Friday, May 14, 2021


Many are unaware that Islam is steeped in idolatry. In fact, all Muslims are idolaters. If you find this allegation unbelievable or even shocking, we encourage you to carefully consider the evidences presented in this article. What is vital for Muslims to understand is the fact that all the evidences produced here are based on authentic Islamic sources. These sources are not only recognized by the leading scholars of Islam but are also taught in Islamic institutions of higher learning. If you are a Muslim, this article is especially vital for you. It involves your eternal salvation.

Idolatry is defined as the Worship of Idols. And it can take on many forms. It consists of acts such as bowing down, touching or kissing an object reverentially. Idols can be made of stone, wood, gold, silver or clay. However, idolatry is not confined just to acts of worship towards an idol. Idolatry can also be defined as having a deep sense of reverence towards an object when such reverence should be given to God alone. Idolatry is a spiritual issue. Ultimately, it results in the worship of false gods.

Before the arrival of Islam, the pre-Islamic Arabs reverentially bowed down in prayer towards a pagan temple called the Ka’ba.Today Muslims do the same. No matter in which part of the world they live, all Muslims are commanded to bow down in prayer towards the Ka’ba. They are forbidden to face any other direction during their daily prayers. For Muslims to pray towards any other direction is a violation of the commandment of Allah:

Surah 2:144: We see you often turn your face towards the heavens, but We will surely turn you to a Qiblah you shall like. Turn then your face towards the Sacred Mosque(Ka’ba in Meccawherever you are.(Hamid S. Aziz)

According to the Qur’an, all Muslims must pray facing the Ka’ba in order to worship Allah. The historical fact that the Ka’ba was indeed a pre-Islamic pagan shrine is acknowledged in numerous authentic sources of Islam.

Sahih Bukhari, Volume 3, Book 43, Number 658:

Narrated ‘Abdullah bin Masud: The Prophet entered Mecca and (at that time) there were three hundred-and-sixty idols around the Ka’ba.

The above Hadith clearly reveals that the Ka’ba was indeed a pre-Islamic pagan shrine housing three hundred-and-sixty idols.”This Hadith also testifies that the Ka’ba remained as such right up until the time of Muhammad. Islamic scholars are aware of this historical fact. However, Muslims claim that the Ka’ba was built by Abrahamand Ishmael under the direction of Allah. In Islam, the Ka’ba is known as “Baitullah” which means “House of Allah.” If the Muslim claim is true, then we would like to ask them the following questions:

(1) If the Ka’ba was built by Abrahamand Ishmael, how did it become a Pagan Templehousing 360 idols?

(2) If the Ka’ba was originally the House of Allah,how did it transform into a Temple of Idols? And exactly when did Allah allow this transformation to take place?

(3) How did the most sacred place for the Worship of Allah become a place for the Worship of Idols? How is it possible for this corruptionto occur in the first place?

(4) Why was Allah powerless to prevent his most sacred shrine from becoming contaminated with the idolatrous worship of the Pagans?

(5) What theological reason is there for Allah to allow his original House of Worshipto become a Pagan Temple?

(6) How could Abraham and Ishmael build the Ka’ba when the Qur’an repeatedly states that no Messengers or Prophets or Warneror Scriptures were ever sent to the Arabs prior to the time of Muhammad? Is Abraham not a Prophet? (See Surah 28:46-47, Surah 32:3, Surah 34:44, Surah 36:2-6)

What is extremely damaging for Islam is the fact that when Allah commanded Muslims in Surah 2:144 to pray towards the Ka’ba, it was still a pagan shrine housing three hundred and sixty idols. The command to pray towards the Ka’bapredates the conquest of Mecca by years. The pagan idols were destroyed only after the conquest of Mecca. Therefore, during all those intervening years – between the time when Muslims were commanded to pray towards the Ka’ba and the conquest of Mecca – Muslims were praying towards a pagan shrine surrounded by idols. This is not an insignificant matter in terms of worship. Why must the prayers of the Muslims be directed towards a pagan shrine in order to reach the ears of Allah?


When Muhammad conquered Mecca, he destroyed all the idols of the Ka’ba with the exception of the preeminent idol – the Black Stone. Why? Due to his deep-rooted reverence brought on by years of submission to the pagan practice of stone worship, Muhammad left the Black Stone unharmed to represent Islam. The intensity of his reverence towards the Black Stone was so severe that he simply could not see it as to what it truly is – an idol. He kissed the Black Stone to avow his submission to the stone idol. Muhammad was an idolater. The kiss that the pious Muslim pilgrims bestow on the Black Stone is a survival of an age-old idolatrous practice of the pagans. The Black Stone that was sacred to the pagans became sacred to the Muslims. This is pure idolatry! It may surprise Muslims to learn that even Caliph Umar (2nd Caliph of Islam), had reservations about kissing the pagan Black Stone.

Sahih Bukhari, Volume 2, Book 26, Number 667:

Narrated ‘Abis bin Rabia: Umar came near the Black Stone and kissed it and said: “No doubt, I know that you are a stone and can neither benefit anyone nor harm anyone. Had I not seen Allah’s Apostle kissing you I would not have kissed you.”

This is a profound admission coming from one who used to engage in idolatrous worship of the Ka’ba before his conversion to Islam.While Caliph Umar had the spiritual perception to make the above observation, Muhammad continued to venerate the pagan stone idol. The reason behind Caliph Umar’s reluctance to kiss the Black Stone after his conversion is obvious. He was fully aware that this is the same Black Stone that was kissed by the pagans before the arrival of Islam. He knew that this same Black Stone was sacred to the pagans. Sadly, Caliph Umar’s devotion to Muhammad superseded his spiritual awareness. He submitted to idolatry in imitation of his Prophet.

The Black Stone which was venerated by the Arab pagans became the focus of the Muslim pilgrimage. Muslims touch and kiss the Black Stone with reverence during their annual pilgrimage to Mecca. The presence of non-Muslims are strictly forbidden anywhere near it. The Black Stone which had been a pagan object of worship for centuries before the time of Muhammad became the central shrine of Islam.

Muhammad Husayn Haykalwas an esteemed Egyptian scholar who wrote numerous books on Islam. His writings are based on the scholarly works of Ibn Hisham. In his book, The Life of Muhammad, he acknowledged the following facts:

In fact, the Arabs venerated these stones so much that not only did they worship the black stone in the Ka’ba, but also they would take one of the stones of the Ka’baas a holy object in their travels, praying to it and asking it to bless every move they made. (p. 30)

The above biography on Muhammad clearly testifies that the Arab pagans worshipped the Black Stone.What do you call a stone that is worshipped? Yet, Muslims deny that the Black Stone is an idol. They insist that their prayers are directed to Allah alone. However, in actual practice, Muslims treat theBlack Stone with the same reverence that the pagans manifest towards their idols. Islam’s denial of its idolatrous worship of the Black Stone can be likened to a man who pleads innocence for his adulterous act by saying that he was only thinking of his wife while performing the illicit sexual act. We are all judged by our actions. Adultery is adultery and idolatry is idolatry. The justification for the veneration of a dead stone to the extent of bowing down and kissing it can only be identified with the pagan practice of idolatry than with the true spirit of monotheistic worship. Well, do Muslims worship the Black Stone?

One of Egypt’s renowned scholars, Sheikh Sha’rawi,revealed the following truth:

The kissing of the meteorite is a firm practice in Islamic law because Muhammad did it.You must not ask about the wisdom behind that because this rite is an expression of worship in spite of the obscurity of its wisdom.” (Legal Opinions, pt. 3, p. 167, Muslim)

The kissing of the Black Stoneis admittedly an expression of worship” in Islam. This further confirms the fact that all Muslims are idolaters. And the sole reason for kissing the Black Stone is because “Muhammad did it.”Muhammad’s devotion to the Black Stone was so intense that it cannot be defined as anything other than worship. Consider now the following evidence:

Ibn `Umar said: “Allah’s Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him) faced the Black Stone, touched it, and then placed his lips on it and wept for a long time.”Likewise, `Umar also wept for a long time. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: O `Umar, this is the place where one should shed tears.”’(Reported by Al-Hakim who considers it a sound Hadith with a sound chain of authorities) Source: IslamOnline.

Muhammad not only touchedand kissed the Black stone but he also placed his lips on it and wept for a long time.” As we can see, he became extremely emotional in the presence of the Black Stone.If this is not idolatry, then what is it? It is an undeniable fact that any form of religiously motivated adoration or devotion to an object is idolatry. In view of his pagan past, Muhammad needed something tangible to connect him to Allah. Thus, he submitted to idolatry. This is why he said that the Black Stone is the place “where one should shed tears.” Muslims fail to grasp the fact that kissing and caressing of stone objects were an integral part of pagan worship. Muhammad could not break free from his pagan roots. And Caliph Umar gave in to blind allegiance.

Like Caliph Umar, Muslims blindly emulate their Prophet in the veneration of this pagan idol. Historically, it cannot be denied that theBlack Stone was venerated by the pre-Islamic pagans of Arabia. The Black Stone was one among the many idols that was worshipped at the Ka’ba. The Black Stone which the pagans kissed is the same Black Stone that the Muslims are kissing today. Muslims are kissing a stone that was previously used in idolatrous worship. Muslims have no basis whatsoever to justify this act of idolatry. What divine knowledge or spiritual experience can come from venerating an inanimate object which admittedly is a simple meteorite?

Additionally, Muhammad also taught that on JudgmentDay the Black Stone will testify favorably on behalf of those who touched it in sincerity. Islam also teaches that the sins of an individual would be forgiven if he or she touches the Black Stone.

Narrated by al-Tirmidhi, 961; Ibn Maajah, 2944:

It was narrated that Ibn ‘Abbaas said: The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said concerning the Stone: “By Allah, Allah will bring it forth on the Day of Resurrection, and it will have two eyes with which it will see and a tongue with which it will speak, and it will testify in favour of those who touched it in sincerity.”

Narrated by al-Tirmidhi, 959:

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Touching them both (the Black Stone and al-Rukn al-Yamani) is an expiation for sins.

Narrated by al-Tirmidhi, 877, Ahmad, 2792:

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “When the Black Stonecame down from Paradise, it was whiter than milk, but the sins of the sons of Adam made it black.

Thus, Muslims are deceitful when they say that the Black Stone is just a focal point to direct their prayers to for the sake of unity. In reality, it means much more than they are willing to admit. Is it not idolatrous to believe that sins can be forgiven by merely touching or kissing a dead stone? While Muslims strongly reject the atoning value of Jesus Christ, these very same Muslims readily believe that a dead stone can achieve the very objective that they deny the living Messiah could accomplish.

Muhammad began and ended up with a pagan religion. The difference being that he repackaged it in a monotheistic framework. The fact that many of the rituals performed in the name of Allah are connected to pagan worship shows that Islam was conceived in idolatry. Such practices are consistent with pre-Islamic pagan rituals involving the Ka’ba.The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob would never send a Black Stone to entice his worshippers to commit idolatry.

When a Muslim kisses theBlack Stone or circumambulates the Ka’ba or runs between the hills, he is performing the rituals of the pagans. And Muhammad incorporated all these pagan practices into Islam. Thus, only the label has been changed but the poison remains the same. While true Christians can clearly see the idolatrous nature of these rituals, Muslims are blind to this abomination. Consider now the following evidences:

Sahih Bukhari, Volume 6, Book 60, Number 23:

Narrated By ‘Asim bin Sulaiman: I asked Anas bin Malik about Safaand Marwa (i.e. two mountains at Mecca). Anas replied, “We used to consider (i.e. going around) them a custom of the Pre-Islamic period of Ignorance, so when Islam came, we gave up going around themThen Allah revealed, ‘Verily, Safa and Marwa (i.e. two mountains at Mecca) are among the Symbols of Allah. So it is not harmful of those who perform the Hajj of the House (of Allah) or perform the Umra to ambulate (Tawaf) between them.’” (Sura 2:158)

Provided below is the full Qur’anic verse that is referred to in the above Hadith.

Surah 2:158: “Lo! (The mountains) As-Safa and Al-Marwah are among the indications of Allah. It is therefore no sin for him who is on pilgrimage to the House (of Allah) or visiteth it, to go around them(as the pagan custom is).” (Pickthall)

Is it not strange that the very mountains which were once sacred to the pagans to suddenly become the “Symbols of Allah” only after the Muslim conquest of Mecca? Why were they not the “Symbols of Allah” before that? Furthermore, why is it that the same pagan ritual of running around these two hills is also retained in Islam? It is vital to note that the idolatrous significance of these hills was so evident to the early Muslims that they were reluctant to run around them in imitation of the pagans. Consequently, Allah had to inspire the above Qur’anic verse to sanction this pagan practice and reassure the Muslims that it is fine to continue on with this pagan ritual. Also, why was the pagan ritual of circumambulating the Ka’baalso retained in Islam? No matter how hard Muslims try to justify these rituals, it does not change the fact that these rituals originated in paganism.

The symbolic stoning of Satan is another ritual which Muslims observe during the hajj. During this ritual, a Muslim gathers seven pebbles and throws them at a stone pillar that signifies his defiance of the Devil. One cannot help but be amazed at this act of immense stupidity. Muslims reverentially kiss a stone as a sacred act of devotion to Allah while stoning another stone as a representation of the Devil. This is Islam for you. Thus, it is absolutely certain that Islam is steeped in idolatry. The proof is everywhere and it is overwhelming. This gives us a legitimate reason to reject Islam.

Centuries before the arrival of Islam, Jehovah God lovingly warned the Israelites of a subtle entrapment of Satan which Islam failed to escape. The Holy Bible strongly warned:

Leviticus 26:1: “Do not make for yourselves worthless idols. You must not erect for yourselves a carved statue or a sacred pillar and you must not put a stone as a sacred showpiece in your land to bow down toward it. I am Jehovah your God.

Can any warning be clearer than this? Either it is acceptable to bow down towards a stone or it is not. Both cannot be true.  This is serious because it demonstrates that either Allah or Jehovah is the true God. The eternal salvation of every single Muslim lies in the hands of only one of them. Think very carefully! Would a Holy God persuade his worshippers to continue in the idolatrous rituals of the pagans?

It is commonly taught that Judaism, Christianity and Islam are the three great monotheistic religions in existence today. And many a time it is implied that the adherents of these three religions pray to the same God. Nothing could be further from the truth. Islam is heathenism in monotheistic form. There is no place, whatsoever, for any form of idolatry in Christianity:

1 John 5:21: “Guard yourselves fromidols.”

And idolaters have no place in God’s Kingdom:

Galatians 5:19-21:Now the works of the flesh are plainly seen, and they are sexual immorality, uncleanness, brazen conduct, idolatry, spiritism, hostility, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, dissensions, divisions, sects, envy, drunkenness, wild parties, and things like these. I am forewarning you about these things, the same way I already warned you, that those who practice such things will not inherit God’s Kingdom.

All Muslims are idolaters. They commit idolatry whenever they bow down in prayer towards the Ka’ba or when they reverentially kiss the Black Stone.  If members of another religion were to carry out these very same practices, Muslims would have no trouble identifying them as idolatry. Their hypocrisy is blinding them from seeing the truth. However, there is still hope for those Muslims who reject Islam and turn to the living God for their salvation.

Isaiah 55:6: Search for Jehovah while he may be found. Call to him while he is near.


Max Shimba Ministries 

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