Tuesday, March 30, 2021
Sunday, March 21, 2021
Vital evidences from the Qur’an itself prove why Islam cannot be the true religion. Of course, this also rules out Islam’s lone prophet. While there are far too many errors in the Qur’an, we will focus on just one specific blunder that will prove irrefutably why Allah cannot be the true God.
If there are really solid evidences to validate Allah as the true God, he would have surely specified these evidences in the Qur’an. Since there were none, he was unable to provide a single tangible/visible evidence to authenticate his Godship. As a result, he had to appeal to unseen evidences to validate his claim as the true God. Can unseen evidences be used to prove anything? To understand what we mean by this, please read the following Qur’anic verse carefully. In view of the extreme absurdity of this Qur’anic verse, we have provided two different translations:
Surah 21:30: Do the disbelievers not see that the heavens and the earth were joined together as one, before We tore them apart? We made every living thing from water. Will they not then believe? (S. V. Ahamed)
Did those who reject not see that the heavens and the Earth were one piece and We tore them apart? We made from the water everything that lives. Will they not believe? (Monotheist Group)
Can you fathom the utter stupidity of the question raised by Allah in this Qur’anic verse? Allah is asking: “Do the disbelievers not see that the heavens and the earth were joined together as one, before We tore them apart?” Is it really possible for the disbelievers to witness this phenomenon? Read the Qur’anic verse carefully once again. The whole thrust of Allah’s argument is that the disbelievers have no basis whatsoever to reject him because of their having witnessed this phenomenon. Thus, the whole strength of Allah’s defense to counter the disbelievers is based on his assumption that they were eye-witnesses of this phenomenon.
Allah presumes that since the disbelievers had already witnessed this phenomenon of the heavens and the earth being joined together as one before he subsequently separated them, the disbelievers have no excuse for not believing in him. Allah even seems perplexed as to why the disbelievers still do not believe in him even after having witnessed this clear evidence. Note the tone of astonishment in his words:
“Do the disbelievers not see that the heavens and the earth were joined together as one, before We tore them apart? . . . Will they not then believe?”
For the disbelievers to “see that the heavens and the earth were joined together as one before Allah tore them apart,” they will have to actually witness the creation of the universe in stages. This means that the disbelievers must be present not only during the period when the heavens and the earth were joined together as one but these very same individuals must also live on to witness the heavens and the earth being separated subsequently. Moreover, since humans could not have been created before the creation of the heavens and the earth, it is absolutely impossible for the disbelievers to witness this phenomenon. As such, how could Allah then ask: “Will they not then believe?”
Had the Qur’an appealed to the visible creation to prove the existence of an invisible Creator, there would be no cause to fault it. However, since it irrationally demands the disbelievers to believe in Allah on the basis of unseen evidences, it has shown itself to be a product of an ignorant deity. Can anything be more foolish than this? Can unseen evidences be used as evidences to prove anything? Can the existence of someone unseen be proven by evidences that are equally unseen?
Since the disbelievers did not see and could not have seen “the heavens and the earth were joined together before Allah tore them apart,” then according to the very argument put forth in this Qur’anic verse, the disbelievers now have a legitimate reason not to believe in Allah. And so do you. Therefore, this Qur’anic verse is actually providing you with a solid reason not to believe in Allah. And this also means rejecting the religion he inspired. It was certainly foolish of Allah to ask:
“Do the disbelievers not see that the heavens and the earth were joined together as one, before We tore them apart? Will they not then believe?”
The questions raised by Allah are not only illogical but also grossly erroneous. If Allah cannot even ask the right questions, do you think he can give you the right answers? More importantly, can you trust him now with your eternal salvation? However, this absurdity in the Qur’an does not stop here. There is more to it. In fact, Allah also contradicts himself. He contradicts the very words which he revealed in Surah 21:30. Now let us read the contradictory words of Allah in the following Qur’anic verse:
Surah 41:11: Then, He rose over the high heavens when it was smoke: And He said to it and to the earth: “You both come together, willingly or unwillingly.” They both said: “We do come together in willing obedience.” (Syed Vickar Ahamed)
Never mind the fact that the physical heavenzs and the earth cannot communicate as humans do. The above Qur’anic verse clearly states that during the process of creation, the heavens and the earth existed separately until Allah called them to “come together.” So, were the heavens and the earth joined together as one before Allah separated them (Surah 21:30) or were they originally separate until Allah joined them together? (Surah 41:11) This is just one out of the many contradictions we can find in the Qur’an.
Now contrast the absurdity of Allah with the logical approach Jesus used to authenticate his Messiahship. To prove to the disbelievers that he was truly the Messiah, Jesus provided tangible evidences:
John 10:25: Jesus answered them: “I told you, and yet you do not believe. The works that I am doing in my Father’s name, these bear witness about me.
Jesus appealed to the miraculous works that he performed publicly to validate his anointing as the promised Messiah. It is essential to remember that both the miraculous works of Jesus and his status as the Messiah is acknowledged in the Qur’an.
His Miracles:
Surah 3:49: And Jesus said: “I have been appointed as a Prophet to the Jewish nation. I am blessed by my Lord with the following miracles: I will restore the vision to the blind, heal the leprous and bring dead back to life by the will of the Lord. I will tell you what you eat and what you have stored at the privacy of your home. All these miracles are in order to convince those who believe in God.” (Bijan Moeinian)
His Messiahship:
Surah 3:45: When the angels said, O Mary, your Lord gives you good news of a Word from Him. His name is the Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, honored in this world and in the next and one of those who are granted nearness to God. (W. Khan)
Jesus appealed to the visible (his miraculous works) to prove the invisible (the truthfulness of his claim as the Messiah). Allah could have done the same. Instead, Allah did the very opposite. He appealed to the invisible because he could not provide any visibleevidence to validate his Godship. We will now compare the foolishness of Allah with the wisdom of the true God. Jehovah God wisely used the visible to prove the invisible.
Hebrews 3:4: “Of course, every house is constructed by someone, but he that constructed all things is God.”
Using simple logic, the Bible reasons that just as a house cannot come into existence by itself without a builder (seen), neither can the universe come into existence by itself without a Creator (unseen). The visible to prove the invisible. In contrast, the Qur’an foolishly attempts to prove the invisible with the invisible. Worse still, the Qur’an demands that the disbelievers exercise faith in Allah on the basis of something that is logically impossible for them to perceive. Ironically, the very basis for demanding us to exercise faith in Allah has provided us with a valid reason not to believe in him. Allah simply cannot be the Creator. There are many more such evidences in the Qur’an to prove through and through why Islam is false and Allah is an impostor. That is why he had to choose an illiterate as his prophet. Others would have called his bluff
Muslims boldly claim that the Qur’an is the inspired Word of God. For this claim to be true, every inspired utterances of Allah in the Qur’an must be absolutely true. In this article, we will bring to light the failings of the Allah in the Qur’an. We will use Islam’s own sources to substantiate these failings of Allah in the Qur’an. There are many errors in the Qur’an. However, in this article we will focus on the vital subject of prophecies in the Qur’an. We encourage Muslims who object or disagree with the facts and arguments presented here to check the cited Islamic references provided in this article. Let us begin by reading the following prophecy of Allah:
Surah 8:65: “O Prophet! Rouse the Believers to the fight. If there are twenty amongst you, patient and persevering, they will vanquish two hundred: if a hundred, they will vanquish a thousand of the Unbelievers.” (Yusuf Ali)
Allah prophesied in no uncertain terms that from now on – from the time this prophecy was revealed – a single Muslim warrior “will vanquish” ten times the number of enemy fighters in battle. This means that each single Muslim warrior “will” now be able to defeat ten enemy fighters in battle – a ratio of 1 to 10. And Allah guarantees this stunning victory at every confrontation between Muslims and their enemies. This is truly an astounding feat. The all-knowing Allah stated very positively and confidently: “If a hundred, they WILL vanquish a thousand of the Unbelievers.” No ambiguity whatsoever in this prophecy of Allah. Can it be expressed any clearer or any more definite than this?
As revealed, it is Allah who guarantees these astounding victories of the Muslims over their enemies ten times more numerous than them. Therefore, the victory is achieved – not by the strength or the fighting skills of the Muslim warriors – but by the divine power of Allah. There is a world of difference between a Commandment and a Prophecy. If Allah had intended to reveal Surah 8:65 as a Commandment, he would have expressed this Qur’anic verse in the following manner:
“If a hundred, they MUST vanquish a thousand of the Unbelievers.”
However, it is different when Allah proclaimed:
“If a hundred, they WILL vanquish a thousand of the Unbelievers.”
This means the victory is an absolute certainty. It is a predetermined conclusion. The victory is assured even before the Muslim warriors venture into battle. Hence, the victory of the Muslims rests completely in the hands of Allah. It is vital for Muslims to understand that the proclamation in Surah 8:65 is not a Commandment but a Prophecy of Allah. Allah had already predetermined the outcome of the battles between Muslims and their enemies.
Before we proceed any further, we would like to establish an essential truth. It is vital to take note of the fact that no power in heaven or on earth can prevent the expressed purpose or will of the true God from being accomplished. All prophecies of the true God are as good as fulfilled. It should be. In accord with this divine truth, Jehovah stated the following in Isaiah 55:11:
“My word that goes forth from my mouth will prove to be. It will not return to me without results, but it will certainly do that in which I have delighted, and it will have certain success in that for which I have sent it.”
Well, what about the prophecy of Allah that guarantees Muslims with victory over their enemies ten times more numerous than them? Divine bombshell for Muslims! Just one verselater, Allah abrogated his prophecy. Allah abolished his own divine prophecy in which he promises heavenly support for his warriors to attain victory over their enemies:
Surah 8:66: “For the present, Allah hath lightened your task, for He knoweth that there is a weak spot in you: But even so, if there are a hundred of you, patient and persevering, they will vanquish two hundred, and if a thousand, they will vanquish two thousand, with the leave of Allah: for Allah is with those who patiently persevere.” (Yusuf Ali)
Even though Allah stated clearly in Surah 8:65 that each Muslim warrior “will” defeat enemies ten times more numerous than them, the Muslim warriors did not trust Allah. When they received this divine message, they complained bitterly at the impossible odds they have to now face when they engage their enemies in battles. As a result, Allah revealed Surah 8:66. It was revealed immediately after the Muslim warriors became fearful and complained bitterly to Muhammad. Consequently, the original prophecy was abrogated by Allah. He changed the ratio from 1:10
Surah 8:65: “If there are twenty amongst you, patient and persevering, they will vanquish two hundred: if a hundred, they will vanquish a thousand of the Unbelievers.”
To a ratio of 1:2
Surah 8:66: “If there are a hundred of you, patient and persevering, they will vanquish two hundred, and if a thousand, they will vanquish two thousand.”
It is important to note that no changes were made in the requirements on the part of the warriors. In both the Surahs they were still required to be “patience and persevering.” So their end of the bargain remains the same. As such, Allah cannot blame or shift the fault on to the warriors for the changes in the ratio. The fault lies in Allah’s miscalculated prophecy.Allah got carried away. He jumped the gun. No wonder he quickly gave in to the demands of the Muslims and invalidated his own prophecy without delay. Let us consider the documented records of authentic Islamic sources to substantiate this fact:
Ishaq: 326:
Abdullah told me that when this verse came down it was a shock to the Muslims who took it hard. They were afraid, as the odds were too great. So Allah relieved them and cancelled the verse with another: “Now has Allah relieved you and He knows that there is a weakness among you, so if there are 100 (rather than 20) they shall vanquish 200.”
When God imposed on them that each one of them should fight ten, it became a burden and an unbearable task for them. Thus, God removed the burden from them and each one was requested to fight two men. (Asbab al-Nuzul, p. 134)
Sahih Bukhari, Volume 6, Book 60, Number 176:
Narrated Ibn Abbas: When the Verse: – ‘If there are twenty steadfast you (Muslims), they will overcome two-hundred (non-Muslims).’ was revealed, it became hard on the Muslims when it became compulsory that one Muslim ought not to flee (in war) before ten (non-Muslims). So (Allah) lightened the order by revealing:
‘But now Allah has lightened your task for He knows that there is weakness in you. So if there are of you one-hundred steadfast, they will overcome two-hundred (non-Muslims).’ (Surah 8:66) So when Allah reduced the number of enemies which Muslims should withstand, their patience and perseverance against the enemy decreased as much as their task was lightened for them.
Not only did Allah abrogate his prophecy but he also deviously gave a lame excuse for doing so.
Surah 8:66: “For the present Allah has made light your burden, and He knows that there is weakness in you.” (Shakir)
Surah 8:66 is indeed damaging to Islam. Why did not Allah “know that there is weakness”in the Muslims just one verse earlier? Why is it that Allah only became aware of the“weakness” of the Muslims only after they complained bitterly? If Allah is truly the all-knowing God, he would have known about their “weakness” before revealing Surah 8:65. Since he did not know, he had to abolish his failed prophecy in Surah 8:65 and substitute it with a contradictory prophecy in Surah 8:66. Had Allah revealed the better verse right from the beginning, he would have spared his warriors much anxiety. But Allah could not as he did not know the “weakness” of his warriors. But wait a minute! What has the “weakness” of the Muslims have anything to do with the failure of the fulfillment of the prophecy in Surah 8:65?Does not the victory of the warriors depend absolutely on the power of Allah? Why was Allah powerless to fortify the warriors with the needed strength and courage to fulfill his prophecyin Surah 8:65?
The truth of the matter is that not only Allah was powerless but he was also learning as he went along. He was learning by trial and error. He had to quickly change the ratio from 1:10 to 1:2 because he was clueless about the makeup of his warriors. Allah was totally ignorant. The fact that the changes are quite significant – from 1:10 to 1:2 – only serves to prove the magnitude of Allah’s gross miscalculations. In the end, Allah had to dishonorably abrogate his own prophecy in the Mother of all Books – the Holy Qur’an. The existence of even one failed prophecy is sufficient to prove the Qur’an false. This episode provides us with so many evidences to thoroughly prove why the Qur’an simply cannot be the Word of God. This single event not only exposes the utter failure of Allah’s prophecy in the Qur’an but it also raises many questions.
(1) Why did Allah’ prophecy in Surah 8:65 fail in its fulfillment? Does not this prove that Allah is incapable of seeing through to the fulfillment of his prophecies? Does not this also prove that Allah simply cannot be the Almighty God as you claim him to be?
(2) Why did Allah abrogate his own prophecy? Why did he replace it with a different prophecy?
(3) Does not the fact that Allah got his prophecy wrong the first time shows that he is also learning by trial and error just as any imperfect human?
(4) Does not the fact that Allah got his prophecy wrong the first time prove that there is afailed prophecy in the Qur’an? Can a divine book contain a failed prophecy in it?
(5) Since the prophecy of Allah was abrogated on account of the warriors’ reluctance to fight against such odds, does not this prove that the fulfillment of Allah’s prophecy is reliant on the decisions of imperfect humans? How can the failings of humans to follow divine directions result in the failure of the fulfillment of Allah’s prophecy? Can the Word of God fail?
(6) Why did not Allah know that his warriors would be incapable to cope with the demand to defeat their enemies ten times their number? Does not this prove that Allah did not know the weakness of the Muslims? Why did not Allah know their weakness just one verse away?
(7) Why did Allah choose to lower the prophesied ratio from 1:10 to 1:2 instead of increasing the strength and courage of his warriors to measure up to task as predicted in his divine prophecy?
(8) How can you trust Allah with your eternal salvation when he is not even aware of the fact that his prophecy would end in failure?
Even if Muslims falsely claim that there are true prophecies in the Qur’an, it does not, in essence, change anything to exonerate Islam. It does not change the fact that the Qur’an is false. The existence of a failed prophecy in the Qur’an is sufficient to prove that it cannot be the inspired Word of God. A book that claims divine inspiration has to be consistently accurate. If the Bible can live up to this claim, then it must truly be the Word of God. This also proves that the author of the Bible must be the true God.
Every prophetic utterance that comes from Jehovah is as good as fulfilled. We will now consider a historical event which took place during the time of Moses to prove this truth. This account will reveal the authority of the true God to foretell the outcome of future events with accuracy. An examination of Exodus 3:15-20 will reveal the contrast between Jehovah and Allah. We will now read these verses:
Exodus 3:15-20: Then God said to Moses: “This is what you are to say to the Israelites, ‘Jehovah the God of your forefathers, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, has sent me to you.’ This is my name forever, and this is how I am to be remembered from generation to generation.
Now go, and gather the elders of Israel and say to them, ‘Jehovah the God of your forefathers has appeared to me, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and He said: “I have certainly taken notice of you and of what is being done to you in Egypt. I WILL take you away from affliction at the hands of the Egyptians…to a land flowing with milk and honey.
But I myself well know that the king of Egypt will not give you permission to go unless a mighty hand compels him. So I will have to stretch out my hand and strike Egypt with all my extraordinary acts that I will do in it, and after that he WILL send you out. ”’ (Emphasis Ours)
Did the prophetic proclamation that Jehovah declared to Moses come true? Were the Israelites delivered from the oppression of Pharaoh just as Jehovah promised?
Yes and Yes. While the prophecy of Allah became ineffective on account of the disobedience of mere men, no humans can prevent the fulfillment of Jehovah’s prophecies. Even mighty Pharaoh could not stop the execution of Jehovah’s prophetic promise to free the Israelites from slavery. Because of Pharaoh’s obstinate refusal to free the Israelites, Jehovah brought on a series of plagues upon the land of Egypt. On account of the mighty hand of Jehovah, Pharaoh was compelled to finally release the Israelites from captivity. Let’s read about this outcome in the following verses:
Exodus 12:30-32: Pharaoh got up that night along with all his servants and all the other Egyptians, and there was a great outcry among the Egyptians, because there was not a house where someone was not dead. At once he called Moses and Aaron by night and said: “Get up, get out from among my people, both you and the other Israelites. Go and serve Jehovah, just as you have said. Take also your flocks and your herds and go, just as you have said.
Unlike Allah, Jehovah did not give any excuses. He does not have to. He is God Almighty. All his prophecies are guaranteed to be fulfilled. He freed the Israelites just as he prophesied. For Muslims who deny the authenticity of this account, we have a surprise for them. Even the Qur’an acknowledges this mighty act of Jehovah in delivering the Israelites. It confirms his ability to fulfill prophecies:
Surah 2:49-50: Children of Israel, recall My favor of saving you from the Pharaoh’s people who afflicted you with the worst kind of cruelty… We parted the sea to save you and drowned Pharaoh’s people before your very eyes. (Sarwar)
Surah 10:90: We helped the Children of Israel cross the sea safely. The Pharaoh and his army pursued the children of Israel with wickedness and hate until the Pharaoh was drowned… We settled the children of Israel in a blessed land and provided them with pure sustenance. (Sarwar
Both the Bible and the Qur’an testifies to the ability of Jehovah to fulfill prophecies. Unlike Allah, Jehovah does not abrogate his prophecies. In fact, Allah could not perform a single miracle. When Allah was challenged by the contemporaries of Muhammad to perform a miracle to authenticate the prophethood of Muhammad, he dodged the challenge and gave the following excuses:
Surah 13:7: The unbelievers say, “Why has God not sent him, (Muhammad), some miracles.” Muhammad, you are only a warner. For every nation there is a guide. (M. Sarwar)
Since Allah could not perform miracles, he deceitfully appealed to the miracles in the Bible. He wanted to deceive the contemporaries of Muhammad into believing that the miracles in the Bible are his own:
Surah 20:133: And they say: “If only he brought us a miracle from his Lord!” Has there not come to them (as a sufficient miracle) a Clear Evidence of the truth in what is to be found in the former Scriptures? (Ali Unal)
The “former Scriptures” are none other than the Torah and the Gospel. This Qur’anic verse is confirming the irrefutable fact that “Clear Evidence of the truth” regarding miracles can only be found in the Holy Bible. For Muslims to know about miracles, they need to go to the Holy Bible. We are not the ones saying this but Allah. For an in-depth discussion on this subject, please click the following links:
There are also other instances in the Qur’an which shows that Allah does not know the outcome of the future with certainty. Consider for example the following Qur’anic verse:
Surah 3:144: Muhammad is no more than a Messenger, and indeed many Messengers have passed away before him. If he dies or is killed, will you then turn back on your heels as disbelievers? And he who turns back on his heels, not the least harm will he do to Allah, and Allah will give reward to those who are grateful (Hilal-Khan
Muhammad was not only Allah’s greatest prophet but he was also his final and favorite prophet. Yet, Allah was uncertain about the manner of Muhammad’s death. The phrase, “If he dies or is killed” is “Fa-in mata awo kutila” in Arabic. This verse demonstrates that Allah did not know whether Muhammad will die a natural death (Mata) or be killed by someone(Kutila). Thus, Allah was unable to affirm the exact manner of Muhammad’s death. That is why there is not a single prophecy in the Qur’an that details the manner of Muhammad’s death.
The Holy Bible provides a warning about those who prophesy falsely:
Deuteronomy 18:20-22: “However, the prophet who presumes to speak in my name a word that I have not commanded him to speak or who speaks in the name of other gods, that prophet must die. And in case you should say in your heart: ‘How shall we know the word that the true God has not spoken?’ When the prophet speaks in the name of God and if the word does not occur or come true, then that is the word that the true God has not spoken. With presumptuousness the prophet has spoken it. You must not be afraid of him.”
Since the prophecy of Allah in Surah 8:65 failed to come true as predicted, it cannot be inspired by the true God. As such, the true God cannot the source of the prophecies in the Qur’an. This logically follows that the Qur’an is not the inspired Word of the true God. Either Muhammad was thoroughly deceived by an impersonating spirit or he was faking inspiration. Either option is bad for Muslims. And Jehovah the true God gave the following warning in the Holy Bible:
1 Timothy 4:1: However, the inspired utterance says definitely that in later periods of time some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to misleading inspired utterances and teachings of demons.
Since the prophecies of Allah failed in their fulfillment, they are nothing more than “misleading inspired utterances.”
The following segment is important for Muslims. How can a sincere Muslim identify the true God? In order to make it possible for sincere seekers of truth to recognize the true God, Jehovah raised a vital challenge against all false gods. Jehovah challenged the false gods to prove their godship through the inspiration of prophecies. He challenged the false gods to prophesy the outcome of future events:
Isaiah 41:21-24: “Present your case, says the Lord God Jehovah. Bring forth your proofs, says the King of Jacob. Let them bring forth and show us what will happen; Let them show us the former things, what they were, That we may consider them, And know the latter end of them. Or cause us to hear even the things that are coming. Tell the things that are to come hereafter, that we may know that you are gods. Indeed you are nothing. And your work is nothing. He who chooses to worship you is an abomination.”
Allah is indeed “nothing.” He failed the challenge of Jehovah to prove his godship. He did not know the future. Allah could not “tell the things that are to come hereafter.” Therefore, it is an “abomination” for Muslims to worship Allah. The ability to foretell and fulfillprophecies is a unique attribute of the true God:
Isaiah 46:9-10: “Remember the first things of a long time ago, that I am the Divine One and there is no other God, nor anyone like me. The One declaring the end from the beginning and from long ago the things that have not yet been done. The One saying: ‘My own counsel will stand, and everything that is my delight I shall do.’”
The true God has the ability to foretell history in advance. Such predictive ability displays God’s unique power. Prophecy is one means by which God demonstrates his power and glory. It is also a means by which he distinguishes himself from the false gods. The fulfillment of prophecies exalts God above all others as the only One who knows the end from the beginning.
Prophecies also substantiate the stamp of God’s authority in his inspired Book. The ability to prophesy future events of human history is a distinctive attribute of God’s true Scriptures.This is how important prophecies are to the seeker of truth. It is one of the most essential proofs and evidences of a divine Book. Therefore, a failed prophecy in the Qur’an means that Allah, Muhammad, Islam and the Qur’an should be rejected as false.
Isaiah 55:6: Search for Jehovah while he may be found. Call to him while he is near.
This is not an option if you truly value your salvation. One failed prophecy is one too many for a book claiming to be the perfect Word of God.
September 4, 2018
September 4, 2018
September 4, 2018
Max Shimba
I am a wide-eyed, sanctified, blood-bought, Spirit-taught, Bible-totin', Scripture-quotin', Satan-blastin', sin-trashin', Christ-followin' Pride-swallowin', hard-praying', truth-conveyin', faith-walking, gospel-talkin', bonafide big-time believer! And proud of it View all posts by maxshimba
Posted onSeptember 4, 2018Authormaxshimba
Saturday, March 13, 2021
Ndugu msomaji,
Tokea kuanzishwa Kwa dini ya Uislam, Waislamu duniani wanaamini na kuifundisha jamii kuwa Malaika aitwae ‘Gabriel’ Kama maandiko Matakatifu ya Biblia yanavyofundisha ndiye Malaika ‘Jibril’ Kama Quran inavyosimulia.
Swali la muhimu je ni kweli kuwa Malaika “Gabriel” ndiye “Jibril” nakusihi fuatilia somo hili ili kujua ukweli.
Waislam wanalinganisha kwa kusoma aya za Quran na Biblia na kusema kuwa Malaika Gabriel ndiye Jibril wanasoma aya hizi.
QURAN 19:16-17 SURAT MARYAM 16. Na mtaje Mariamu kitabuni (humu) alipojitenga na jamaa zake (akenda) mahali upande wa Mashariki (wa Msikiti) 17. Na akaweka pazia kujikinga nao.Tukampelekea muhuisha sharia yetu (jibril) - akajimithilisha kwake kwa sura ya Binadamu aliye kamili.
LUKA 1:26-28: 26. Mwezi wa sita, Malaika Gabriel alitumwa na Mungu kwenda mpaka mji wa Galilaya, jina lake Nazareti. 27. Kwa mwana mwali bikira aliyekuwa ameposwa na mtu jina lake Yusufu wa mbari ya Daudi. Na jina lake Bikira huyo ni Mariamu 28 Akaingia nyumbani kwake akasema, salamu uliyepewa Neema, Bwana yu pamoja nawe.
“Mbali na kusoma aya hizi, pia wanaendelea kusoma kitabu cha maisha ya nabii Muhammad kilichotungwa na aliyekuwa kadhi mkuu wa Kenya marehemu sheikh Abdallah Saleh Al-Farsy katika ule ukurasa wa 17 kifungu (A) kuna maneno haya...
Waislamu wanaitikadi kuwa Quran ni maneno ya Mwenyezi Mungu na vilevile Taurat ya nabii Musa na injili ya nabii Isa, na Zaburi ya nabii Daudi. Vyote pia ni vitabu vyenye maneno ya mwenyezi Mungu. Lakini Mungu haonekani Kwa macho wala hayupo mahali mahsusi. Basi vipi hao mitume wamepata maneno haya? Jawabu yake ni hii wao huyapata ima kwa Jibril Malaika Mkubwa kuliko Malaika wote wa Mwenyezi Mungu.
QU-RAN 53:2-6 SURATUL NAJM (NYOTA) 2. Kwamba mtu wenu huyu Nabii Muhamad (hakupotea Kwa ujinga) na wala hakukosa (na hali ya kuwa anajua) 3. Wala hasemi Kwa matamanio (ya nafsi yake) 4. Hayakuwa haya (anayosema) ila ni wahyi (ufunuo) uliofunuliwa (kwake) 5. Amemfundisha (malaika) mwenye nguvu Sana 6. Mwenye uweza na yeye (huyu jibril) akalingana sawa sawa.
Waislamu kwa kusoma aya hizi, wanaamini Malaika Gabriel ndiye Jibril lakini aya hizi zinaonyesha tofauti kwani malaika Jibrili alipelekwa na Allah ambaye sio Yehova aende kwa Mariamu ambaye alikua Msikitini na Quran haikutaja mji wala nchi aliyoenda jibril, lakini tunaona Biblia inafundisha kuwa, malaika Gabriel aliingia nyumbani kwa Mariamu na tena biblia inatufundisha kuwa ufunuo wa unabii uliletwa kwa muongozo wa Roho Mtakatifu (2 Petro 1:20-21) na wala si malaika jibril kama Qurani inavyosimulia.
WAEBRANIA 1:13-14.13. Je, yuko malaika aliyemwambia wakati wowote uketi mkono wangu wa kuume hata nitakapo waweka adui zako chini ya nyayo zako? 14. Je, hao wote si “roho”watumikao walitumwa kuwahudumu wale watakao urithi wokovu?
Ni wazi tunaona kuwa malaika ni vyumbe ambao ni nafsi ya roho ambao wanauwezo wa kuwajia watu kwa umbo la wanadamu (Mwanzo 18:1-19:12) kama tunavyoona walipomwendea Ibrahim na lutu.Malaika alimwendea Musa katika sura ya kijiti kinacho waka bila kuteketea (kutoka 3:1-5)
Tukisoma Quran tunaona Allah anayeabudiwa na Waislamu anasimulia Malaika kuwa ni viumbe wenye sifa hii.
QURANI 16:93 SURATUL AL-NAHL (NYUKI) Na Mwenyezi Mungu angalitaka kwa yakini angalikufanyeni “kundi moja tu” (mnamtii nyote kama alivyowafanya “Malaika” lakini kakuachieni mfanye mtakavyo) lakini anamuachia kupotea anayemtaka na anamuongoa anayemtaka na hakika mtaulizwa kwa yale mliokuwa mkifanya.
QUR-AN 32:13 SURAT AS-SAJDAH (KUSUJUDU) Na tungalitaka tungempa kila mtu uwongofu wake (Kwa lazima Kama tulivyowapa Malaika.
Angetaka mwenyezi Mungu angemuumba Binadamu Kama malaika hawezi kufanya mabaya, maumbile yake ni kufanya mema tu; kwa hiyo halipwi kwa mema yake hayo kwani hayaonei taabu katika kufanya. Lakini binadamu ameumbwa Kwa uweza wa yote mawili sawasawa na raha yake zaidi ni kufanya mabaya.
Kadiri ya aya hizi Allah Mungu anayeabudiwa na Waislamu anasema kuwa malaika ni wema na hawawezi kufanya mabaya na wako kundi moja tu na wote wanamtii Allah. Lakini tukirejea kwa Biblia tunaona Mungu wetu Jehovah amefunulia mitume wake kuwa Malaika wako hivi…
2 PETERO 2:4 Kwa maana Mungu hakuwaachia “malaika waliokosa” bali aliwatupa shimoni, akawatia katika vifungo vya giza walindwe hata ije siku ya hukumu.
Hao malaika waliokosa wapo chini ya ibilisi, mbali na hao waliokosa lakini pia wapo malaika wa namna hii…
MATHAYO 25:31 Hapo atakapokuja Mwana wa Adamu, katika utukufu wake na Malaika watakatifu wote pamoja naye; ndipo atakapo keti katika kiti cha utukufu wake.
Kadri ya aya hizi tunaona wazi wazi kuwa Mungu wetu anafundisha makundi mawili ya malaika, wema (yaani Watakatifu) na wabaya (yaani waliokosa) Fundisho ambalo Allah halielezei kwani yeye Allah anasema malaika ni wema tu hawawezi kufanya mabaya “hali hii inatufundisha kuwa Allah siyo Yehova”.
Neno au jina “Gabriel” asili yake ni lugha ya kiebrania na maana ni “Mjumbe wa Mungu” katika Biblia jina hili Gabriel limetajwa mara “nne” (4) (Tazama Danieli 8:16 na 9:21, Luka 1:19 na 1:26) kuhusu Malaika Gabriel mara nyingi Biblia inaonyesha kuwa Mungu anamtuma ili alete habari njema zinazohusu wokovu wa wanadamu na hutoa maneno ya kuwafariji wale aliowatokea akisema “usiogope”katika Biblia limetajwa mara (366) aidha tunaposoma Biblia tunaona pia Malaika huyu anaitwa Malaika wa Bwana (The angel of the Lord) Neno hili katika Biblia limetajwa mara (65) katika aya zipatazo (61) iwapo sehemu hizo zote zinahusika na Malaika Gabriel basi malaika huyo atakuwa ametajwa mara nyingi.
1 TIMOTHEO 4:1 Basi Roho anena waziwazi ya kwamba nyakati za mwisho wengine watajitenga na imani WAKISIKILIZA roho zidanganyazo na mafundisho ya mashetani.
(Tazama pia Mathayo 7:15-20)
1YOHANA 4:1, 3, 15 1. Wapenzi msiamini kila roho, bali zijaribuni hizo roho, kwamba zimetokana na Mungu; Kwa sababu manabii wa uongo wengi wametokea duniani 3. Na “kila roho isiyomkiri Yesu” haitokani na Mungu. Na hii ndiyo roho ya mpinga Kristo, ambayo mmeisikia kwamba yaja, na sasa imekwisha kuwako duniani 15. Kila akiriye ya kuwa Yesu ni Mwana wa Mungu, Mungu hukaa ndani yake naye ndani ya Mungu.
Jambo la muhimu ni la kujaribu kati ya jibril na Gabriel ni nani aliye mkiri Yesu kuwa ni Mwana wa MUNGU endapo fundisho lao ni moja basi pia watakuwa siyo malaika wawili bali mmoja- wakitofautiana itakuwa siyo mmoja bali ni malaika wawili walio tofauti kabisa..
Malaika akajibu akamwambia Mimi ni Gabriel, nisimamaye mbele za Mungu, nimetumwa niseme nawe na kukupasha habari hizi njema (Tazama Luka 1:19)
Kwa mujibu wa ayah ii malaika Gabriel anaeleza kuwa husimama mbele za Mungu hivyo ni wazi kuwa cheo chake ni mjumbe asimamaye mbele ya Mungu. Je, malaika jibril anayetumwa na mungu aitwaye Allah cheo chake ni hiki hiki cha Gabrieli?
19. Kwa hakika hii (Qurani) ni kauli aliyo kuja nayo mjumbe mtukufu (jibril) 20. Mwenye nguvu, mwenye cheo cha heshima kwa Mwenyezi Mungu 21. Anayeitiiwa huko (mbinguni na malaika wenziwe) kasha mwaminifu.
Mjumbe mtukufu na mwenye kutiiwa huko mbinguni ni “jibril” ambaye ndiye “Mkubwa wa Malaika wote.”
YUDA 1:9 “Lakini Mikael Malaika “Mkuu” aliposhindana na Ibilisi….. Katika ayah ii tunaona Mungu wetu tunayemwabudu wakristo aitwae Yehova malaika wake mkuu ni Mikaeli na Mungu anayeabudiwa na waislamu aitwaye Allah malaika wake mkuu ni Jibril. Hivyo Jibril siyo Gabriel. Tukirejea kwa malaika mkuu “Michael” hili ni jina lenye asili ya lugha ya “Kiebrania” na maana yake ni “Nani sawa na Mungu” hii kwa sababu ndiye aliyewaongoza malaika wenziwe kumpiga shetani na kumtoa kule mbinguni pale alipojikweza na kutaka kufanana na Mungu (Tazama Ufunuo 12:7-12 na Danieli 10:13,21na12:2)
LUKA 1:26-35 Nanukuu aya ya 35 tu: Malaika akajibu akamwambia, Roho Mtakatifu atakujilia juu yako na nguvu zake aliye juu zitakufunika kama kivuli. Kwa sababu hicho kitakachozaliwa kitaitwa kitakatifu “Mwana wa Mungu”
QURAN 18:4-5 SURATUL AL-KAHF (PANGO) 4. Na kiwaonye wale wanaosema “mwenyezi Mungu amejifanyia mtoto 5. Wala hawana ilimu juu ya (jambo) hili wala Baba zao (hawana ujuzi juu ya jambo hili ila wanajisemea tu) Ni neno kubwa hilo litokalo katika vinywa vyao hawasemi ila uwongo tu
Maneno haya aliyafundisha malaika jibril (QURAN 53:5-6) ni ya kumkufuru Mungu wetu Yehova (Tazama kutoka 4:22) Mungu anasema “Israeli ni Mwanangu Mimi” na Malaika wake Gabriel, alifundisha uwana wa Mungu.
LUKA 1:34-35 “Malaika Gabriel anamwambia Mariam hivi…
34. Mariam akamwambia malaika litakuaje neno hili maana sijui mume? 35. Malaika akajibu akamwambia Roho mtakatifu atakujilia juu yako na nguvu zake aliye juu zitakufunika kama kivuli- Roho Mtakatifu ni Mungu (Matendo 5:3-4) Na wala siyo malaika ndio maana malaika alisema atakujilia.
QUR-AN 16:102 SURATUL AL-NAHL (NYUKI) Sema Roho Takatifu yaani jibril ameiteremsha kutoka kwa mola wako kwa haki ili kuwathubutisha wale walio amini…
QUR-AN 2:87 SURATUL AL-BAQARAH (NG’OMBE) Na hakika tulimpa Musa kitabu na tukawafundisha mitume (wengine) Baada yake na tukampa Isa mwana wa Mariam hoja zilizo waziwazi na tukamtia nguvu kwa roho mtakatifu (jibril)
Kwa waislamu Roho mtakatifu ni “Malaika Jibril” si Yule wanaodai wakristo kuwa ni mmoja wa asili ya utatu (Trinity).
Hapa tunaona malaika Gabriel hasemi kuwa yeye ndiye Roho Mtakatifu mahala popote lakini Jibril anasema eti, ndiye Roho Mtakatifu- hivyo Gabriel siyo Jibril.
QUR-AN 2:97 SURATUL AL-BAQARAH (NG’OMBE) Sema anayemfanyia ushinde jibril kwa kuwa ndiye aliyemletea utume nabii Muhammad (asiwapelekee wayahudi) (ni bure hana kosa Jibril) hakika yeye aliteremsha Quran moyoni mwako kwa idhini ya Mwenyezi Mungu.
“Mayahudi katika hila zao za kumkataa mtume Muhammad walimwuliza “malaika gani anayekuletea wahyi? Mtume akasema “Jibril” wakasema “Lo! HUYO NI ADUI YETU, HATUMTAKI lau kuwa malaika mwingine ndiye anayekuletea wahyi (yaani ufunuo) tungekufuata. Jibrili hajapeleka utume Kwa wayahudi; Isitoshe malaika huyo Jibril anafundisha kuhusu wayahudi hivi….
“Hakika utawakuta walio “maadui” zaidi kuliko watu (wengine) kwa Maislam ni “Mayahudi” Na wale mushirikina.”
Hapa tunaona Jibril anawafundisha Maislamu kuwa maadui zao zaidi ni wayahudi. Kuwa adui wa wayahudi ni kuwa adui wa wokovu kwani Bwana Yesu anatufundisha hivi...
YOHANA 4:19-22 Nanukuu aya ya 22 tu
Ninyi mnaabudu msicho kijua, sisi tunaabudu tukijuacho kwa kuwa, “wokovu watoka kwa wayahudi.”
Isitoshe manabii wote ni wayahudi kutoka kwa Musa, Daudi, Isaya, Ezekieli, Daniel, Hosea, Mika, Malaki, Yohana mbatizaji na hata Yesu.
(A) JIBRIL QUR-AN 19:16-26: 16. Na mtaje Mariam kitabuni (humu) alipojitenga na jamaa zake (akenda) mahali upande wa (mashariki wa msikiti) 17. Na akaweka pazia kujikinga Nao. Tukampelekea muhuisha sharia yetu (jibril) - akajimithilisha kwake (Kwa sura ya) binadamu aliye kamili 18. (Mariamu) akasema hakika Mimi najikinga kwa (Mwenyezi Mungu) mwingi wa rehema aniepushe nawe. Ikiwa unamuogopa Mungu (basi ondoka nenda zako) 19. (Malaika) akasema hakika mimi ni mjumbe wa mola wako ili nikupe mwana mtakatifu 20. Akasema nitawezaje kupata motto, hali hajanigusa mwanamume (yeyote Kwa njia ya halali) wala mimi si (mwanamke) mwenye kuzini 21. (Malaika) akasema ni kama hivyo( unavyosema lakini mola wako amesema haya ni sahali kwangu ili tumfanye muujiza kwa wanadamu na rehema itokayo kwetu (ndio tumefanya hivi) na hili ni jambo lililokwisha kuhukumiwa 22. Basi akachukua mimba yake, na akaondoka nayo mpaka mahali pa mbali 23. Kisha uchungu ukampeleka katika shina la mtende (akawa anazaa na huku) anasema,”laiti ningekufa kabla ya haya ningekua niliye sahaulika kabisa 24. Mara ikamfikia sauti kutoka chini yake (inamwambia) “ usihuzunike hakika mola wako amejalia (ameweka) kijito cha maji chini yako 25. Na litikise kwako shina la mtende litakuangushia tende nzuri zilizo mbivu 26. Basi ule na unywe na litue jicho lako.
Hata siku moja- katika mwezi wa Ramadan mwezi 17 jumatatu katika mwaka wa 40 unusu wa umri wake- Mtume alimuona mtu kasimama mbele yake bila kumwona wapi katokea, akamwambia,”soma” mtume akamjibu “Mimi sijui kusoma “kwani sijapata kujifundisha kusoma –“Akaja akamkamata” akambana,akamwambia tena “soma” Mtume akamjibu jawabu yake ile ile.Hata mara ya tatu akamwambia tena “soma –igraa Bismi rabbik” akamsomea sura hiyo ya 96 mpaka kati yake kasha mtume akaisoma kama alivyosomewa.Hii ndiyo sura ya kwanza kushuka katika kurani. Ingawa haijawekwa mwanzo. Mara Yule mtu (malaika) akaondoka machoni mwake-asimuone kenda wapi. Na mtume naye akarejea kwake-khofu ikamshika. Alipofika nyumbani bibi Khadija alidhani ana homa, akamfunika manguo gupi gupi na akakaa mbele yake akamsikiliza anavyoweweseka. Hata homa ilipomwachia alimweleza Bibi Khadija yote yaliyomtokea na Bibi Khadija akamtuliza moyo.Akamyakinisha ya kuwa hapana lolote baya litakalomzukia. Mara bibi huyu akaondoka akenda kwa jamaa yake-Bwana Waraga Bin Naufal-akampa habari yote iliyompata mumewe; naye akamwambie amwite, na mtume akenda akamweleza habari yake yote. Bwana Waraga akamwambia “huyo ndiye Jibril aliyemshukia Nabii Musa na Nabii Isa... Basi jibashirie kuwa wewe ni Mtume wa umma huu. Nami natamani kuwa hai nikuone unavyosimama kuwatengeneza jamaa zako inshallah nitakuwa mkono wako wa kulia wakarejea kwao na hofu yote imemtoka.
Habari hii inapatikana katika kitabu cha maisha ya Nabii Muhammad (S.a.W) mtungaji ni Sheikh Abdulla Saleh Farsy aliyekuwa Kadhi Mkuu wa Zanzibar baadaye akawa Kadhi Mkuu wa Kenya, katika ukurasa wa 16-17
LUKA 1:19 Alijitambulisha Kwa kusema, “Mimi ni Gabriel.”
DANIEL 8:15-16 Au muhusika ambaye alimtokea hujulishwa kwanza
DANIEL 8:17-21
LUKA 1:13, 30…
Gabriel anamsadia mtu pale anapopatwa na hofu na anasema usiogope. Tabia za malaika Gabriel ni huruma na Kumfahamisha mtu kwa upole, lakini malaika Jibril wa Allah yeye hukamata, kumbana mtu, jambo lililompelekea Muhammad apate homa. Swali je, huyo Jibril ni nani?
QUR-AN 19:83 SURATUL MARYAMU. Je, huoni yakwamba tumewatuma mashetani juu ya makafiri wanaowachochea (kufanya mabaya) “Na namna hii tumemfanyia kila Nabii maadui (Nao ni) mashetani katika watu na (mashetani katika) majini. Baadhi yao wanawafunulia wenzi wao maneno ya kupambapamba ili kuwadanganya. (Quran 6:112 Suratul Al-An’am)
2 WAKORINTHO 11:10-15, NA NUKUU AYA YA 14 TU “Wala si ajabu maana shetani mwenyewe hujigeuza awe mfano wa Malaika wa nuru.”
“Kila akiriye kuwa Yesu Ni Mwana WA Mungu, Mungu hukaa ndani yake, tena roho ya kukiri hivyo imetoka kwa Mungu (1 Yoh 4:1-3, 15). Malaika Gabriel amekiri kuwa Yesu Ni mwana WA Mungu, Jibril hakukiri hivyo “Luka 1:35” (Qur. 9:30). Je, Jibril ni nani?
Allah hutuma mashetani, maandiko matakatifu ya Biblia yanatufundisha mwisho wa viumbe hao hivi;
MATHAYO 25:41 “Bwana Yesu atawaamuru hivi…Kisha atawaambia na wale walioko mkono wake wa kushoto, ondokeni kwangu mliolaaniwa; mwende, katika moto wa milele, aliowekewa tayari Ibilisi na malaika zake.
Ndugu mpendwa ni matumaini yangu katika BWANA WETU YESU KRISTO kuwa umeweza kujua wazi wazi kuwa Malaika Gabriel wa Mungu wetu Yehova siyo malaika Jibril wa Allah anayeabudiwa na waislamu.
BWANA akubariki sana ueneze ujumbe huu kwa watu wa mataifa ili wamgeukie Bwana Yesu wapate kuokolewa.
Leo tumejifunza kuwa Jibril wa kwenye Quran sio Gabriel wa kwenye Biblia.
Narrated by Max Shimba Ministries Org
Imeratibiwa na Max Shimba mtumwa wa Yesu Kristo.
By permission.
Muhammad was demon possessed and slowly died from poison. Leave the bewitched false prophet today!!!
Narrated 'Aisha:Magic was worked on Allah's Apostle so that he used to think that he had sexual relations with his wives while he actually had not (Sufyan said: That is the hardest kind of magic as it has such an effect)... (Sahih al-Bukhari, Volume 7, Book 71, Number 660)
Muslim sources unashamedly acknowledge that certain Jews, specifically a Jewess, successfully poisoned Muhammad which resulted in his death:
Narrated Abu Huraira:When Khaibar was conquered, a (cooked) sheep containing poison, was given as a present to Allah's Apostle. (Sahih al-Bukhari, Volume 5, Book 59, Number 551)
Ibn 'Abbas replied, "That indicated the death of Allah's Apostle which Allah informed him of." 'Umar said, "I do not understand of it except what you understand." Narrated 'Aisha: The Prophet in his ailment in which he died, used to say, "O 'Aisha! I still feel the pain caused by the food I ate at Khaibar, and at this time, I feel as if my aorta is being cut from that poison." (Sahih al-Bukhari, Volume 5, Book 59, Number 713)
Ironically, Muhammad claimed that if he was a false prophet, Allah would cut his aorta (Quran 69: 44-46).
Bukhari, vol. 5, Hadith No. 266, "...He [Muhammad] said, "As to him, by Allah, death has overtaken him [Uthman bin Maz'un], and I hope the best for him. By Allah, though I am the Apostle of Allah, yet I do not know what Allah will do to me"
Max Shimba Ministries
Friday, March 12, 2021
It was narrated from Abu Umamah that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said:
*There is no one whom Allah will admit to Paradise but Allah will marry him to seventy-two wives, two from houris and seventy from his inheritance from the people of Hell, all of whom will have desirable front passages and he will have a male member that never becomes flaccid (i.e., soft and limp).*
حَدَّثَنَا هِشَامُ بْنُ خَالِدٍ الأَزْرَقُ أَبُو مَرْوَانَ الدِّمَشْقِيُّ، حَدَّثَنَا خَالِدُ بْنُ يَزِيدَ بْنِ أَبِي مَالِكٍ، عَنْ أَبِيهِ، عَنْ خَالِدِ بْنِ مَعْدَانَ، عَنْ أَبِي أُمَامَةَ، قَالَ قَالَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ ـ صلى الله عليه وسلم ـ " مَا مِنْ أَحَدٍ يُدْخِلُهُ اللَّهُ الْجَنَّةَ إِلاَّ زَوَّجَهُ اللَّهُ عَزَّ وَجَلَّ ثِنْتَيْنِ وَسَبْعِينَ زَوْجَةً ثِنْتَيْنِ مِنَ الْحُورِ الْعِينِ وَسَبْعِينَ مِنْ مِيرَاثِهِ مِنْ أَهْلِ النَّارِ مَا مِنْهُنَّ وَاحِدَةٌ إِلاَّ وَلَهَا قُبُلٌ شَهِيٌّ وَلَهُ ذَكَرٌ لاَ يَنْثَنِي " . قَالَ هِشَامُ بْنُ خَالِدٍ مِنْ مِيرَاثِهِ مِنْ أَهْلِ النَّارِ يَعْنِي رِجَالاً دَخَلُوا النَّارَ فَوَرِثَ أَهْلُ الْجَنَّةِ نِسَاءَهُمْ كَمَا وُرِثَتِ امْرَأَةُ فِرْعَوْنَ .
English reference : Vol. 5, Book 37, Hadith 4337
Arabic reference : Book 37, Hadith 4481
Max Shimba
Thursday, March 11, 2021
1. Kwanini Allah alimuumba Shetani?
2. Kwanini Allah aliumba Majini machafu?
3. Kwanini Allah aliumba Mapepo?
4. Kwanini Allah aliumba Mahayawani?
Allah S.W.T. ametuhakikishia wazi kuwa ujumbe aliopewa Mtume S.A.W. ulikuwa kwa Wanadamu na Majini na Mashetani pia. Na katika Qurani na Hadithi za Mtume S.A.W. kuna dalili zilizo wazi zinazoyakinisha kuwa Mtume S.A.W. alikuwa akikutana nao na kuwafundisha dini. Na hata wakati mwingine Majini walikuwa wakitoa majibu mazuri zaidi kuliko Binadamu kwenye masuala ya dini. Na mfano ni wakati waliposomewa Suratir Rahmaan. Hadithi iliyopokelewa na Jaabir bin Abdallah R.A.A. na iliyotolewa na Ttirmidhi kasema, “Wakati ambapo Mtume S.A.W. alipowasomea Majini Suratir Rahmaan, “
ﻟَﻘَﺪْ ﻗَﺮَﺃْﺗُﻬَﺎ ‘‘ ﻳﻌﻨﻲ ﺳُﻮﺭَﺓَ ﺍﻟﺮَّﺣْﻤَﻦِ ’’ ﻋَﻠَﻰ ﺍﻟْﺠِﻦِّ … ، ﻓَﻜَﺎﻧُﻮﺍ ﺃَﺣْﺴَﻦَ ﻣَﺮْﺩُﻭﺩًﺍ ﻣِﻨْﻜُﻢْ ، ﻛُﻨْﺖُ ﻛُﻠَّﻤَﺎ ﺃَﺗَﻴْﺖُ ﻋَﻠَﻰ ﻗَﻮْﻟِﻪِ ] ﻓَﺒِﺄَﻱِّ ﺁﻻﺀِ ﺭَﺑِّﻜُﻤَﺎ ﺗُﻜَﺬِّﺑَﺎﻥِ [ ﻗَﺎﻟُﻮﺍ : ﻻ ﺑِﺸَﻲْﺀٍ ﻣِﻦْ ﻧِﻌَﻤِﻚَ ﺭَﺑَّﻨَﺎ ﻧُﻜَﺬِّﺏُ ، ﻓَﻠَﻚَ ﺍﻟﺤﻤﺪ
Maana yake, “Hakika nimewasomea Majini (yaani Suratir Rahmaan)…wamejibu vizuri zaidi kuliko nyinyi. Kila nilipofikia kauli Yake (Mwenyezi Mungu S.W.T.) “Fabiayyi A-alaai Rabikumaa Tukadhibaan.) Maana yake, “Basi ipi katika neema za Mola wenu ambayo mnayoikanusha kuwa si kweli?” (Basi Majini) walijibu “Laa bishaay Min Niamika Rabbana Nukadhibu, Falakal Hamdu.”
Maana yake, “Hakuna neema yoyote katika neema Zako Mola wetu tunayoikadhibisha, bali tunashukuru.” Na Mtume S.A.W. alipowasomea Wanadamu hawakujibu chochote, akawaambia, “Ndugu zenu wa Ki-Jini wamejibu jawabu nzuri waliposikia haya.” Na dalili nyingine kuwa Mtume S.AW. pia alikuwa ametumwa kwao ni kisa cha baadhi ya Majini ambao baada ya kuisikiliza Qurani waliiamini na wakarejea kwao na kuanza kuwaita wenzao kwenye dini ya Kiislamu.
Majini au Mapepo au Mashetani (Malaika walio asi) ni viumbe ambavyo havionekani kwa macho, ni viumbe kama Malaika isipokuwa Majini na Mapepo yalifukuzwa Mbinguni pamoja na Shetani baada ya kuasi, na yalitupwa duniani yakisubiri siku ya mwisho ya hukumu. Hivyo Majini, Mashetani, Mapepo ni tokeo la kuasi kwa malaika. Ni sawa na kusema JAMBAZI ni tokeo au sifa ya mtu mwizi wa kutumia nguvu.
Biblia haisemi kuwa Mungu aliumba MAJINI, MASHETANI AU MAPEPO, maana Mungu wa Biblia hakuumba dhambi au ubaya au chuki au Ushetani au aina yeyote ile ya dhambi.
Shetani na Majini, wanajua kabisa kuwa Jehanum ya moto ipo kwa ajili yao, ndiyo maana wanafanya kila mbinu wasiingie peke yao huko Jehanum, Shetani ni mwongo, laghai anawatumia sana wachawi, waganga wa kienyeji, wasoma nyota kupandikiza majini, kuiba nyota yako ya mafanikio, kuchukua watu misukule nk.
1) Murafari – hili ni jini linalozuia mafanikio ya kupata fedha, mafanikio ya elimu nk.
2) Latifu – hili jini linaloleta ufukara, mateso, hata ukipata pesa matumizi yake yanakuwa ni hovyo
3) Jahari – Jini anayetumiwa kuiba mali na kuzuia biashara kustawi
4) Hasinani – jini hili ni la fujo, ulevi wa pombe, bangi na dawa za kulevya
5) Jube – jini hili linasababisha utasa
6) Subiani – jini la ajali, linasababisha wanawake kutokupata siku zao, na kunyonya damu za akina mama siku zao za hedhi ambapo wanapata maumivu makali sana.
7) Sumil – jini hili huangamiza mimba changa
8) Waidadat – jini hili husababisha wanaume kuvaa hereni kusuka nywele na kutoga masikio.
9) Alibadiri – jini la kifo, likikupata kifo hutokea wakati wowote.
10) Anzura – Linawazuia vijana wa kike na kiume kuolewa/kuoa
11) Maimuna – linawakamata wanaume wenye ndoa zao hadi ndoa inavunjika
12) Makata – linasababisha vifo vya mfululizo kwenye familia
13) Faziur – jini la maandishi. Unaletewa barua ukiisoma tayari umelikwaa
14)Subha – jini hili linasababisha mtu kuwa na kiburi sana na kujiinua.
15) Maulan – jini linalofanya watu kuwa kichaa, au mtu ananuka wakati wowote
16) Al-maul – jini hili linamfanya mtu kuwa ombaomba
17) Zuhura au Zohari – Jini la fujo
18) Araba – Jini hili linafanya mtu apende sana ubani
19) Farkh – jini hili linatumwa hasa kwa wakristo kuangalia kama ana kinga (Wokovu)
20) Baradi – jini hili likikupata basi ndoa yako ni lazima itavunjika.
21) Shamsu – jini hili huvaa umbile la binadamu kwa sura yoyote.(sasa hivi mitaani majini haya yapo mengi sana)
22) Abuni – jini wa hasira
23) Kaimu – jini la kutambua nyota za watu
24) Tajuruni – jini la utajiri wa kichawi – ni lazima utoe kafara ya mwanao, mkeo au kufanya tendo la ndoa na mama yako mzazi
25) Al-taliki – jini hili linapoteza watu katika mazingira ya kutatanisha
26) Naluju – linasimamia lugha
27) Janatusi – linatumwa alfajiri kabla ya adhana kuleta usingizi kwa Wakristo wasifanye sala
28) Riyaron – jini hili linamfanya mtu afanye kila kazi peke yake
29) Zaitun – Jini hili linasababisha wasichana kuwa na maringo
30) Ruyati – jini linalosimamia ndoto mbaya
31) Al-rahabu – jini linalosababisha hitilafu ya umeme
32) Hadharaji – jini hili linafanya kazi ya kukata kichwa cha mtu ili wapate damu
33) Anazihaji – jini hili ndilo linachukua roho yako ukifa kwenye dhambi
34) Nghruk – linasababisha maafa
35)Munkara – jini la makaburini
36) Takadhuru – jini linaloleta mali za masharti.
37) Rabindi – jini la Waislamu pekee yao ili wafanye fujo.
38) Balishebe – jini la magonjwa yasiyopona
39) Sajiduri – jini linalokusaidia kupata pesa, kisha zinapotea kwa haraka
40) Rumiran – linasimamia uwongo
41) Lairlihabi – linasimamia hofu, kutojiamini na kukata tamaa
42) Rohani – jini la mateso na fujo
43) Betrah – jini hili linasimamia mapambo, kwa mwanamke huwa anajipamba isivyo kawaida, halikadhalika mwanaume
44)Hanshari – linatumiwa sana na waarabu kulinda maduka yao
45) Walihuni – linazunguka nyumba likilinda biashara
46) Kurasih – jini la kupoteza fahamu
47) Tarik – huondoa amani nyumbani, kazini. Linafanya watu wasielewane
48) Atha – mungu wa kiarabu wa kuabudu sanamu
49) Munakir – linapoteza watu kimiujiza
50) Malik – jini la kumiliki biashara
51) Ghatabu – jini la kulainisha macho wa wanawake. Wanakuwa wanarembua
52) Khatuh – jini la uchawi wa kuchukua kucha, nywele na nguo za ndani
53) Fanken – jini hili linasimamia mtu kuzunguza kiswahili cha pwani
54) Zamzam – jini la marashi na kusimamia mikataba ya imani. Mkristo anaposilimishwa basi hutupiwa jini hili kupofushwa akili yake.
55) Mukitala – linatumwa kuangalia kinga za watu
56) Laufili – jini la uvivu
57) Al-khah – linakula damu iliyoganda
58 Abasaa – jini la hasira wivu na jeuri
59) Aherumi – jini la homa za mara kwa mara
60) Muba – jini la maradhi ya kuambikiza
61) Kamariram – jini hili linatoa kinga kwa majambazi
62) Zubiran – jini la uongo na uzushi
63) Abadi – Jini la wizi, umalaya na ujambazi
64) Muzamili- jini la matambiko ya kiarabu
65) Ruhadi – jini la wizi, umalaya na umasikini
66 Usuran – jini la wizi, umalaya, ujambazi na umaskini
67)Tubuyali – jini hili linamfanya mtu kuiba vitu vya ndani ya nyumba. Haibi nje ya nyumba
68) Zirach – jini la wizi, umalaya, ujambazi na umaskini
69) Ashuran – jini la utasa na maradhi ya akina mama
Kinga ya majini haya ni nyepesi ni KUOKOKA na kusimama katika neno la Mungu. Kama unayo dalili yoyote iliyosababishwa na Majini hayo hapo juu na umeokoka, taja jina la hilo jini, ni lazima litaitika, kisha liwashie moto wa Roho Mtakatifu. Tumia Damu na Jina la Yesu kuyavunja vunja
Marko 16:17-18 inasema, "ishara hizi zitafuatana na hao waaminio; kwa jina Langu watatoa pepo...." Kila Mkristo anao uwezo wa kuwatoa pepo! Sio swala la kwamba "una nguvu" kiasi gani au jinsi gani upo "kiroho" ; cha muhimu ni kuwa Yesu Amekupa mamlaka Yake; unatembea katika jina Lake.
Kama hujaokoka usiyarushie mawe au moto yatakuumiza. Muone kiongozi yeyote wa Kanisa akuongoze sala ya toba, kisha anza kuwasha moto, hakika yatakimbia na kuacha biashara, kazi, ndoa, na watoto wako huru.
Leo basi, tumejifunza aina za Majini na jinsi ya kuyaharibu kwa Jina la Yesu alie hai.
Max Shimba Ministries
Sunday, March 7, 2021
THE QURAN IN TROUBLE (There is no sin if you write the Qur’an with urine, blood or on the skin of a dead animal)
A reputed scholar from this camp Allamah Hassan bin Mansoor Qadhi Khan unashamedly writes that:
“There is no sin if you write the Qur’an with urine, blood or on the skin of a dead animal”.
These Nasibis proudly proclaim themselves to be defenders of the Qur’an. Is this ‘respect’ for Allah (swt)’s Holy Book? May Allah (swt) disgrace these people for stating such blasphemy! One wonders how they arrived at this conclusion. Since they have an obsession with adhering to the practices of the Sahaba can they furnace any evidence that any of them wrote the Qur’an with urine? Then again these are the descendants of Mu’awiya who showed his respect for Allah (swt)’s Book by raising it on a lance during the battle of Sifeen!
Nasibis absurd assertion that to kiss the Holy Qur’an is wrong
Curiously in the recognised Dur al-Mukhtar, Volume 6 page 702 their scholars proclaim:
“It has been said that kissing the Quran is Bidah”.
This is the belief of the Nasibis of the self-proclaimed protectors of the Qur’an. In the same way the illegitimate child tries to hide his lineage these Nasibis try to hide the Fatwas of their Mufti’s. Their respect for the Qur’an is less than the respect they afford their wives. On the one hand they assert that kissing one’s wife is permissible and yet they assert that kissing the Qur’an is wrong. Writing the Qur’an with urine is permissible, whilst kissing the Qur’an is not, what a fine belief! Would any Muslim have the audacity to ‘think’ such filth let alone put pen to paper and declare it a fatwa? Certainly not, in Muslim homes the world over Allah (swt)’s book is given the respect it deserves, not touched until Wudhu is made, placed at a high place, kissed when touched, and yet these so called defenders of the Qur’an allege that it is permissible to write the Qur’an – Allah (swt)’s words with urine! What would a Kaffir think if he came across such a fatwa? Would he not ask himself ‘is this the respect that the Muslims give to a Book they deem to be God’s word?’ May Allah’s curse be upon these so-called scholars whose disrespect of the Qur’an, exceeds no bounds.
According to Deobandis Quranic verses can be attached with woman’s womb
We read in a famed Deobandi work by Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi:
“If there is fear of abortion or a woman doesn’t conceive then tie the above mentioned verses with the womb of woman. Inshallah the pregnancy will be safe and then she will conceive and will not miscarry. ”
According to Deobandis Holy Verses can be attached with a abdomen of pregnant woman
“This verse is to safeguard the pregnancy and for the protection of child from calamities and inflictions, blemishes and evil eye. Write these verses with rose-essence and saffron on skin of deer and tie it on the right abdomen of a pregnant woman. It should be tied up till the delivery. Inshallah, she will remain safe from all odds.”
Amaal e Qurani, page 54 published by Muktaba Rehmania, Lahore
Deobandi method for an easy delivery of child
“Write these verses and tie them with the right thigh of woman for easy delivery, Inshallah the delivery will become very easy but after delivery the locket should be opened and some hair of same woman should be burnt and the smoke should be passed from her private part”
Amaal e Qurani, pages 24-25 published by Muktaba Rehmania, Lahore
Holy Name for drawing sexual pleasure
“Keep reciting Al-Mughni during sex and woman will love you.”
Amaal e Qurani, page 175 published by Muktaba Rehmania, Lahore
Abdullah Ibn Umar’s Fatwa that the Quran is incomplete
Hafiz Jalaluddin Suyuti records the following:
Ibn Umar who said: ‘Verily among you people one would say that he has found the Quran whilst he is unaware of what the total quantity of the Quran was, because most of the Quran has been lost rather one should say that verily he has found the Quran that has appeared.’
Tafsir Duure Manthur, Volume 1 page 104
Nawasib swiftly pass kufr on the Shi’a claiming that we believe that the Qur’an is incomplete, whilst they have traditions that suggest that the belief of Hadhrath Umar and his son. If anyone states that to declare tahreef in the Qur’an makes you a Kaffir then there exist many personalities who are accredited by them as Imams who believed in tahreef.
Maulana Anwar Shah’s Fatwa that Tahreef has taken plave in the Quran
Prominent Deobandi Imam Sheikh Muhammad Anwar Shah Kashmiri (d. 1352 H) in his esteemed book Faiz al Bari the commentary of Sahih Bukhari writes:
“The tahreef of meanings has not taken place in a lesser amount. In my eyes, this is proved by research that the tahreef of words has taken place in this Quran. This tahreef was done either intentionally or by mistake”
Faiz al Bari Shrah Sahih Bukhari, Volume 3 page 395, Kitab al Shahadaat (Khizrah Book Depo, Deoband. India)
Quran was revealed according to the opinions of Umar
We read in Tareekh Khulfa, page 110:
Mujahid said: ‘Umar used to hold a view and Quran would be revealed with (confirmation of) it’.
We also read:
Ibn ‘Umar said: ‘When people said one thing and Umar said another, the Quran would be revealed with the like of what Umar said’.
Sex, Sexuality and the Sahaba of Prophet Muhammad
Sex, Sexuality and the Sahaba
First example – Salafi belief that the Sahaba used to masturbate
While talking about masturbation, Imam of Salafies Ibn al-Qayim records in Bada’i al-Fuwa’id, Volume 4 page 129:
“It is narrated that the companions used to do it during the battles and travels”
The amusing thing is Imam of the Deobandi Mufti Desai issued a Fatwa that masturbation is Haraam, and sought to evidence this through reliance on various high ranking Sunni opinions. This leaves the Debandies in a quandary. What will happen to their union with Salafis? They are desperate to stand shoulder to shoulder with them, demanding that reverence for the Sahaba by maintained at all costs, but how do they reconcile this with the Fatwa of Mufti Desai? They have two choices:
Option One: They disown Mufti Desai and deem him a Kaafir for issuing a fatwa that in effect deems the masturbating Sahaba to be men that indulged in a Haraam act?
Option Two: They deem the masturbating Sahaba to be gross sinners that violated the laws of Allah (swt)
The Nawasib need to decide how they wish to proceed on this. Are they prepared to urinate on the Fatwas passed by their blaspheming Imam? Or will they uphold his opinion, and distance themselves from these tight fisted Sahaba that will seriously damage the Sahaba platform that they share with the Salafis?
Second example – Muawiyah tolerated a person praising his mother’s genitalia
Sheikh Muhammad bin Qasim bin Yaqub (d. 940 H) records in his book Rawudh al-Akhbar al-Muntakhab min Rabee al-Abrar, pages 220-221:
“Muawiyah (ra) was famous for his cool temperament and no one could make him angry. Thus, one person claimed that he would make him angry. He went to him (Muawiyah) and said: ‘I would like to ask you to marry your mother to me because she had a large sweet tasting vagina.’ Muawiyah replied, ‘That is why my father loved her’. Muawiyah then ordered his treasurer to give him 1000 coins so that he might buy a slave girl for himself”.
Rawudh al-Akhbar al-Muntakhab min Rabee al-Abrar, pages 220-221
No legitimate son would tolerate any man taking about his honorable mother in this manner. Since Muawiyah was the illegitimate son of a shameless prostitute, the fifth khalifa of Ahle Sunnah must have assumed that the individual was a client taking from experience. Rather than face further humiliation, he felt it better to pay him and get him out of his sight!
Third example – Umar bin Khattab performed intercourse with a slave girl during her menses
One of the esteemed books of the Salafi & Deobandi cults namely Sunan Behaqqi, Volume 1 page 316 contains the following episode about their beloved Sahabi:
Umar bin al-Khatab may Allah be pleased with had a slave girl who used to hate men. Whenever Umar wanted to have sexual intercourse with her, she apologized by advancing an excuse that she was having a period, hence Umar thought that she was telling lie, then (when he had sexual intercourse with her) he found that she was telling the truth. He then he went to the prophet (pbuh) and He (s) ordered him to pay fifty dinars as charity.
Just observe the total disregard Umar had for this poor woman. Rasulullah (s) had stressed that men should always indulge in foreplay with their women before they proceed to sexual intercourse. Had Umar done this he would have automatically realized that the poor woman was telling the truth. He clearly did not do that, which entitles us to infer that he in effect jumped onto the poor woman and proceeded to penetrate her when she rejected his advances. He would have only realized that she was telling the truth when he entered inside her! Is this the way that women should be treated? How did the poor woman feel? Already unwell on account of her menstrual state, she was accused of lying about her condition and was then forced to have sex against her will! Is this not shameless conduct?
Fourth example – The Sahabi Umar married a woman against her will and then raped her
We read in Tabaqat Ibn Saad, Volume 6 page 195:
We have been told by Afan Ibn Muslim – Hama’d Ibn Salamah – Ali Ibn Zayd that Attika Bintu Zayd was married to Abdullah Ibn Abu Bakr, he died, but prior to his death he told her never to marry after him. She hence sat and did not marry afterwards; men asked for her hand and she refused. Umar spoke to her Guardian: ‘Mention me to her’ – so he (her Guardian) did and she refused Umar. Umar said: ‘Marry her to me’ -and so he did; then Umar came to her and restrained her physically until he subdued her, he then slept with her. When he released, he said: ‘Uff Uff Uff’.
Tabaqat Ibn Saad, Volume 8 page 265
Afan bin Muslim: Ibn Hajar said: ‘Thiqah’ (Taqrib al-Tahdib, v1 p679), Imam Al-Ejli said: ‘Thiqah’ (Tahdib al-Kamal, v20 p164), Imam Ibn Saad said: ‘Thiqah’ (Tahdib al-Tahdib, v7 p234), Ibn Qane said: ‘Thiqah’ (Tahdib al-Tahdib, v7 p234). Hamaad bin Salamah: Ibn Hajar said: ‘Thiqah’ (Taqrib al-Tahdib, v1 p238), Al-Ejli said: ‘Thiqah’ (Tahdib al-Tahdib, v3 p14), Al-Saji said: ‘Thiqah’ (Tahdib al-Tahdib, v3 p14), Yahya bin Moin said: ‘Thiqah’ (Tahdib al-Kamal, v7 p262). Ali bin Zayd: Ibn Hajar said: ‘Seduq’ (Fatah al-Bari, v11 p82). Al-Ejli said: ‘Nothing bad about him’ (Tahdib al-Kamal, v20 p438), Al-Saji said: ‘Truthful’ (Tahdib al-Tahdib, v7 p324), Yaqoob bin Shayba said: ‘Thiqah’ (Tahdib al-Kamal, v20 p438).
Our crucial observation of this tragic episode is as follows:
(1)- Atika did not want to marry Umar and she rejected his offer. Despite this rejection he still approached her Guardian who gave his blessing to the union. In Islam, a legitimate marriage has to be validated by a woman’s consent to marry the Groom, its absence in this case hence renders the marriage void. Why was Umar proceeding with a marriage that he knew the girl had not consented to? Atika went further than not giving her consent, she had made her intentions clear to Umar that she did not want to marry him! Umar’s ignoring the intention of the girls and getting the consent of her Guardian to marry proves the total disregard he had for women and the Sunnah of the Prophet (s).
(2)- On their wedding night, Umar approached her, struggled with her until he defeated her against her will, which is a disturbing move for one that Salafis deem the just / fair Commander of the Faithful. The struggle of ‘Aatika proves that she did not want Umar as her husband, otherwise, if she did Umar wouldn’t have to struggle with her, so as to consummate the marriage.
This is a shocking example of how a woman’s opinion bore no value in the eyes of Khalifa Umar. He set out with the desire to destroy her desire not to marry, and sought to do this through any means necessary, even if that involved marrying her without her consent and then raping her. Atika’s desire not to remarry following the death of her first husband can be further proven after a eulogy she recited after his death, making her intention not to marry quite explicit. This intention was so well known, that news of her remarriage surprised Imam Ali (as) who felt that something untoward had occurred. We read:
Then Umar married her in year 12, hence he made a banquet and invite a group, Ali bin Abi Talib was among them. He (Ali) said: ‘Oh commander of believers, let me talk to Atika’. He (Umar) replied: ‘Go ahead’. He (Ali) stood next to the door and said: ‘Oh you the enemy of your own self, what happened to your statement: ‘I would not let my eyes forgot the sadness for you, and would let my skin dusty’. Then she started to weep, hence Umar said: ‘Oh Aba al-Hassan, what is the reason to say such thing, all the women do this (marriage)’. He (Ali) said: ‘Allah almighty said: ‘O you who believe! why do you say that which you do not do?’ It is most hateful to Allah that you should say that which you do not do.’
Udsul Ghaba, Volume 1 page 1381 Biography of Atika bint Zaid
Istiab, Volume 2 page 107 Biography of Atika bint Zaid
What was the reason behind Imam Ali (as) seeking to publicly humiliate the poor woman in this way? It was clear that there was more to it. Imam Ali (as) was suspicious as to why she had remarried and quizzed her to ascertain the true facts, namely that she was the victim of a forced marriage. The suspicion of Imam Ali (as) was about to be confirmed as true, as can be evidenced from the fact that Atika then broke down in tears. Umar was by now fully aware that the poor woman had not given her consent and that he had raped her, which is why he quickly interjected stating that marriage is a norm for all women. This response essentially cut the conversation dead before Atika was able to open her mouth. Umar’s hasty intervention is clear proof of him seeking to hide something from Ali (as). If there was nothing to hide, why didn’t he allow his new bride to respond to the question?
Nasibis always try to convince their Western readers that in Islam, marriage is based around the doctrine of consent. This might indeed be the case but your esteemed Sahaba certainly did not see things that way. Umar’s misogynist attitude can be evidenced by the fact that he had asked for the hand of a woman that clearly did not want to marry him. Her reaction on the wedding night was such that any decent man would have sought to rectify the situation by either:
- terminating the wedding, which would have been simple after all Umar had introduced the doctrine of issuing three talaq recitals in one sittingor:
- leaving Aatika in peace. It is not uncommon for women to be apprehensive on their wedding night. Umar could have left the matter and then revisited the physical relationship when love developed between the couple.
Umar chose not to pursue either option, and in fact despite her opposition overpowered Atika and raped her. Is this how women are treated in the Salafi madhab? Is it right to deem a rapist with clear misogynistic attitude towards women to be a just / fair Islamic hero? Why should the Nasaibi object if we wish to distance ourselves from such an individual? It is all too common to read of tragic stories of fathers marrying their daughters without their consent, and these poor girls being raped by their husbands. Muslim communities residing in the West are increasingly being asked to understand the root causes of this problem so it can be addressed. Unfortunately this problem will remain as long as these communities continue to seek spiritual guidance from Khalifa Umar who partook in a forced marriage and raped his ‘bride’. If Salafis and Deobandis partake in forced marriage, one needs to understand that they are merely implementing the Sunnah of the Sahaba. Since all the Sahaba are deemed (by them) to be just and truthful, the forced marriage and marital rape undertaken by Umar should likewise be praise as a just trustworthy action.
Fifth example – The Sahabi Khawat bin Jubair Ansari raped a girl
Khawat bin Jubair Ansari was one of the companions of Holy Prophet (s) (Taqrib al-Tahdib, page 196 Biography 1759) and Sunni scholar Shaykh Salah-uddin Khalil bin Aybak al-Safadi (d. 764 H) records the following account in his famed work Al-Wafei bil Wafyat, Volume 13 page 266:
There was a woman that came to the Ukaz market holding a tin of ghee, then Khawat started talking to her so as to buy (the ghee) from her. He opened the first tin to taste it and then he gave it to her, she held it in one hand. He then opened the second tin in order to taste it and then gave it to her, she held it in the other hand. He then raped her and she wasn’t able to push him away because she didn’t want to lose the ghee. When he finished, she said to him: ‘I hope you didn’t enjoy it’.
Just look at the disgraceful conduct of this Sahabi. You often read such tragic stories in the newspapers, wherein a poor woman is duped and then raped. Here we see the rapist is a Sahabi, and Nawasib would demand that we speak of him with respect.
Sixth example – The Sahabi Umro bin Hamza performed Zina
Ibn Atheer records about him:
‘He attended Hudaybia along with Allah’s messenger (pbuh), then he went to Madina and after that he asked Prophet (s)’s permission to go back to his homeland hence He (s) granted him the permission, then he went back, while he was on his way in an area called S’awa, he saw a beautiful Arabian slave girl, then Satan whispered him till he had sexual intercourse with her.’
Usud al-Ghaba, Volume 1 page 846
Seventh example – According to Nawasib, a Sahabi namely Heet was homosexual
We read the following ‘appraisal’ of a Sahabi in two esteemed books of Ahle Sunnah:
“Heet the homosexual”
1. Usad al-Ghaba, Volume 1 page 1319
2. Al-Isaba, Volume 6 page 563
Salafis and Neo Deobandis demand that respect should be afforded to all the Sahaba, since Allah (swt) is pleased with all of them. We congratulate them for affording respect to Sayyidina Heet (ra).
Eighth example – The Sahabi Hakam bin al-Aas was homosexual
Hakam bin al-Aas, the notorious uncle of Uthman has been included as a Sahaba by Imam Ibn Hajar Asqalani (Al-Isaba, Volume 2 page 104) and Imam Dhahabi (Syar alam alnubala, volume 2 page 107). Let us read the following characteristics of this beloved relative of Uthman recorded by Allamah Damiri in his famed work Hayat al-Haywan, Volume 2 page 247:
Ibn al-Zafar said: ‘al-Hakam bin Abi al-Aas was homosexual and so was Abu Jahl’
Nineth example – The Sahabi Amro bin al-Aas offered/exposed his buttocks to his enemy in order to save his life
We read in Al-Bidayah wa al-Nihayah, Volume 7 page 293:
One day Ali attacked Amro bin al-Aas, he threw a spear and Amro fell to the ground, Amro fell to the ground and he then exposed his buttocks. Ali then turned away his face, [people said]: ‘This was Amro bin Aas’. Ali replied: ‘He showed me his anus and this made me merciful to him’. When Amro ibn Aas returned, Mu’awiya said: ‘You should praise Allah and your anus’.
Tenth example – The Sahaba love triangle
Imam Ahmed has recorded the following account of an extra marital affair that a married female and a male companion of Prophet (s). The two lovers undertook an illicit affair, in doing so they cheated on another companion of the Prophet (s) that too right during the era of Holy Prophet (s):
Anas narrates that Halal bin Umayya accused his wife of committing adultery with Shoraik bin Sehma. The Holy prophet (s) said: ‘Take care of this lady, if a baby is born to her with curly hair, eyes of this feature, and thin thighs, he belongs to Shoraik bin Sehma, if he is fair complexioned with straight hair, and sunken eyes, he belongs to of Halal bin Umayya’. When the baby was born his characteristics resembled those of the first one (namely Shoraik bin Sehma).
Musnad Ahmed bin Hanbal, Volume 19 page 435 Hadith 12450
Shaikh Shoib al-Arnaut has stated that the chain of narration is Sahih on as per the standards of Bukhari and Muslim.
Biography of Sahabi Shoraik bin Abda bin Mugheeth also known as Shuraik bin Sehma has been recorded by Imam Ibn Abdul Barr in Al-Istiab, volume 2 page 705, he was amongst combatants at Uhud. Halal bin Umaya al-Ansari partook in the battle of Badar as mentioned in al-Istiab, volume 4, page 1542. AS for the female companion at the centre of this love triangle, namely Khawla bint Asim, her biography has been recorded by Imam Ibn Hajar Aasalani in al-Isaba, volume 8, page 118 No. 1119.
Jesus said to Thomas that HE IS THE LIVING GOD
John 14 ► Peshitta Holy Bible Translated Verse 5 and 6 Thoma said to him, “Our Lord, we do not know where you are going and how can we know ...
Baba umenipa funguo muhimu katika Mathayo 16:19 za kufunga na kufungua. Ninatumia funguo hizo kufunga na kufungua, kuvunja na kubamiza kil...
Kuna watu wanapitia mateso mengi sana, wengine wamefungwa katika vifungo bila wao kujijuwa basi chukua muongozo huu utakusaidia au itasaid...
Adui anakuja kuiba, kuua na kuharibu kila kitu chetu, ni lazima kuwa tayari kupambana na maadui, tujue silaha zetu, na kutumia neno la Mun...
Twakusalimu kwa mara ingine katika jina tukufu na takatifu la Yesu Kristo Bwana wetu. Twazidi pia kukushukuru kwa ajili ...