Sunday, October 9, 2016

FRANCE: Four police officers were injured by several Molotov cocktails in a notorious Muslim housing area near Paris

The injured officers, two of whom are in a serious condition, “were in a police vehicle monitoring a surveillance camera near a traffic light. About 10 (Muslim?) people attacked them with volleys of Molotov cocktails.”


France24 (h/t Phillipe G)  The two badly injured officers “have major burns and were taken to a hospital in Paris,” he added.

Other police officers who arrived in a second vehicle “were also targeted by volleys of Molotov cocktails,” the source said, adding that these reinforcements were “slightly injured and very shaken and were taken to hospital.” The two police cars were set ablaze.

Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve described the attack in Grande Borne, a low income area built in the 1960s in Paris’s southern suburbs, as “extremely serious”.

UPDATE 1 The attack took place in the Grande Borne estate  (housing project) was where Muslim terrorist Amedy Coulibaly (below), one of the perpetrators of the January 2015 Paris attacks on the Kosher supermarket, grew up, as well as a trouble spot during the 2005 Muslim riots. Built in the 1960s as affordable working-class housing, it has now become one of the most notorious of Paris’ banlieues, Muslim-dominant suburbs with high rates of crime and unemployment and a deep sense of alienation from French society.

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