Saturday, August 13, 2022


Muhammad owned numerous slaves, both male and female. Muslims have followed his example and have aggressively bartered in the slave trade for almost 1400 years. This Islamic slave trade continues to this day. Historical evidence documents that the Arab slave trade was the major seller of blacks. One estimate claimed, during the period between 650 and 1900, Arab slave traders stole 14.4 million blacks from Africa.[10] Without respect to human rights, millions of black slaves have been sold around the world in direct correlation to Islamic oppression and unscrupulous dogma which contradicts the New Testament teachings.

When the Muslims first invaded Northern Africa, they gave the blacks a choice to follow Islam or become slaves to be sold. Trade between the Muslims and Europeans stemmed from the Islamic practice of slave trading. Many of the larger tribes throughout Africa aligned themselves with the Muslims to capture enemy tribes. Thus, Africans enslaved one another in collusion with the Muslim slave traders. Prior to the Islamic or European slave trade, Africa had a harsh slavery tradition among their own people for territorial conquest and power. Blacks were involved in slavery long before other nations conquered them; but Muslims amplified the practice to satiate a world market looking to fill its greedy appetite for cheap labor.

In Islamic dominated countries today, a large scale slave trade continues unabated, trading blacks, whites, oriental, other ethnic groups, and even children. Many of these children are used as sexual toys for the wealthier clientele. In the Sudan, Arab slave traders still buy and sell Dinka slaves to family and friends. Many of these slaves are transported to the wealthy nations of the Middle East to service the powerful oil sheiks.
















Currently, the number of chattel slaves has been estimated in the tens of thousands. Some of the newly captured slaves attempt to escape and are often murdered as a consequence. Frequently, women and young girls are savagely raped and sodomized. The Qur’an sanctioned sex with any girl [at any age] that one owns, “And all married women are forbidden unto you save those (captives) whom your right hand possess” (Qur’an 4:24). Under Islam, a slave has no legal rights. He or she is cruelly treated and simply considered material possessions. Ibn Warraq has cited an astonishing report:

In the French magazine, L Vie (no. 2562, 6 Oct. 1994) 45,000 young black Africans per year are still kidnapped and reduced to slavery—as servants in the gulf states and the Middle East.[11]

Many of these slaves were acquired from Southern Sudan. The Islamic government of Sudan financially and often militarily assisted in the raping and subjugation of the black Christians of southern Sudan.













During the summer of 1992, I witnessed evidence of these atrocities on my third missionary trip to Africa. I was standing on a sidewalk in downtown Nairobi, Kenya and was approached by a well spoken middle-aged man. He asked for a cigarette but I said I was a missionary en route to Burundi and did not smoke. He began to relay to me his recent personal saga. To my surprise, he claimed to have walked all the way from Sudan to Nairobi and was planning to continue his quest and join a militia training camp inTanzania. His plans were to equip himself with the necessary training and weapons in order to eventually return and fight with the resistance movement in his home land of southern Sudan.

His family and friends were massacred by the Muslim forces from the North of Sudan. He pulled up his pants to reveal his ankles which were swollen larger than softballs due to the extreme distance he had already walked, perhaps anywhere from 600 to 900 miles. I was dumbfounded since the news media had covered little on these events. I gave him a few dollars and wished him good luck on his journey.


It was not until over a decade later, during the Darfur genocide, that the media and notable personalities began to point out the outrageous deeds by the Islamic perpetrators and their cohorts. Most established agencies have estimated 300,000 to 450,000 dead and up to 2 million displaced. In addition, vast numbers of these Sudanese victims were captured as slaves and often raped.

These are only a few examples of the subjugation of blacks by the Arab slave trade. Islam does not promote morality in relation to human rights. The Islamic practice of sexual abuse, slavery and racism has been well documented; it remains a religion of bigotry, intolerance, and war. Undoubtedly, the reason one-fifth the population of the world follows the Islamic system is due to a lack of historical knowledge and awareness of the issues disclosed in this documentation.

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