Thursday, June 2, 2016

Nearly 3,000 accept Christ in India as hundreds miraculously healed

“Simon Haq, our evangelist, accepted an invitation from a local pastor to speak at a pastor’s conference and feeding event in the state of Assam in the Northeast. When he arrived he handed the pastor money to help pay for the event. To his surprise the pastor said, ‘You do not understand, we are paying for everything including your expenses.’ The pastors were blessed and by the time the feeding ended over 800 people had prayed to receive Christ, but that is not the end of the story.
When Simon returned to Delhi a pastor from Kunduli, Orissa called and pleaded with him to come to his village. Because the churches in Assam were led by the Holy Spirit to pay for their event Simon was able to accept the invitation to go to Orissa (one of the most Hindu-dominated and poor states in India) and do a second evangelistic feeding event in January.   What started out as a one-day event ended up being a three-day evangelistic feeding event. Below is a picture of approximately 2,000 people raising their hands as they prayed to accept Jesus as God’s Son and their Savior.

The following is the report of the event from Pastor John Ambedkar written by Madhu Singh, Simon’s Administrative Assistant.

Received February 8 at 12:58 AM
‘Pastor John Ambedkar organized an evangelistic feeding event in a village called Kunduli, in the Koraput district of Orissa state. As the meeting was being organized the local government leader threatened the local pastors. The pastors went to him and invited him to be the chief guest. To their surprise he accepted the invitation. After a brief talk with Bro. Simon the government leader began to hug bro Simon on the stage and asked him to pray a blessing over his life. Before leaving he even touched bro Simon’s feet, according to the Hindu custom of receiving a blessing. Bro Simon gifted him a Bible and there was no disturbance in the meeting. (See photo below).

The first day 500 people came the next day the crowd grew to 1500 and the last day 2000 people came to the meetings. On request these were day meetings and close to 900 + people gave their lives to Jesus. Hundreds were healed and delivered from evil spirits in confirmation of the gospel.’ “
m-Bill & Sammye Willis, Feeding Events India
January 2016 Report

The Elijah Challenge supports the ministry of Feeding Events India
Pastor Simon Haq himself trained with and is supported by The Elijah Challenge

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