Thursday, September 29, 2016


The building  of T.M.R.C is down after set on fire

The building  of the Tanzania Missionary Revival Church (T.M.R.C) at Kyabitembe Parish, Bukoba Urban District, Kagera region in Tanzania, at dawn of 12/3/2015 was set on fire by petrol by un identified people.

Host Pastor Emmanuel John Mwesiga said when the incident occurred no one was in the church. He estimated the total damage to Tsh. 40M /- (U$ 23,000). The same was reported at the Regional Central Police at Bukoba and filed no BUK/RB/2600/2015 of 13/3/2015.

The Kagera Region Police Commander, Henry Mwaibambe said, the police have arrested some suspects, although, he was not ready to disclose neither their names nor their number, and insisted to carry on with more investigation.

So far more than 170 adherents of the Tanzania Missionary Revival Church, use temporary tents during conducting services.

Attacks against Christians are increasing in Tanzania including Kagera region, despite the efforts of the government to control them.  

On Thursday, Oct. 9,2014 unknown attackers killed a Christian man by machete the late Dioniz Ng'wandu, 31, a secondary school teacher and  injured another 25,  in the same district of  Bukoba in northwest Tanzania.  The two men were at overnight prayer-meeting at the Busimbe Parish of the Pentecostal Assemblies of God-P.A.G. 

 Bukoba is reported to be a Muslim-dominated town of about 100,000 situated on the shore of Lake Victoria bordering Kigoma, which also has a local reputation as a Centre for Islamist extremism.

So far some religious leaders and lay Christians have been killed, while others have been attacked by extremist Muslims wielding acid. Some of the perpetrators have been arrested and charged, yet their cases continue in courts.

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