and the words of Satan. He received a revelation from Satan which he proclaimed as a message of Allah. The message was not only false but also demonic. But there is more.

The account also tells us that Muhammad’s personal desires were partly responsible for the interjection of the Satanic Verses. This fact alone places the inspiration of the Qur’an on an even more dangerous position. In fact, it makes the inspiration of the Qur’an highly distrustful. If Muhammad’s personal desires were responsible for the interjection of the Satanic Verses, could there be other instances where Muhammad’s personal desire also played a part in influencing the outcome of a particular Qur’anic verse? Could this also be true at the time he received convenient Qur’anic verses after he developed a desire to marry his adopted son’s wife? Could Satan have taken similar advantage of Muhammad’s personal desire and interjected those verses approving his marriage to his son’s wife? Are the Qur’anic verses approving Muhammad’s marriage to his daughter-in-law another instance of Satanic Verses in the Qur’an?

Tabari, VI:107:

“Satan cast a false Qur’an revelation on the Messenger of Allah’s tongue.”

Now, take careful note of Allah’s response to the Satanic Verses:

Surah 22:52: “Never did We send a Messenger or a Prophet before you, but, when he did recite the revelation or narrated or spoke, Shaitan (Satan) threw (some falsehood) in it. But Allah abolishes that which Shaitan (Satan) throws in. Then Allah establishes His Revelations. And Allah is All-Knower, All-Wise.” (Hilali-Khan)

“Never sent We a messenger or a prophet before thee but when He recited (the message) Satan proposed opposition in respect of that which he recited thereof. But Allah abolisheth that which Satan proposeth. Then Allah establisheth His revelations. Allah is Knower, Wise.” (Pickthall)

Can you comprehend the full implication of Allah’s response in the above Qur’anic verse? Allah is in effect saying: “Don’t worry about it Muhammad, all prophets proclaim Satanic messages from time to time.” In other words, Allah is saying that every messenger of God who lived before the time of Muhammad has recited the verses of Satan when they received revelations from God. While Surah 22:52 was revealed to justify the error of Muhammad, this Qur’anic verse serves to confirm the truth that the Satanic Verses episode actually did take place.

What is really damaging is that Allah openly lied that all of God’s prophets in the past were also influenced by Satan. This blatant lie was deliberately promoted by Allah as a means to cover the humiliation of Muhammad who submitted to satanic influence. Surah 22:52 which falsely claims that all of God’s prophets succumbed to satanic influence, is in itself a Satanic Verse woven into the very fabric of the Qur’an. To excuse Muhammad’s transgression, Allah defamed all the prophets of God by claiming that Satan has also cast words into the messages they received. Allah did not provide the slightest proof to substantiate his wicked defamation of Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and many other faithful prophets of God in the Holy Bible.

The characteristics of Allah are identical to that of Satan. Both try to assail the divine qualities of the true God. They depict God as being powerless in preventing Satan’s interference with his messages. Additionally, they also humiliate the prophets of the true God. They do this by resorting to lies and deception. However, there is still more to the lies of Allah. Long before the Satanic Verses incident, Allah warned of the kind of punishment that Muhammad would suffer should he ascribe any false sayings to Allah:

Surah 69:44-46: “And if he (Muhammad) had forged a false saying concerning Us, We surely should have seized him by his right hand (or with power and might), And then certainly should have cut off his life artery (Aorta).” (Hilali-Khan)

And if he had fabricated against Us some of the sayings, We would certainly have seized him by the right hand, Then We would certainly have cut off his aorta. (Shakir)

Tafsir Jalalayn on Qur’an 69:44-46:

And had he, namely, the Prophet, fabricated any lies against Us, by communicating from Us that which We have not said, We would have assuredly seized him, We would have exacted vengeance (against him), as punishment, by the Right Hand, by Our strength and power; then We would have assuredly severed his life-artery, the aorta of the heart, a vein that connects with it, and which if severed results in that person’s death.

Muhammad did indeed “forged a false saying” against Allah by assigning the verses of Satan to Allah. Why did not Allah then punish Muhammad as he had promised to do so in the Qur’an? Allah’s failure to punish Muhammad should not be taken lightly by Muslims. This failure to punish Muhammad is an extremely serious matter considering the fact that the warning given in these Qur’anic verses is exclusively directed to Muhammad and no one else. In other words, the punishment of death for forging “a false saying” against Allah was only meant for Muhammad.

However, Allah not only failed to carry out the punishment that he himself specified in the Qur’an but he also made light of Muhammad’s sin. Not even a rebuke was given to Muhammad. Instead, Allah provided Muhammad with an excuse. This proves that Allah is an untrustworthy deity. He is also deceptive. Muslims, can you respect the Qur’an when Allah himself does not honor his own promises in it.

Allah excused the serious sin committed by Muhammad. He stated: “Never did we send a Messenger or a Prophet before you, but, when he did recite the revelation or narrated or spoke, Satan threw some falsehood in it.” In effect, Allah is saying that the imputing of the inspired expressions of Satan into the messages of Allah is a common occurrence among all the prophets of God. Therefore, it is not a major concern. If it is true that this is indeed a common occurrence among all the earlier prophets of God, why did Allah then warn of the serious punishment of death for the same kind of offense in Surah 69:44-46? Is not the punishment of death intended only for those committing serious or unforgivable sin?

The easy imputing of the suggestions of Satan, secretly into the mind of Muhammad should be a cause of concern for Muslims. If Satan can easily gain access into the mind of Muhammad and influence his thinking secretly, how would he know it? How would he be aware of the danger he is in?

Surah 7:199-200: Be indulgent O Muhammad and favour forbearance anti relaxation of restraint, and make due allowances and enjoin conformity of life and conduct to the requirements of morality disregarding the impudent who are insolently disrespectful. And if Al-Shaytan entices you by suggesting divergence or discord secretly to your mind, do not consent nor be actuated, but commit yourself to Allah.” (Al-Muntakhab)

“Take to forgiveness and enjoin good and turn aside from the ignorant. And if a false imputation from the Shaitan afflicts you seek refuge in Allah; surely He is Hearing, Knowing.” (Shakir)

The vital issue about the Satanic Verses affair is the fact that Muhammad was unable to distinguish the voice of Satan from the voice of Allah. Could there then be other verses in the Qur’an that Muhammad assumed were from God but were really from Satan? If Satan can easily put words upon his tongue, what faith can we put in a man who is so easily led astray by Satan? Islamic sources reveal that even a Jewish magician was also able to exercise demonic control over Muhammad. For more information on this subject, please click the following link: ISLAM CONFIRMS MUHAMMAD WAS BEWITCHED


One of the ways that Muslims prove that the Qur’an is a miracle is by challenging their opponents to produce a single surah like the Qur’an. They claim that no one is able to produce a single surah like it. This challenge is found in the Qur’an itself:

Surah 2:23: “If you have doubts about the revelation We have sent down to Our servant, then produce a single surah like it.” (Abdel Haleem)

The Qur’an boasts that even if all human beings and Jinns were to come together to produce something like the Qur’an they would not be able to do so. And Allah challenges anyone, including the Jinns to produce something similar to the Qur’an:

Surah 17:88: Declare: “Even if all human beings and Jinns combined their resources to produce the like of this Qur’an, they would never be able to compose the like thereof, even if they backed up each other as best as they could.” (Farook Malik)

Before we proceed on in our discussion, please take note of the fact that the Qur’an identifies Satan as a “Jinn.”

Surah 18:50: And We said to the Angels: “Submit to Adam.” So they all submitted except for Satan, he was of the Jinn, so he disobeyed the order of his Lord. (The Monotheist Group)

Well, the Satanic Verses strongly disprove the claim of Allah that no one is able to “produce a single surah like it.” Satan was able to produce verses that resembled the Qur’anic messages so closely that Muhammad himself could not tell the difference. Otherwise, Muhammad would have never accepted the Satanic Verses as the Word of Allah. Satan led and Muhammad followed.


According to the laws given to Moses, Muhammad must be put to death as a false prophet. In the Hebrew Scriptures, if a prophet spoke anything in the name of Jehovah that was not from him, that prophet must be put to death.

Deuteronomy 18:20: “A prophet who presumes to speak in my name anything that I have not commanded him to speak or who speaks in the name of other gods, that prophet must be put to death.”

Allah, who easily excused Muhammad’s serious sin, cannot be the true God. Allah’s failure to chastise Muhammad is one thing, but to continue inspiring the very one who had succumbed to the inspiration of Satan is quite another thing.

The Satanic Verses episode also discredits the claim by Muslims that Muhammad was sinless. Accepting idolatry and polytheism, no matter however briefly, is a serious sin. Muhammad succumbed to idolatry and polytheism while claiming to be God’s greatest prophet. This event shows a great failure in his life. It proves that he was a sinner just as any ordinary person – even worse. The evidence provided here in this article is sufficient for us to reject the Qur’an’s claim of divine inspiration. And it is also sufficient for us to reject Muhammad’s reliability as a prophet of God. A man who admittedly proclaimed verses from Satan and fell victim to sorcery while claiming himself to be God’s greatest messenger cannot be trusted. Therefore, it is perfectly justifiable for Muslims to reject both the Qur’an and Muhammad. The Qur’an cannot be the Word of God and Muhammad cannot be a Messenger of God.

It must be pointed out that the Satanic Verses event is not something fabricated by non-Muslims. It is acknowledged as an actual event by the early Muslim scholars of Islam. Early Muslim historians, in an astounding display of honesty and integrity, admitted that Muhammad was indeed deceived by Satan. In doing so, these early scholars and historians of Islam have given us all the evidence we need to prove that Muhammad was a false prophet. Not only was this event recorded by the earliest Islamic sources available on the life of Muhammad but also the men who recorded them were devout Muslim scholars. They were the defenders of Islam. They were genuine Islamic scholars who spent their lives studying, analyzing, and writing about Muhammad and Islam. These sources also provide chains of narration (isnad) showing that the event is traceable to the earliest Muslims who were eye-witnesses of this event.

The vital lesson that Muslims must learn from this account is that Muhammad simply cannot be a prophet of the true God. It will be wise for Muslims to search for the true Prophet of God. It is therefore vital for Muslims to examine the life of another Messenger of God – Jesus of Nazareth. We will now consider one of Jesus’ many encounters with the demons:

Mark 1:21-27: They went to Capernaum, and when the Sabbath came, Jesus went into the synagogue and began to teach. And they became amazed at his way of teaching, for there he was teaching them as one having authority, and not as the teachers of the law. Just at that immediate time there was in their synagogue a man under the power of an unclean spirit, and he shouted, saying: “What have we to do with you, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? I know exactly who you are, the Holy One of God.” But Jesus rebuked it, saying: “Be silent, and come on out of him!” And the unclean spirit, after shaking him violently and yelling at the top of its voice, came out of him screaming. Well, the people were all so astonished that they began a discussion among themselves, saying: “What is this? A new teaching! He even orders the unclean spirits with authority, and they obey him.”

Contrary to the claims made by Allah in Surah 22:52, Jesus had complete authority over Satan and his demons. For the record, not a single prophet of Jehovah ever came under the influence of Satan. And none of the messages that they received from God were at any time influenced by Satan. Can Muslims provide the name of a single prophet of God in the Bible who spoke the words of Satan? There is not one. Not a single one of them compromised the Word of God to gain converts as Muhammad did. If you have to choose between Muhammad and Jesus, is it not sensible to trust the one who terrified the demons with his very presence rather than the one who came under their influence? Would it be wise to follow a man who came under the inspiration of Satan? Muhammad was thoroughly misled by Satan. And we are not the ones saying it.

Regarding Jesus Christ, Al-Baidawi stated:

“Allah bestowed on him a special assignment and made his miracles a reason for his preference above other messengers. They were clear signs and great wonders unequalled in number by any other.”

And the Qur’an agrees:

Surah 2:253: We gave Jesus son of Mary the clear miracles, and We strengthened him with the Holy Spirit. (Talal A. Itani)

A true prophet of God will not fall prey to the demons. Muhammad’s own wife testified that he was bewitched. And she is not his enemy. Given such clear evidence of Muhammad’s subjection to the demons, it is extremely difficult to take this man’s claims as a prophet seriously. And Jesus warned his followers:

Matthew 24:11: “And many false prophets will arise and mislead many.”

The evidence provided by Muslim sources themselves strongly suggest that Muhammad falls into this category that Jesus warned us about. The Disciples of Jesus were not only protected from the demons but they had power over them.

Luke 10:17: Then the seventy returned with joy and said: “Lord, even the demons submit to us by the use of your name.”

Muslim records show that when Muhammad received his calling and began receiving revelations, his first impression was that he was possessed by a demon. He concluded that it was a demon who spoke to him in the cave of Hira. Imagine, Muhammad was the first person to doubt the source of his revelations. While the true God authenticated the call of both Moses and Jesus with miracles, Muhammad was unable to perform a single miracle. The following Qur’anic verse also shows that Satan had free access to the mind of Muhammad and can do anything he wants with it.

Surah 6:68: “And when thou seest those who meddle with Our revelations, withdraw from them until they meddle with another topic. And if the devil causes thee to forget, sit not, after the remembrance, with the congregation of wrong doers.” (Pickthall)

We learned that Satan could put suggestions secretly into the mind of Muhammad. This proves that he is open to Satan’s influence. In addition, we also learned that in one instance, Muhammad was even inspired by Satan and he spoke the Satanic Verses. He could not tell the difference between the inspiration of Allah and the inspiration of Satan. And now the above Qur’anic verse is telling us that Satan can even cause Muhammad to forget. Muslims should be concerned. It shows that Satan could easily exercise powerful control over the mind of their Prophet. Are not prophets of God sent to help believers overcome the influences of Satan? If Muhammad himself came easily under demonic control, how can he help Muslims to resist their evil influence? Can Muslims honestly trust him to be a prophet of God?

According to the “Doctrine of Isma, it is generally believed that prophets of God enjoyed an Isma, protection against sin, and accordingly they were believed to be sinless. Therefore, a prophet commissioned by Allah is said to be morally and spiritually perfect. Thus, the Satanic Verses episode is a serious problem for Islam. It strikes at the very heart of Islam. For Muhammad to include the words of Satan in the Qur’an is a grievous sin. This certainly disqualifies him as a prophet of God. Without Muhammad, Islam disintegrates. The account of the Satanic Verses is dangerous for Islam because it threatens both the integrity of the Qur’an and the character of Muhammad.

Well-known writer, Robert Spencer, stated that the episode of the Satanic Verses “has naturally caused Muslims embarrassment for centuries. Indeed, it casts a shadow over the veracity of Muhammad’s entire claim to be a prophet.”

Therefore, if the account regarding the Satanic Verses is proven to be true, Islam will stand to lose. Since the Satanic Verses episode is supported by evidence from Islamic sources themselves, it is easy to confirm that Muhammad did include the words of Satan in the Qur’an. Therefore, this truth about the Satanic Verses must be made known. We must show the Muslims that according to the Qur’an, Muhammad committed an unforgivable sin:

Surah 4:48: “Surely Allah does not forgive that anything should be associated with Him, and forgives what is besides that to whomsoever He pleases; and whoever associates anything with Allah, he devises indeed a great sin.” (Shakir)

As acknowledged by authentic Muslim sources, Muhammad did associate the pagan goddesses with Allah. He said they were intercessors between Allah and his worshippers. Therefore, for Allah to forgive Muhammad, in violation of his own stated commandment in the Qur’an, can only mean that either the Qur’an is not the Word of God or Allah is a lying imposter. Muslims now have to choose between a false god and a false holy book. No matter which option Muslims choose, Islam turns out to be false. Muslims must consider the fact that even when judged by their own sacred scriptures, Muhammad turns out to be a false prophet:

Surah 16:98-100: “And when thou recitest the Qur’an, seek refuge in Allah from Satan the outcast. Lo! He hath no power over those who believe and put trust in their Lord. His power is only over those who make a friend of him, and those who ascribe partners unto Him (Allah).” (Pickthall)

Muhammad was tempted by Satan to acknowledge the false idol gods in exchange for the fulfillment of his desire that his tribe accepts him as their prophet. He gave in to temptation and acknowledged their gods. Jesus too was tempted with the gift of all the kingdoms of this world in exchange for his submission to Satan as his god. How did Jesus encounter this challenge?

Matthew 4:10: Then Jesus said to him: “Go away, Satan! For it is written, ‘It is your Jehovah your God you must worship, and it is him alone you must serve.’”

Both Jesus and Muhammad were tempted by Satan. Unlike Muhammad, Jesus did not succumb to the influence of Satan – even momentarily. Jesus never sinned. Jesus succeeded where Muhammad failed. When we compare Muhammad to Jesus, we can clearly see the immense difference between Jesus Christ and Muhammad. Muslims must now make a choice between Muhammad who spoke the Satanic Verses and Jesus Christ who was victorious over Satan.

The Satanic Verses event disqualifies Muhammad as a prophet of the true God. The following links provide further information that proves why Muhammad simply cannot be a true prophet of God.


Brother Ted said...


Anonymous said...

The Satanic Verses animation:

Muhammad’s Fear Of Judgment Day

  Muslims beware! The next  eclipse  could be the  Day of Judgment .  This warning comes from none other than Muhammad himself. During the l...