Friday, November 5, 2021



Kufuatana na hadith ya marehemu Muhammad:

Mtume (s.a.w.w.) amesema baada ya barugumu kupulizwa na watakaosimama ni wale tu aliowapenda Mola wenu, Mwenyezi Mungu SWT atakuwa mbele yake Jibril, Israfiyl, Mikail na Malaika wa mauti. Wale wanaogawanya amri ya Mwenyezi Mungu na Mwenyezi Mungu anamuuliza Malaika wa mauti aliyebakia akasema, Ewe Mwenyezi Mungu Uso wako Mtukufu, mja wako mimi, mja wako Mikail, mja wako Israfeel, na mja wako Jibril, Mwenyezi Mungu anasema chukua roho ya Mikail.

Kisha Mwenyezi Mungu anasema waliosalia yeye Azrail akasema Ewe Mwenyezi Mungu Wewe, mimi, Jibriyl na Israfiil. Na Mwenyezi Mungu Anasema Ishike nafsi ya Israil na Israfiil imetwaliwa na Mwenyezi Mungu anasema waliobakia ewe Mwenyezi Mungu Uso Wako Tukufu, mimi na Jibriyl. Na Mwenyezi Mungu anasema ichukue nafsi ya Jibriyl.

Mtume (saw) alisema Jibriyl ataanguka kifudifudi huku mbawa zake zikitanda akimtukuza Mwenyezi Mungu Mtukufu. Angekufa katika Tasbih, subhanallah. Kisha Mwenyezi Mungu anasema waliobaki. Ewe Mwenyezi Mungu ni mimi na Wewe tu, na Mwenyezi Mungu anamwambia Malaika wa mauti kufa naye akafa.

Na kisha Allah SWT anasema Kila nafsi moja itaangamia. Na umebakia Uso Tukufu wa Mola wako Mlezi, na Mwenyezi Mungu SWT angejiuliza "Ufalme ni wa nani leo?"

The Death of Jibreel (AS)

The prophet (saw) said after the horn is blown and the only ones that stand are the ones that your Lord willed, Allah SWT will have in front of Him Jibreel, Israfeel, Mikail, and angel of death. Those who apportion the command of Allah and Allah asks the angel of death who remains and he says O Allah Your Noble Face, your servant me, your servant Mikail, your servant Israfeel, and your servant Jibreel, Allah says take the soul of Mikail.

Then Allah says who remain he Azrail said O Allah You, me, Jibreel and Israfeel. And Allah says take the soul of Israfeel and Israfeel's soul is taken and Allah says who remain O Allah Your Noble Face, me and Jibreel. And Allah says take the soul of Jibreel.

The prophet (saw) said Jibreel would fall on his face as his wings spread glorifying Allah the Most High. He would die in Tasbih, subhanallah. Then Allah says who remains. O Allah it's just me and You, and Allah says to the angel of death to die and he dies.

And then Allah SWT says Every single soul perishes. And only the Noble Face of Your Lord remains, and Allah SWT would ask Himself " To Whom Belong The Dominion Today? " Allah SWT says to Himself " To Allah The One, The Subduer"

قال النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم بعد نفخ البوق ، والوحيدون الذين يقفون هم الذين شاء ربك ، سيكون الله سبحانه وتعالى أمامه جبريل وإسرافيل وميكائيل وملاك الموت. إن الذين يقسمون أمر الله والله يسألون ملاك الموت الباقي ويقول اللهم وجهك الكريم ، وعبدك أنا ، وعبدك ميكائيل ، وعبدك إسرافيل ، وعبدك جبريل ، قال الله خذ روح ميكائيل.

ثم قال الله من بقي فقال عزرائيل اللهم أنت أنا وجبريل وإسرافيل. ويقول الله خذ روح إسرافيل وأخذت روح إسرافيل ويقول الله من تبقى اللهم وجهك الكريم أنا وجبريل. ويقول الله خذ روح جبريل.

قال النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم إن جبريل سيسقط على وجهه كما تنتشر جناحيه لتمجد الله تعالى. سيموت في التسبيح سبحان الله. ثم يقول الله من بقي. اللهم أنا وأنت فقط ، والله يقول لملاك الموت أن يموت ويموت.

ثم يقول الله سبحانه وتعالى أن كل نفس تهلك. ولم يبق إلا وجه ربك الكريم ، ويسأل الله سبحانه وتعالى: "لمن السيادة اليوم؟"
qal alnabiu salaa allah ealayh wasalam baed nafkh albuq , walwahidun aladhin yaqifun hum aladhin sha' rabuk , sayakun allah subhanah wataealaa 'amamah jibril wa'iisrafil wamikayiyl wamalak almawti. 'iina aladhin yuqasimun 'amr allah wallah yas'alun milak almawt albaqi wayaqul allahuma wajhuk alkarim , waeabduk 'ana , waeabduk mikayiyl , waeabduk 'iisrafil , waeabduk jibril , qal allah khudh ruh mikayiyl.

thuma qal allah man baqi faqal eizrayiyl allahuma 'ant 'ana wajibril wa'iisrafil. wayaqul allah khudh ruh 'iisrafil wa'akhadht ruh 'iisrafil wayaqul allah man tabaqaa allahuma wajhuk alkarim 'ana wajibrilu. wayaqul allah khudh ruh jibril.

qal alnabiu salaa allah ealayh wasalam 'iina jibril sayusqit ealaa wajhih kama tantashir janahayh litumajid allah taealaa. sayamut fi altasbih subhan allahi. thuma yaqul allah man baqi. allahuma 'ana wa'ant faqat , wallah yaqul limilak almawt 'an yamut wayamuta.
thuma yaqul allah subhanah wataealaa 'ana kula nafs tahlika. walam yabq 'iilaa wajjh rabik alkarim , wayas'al allah subhanah wataealaa: "lman alsiyadat alyawmi?" 

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