Sunday, March 26, 2017

CANADA: At Peel School Board meeting, outraged parents tear up quran, demand end to Islamic prayer in public schools

Board calls on security to throw out parents and press.

The Rebel (h/t Sue K)  Parents concerned about the Peel Board’s accommodation of Muslim religious practices in public schools, continued their efforts to be heard by attending a meeting on Wednesday night adamantly expressing their objections. 

Watch what happened when several parents refused to be silenced and police and security were called upon to “help” these people with an “orderly exit”.

When the Peel School District tried to restrict the kind of Islamic sermons to just six that could be used in Friday prayers, Muslim parents threw a fit and accused the district of negatively affecting Muslim students. So the school board quickly suspended this policy.

CBC Jumu’ah is the sole group prayer activity allowed by the Peel District School Board. In the past, principals were supposed to approve individual sermons. The board says this was a challenging process because they were written in Arabic and covering topics outside the usual bounds of public school administrators.

A Peel region imam said the process had been shrouded in secrecy. Imam Ibrahim Hindy also said the restriction risks evoking memories of dictatorial regimes where freedom of speech is tightly restricted, especially among newcomers to Canada. helped to mobilize people in Mississauga recently against the Peel Board of Education decision to allow Islamic prayers.

Daily Motion Islam must be resisted and eventually outlawed in Canada and every civilized nation. The totalitarian ideology of Islam emphasizes control and domination of every aspect of life, leaving no space for any form of government and society but a sharia-ruled state. It is not only incompatible with, but fatally destructive to, democracy or any other form of governance but an Islamic state. will use every lawful tactic to have Islam de-listed by authorities as a religion. This means mosques and Islamic institutions should not receive taxation and other privileges that religions receive. It also means that opposing Islam and its medieval practices must NOT be seen as violating religious freedom. Islam seeks to exploit the privileges and courtesies extended to legitimate religions as a cloak to achieve its supremacist aims. 

Concerned Parents of Peel Region held a march to demand that the school board end the accommodation of Muslim prayer and keep religion out of public schools. People of all different faiths and ethnicities came together to tell politicians and school officials that school should not be a platform for prayers or religious practices of any sort.

Canadian judge sides with Muslims over Islamic prayer in school.

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