Monday, November 14, 2016

PAKISTANI MUSLIM man caught trespassing at Chicago water plant

water-supplyAuthorities say Shahroon Augustine entered the Eugene Sawyer Water Purification Plant with a duffle bag, containing a passport from Pakistan. He was charged with trespassing, then vanished. (Who let ‘that’ happen?)

CBS Augustine has had numerous previous arrests. He has pleaded guilty to two separate drug charges in Wisconsin. And last year he was charged with a misdemeanor after Palatine police stopped him with “an ax in the waistband of his pants” and a gym bag containing an expandable baton, duct tape and more.

In the most recent incident, the FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force and Homeland Security were notified after Augustine made his way onto the South Side water plant. Augustine was released on his own recognizance. But he failed to appear in court and a warrant was issued.

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