Saturday, March 11, 2017

LIKE A GOOD NEIGHBOR… Australian man refuses to sell 10-acre equestrian property to buyers because they were Muslim

And the South Australian man refused the offer even though the buyers were offering him $200,000 over the asking price of $1.79 million.

Herald Sun (h/t Jason P)  John O’Leary, owner of Gainsborough Equestrian Centre in Golden Grove, said he turned down the offer to purchase the property because he wanted  “Australia to remain westernised,” Mr O’Leary told “I rejected it on principle. We want Australia to remain Australia and not disappear.” “I’m a right-winger of Irish Catholic background.”

“We don’t want Muslims coming into this country. They don’t assimilate … and the fact they take over suburbs and won’t allow Australians in their own suburbs.”

According to The Advertiser, the Muslim businessmen who made the offer had considered purchasing the property to build an Islamic community centre big enough to hold 1000 people, including prayer rooms and a halal catering kitchen.

“The Labor Government in this country, and city council, are in love with real estate developers and the horse industry has been kicked pillar to post out of the cities to the sticks and so I am trying to stop the rot there,” Mr O’Leary said.

The fifth-generation Australian horseman, whose father was the personal horse escort to General Thomas Blamey, the commander-in-chief of the Australian Military Forces during World War II, said he agrees with One Nation leader Pauline Hanson “completely”.

“We are the silent majority of the right-wing who have been stifled by political correctness over the past two generations from being able to speak our mind,” he told

“I want to sell the property to someone who will run it as an equestrian centre so it doesn’t become a concrete jungle.”

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