Friday, September 28, 2018


Trinidad Supermarket Advertises Pork For Muslims

This selfie has been making the rounds on social media. It advertises “halal pork” for sale. For Muslims, halal is permissible or lawful to eat.

Pork is explicitly forbidden or unlawful to eat (haram) in Muslim religious law. “Forbidden to you (for food) are: dead meat, blood, the flesh of swine..”(Qur’an, 5:3). That which is forbidden by God’s Guidance in the Quran cannot be be made permissible for Muslims by any human being.

Dr Waffie Mohammed, founder and Principal of Markaz Al Ihsaan of Trinidad & Tobago, said “it is wrong and it’s unfortunate that sometimes non-Muslims do this with the intention to attract Muslim sale.” Dr. Mohammed advised the Muslim Community that their reaction should not be one of anger or emotion. He counseled that the offending party should be educated and informed to ensure that it is not repeated in the future. Dr. Waffie said the supermarket should be educated that “for Muslims that the eating of pork, drinking of alcohol and other unclean blood issues are grave sins”.

Persad’s Supermarket spokesperson Sharaz Mohammed in a Facebook post said, “Assalmu Alaikum! On behalf of my team at Persads, we do humbly apologise for the error made by a new member of staff on the wrong use of the words in the signage of the product. Being Muslim as well, I observed the sign whilst doing my routine walk through and immediately corrected the issue and also initiated a retraining on the individual responsible for making this sign. Again we do accept responsibility for what was published and systems will be put in place to ensure that such never reoccurs. To the Muslim community and by extension the national community to please accept our sincerest apologies as it was not intentional.”

This story is circulating widely on WhatsApp and was also picked up by Trinidad’s Newsday Online Edition here.

Did Muhammad Die while Making Love to Aisha?

Proof that he died during an explosive moment:
Ibn Hisham page 682:
….that he heard Aisha say: “The apostle died on my bosom during my turn: [of having sex with]. It was due to my ignorance and extreme youth that the apostle died in my arms
Narrated ‘Aisha:He died on the day of my usual turn ( of having sex) at my house. Allah took him unto him while his head was between my chest and my neck and his saliva was mixed with my SALIVA. Sahih Bukhari, Volume 7, Book 62, Number 144:
Aisha is blaming her youth and ignorance for causing Prophet’s death . Aisha’s eager cooperation excited Prophet immensely which lead to a wild session of foreplay and tongue action followed by intensive sex . Due to her inexperience she could not see the danger of an old man performing sex with a young woman during his serious illness. Timely slowing down or stopping him could have saved his life. Prophet had an expolsive climax which his old and sick heart could not handle and went in a cardiac arrest. She saw him die and slump on her bosom during his moment of extreme pleasure. ( which is not uncommon in such cases). That is why she felt guilty of causing his death..
He did not recite KALIMA at death
The hadiths indicate that instead of having kalima on his mouth like a good muslim during his last moments , prophet’s mouth was busy in tongue action and and French kissing.
Hard facts
His body must have stiffened as he died during his pleasure moment in an “as is” condition. The fact that they tried to cover him with triple shroud indicates an embarrassing bulge which they must have tried to even out by extra layers of clothings. They wouldn’t have wanted all to know what their prophet was upto when he died.
Narrated Abdullah ibn Abbas: The Apostle of Allah (pbuh) was shrouded in three garments made in Najran: two garments and one shirt in which he died. Dawood, Book 20, Number 3147
Apparently neither the three clothing layers nor the reported delay in burial helped in the situation and he was buried quietly where he was making love

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Local Muslims Stone Three Christians to Death During Protest

(International Christian Concern) – On September 22, 2018, a family in western Kenya laid one of their kin to rest after he and two other men were attacked by a Muslim mob and stoned to death. Fredrick Mukanda Bahati was a mason in Elwak, Mandera, a town close to the Kenya-Somalia border. He worked in Elwak for six months before his death.
The Muslim residents of Elwak were engaging the police after three suspected al-Shabaab militants were found killed outside of town. In retaliation, the irate protesters turned their anger toward three non-local Christians at the construction site.
A witness, who requested to remain anonymous, told International Christian Concern (ICC), “Fredrick was on top of a new house he was contracted to build. His two assistants were on the ground mixing mortar when the mob arrived in [a] hurry, chanting takbir, takbir, takbir. From a distance, I saw the men hurling construction stones towards Fredrick and his coworkers.”
He continued, “The three managed to flee into a nearby hotel for safety, although they had been badly injured. The Muslims relentlessly followed them up and stoned them to death.”
This attack came only four months after al-Shabaab militants killed four non-locals who were working at stone quarries in Mandera on May 3, 2018. Security officers in northeastern Kenya have been on high alert regarding the terrorism that has claimed over 200 Christians in the past three years.
“He always reminded us to pray and trust God even in difficult times. That is what is keeping us going after losing him.”
“I am shocked by the killing of the three innocent Christians who had come from outside Mandera county to earn a livelihood. We are not safe at all and this incident shows how Muslims hate believers in Christ. We have known it is the armed militants belonging to the al-Shabaab that kill people, but now we have discovered that even our close Muslim friends can commit atrocities against us,” said a local pastor.
Fredrick’s family laments their loss, and believes that he would not have died if police had intervened as soon as the protest began turning violent.
Wycliffe Mukanda, Fredrick’s brother, stated, “This is a sad day in our family. We have lost a man who was skilled in construction and loved all of us. He always reminded us to pray and trust God even in difficult times. That is what is keeping us going after losing him. We were expecting to see him before the end of the year but now what we have is the memories, a widow, and two children to take care of.”
He ended with a poignant question that many of us have been asking as these attacks keep recurring in Mandera, “Where were the police to protect [them]?”
For interviews with Nathan Johnson, Regional Manager, please contact Olivia Miller, Communications Coordinator:

Monday, September 24, 2018

Come to Pray, Stop to Shop': Saudis Open More Malls in Mecca

Image result for mall in mecca saudi arabia
[DUBAI] Mecca: Come to fulfill your religious duty. Stay for the shopping.
Saudi Arabia, and its developers and retailers, are set to cash in on a spending bonanza fueled by the unique position of having a city that every able-bodied Muslim in the world must visit once in their lifetime. Helped by state investment, Mecca is set to see shopping-mall space almost triple by 2025, according to Colliers International.
As part of a government plan to wean the economy off oil, the state aims to boost the number of foreign pilgrims to 30 million per year by 2030 from 7 million last year, realizing the potential of a sector that currently makes up 20 per cent of the kingdom's non-oil economy, according to Oxford Business Group.
The holy city is currently under-served by malls due to a shortage of plots and high costs, with many shoppers opting to head to nearby Jeddah, Colliers said in a report last week. But that's expected to change and mall space is set to grow to 804,000 square meters (8.7 million square feet) by 2025. Mecca's biggest developers are likely to construct a sizable portion of the future mall supply, it said.
The US$9.6 billion Jabal Omar Development Co. is already taking advantage by building homes and malls as well as a project near the Grand Mosque that will include 38 hotels and some of the country's largest malls. The kingdom's wealth fund has also jumped on the bandwagon with a new company to aid an expansion project that it says will contribute US$2.1 billion annually to the national economy. Another company likely to benefit is Makkah Construction and Development Co., which focuses on projects near the mosque.
Spending by pilgrims during the five-day Hajj season alone is set to reach US$5.6 billion by 2022, up from US$4.2 billion last year, according to a research report cited in Saudi-owned Asharq Al-Awsat newspaper. The minor Umrah pilgrimage to the city is voluntary and takes place all year around.
Mecca has undergone a transformation as Saudis seek to accommodate an ever-growing number of pilgrims that make up the vast majority of the country's tourism industry. Some of the world's biggest hotels have opened up or are under construction in the city, where towers and cranes crowd the horizon outside the world's biggest Mosque.
A project to expand the capacity of the Grand Mosque to 2.5 million people from 1.5 million has recommenced after it was halted following a crane collapse in 2015 killed more than 100 people. Other projects that stalled after a drop in oil prices hit the economy are also resuming across the country.
Revenue from pilgrims could rival and even exceed the kingdom's vast oil returns in the long term, Jabal Omar's Chief Executive Officer Yasser Al-Sharif told a conference in Riyadh last year. Oil is a commodity that can be substituted, he said, "pilgrimage is not."

Mosque Loudspeakers Catch Fire: 3 Dead…70 suffer burns

Image result for mosque loudspeaker burning
Ashura, the 10th day of Mohurram marking the martyrdom of the Prophet’s grandson Imam Hussain, turned out to be tragic as at least three persons died and around 70 mourners were burnt in different incidents across Uttar Pradesh.
Three mourners died in Ballia, one was critically injured in Gorakhpur and many more were burnt in Moradabad and Amroha.
In Moradabad, 50 mourners from Jayantipur village suffered burns when the loudspeaker mounted on top of the 16-ft tall taziyas hit electricity wires and caught fire. Thirty-six of them are battling for their lives in the district hospital. 
All the incidents followed the same pattern – tall taziyas (replica of the mausoleum of the Imam Hussain), which is symbolically buried in local Karbalas across cities, touching hanging high-tension wires and causing death and burn injuries by electrocution.
In Gorakhpur, mourners turned violent and beat up two policemen and tried to set ablaze the Bhathat police post when the taziya touched a high-tension wire.

Quran School Principal Sodomizes Nine Students…

The principal of a tahfiz centre in Kepong was detained by the police for allegedly sodomising nine students from the school.
Kuala Lumpur deputy police chief Zainuddin Yaacop said the 30-year-old suspect was nabbed a day after the police received a report from a teacher at the centre on Sept 13.
He said the report alleged that the victims were aged between 11 and 16.
"The tahfiz students informed the complainant about the acts by the 30-year-old suspect who is the principal of the tahfiz centre.
"The suspect is believed to have molested and sodomised all the victims and the case is being investigated under Section 14 of the Sexual Offences Against Children Act 2017," he said in a statement.
Zainuddin urged members of the public with any information on the case to report to the police.
"Public cooperation is vital in ensuring the well-being and security of the people and the country," he said.
Meanwhile, according to police sources, all nine students were taken to the Kuala Lumpur police headquarters to have their statements recorded before being sent to Kuala Lumpur Hospital for further examination.
All students have since be taken home by their families. 
- Bernama

Scholar: Quran Says Sky Set to 'Crack and Fall Apart' Around 2280

In a recent issue of the Apocalypse against the background of environmental degradation, climate change and the threat of a Third world war acquired unprecedented relevance. All kinds of analysts trying to predict when will happen the end of the world to understand how to act in time to save what can still be saved from global catastrophe. However, religious theorists say that the answer to this question has long been laid down in the Scriptures by our ancestors.
In particular, the famous numerologist on condition of anonymity, fear of being anathematized, said that he was able to reveal the hidden meaning of the Quran. In it, according to experts, speaks of the Apocalypse in the year 2280. Among other things, the Scripture predicts the world that “the sky will crack and collapse, mountains will be erased from the face of the earth” and “the Sun will collide with the Moon.” Studying the Muslim Holy Scriptures, he put geometricheskoe the value of the 14 Quranic initials. It turned out that the total number of 1709. According to ancient tradition, the Jews of Medina once said to prophet Muhammad that the world will last exactly so much, how many the initials in the Quran. Then they never could calculate when will be the end of the world.
Небо расколется и развалится: В Коране говорится об Апокалипсисе в 2280 году – нумеролог
Numerologist says that the count should keep it from the date of the meeting. It happened during the Hijrah, the emigration of the Muslim community under the leadership of Muhammad from Mecca to Medina. It happened in 622 ad, that is, if you believe the calculations of numerology, the Koran predicts the Apocalypse in 1710 the existence of Islam, or in the year 2280.
Небо расколется и развалится: В Коране говорится об Апокалипсисе в 2280 году – нумеролог
Numerologist admitted that many reacted to his calculations skeptical, until I found out that both numbers 1710 2280 and inclined on the 19th. As you know, in 1974, the famous Egyptian-American scholar, Rashad Khalifa found that the key dates in Islam foretold in the Quran are related to the code 19. Because of this discovery, the Caliph was anathematized by religious leaders and later killed. The expert does not want to repeat the fate of the scientist, but considers it its duty to inform the public of the coming Apocalypse.

Muslim Leader Threatens “I Swear All The Muslim Will Leave U.S If Trump Ban Sharia Law”. Do You Support This??

A prominent Muslim Leader has declared this today “I Swear All The Muslim Will Leave U.S If Trump Ban Sharia Law”.

Did Trump really banned Sharia Law in the United States?
Actually, In contrast to what most websites publish Trump confirmed that the ban would not apply to Muslim citizens of the U.S. seeking to re-enter the country after traveling abroad.
The only thing is that President Trump’s executive order, issued on 28 January 2017, barred entry into the U.S. of nationals from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen for 90 days. On 3 February 2017, 
U.S. District Judge James Robart suspended the ban on a nationwide basis.
A day later, the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals denied the Trump administration’s request to stay Robart’s ruling.

Saturday, September 22, 2018


For a free PDF tract of this page please click on this link, or find it along with instructions on our dedicated tract page at this link.

Ramadan or ramazan is the month throughout which Muslims "fast" during daylight hours. The term "fast" is in quotation marks because many Muslims spend more money on foodduring the month during which they "fast" than any other month of the year, because they feast on more sumptuous fare in greater quantities than normal, before sunrise and after sunset.

From Arab News: "Religious scholars, through their sermons, have advised Muslims in the Kingdom not to waste food during the holy month of Ramadan, when food is prepared in large quantities and the leftovers go waste.
Abdulrahman Bakri, an Islamic scholar said: “During Ramadan, there is always a major increase in food wastage not only in the Kingdom but also other countries across the Gulf. At iftar parties or banquets during Ramadan, the leftover food usually goes waste and wealthy hosts have no qualms about throwing them away."

Matthew 6:16 Moreover when ye fast, be not, as the hypocrites, of a sad countenance: for they disfigure their faces, that they may appear unto men to fast. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward. 17 But thou, when thou fastest, anoint thine head, and wash thy face; 18 That thou appear not unto men to fast, but unto thy Father which is in secret: and thy Father, which seeth in secret, shall reward thee openly.

Rarely will we find such a large group of people so committed to engaging in an activity, about which they know so little. The same can be said about their knowledge of the origins of other Islamic rituals, like the Hajj and Umrah, even though much can be learned through Islam's own books. For example Muhammad's followers and the Arabian pagans performed the Hajj shoulder to shoulder right up until the year before Muhammad's last Hajj, when Muhammad kicked the pagans out of the ritual that they had developed and practiced in Mecca before Muhammad was even born:

Sahih Bukhari Volume 2, Book 26, Number 689: Narrated Abu Huraira: In the year prior to the last Hajj of the Prophet when Allahs Apostle made Abu Bakr the leader of the pilgrims, the latter (Abu Bakr) sent me in the company of a group of people to make a public announcement: 'No pagan is allowed to perform Hajj after this year, and no naked person is allowed to perform Tawaf of the Kaba.'

Some of Muhammad's closest followers didn't like to perform the Saee of al-Safa and al-Marwah, for example, because they knew it had been a ritual of Arabian jinn-devil worship:

Sahih al-Bukhari 2 Book 26 710 Narrated 'Asim: I asked Anas bin Malik: "Did you use to dislike to perform Tawaf between Safa and Marwa?" He said, "Yes, as it was of the ceremonies of the days of the Pre-lslamic period of ignorance, till Allah revealed: 'Verily! (The two mountains) As-Safa and Al-Marwa are among the symbols of Allah. It is therefore no sin for him who performs the pilgrimage to the Ka'ba, or performs 'Umra, to perform Tawaf between them.'" (2.158)

The vast majority of Muhammad's followers have not bothered to investigate where the tradition of Ramadan came from other than to believe that, like everything else in Islam, Muhammad engaged in it and/or instructed his followers to. The excerpts that follow are from the 20-year full-time study of Dr. Rafat Amari, and his resulting book "Islam: In Light of History", as also reported in his website paper "Ramadan and its Roots" at the Religion Research Institute:

"Ramadan, the ninth month of the Islamic calendar and the rigid observance of thirty days of fasting during the daylight hours, has pagan roots developed in India and the Middle East. The observance of fasting to honor the moon, and ending the fast when the moon’s crescent appears, was practiced with the rituals of the Eastern worshippers of the moon. Both Ibn al-Nadim and the Shahrastani tell us about  al-Jandrikinieh, an Indian sect which began to fast when the moon disappeared and ended the fast with a great feast when the crescent reappeared[i][1]"

"The Sabians, who were pagans in the Middle East, were identified with two groups, the Mandaeans and the Harranians." (the paper goes on to detail the Mandaeans)

"The other group, considered as Sabians, were the Harranians. They worshipped Sin, the moon, as their main deity, but they also worshipped planets and other deities. The Sabians were in contact with Ahnaf, an Arabian group which Mohammed joined before claiming to be a prophet."

"In Mecca, the Ahnaf were called Sabians because of the doctrines they embraced. Later, when Mohammed claimed to be a prophet, he was called a Sabian by the inhabitants of Mecca because they saw him performing many Sabian rites which included praying five times a day; performing several movements in prayer that were identical with the Mandaeans and the Harranians; and making ablution, or ceremonial washing, before each prayer. In the Qur'an, Mohammed called the Sabians “people of the book” like the Jews and Christians.

Ramadan was a pagan ceremony practiced by the Sabians, whether they were Harranians or Sabians. From the writings of Abu Zanad, an Arabic writer from Iraq who lived around 747 A.D., we conclude that at least one Mandaean community located in northern Iraq observed Ramadan[ii][2].

Ramadan was Originally an Annual Ritual Performed at the City of Harran. Similarities Between the Ramadan of Harran and the Islamic Ramadan.

Although the fasting of Ramadan was practiced in pre-Islamic times by the pagans of Jahiliyah, it was introduced to Arabia by the Harranians. Harran was a city on the border between Syria and Iraq, very close to Asia Minor which, today, is Turkey. Their main deity was the moon, and in the worship of the moon, they conducted a major fast which lasted thirty days. It began the eighth of March and usually finished the eighth of April. Arabic historians, such as Ibn Hazm, identify this fast with Ramadan.[iii][3]"

"The pagan Arabians in the pre-Islamic Jahiliyah period fasted in the same way Muslims fasted, as originally directed by Mohammed. Pagan Arabian fasting included abstinence from food, water, and sexual contact – the same as practiced by Islam. Their fasting also was done in silence. There was to be no talking, not even for a short period of time such as one day, or a longer period of time of a week or more.[xii][12]  The Qur’an points to the same kind of fasting when, in Surah 19, it describes God instructing the Virgin Mary to say that she vowed to fast before God, which also meant she couldn't speak to anyone[xiii][13]. The Arabian practice of keeping silent during the fast noticeably influenced the customs of the Qur’an. We are told that Abu Baker approached a woman among the pagan worshippers in Medina. He found her fasting, included abstinence from speaking.[xiv][14]  Fasting was a serious matter for the Arabians, enforced with laws requiring severe penalties for failing to abstain from talking. Ramadan in Islam is a continuation of this kind of fasting."

Bing something like - girlfriend should not talk to boyfriend during ramadan - (through which you will also discover that even the concept of girlfriend and boyfriend is haram in Islam!)

Next Bing something like - ramadan moon sighting - to find websites that report such as: "Muslim faithful all over the country begin tonight a nationwide sky watch to monitor the rising of the crescent moon signaling the end of the holy month of Ramadan."

Wikipedia: "This annual observance is regarded as one of the Five Pillars of Islam.[4] The month lasts 29–30 days based on the visual sightings of the crescent moon, according to numerous biographical accounts compiled in the hadiths.[5][6]"

Another: "This means that Muslims around the world await with great anticipation the announcement that the new moon – known as the ‘hilal’ in Arabic – has been sighted. The excitement is greatest ahead of the crescent which will herald the first of Ramadan, topped only by the new moon which marks Eid ul Fitr, the celebration that takes place on the first day of the month after Ramadan, and marks the end of the month of fasting."

Please note that "Hilal" means crescent, and is a root of the name of the Arabian pagan's deity "Allah", as explored on that dedicated page. So while Muslims do not believe they worship the moon, and some may not even realize that "Allah" was the name of an Arabian pagan deity, Muhammad's own father was named "Abdullah" - meaning slave of "Allah" - long before Muhammad was born let alone was moved to invent his anti-Gospelreligion of Islam.

It cannot be reasonably denied that the Islamic ritual of Ramadan, in which Muhammad's followers engage, was first developed by pagan Arabian moon worshipers. Arabian pagan moon, sun, star and jinn-devil worshippers also engaged in the Hajj and Umrah in Mecca, during the century before Muhammad was born.

It cannot be denied that Muhammad's followers prostrate themselves toward the very same black stone idol, that Muhammad's tribe the Quraish venerated, before Muhammad was ever born. The Quraish pagans did not worship their black stone idol - but veneratedit - as representing one of their pagan deities, and from the etymology of the name "Allah", perhaps their moon god. Nor do Muhammad's followers worship the Quraish pagan's black stone idol, but it cannot be denied that they venerate it, as representing Muhammad's "Allah":
venerate (Mirriam-Webster)
1:  to regard with reverential respect or with admiring deference
2:  to honor (as an icon or a relic) with a ritual act of devotion

One thing should be painfully obvious, at least to "people of the book", as Muhammad referred to us. Islamic rituals such as Ramadan and the Hajj and Umrah, certainly weren't ordained by the one true God of the scriptures of the Jews and Christians. Indeed YHWH moved Abraham to smash ALL of his father's idols, not all of his father's idols ..... except one to maintain for veneration. And as Christians are warned:

1Corinthians 10:14 Wherefore, my dearly beloved, flee from idolatry.

It would seem not coincidentally, for this same group that proudly identifies themselves with the seed of Ishmael:

Romans 9:7 Neither, because they are the seed of Abraham, are they all children: but, In Isaac shall thy seed be called. 8 That is, They which are the children of the flesh, these are not the children of God: but the children of the promise are counted for the seed.

Galatians 4:22 For it is written, that Abraham had two sons, the one by a bondmaid, the other by a freewoman. 23 But he who was of the bondwoman was born after the flesh; but he of the freewoman was by promise. 24 Which things are an allegory: for these are the two covenants; the one from the mount Sinai, which gendereth to bondage, which is Agar. {that is Hagar} 25 For this Agar is mount Sinai in Arabia, and answereth to Jerusalem which now is, and is in bondage with her children. 26 But Jerusalem which is above is free, which is the mother of us all.

John 8:36 If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.
Religion Research Institute Materials by Dr. Rafat Amari (URL)

There is much more information on Ramadan included in the very informative paper "Ramadan and its Roots". The preceding quotes were provided to begin to introduce Muhammad's followers, to the apparent origins of Islamic so-called "tradition", in that the Sabians:

1. prayed five times a day
2. performed ablution
3. prostrated while praying
4. fasted during daylight hours for 30 days, ending by observation of the crescent moon
5. wore long white robes

Many more informative papers by Dr. Rafat Amari, with much of the information credited to Islam's own authors, are available at the Religion Research Institute.

Regarding Muhammad:

Regarding Mecca:

Regarding the Hajj:

Of particular importance at this juncture are Dr. Amari's papers regarding the  one true God of the Jews and Christians - YHWH - and the Messiah, Yeshua, Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world.

Regarding Christ

[i][1] Ibn Al Nadim, Al-Fahrisit, page 348
[ii][2] Abdel Allah ibn Zakwan Abi al-Zanad. See  Ibn Qutaybah, 204;Cited by Sinasi Gunduz, The Knowledge of Life, Oxford University, 1994, page 25
[iii][3] Ibn Hazm, I, page 34; quoted by Sinasi Gunduz, pages 167-168
[xii][12] Jawad Ali, al-Mufassal, vi, page 342
[xiii][13] al-Allusi, Ruh' al-Maani 16; page 56 ; Tafsir al-Tabari, 16, page 56
[xiv][14] Qastallani Ahmad ibn Muhammed, Irshad al-Sari, 6: 175; Ibn Hagar, al-Isabah 4:315


To our Muslim friends, and could-become brethren, we encourage you to ask your Imams the following numbered questions. If you are shy about asking him directly, we prepared a PDF that you can access at this link (print both sides and Z-fold in two directions), and leave where he may discover it, and perhaps be moved to address the points through his own initiative:

1. Ask your imam to present you with some historical or archaeological evidence that suggests that Mecca existed before the 4th century AD (Besides trotting out the usual anecdotal misunderstanding of 18th century Edward Gibbon of Ptolemy, and early 20th century A. J. Wensinck). Bearing in mind that Arabia has one of the best preserved archaeological records on earth, because the low rainfall reduced degradation of the archaeological evidence. There are many ancient towns to which the historical and archaeological records of Arabia attest, that also attest to each other, and even to small Arabian towns that came and went over a couple of centuries prior to the Christian era.

2. Ask your Imam how there came to be such a massive historical and archaeological record of Jerusalem, in the Holy Land of the prophets and patriarchs - where there are a million artifacts on display - while the epicenter of Islam being Mecca has none, yet is supposed to have predated Jerusalem, with Adam credited with having built the Kaaba.

3. Then ask your Imam why Abraham would abandon his wife Sarah - and his son Isaac in whom God made His covenant - in Hebron (where Muslims visit and continue to desecrate Abraham's grave to this day) to wander across 1200 kilometers of harsh barren desert, with Sarah's bondwoman Hagar and her son Ishmael, to the place where Mecca was eventually settled in the 4th century AD.

4. Then ask your Imam how Abraham traveled across 1200 kilometers of unexplored, uncharted, untraveled desert, with Sarah's bondwoman Hagar and her son Ishmael, most of a millennium before the historical record tells us the first caravan route was established along the Red Sea in Arabia.

5. Did Hagar again wander over 1000 kilometers from Mecca to Egypt, to fetch Ishmael his Egyptian wife, and the two of them wander back to Mecca together?

6. Then ask your Imam how Ishmael was able to travel back across that same 1200 kilometers of unexplored, untraveled, barren desert wasteland, to join his brother Isaac in time for their father Abraham's burial in Hebron.
Theological Questions (URL)

In terms of theology, it is important to preface with the fact that by Muhammad's 7th century, the Gospel had been translated into every popular language, had been copied many tens of thousands of times, and had been read all over the known world for centuries. In that context:

7. How does your Imam reconcile the fact that Muhammad proclaimed the exact oppositeof the whole subject of the Gospel, while at the same time instructing Christians to believe in what is revealed in the Gospel?

Surah 5:47 Let the people of the Gospel judge by what Allah hath revealed therein.If any do fail to judge by (the light of) what Allah hath revealed, they are (no better than) those who rebel.

8. How does he reconcile Muhammad's followers denying the Son of God, in spite of the hundreds of verses in scripture that proclaim the Son of God and His Father, even after Muhammad proclaimed:

Surah 5:68 Say: "O People of the Book! ye have no ground to stand upon unless ye stand fast by the Law, the Gospel, and all the revelation that has come to you from your Lord." It is the revelation that cometh to thee from thy Lord, that increaseth in most of them their obstinate rebellion and blasphemy. But sorrow thou not over (these) people without Faith.

9. How does your Imam reconcile rejecting remission of sin through the shed blood of the sacrifice of the Lamb of God, the whole subject of the Gospel and essentially the whole Bible, while teaching that the first drop of blood shed by a Muslim so-called "martyr"- who is killed inadvertently while engaged in the slaughter of imperialistic conquest, of innocents defending their families and lands - may provide propitiation for the sins of 70 of his relatives.

This even after Muhammad described the Gospel thus:

Surah 48.29 ... This is their similitude in the Taurat; and their similitude in the Gospel is: like a seed which sends forth its blade, then makes it strong; it then becomes thick, and it stands on its own stem, (filling) the sowers with wonder and delight. As a result, it fills the Unbelievers with rage at them. Allah has promised those among them who believe and do righteous deeds forgiveness, and a great Reward.

In light of Muhammad's untypically astute observation, consider what's going on in Nigeria and all around the rest of the world, with the vast majority of Christians martyredaround the world, by the hand of Muhammad's followers.

10. Since there were no Islamic books in Muhammad's day, how does your Imam justify modern day Muslim's claims of "corruption", since Muhammad proclaimed:

Surah 80.13 (It is) in Books held (greatly) in honour, 14 Exalted (in dignity), kept pure and holy,15 (Written) by the hands of scribes- 16 Honourable and Pious and Just.

11. Why are a massive 71 out of only 114 chapters in the Quran subject to abrogation, even though the Quran was revealed to a solitary man without witnesses, and only over the short span of just 23 years?

12. Why did Muhammad switch the qibla of his followers from Jerusalem to Mecca, and why did he switch his "holy day" from the Sabbath to Friday? That is, other than to spite the Jews who rejected him as a prophet, of their great God YHWH.

13. How can a follower of Muhammad do as Muhammad's "Allah" instructed him to do, and "believe in" "the scripture which He sent to those before" Muhammad, if they have never even read them? Why not read the Gospel of John right now at this link?
Or watch the movie on Netflix, or watch a YouTube of it (look for the full version)?

Surah 4:136 O ye who believe! Believe in Allah and His Messenger, and the scripture which He hath sent to His Messenger and the scripture which He sent to those before (him). Any who denieth Allah, His angels, His Books, His Messengers, and the Day of Judgment, hath gone far, far astray.

14. Bearing in mind the preface to this theology section, since Muhammad's followers are supposed to "believe in" the scriptures that were sent down before Muhammad, how could there be any harm in reading them? Which leads us to the next question to ask your Imam.

15. What spirit would be behind a follower of Muhammad being subject to the death penalty under the law, for choosing to leave the anti-religion of Islam, in Iran, Pakistan, Somalia, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Qatar, Yemen and Mauritania, and could be imprisoned for the same in Egypt, UAE, Malaysia, Jordan and Morocco (for 15 years!)?

16. What spirit would be behind the Gospel being banned or restricted in 53, primarily Islamic, nations around the world?

17. What spirit would be responsible for "Sunni Muslim terrorists" committing “about 70 percent” of the 12,533 terrorist murders around the world last year, according to the National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC)? (That's for the year 2011, and doesn't even include Shiite Muslim terrorist murders.)

18. What spirit was responsible for Muhammad's "Allah" bestowing on him all the wives and concubines he desired, but only for him?

19. What spirit was responsible for Muhammad's "Allah" bestowing on him one-fifth of all the "spoils of war" and "booty" stolen from others, when Abraham with whom Muhammad wished to be associated, given the very same set of circumstances following his conquest of the Sodomites that was ordained directly by God, specifically refused the spoils of war when the vanquished invited him to take them?

20. What spirit made Muhammad behave in a way that was the opposite of that of Jesus?
Jesus healed the lame so they could walk.
Mohammed brought lameness to the walking. Bukhari V4 B52 #261 "...they were brought, and he had their hands and feet cut
Jesus brought sight to the blind.
Mohammed brought blindness to the seeing. "...then he ordered for nails which were heated and passed over their eyes..."
Jesus brought the dead back to life.
Jesus was crucified.
Muhammad crucified:
Quran 7:124 "Surely I shall have your hands and feet cut off upon alternate sides. Then I shall crucify you every one."
Jesus brought the dead back to life
Mohammed mass murdered the living:
Tabari VIII:38 "The Messenger of Allah commanded that all of the Jewish men and boys who had reached puberty should be beheaded.

What should all of the numbered points above communicate to Muhammad's followers about Muhammad and his alter-ego "Allah" through which he served himself? What spirit is involved?

Let alone the thousands of questions that could be asked from the hadith like:
Bukhari B58, #188 Narrated 'Amr bin Maimun: During the pre-lslamic period of ignorance I saw a she-monkey surrounded by a number of monkeys. They were all stoning it, because it had committed illegal sexual intercourse. I too, stoned it along with them.

Since this was pre-Islam how did Muhammad know what the monkeys were stoning their fellow she-monkey for, let alone what constitutes "illegal sexual intercourse" for a she-monkey to commit, and who determined the law in that regard in the first place? Is this where Islam's tradition of stoning people for immoral sexual behavior came from!

Please keep checking back as this list will continue to be expanded, regarding the perfectly opposite nature of Islam to the Gospel, as well as Muhammad to Jesus.

If you live in the Middle East cradle of Muhammad's anti-religion, you likely already know that rather than offer you answers, your Imam will instead put your name on a list of aspiring "apostates" to keep an eye on, possibly resulting in a death sentence. Why do you suppose that is? Because your Imam is walking in truth, or is terrified of truth? It would be interesting to hear the replies of those Imams in western societies, where freedom of speech is still a little bit protected, and thus far folks aren't sentenced to death for their speech as in Islamic countries like Pakistan and Saudi Arabia.

The answer to all of the above questions is, of course, that there is not a shred of evidence that suggests that Mecca ever existed before the 4th century AD. The entirety of Islamic so-called "tradition" regarding suggestion of a history of Mecca prior to the 4th century AD, was all created and put to the pen in the 7th to 10th centuries AD, without reference to any actual historical record from prior to the 5th century.

Islamic "tradition" that masquerades as 4500 years of a pre-4th century history of Mecca, that is in its entirely directly contrary to the actual historical record and fulfilled prophecyas bequeathed to us through the scriptures of the Jews and Christians. The record of the ONE true God YHWH, as revealed through all of the prophets and witnesses in His 1600 year record to mankind, that His people have followed through two covenants, for 3500 years.

1John 1:3 That which we have seen and heard declare we unto you, that ye also may have fellowship with us: and truly our fellowship [is] with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ.

The false prophet Muhammad's followers compose the only anti-a-specific-religion group of people on earth.

Please do your own due diligence. Web search - historical record mecca - or - archaeological record mecca.

ASK YOUR IMAMS. If you are afraid to, that should communicate to you everything that you need to know. Here's why:

John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

Jesus said to Thomas that HE IS THE LIVING GOD

John 14 ► Peshitta Holy Bible Translated Verse 5 and 6 Thoma said to him, “Our Lord, we do not know where you are going and how can we know ...