Tuesday, November 5, 2024



Jesus Declares, “I AM the Living God, the True Vine” in John 15:1

Author: Dr. Maxwell Shimba, from Shimba Theological Institute:

The declaration by Jesus in **John 15:1** from the Peshitta Holy Bible translation, where He states, **"I AM the Living God, the True Vine, and my Father is the vinedresser,"** provides profound insight into His divine identity and role in the lives of believers. This chapter will explore the spiritual symbolism behind Jesus as the True Vine and God as the Vinedresser, using Bible verses, expository study, exhaustive references from Strong’s Concordance, and comprehensive commentary.

### The Context of “I AM the Living God”

In the Peshitta translation, Jesus begins by declaring, **“I AM the Living God.”** This statement aligns with the “I AM” sayings throughout the Gospel of John, where Jesus identifies Himself with titles that reveal His divine identity and mission. The phrase "I AM" (Greek: *egō eimi*, Strong’s G1473 and G1510) echoes God's self-revelation to Moses in **Exodus 3:14**—**"I AM WHO I AM."**

Jesus uses "I AM" to assert His divine nature, directly associating Himself with God’s self-existent, eternal nature. By saying, “I AM the Living God,” Jesus confirms His identity as the source of all life, underscoring His divinity and unity with the Father.

> **John 8:58** affirms Jesus' divine identity: *"Jesus said to them, ‘Most assuredly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I AM.’"* This statement led His listeners to understand that He was claiming equality with God, which, in their view, warranted the penalty of stoning for blasphemy.

### Jesus as the True Vine

When Jesus declares, **"I AM…the True Vine"**, He uses a metaphor that would resonate deeply with His audience. The vine and vineyard imagery was often used in the Old Testament to symbolize Israel, God's chosen people. However, where Israel failed to produce the expected fruit of righteousness, Jesus fulfills this role as the True Vine.

> **Psalm 80:8-9** depicts Israel as a vine: *“You brought a vine out of Egypt; You drove out the nations and planted it. You cleared the ground for it, and it took root and filled the land.”* Israel, however, often failed to bear good fruit, as described in **Isaiah 5:1-7**.

By calling Himself the True Vine, Jesus indicates that He embodies the faithful, fruitful life that Israel was meant to live. In Him, believers find the source of spiritual life, growth, and sustenance. This role as the vine emphasizes that He is the source of all spiritual nourishment, the only means by which believers can bear genuine fruit.

### The Role of the Vinedresser

In John 15:1, Jesus also describes His Father as **“the vinedresser.”** The term “vinedresser” (Greek: *geōrgos*, Strong’s G1092) signifies one who tends, prunes, and cares for the vine to ensure it produces abundant fruit. In the context of this metaphor, the Father’s role involves nurturing and disciplining believers to help them grow in faith and produce good fruit.

> **Hebrews 12:6** explains this process: *“For whom the Lord loves He chastens, and scourges every son whom He receives.”* God’s pruning work may involve trials and challenges that shape a believer’s character and faith.

The imagery of God as a careful gardener underscores His love and patience. Through discipline and guidance, He nurtures believers to maturity in Christ, aligning them with His will and purpose.

### Abiding in the Vine

In **John 15:4**, Jesus instructs His followers, **“Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me.”** The word *abide* (Greek: *menō*, Strong’s G3306) means to remain, dwell, or stay connected. Abiding in Jesus, the True Vine, is essential for spiritual growth and fruitfulness.

> **Galatians 5:22-23** lists the fruits of the Spirit: *“love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.”* These are the natural results of a life deeply rooted in Christ.

In **John 15:5**, Jesus reiterates, *“I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.”* This statement emphasizes dependence on Christ. The branch derives its life, strength, and capacity to produce fruit from its connection to the vine. Similarly, believers must remain in a close, continual relationship with Jesus to experience the transformative power of His Spirit.

### The Importance of Pruning

Pruning is an essential part of cultivating a healthy vineyard. Jesus teaches that the Father, as the Vinedresser, prunes every branch that bears fruit to make it even more fruitful (**John 15:2**). This spiritual pruning involves removing anything that hinders spiritual growth or distracts believers from their calling.

> **Hebrews 12:11** explains the purpose of divine discipline: *“No chastening seems to be joyful for the present, but painful; nevertheless, afterward it yields the peaceable fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it.”*

In **Romans 5:3-4**, Paul elaborates on the refining process: *“And not only that, but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance; and perseverance, character; and character, hope.”* God’s pruning may involve trials, but it ultimately strengthens a believer’s faith and character.

### Fruitfulness as a Sign of True Discipleship

Jesus states in **John 15:8**, **“By this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit; so you will be My disciples.”** Fruitfulness is a mark of genuine discipleship. The fruits of love, obedience, and good works glorify God and testify to His transforming power in a believer’s life.

> **Matthew 7:16-20** warns against fruitlessness: *“You will know them by their fruits… Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire.”* Jesus emphasizes that genuine faith will always manifest itself in good works and a transformed life.

Jesus also links obedience to love in **John 15:10**: *“If you keep My commandments, you will abide in My love, just as I have kept My Father’s commandments and abide in His love.”* Obedience is a sign of a healthy relationship with Christ and a life that remains in His love and truth.

### The Joy of Abiding in Christ

In **John 15:11**, Jesus shares the ultimate purpose of abiding in Him: **“These things I have spoken to you, that My joy may remain in you, and that your joy may be full.”** The joy Jesus offers is a profound sense of peace and fulfillment that flows from a deep connection with Him. This joy is not dependent on circumstances but on the abiding presence of Christ.

> **Philippians 4:4** encourages believers, *“Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say, rejoice!”* Paul’s exhortation highlights that true joy is found in the Lord, transcending the challenges of life.

The fullness of joy promised to those who abide in Christ reflects the inner satisfaction that comes from a life in harmony with God’s will. This joy sustains believers and encourages them to persevere, even in difficult times.

### Conclusion: Jesus as the Source of Life and Growth

In declaring Himself as **“the Living God, the True Vine,”** Jesus reveals His role as the sustainer, the source of life, and the foundation of spiritual growth. By remaining connected to Him, believers receive the strength to grow, produce spiritual fruit, and experience the fullness of life in God. The Father, as the Vinedresser, lovingly prunes and nurtures each believer, shaping them into the image of Christ.

The imagery of the vine and the branches emphasizes the vital relationship between Christ and His followers. It reminds believers that without Him, they can do nothing. Only by abiding in Him can they fulfill their calling, bear fruit, and bring glory to God. This passage calls believers to cultivate a continual, life-giving relationship with Jesus, the True Vine, who alone is the source of true spiritual vitality.

Peshitta Holy Bible Translated:

1“I AM THE LIVING GOD, The True Vine, and my Father is the vine dresser.” 2“Every branch on me not yielding fruit he takes away, and that which yields fruit he purges that it may bring forth much fruit.” 3“From now on you are purged because of the word which I have spoken with you.” 4“Stay with me, and I am in you. Just as the branch cannot yield fruit by itself unless it remains on the vine, so neither do you unless you stay with me.” 5“I AM THE LIVING GOD, The Vine, and you are the branches; whoever abides with me and I in him, this one brings forth much fruit, because without me, you can do nothing.” 



Dr. Maxwell Shimba 

Shimba Theological Institute 

November 5, 2024

Shimba Bible Study Series 

The Divinity of Jesus

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