افسانه های عاشورا !!
Jesus claimed to be God. The apostles also described him as divine. Jesus claimed to have divine attributes or names that are also the divine names of Al-Lah. If you deny these attributes as divine you deny Allah and deserve punishment for apostasy.
☪️Al Haqq: truth (الحق) - Jesus is the truth (John 14:6)
☪️Al Ba'ith: resurrection (الباعث) - Jesus is resurrection (Jonh 11:25-26)
☪️ Al Awwal: the First (الأول) Al Akhir: the Final (الآخر) - Jesus is the First and the Last; alpha & omega (Revelation 22:13,16) (Isaiah 41:4)
☪️ Al Malik: King (الملك) - Jesus is the King (Revelation 17:14)
☪️Al Hadi: Guide (الهادي) - Jesus is Guide (John 10:9, 14:6)
☪️An Nur: the Light (النور) - Jesus is the Light (Jonh 8:12)
☪️Al Hakam: the Judge (الحكم) - Jesus is the Judge (Acts 10:42)
☪️ Al 'Adl: the Just (العدل) - Jesus is the Just (John 10:11) (Acts.17:31)
☪️Al Wadud: the Kind (الودود) - Jesus is the Kind (Luke 18:18)
☪️ Al Hakim: the Wise (الحكيم) - Jesus is the Wise (1 Corinthians 1:30)
☪️Al Muhyi: the Lifegiver (المحيي) - Jesus is the Lifegiver (John 6:40)
☪️ Kalimatu-allah: eternal word of God (quran) - Jesus is the word of God (Jonh 1:1)
☪️ Ruhu-allah: Spirit of allah(quran) - God is spirit (John 4:24)
☪️ An-Nasir or As-Samad: the Keeper, Sustainer (ننصر) - Jesus is the Keeper (Hebrews 1:3)
☪️ Al-Warith- The heir, inheritor (Hebrews 1:2; Matt 28:18)
Repent muslims leave pagan false prophet and come to Lord Jesus Christ.
John 14 ► Peshitta Holy Bible Translated Verse 5 and 6 Thoma said to him, “Our Lord, we do not know where you are going and how can we know ...