Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Young people keen on learning from the Bible in Pakistan

There is hunger for the word of God in Pakistan. The Lord’s chosen vessels are taking time to talk about the Lord Jesus Christ and open up for scriptures who want to learn from the Bible. 

Bishop Nasir Samuel of Lahore is one who particularly takes time to explain from the Bible to those who attend the Bible study class. 

A couple of days ago, the students were taught from the book of Genesis and also about the Tabernacle in Exodus.  While preaching regularly in the church services, Bishop Nasir Samuel feels it is important to make the scriptures more plain to those who take time to attend the Bible study class. 

For those attending the class, it is a time of blessing. During the gathering, they worship the Lord Jesus Christ, praise his Name, read from the scriptures and understand it.

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