Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Open declaration for Jesus in Kanyakumari, India

Open declaration for Jesus in Kanyakumari, India.
Those who got baptized show their faith in the savior.

Jesus is Lord and savior. There is no other way to reach heaven, except by accepting his free gift of salvation. God loves everyone in the world. We are all his creation. Santhosh Kumar goes about telling everyone about this good news. 

Tirelessly working for the Lord, he braves all situations just to be able to get the gospel known to everyone. He goes to different places in the country – with language being no barrier to share the love of Jesus with those who do not know the Lord. 

On January 7, some of those who believed in the Lord and chose to follow him took baptism in Thoothoor of Kanyakumari in Tamil Nadu, India. Santhosh Kumar who hails from Kovalam in Kerala travels to different states in India, preaching about Jesus obeying his command that everyone should be told the gospel. His labour is bearing fruit as many are turning to Jesus and expressing faith in the Lord

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