Saturday, June 3, 2017

51 Year Old Saudi Imam Celebrates Marriage To His 6 Year Old Bride! THIS Is Islam!


“Saudi Prince Abou Lbarae Kahtani, 51 years old, and and his new bride Hind Nawaf, 6 years old, exchanged vows in Saudi Arabia last week. Reports say it was a beautiful ceremony.

In completely unrelated news, Saudi Arabia was elected the Chair of the United Nations Human Right Council in September.”
Child marriage and rape of underage children isn’t uncommon with many devout Muslims . In fact, Islamic tradition records that Muhammad’s favorite wife, Aisha, was six when Muhammad wedded her and nine when he consummated the marriage.
Mohammad Ali Isfenani, the chairman for Iranian parliament’s legal affairs committee, has even openly stated :
“As some people may not comply with our current Islamic legal system, we must regard 9 as being the appropriate age for a girl to have reached puberty and qualified to get married. To do otherwise would be to contradict and challenge Islamic Sharia law.”
Under Sharia, there is no protection for the age of consent within marriage, these young girls have no means and rights to protect themselves against unwanted sex or pregnancy. Many of these helpless girls die of painful childbirth when they are as young as 14.
THIS is the culture we are inviting into America, and if you question it you are labeled “Islamaphobic”. Well, if I’m considered an Islamaphobe for fighting to protect children from rape and death then so be it. I will wear that badge with pride.

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