Saturday, November 6, 2021

All Muslims Will Go To Hell According To Their Scriptures

 1.) [Quran 3:185] Everyone shall taste death. And only on the Day of Resurrection shall you be paid your wages in full. And whoever is removed away from the Fire and admitted to Paradise, he indeed is successful. The life of this world is only the enjoyment of deception (a deceiving thing). 

2.) [Quran 11:119] Nor would thy Lord be the One to destroy communities for a single wrong-doing, if its members were likely to mend. If thy Lord had so willed, He could have made mankind one people: but they will not cease to dispute. Except those on whom thy Lord hath bestowed His Mercy: and for this did He create them: and the Word of thy Lord shall be fulfilled: “I will fill Hell with jinns and men all together.”

3.) [Quran 19:68] So by your Lord, surely, We shall gather them together, and (also) the Shayatin (devils) (with them), then We shall bring them round Hell on their knees. 

4.) [Quran 19:71-72] There will be no one of you who will not enter it (Hell). This was an inevitable decree of your Lord. Afterwards he may save some of the pious, God-fearing Muslims out of the burning fire.

5.) [Quran 15:43] “And surely, Hell is the promised place for them all.”

6.) [Sunan Ibn Majah 4281]

It was narrated from Hafsah that the Prophet (ﷺ) said: “I hope that no one of those who witnessed (the battle of) Badr and (Treaty) Hudaybiyah will enter Hell, if Allah wills.” I said: “O Messenger of Allah, doesn’t Allah say “There is not one of you but will enter it (Hell); this is with your Lord, a decree which must be accomplished?” [19:71] He said: “Have you not heard that He says: ‘Then We shall save those who use to fear Allah and were dutiful to Him. And We shall leave the wrongdoers therein (humbled) to their knees (in Hell)?’” 

7.) [Sahih Bukhari Volume 1, Book 12, Number 770]: 

“. . .Nobody except the Apostles will then be able to speak and they will be saying then, ‘O Allah! Save us. O Allah Save us.’ There will be hooks like the thorns of Sa’dan in Hell. Have you seen the thorns of Sa’dan?” The people said, “Yes.” He said, “These hooks will be like the thorns of Sa’dan but nobody except Allah knows their greatness in size and these will entangle the people according to their deeds; some of them will fall and stay in Hell forever; others will receive punishment (torn into small pieces) and will get out of Hell, till when Allah intends mercy on whomever He likes amongst the people of Hell, He will order the angels to take out of Hell those who worshipped none but Him alone. . .”

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