In the Name of GOD, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
At the very beginning of the Last Millennium in Human history, by GOD`s will, I did count the Letter Qaf which is the first letter of the Quran. Apply. After research, I witnessed the number 666 (11:17) and witnessed the awesome Message ; "ALLAH, Lailaheillallah" , (66 , 165) , "GOD, There is no other God beside GOD"
Only one letter can easily destroy the disbelievers, hypocrites and idol worshipers and increase their sadness. Only one letter can easily guide the sincere and intelligent one in the right path by GOD`s will.
The number 666 is highly publicized all over the world and it is associated with evil and danger. However, it is not what it seems. It was a Satanic trick. The trick was to prevent the people approaching the 666. Satan knew that the 666 is the book of GOD and the people should be kept away from it. According to his plan, he placed a bad image to the number 666.
He did the same plan to the number 19 which is the mathematical code of the book of GOD. He associated his religion, Bahaism with the number 19 in order to mislead the people from the truth.
Satan's mission is to make tricks and to hypnotise the people in order to capture as many souls as he can till the End of the world.
With his agents, he changed and added verses to Torah, invented new books as Talmud ; Mishnah and Gemara beside Torah, made his own religion, Jerusalem centered Judaism.
With his agents, he changed and added verses to Gospel, destroyed the source, the original Gospel. Today's Gospel is Greek while the language of Jesus was Hebrew. The name of Jesus (isa) was changed in to Christ. Agent Paul worked for Christianity. Therefore, he made the Church his Temple and made his own religion, Vatican centered Christianity.
With his agents, he added verses to the Quran after Muhammad`s death. He added verses of 128 and 129 in to Sura 9. He invented new books, Hadith and Sunna beside the Quran. He tried to do the same plan to Islam. He used his agent Marwan ibn al Hakam (died 65 AH/684 AD) to destroy the original written by Muhammad. He did hide the mathematical code, the proof of the Quran, the number 19. He made his own religion, Mecca centered so called islam.
GOD knows what Satan plans and HE plans the best. All plans are in the hand of GOD. GOD is sending His Messengers to purify His Religion, Islam and His Book, The Quran. GOD's religion, Islam shall dominate all other religions. GOD and His Messengers shall win.
Internet , www , which enables connecting people with each other and sharing any information play an important role to deliver The Message of GOD, The Book of GOD, The Quran, 666 and its Proof, 19. The letter w is in Arabic Vav and its Gv is 6. Therefore, www becomes 666. www , World Wide Web is a gift from GOD to humanity that they can talk, watch, read, share, listen anything. 666 , The Quran is a gift from GOD to humanity that it guides to the right path which leads to Heaven. The proofs shall be the evidences that this Quran is the 666 that Satan, his religions, his temples especially the Church are afraid of. The Quran is the 666 and GOD preserves the 666 with the number 19.
6 is the first perfect number in mathematics. It is the only number that the sum of its factors and also the product of its factors equal to the number itself.
1 + 2 + 3 = 6 1 x 2 x 3 = 6
We read in the Quran that GOD created the Heavens and the Earth and all in between in 6 days. The creation of biological life on this earth is based on Carbon. Carbon has 6 electrons. Carbon is the 6th element in the Periodic table.
The First pair of consecutive primes that differ by 6 are 23 and 29. 23 is 9 th prime no and 29 is 10 th prime no : 9 + 10 = 19 The number 19 is mentioned in 74:30 as in arabic "tisate aser" and it gives two numbers ; 9 & 10
The Gematrical Value of the name of GOD (ALLAH) is 66. The opening statement of the Quran ;
In the Name of GOD, Most Gracious , Most Merciful G.Value : 2,60,40,1,30,30,5,1,30,200,8,40,50,1,30,200,8,10,40
The G.value of this statement is 786. It has 19 letters. The number 7 is 4 th prime no, 8 is 3 rd composite no and 6 is 2 nd composite no :
7 + 4 + 8 + 3 + 6 + 2 = 30
The number 30 is 19 th composite no and the number 19 is placed in verse 30 in Sura 74.
7,4 + 8,3 + 6,2 = 2 19
2:19 is the verse where 19 th letter Qaf is placed.
In the opening statement, the Digital no is 33 and digital total is 66. The number 66 is 33 rd even no.
66,33 + 786 = 74 19
The Gv of 74:19 including Basmalah is 666. This verse has 10 letters and the number 19 is 10 th odd no. The number 74 is 37 th even no and 19 th odd no is 37.
66 is the smallest number which is the sum of two primes in 6 different ways. 61+5 = 66 , 59+7=66, 53+13=66, 47+19=66, 43+23=66, 37+29=66
Amazingly, when looking at the Quran, at these 6 verse numbers, there are 9 times the word of GOD, 66.
61 + 5 + 59 + 7 + 53 + 13 + 47 + 19 + 43 + 23 + 37 + 29 + 6 + 9 , 66 = 1368 (684 x 2) (19x72)
61,5 + 59,7 + 53,13 + 47,19 + 43,23 + 37,29 + 9 , 66 = 20262 (66x307)
At 3:7, there is 289 th word of GOD and 289 is Gv of "ALLAHUAKBAR". The number 37 is 19 th odd no. Human being is GOD's creation and human body temperature in Celcius is 37. Add the verse no with the Quran, 666 ; 666 + 37 = 703 (19x37)
The number 37 is 12 th prime no and 12 th composite number is 21 : 1221 The Gv of 74:30 is 1221. 67 is 19 th prime no and 67 th number 19 is placed in verse 30 which is 19 th composite no , in Sura 74. Adding the digitals of number 37 ; 3 + 7 = 10 and the number 19 is 10 th odd no. Adding of The First (Alpha), 1 and The Last (Omega), 9 numeral is also 10.
The number 666 is mentioned in Torah and Gospel. 10:14 in the First Book of the Kings and 9:13 in the second book of the chronicles are the same. It is a fact that the Queen of Sheba who became a submitter sent a gift of 666 talents of gold to King Solomon, the prophet. Sending a gift is a sign of a good intention.
The third occurrence of 666 is in Ezra 2:13 which is about the Children of Adonikam. This refers to freeing the captives when Cyrus the king of Persia defeated the Babylonians in 539 BC. There were 666 members to the family of Adonikam who were back to the city of Jerusalem. Israelites were given the gift of freedom. Liberty is a good sign.
Three times mentioned above gives us the good sign and a gift.
The number 666 mentioned in the book of Revelation 13:18 is a part of a satanic scheme to hypnotise the minds of Christians. It is intended to cast fear and evil. The reason is to create the negative prejudice in the minds of the people when they witness the number 666, the truth. The truth is that This Quran is the 666 , The Book from The Lord of the Universe.
The number 666 was mentioned as a gift in 3 times ;
666 x 3 = 1998
In the Quran, sura 19 has 98 verses ; 1998 1998 is the year that the 666 with its warning is delivered to the Turkish society. The cover of the Artý Haber Magazine dated 17.1.1998 in English :
" There are no Satanic verses in this Quran."
The Satanic verses, 9:128-129, are out of the Quran by the Miracle of 19. Therefore , there are no satanic verses in this Quran and This Quran is 666. The Message was delivered in the will of GOD. 666 - The Quran & 19 - The Proof
85:21-22 …In fact, it is a glorious Quran, in a preserved Master Tablet.
Gematrical value of these two verses are 452 and 1168 respectively.
85 + 21 + 452 + 22 + 1168 = 1748 (19x92)
92 is the G.Value of the name Muhammed, through whom the Quran was revealed. In this system, the Digital total is 47 which directs to Sura Muhammed. 41:26 points out This Quran that the disbelievers reject.
666 + 41 26 = 47 92
Place the number 666 next to G.value of these verses.
666 452 1168 (19x350764272)
666 + 85 + 21,452 + 22,1168 = 243371 (19x12809)
The number of letters of these two verses are 13 and 10 respectively.
85 + 452,13 + 1168,10 = 162108 (684x237) (19x8532)
85 + 21,13 + 22,10 = 4408 (19x232)
GOD is protecting the Quran, 666 , (15:9) with the number 19 (74:30). Between 15:9 and 74:30, there are 3742 Qaf letters in the Quran, 666.
666 + 3742 = 4408 (19x232)
44:8 points the fact of "Lailaheillahu", "There is no other God beside Him."
666 + 85 + 21 + 13 + 22 + 10 = 817 (19x43)
GOD is doing everything (8:17). The number 8 is 3 rd composite no and 17 is 7 th prime no : 3 & 7 The number 37 is 19 th odd no. The largest prime factor of 666 is 37 ; (37x18) There are 12 prime numbers till 37 and sum of them is 197.
12 + 197 = 209 (19x11)
When adding the numbers up to the number 36, the result will be 666. Sura 36 (YaSin) is the 19 th sura among 29 suras that are prefixed with Quranic initials. Among these suras, YaSin (36) is the only one that when we place the sura number (36) and the verse number (1) in which the initials are mentioned side by side, it is a multiple of 19.
36 1 (19x19)
36 + 1 = 37 and the number 37 is 19 th odd no. Sum of odd numbers till 37 is 361 (19x19). If we add the Quran, 666...
666 + 36 + 1 = 703 (19x37)
Let`s add the sura no (36), the number of verses including basmalah (84), the G.v of Ya (10), and the G.v of Sin (60).
36 + 84 + 10 + 60 = 190 (19x10)
The title of Sura 74 in the Quran is ‘Hidden Secret’. This secret refers to the Mathematical Miracle of the Quran and its common denominator , 19. The year of the discovery of the Miracle was 1974. The first verse in this Sura says, "O you hidden secret.". From this verse, 74:1, inclusive, to the end of the Quran, there are 741 verses (19x39). Therefore, 74:1 is addressing the secret of the Quran and the Quran is 666.
666 + 74 + 1 = 741 (19x39)
The total digits of the numbers above are ; 6 + 6 + 6 + 7 + 4 + 1 = 30 30 is the verse number of this Sura (74:30) that mentions the number 19.
GOD swears that this is one of the great miracles ; 74:32,33,34,35
666 + 74 + 32 + 33 + 34 + 35 = 874 (19x46)
666 + 7432333435 = 7432334101 (19x391175479)
Gematrical value of these verses are 428, 985, 1180, 363 respectively. Number of letters of these verses are 9, 11, 13, 14 respectively.
74 + 32 + 428 + 9 + 33 + 985 + 11 + 34 + 1180 + 13 + 35 + 363 + 14 = 3211 (19x169)
3211 is the Gv of 7:62 where The Quran, 666 and its proof, 19 has been mentioned numerically. In this verse, the total verse no where the word of GOD placed is 66619.
666 + 74 + 32 + 428 + 33 + 985 + 34 + 1180 + 35 + 363 = 3830 (383x10)
383 is Gv of al Quran , The Quran and the number 19 is 10 th odd no. 3:164....GOD has blessed the believers by raising in their midst a Messenger from among them, to recite for them His revelations and to purify them, to teach them the scripture and wisdom...
666 + 3 164 = 3830 (383x10)
The number of the suras in the Quran is 114 (19x6). As a result of permutation, we get two additional numbers : 141 and 411
114 + 141 + 411 = 666
The Quran, 666 , is a gift from GOD and it is under His Protection (15:9). The number 15 is 8 th composite no and number 9 is 4 th composite no : 8 & 4 Also, 15+14+13+12+11+10+9 = 84 There are 84 times the number 19 in the Quran ; 82 times as verse no, 1 time as sura no and 74:30
666 15 9 (19x35061)
In the Quran, 666 , in 15:6 , this reminder (zikr) refers to the mathematical miracle of the Quran.
666 + 156 = 822
822 is the sum of 29 sura numbers that are prefixed with Quranic initials. It reminds the people about the End of the World which shall be in 2280. The time was revealed through 29 sura numbers that are prefixed with Quranic initials.
In the Quran, 666 , the First verse is ; In the Name of GOD, Most Gracious , Most Merciful This important statement consists of 19 Arabic letters. The G.value of this verse is 786.
666 786 (19x35094)
6:114...Shall I seek other than GOD as a source of law, when He has revealed to you this book fully detailed? Those who received the scripture recognize that it has been revealed from your Lord, truthfully. You shall not harbor any doubt.
666 + 6 + 114 = 786
In the Qaf table, there is 786 th word of GOD at 786 th verse, in the Quran.
The Missing Basmalah of Sura 9 in the Quran, 666 , is placed in 27:30.
666 27 30 (19x350670)
666 + 27 + 30 + 786 = 1509
GOD knew that Satanic verses shall be added to Sura 9 and that's why He did not place His seal, Basmalah at the beginning of the Sura 9 but He placed it at 27:30. Herewith, He protected His Book, The Quran (15:9).
The First Sura in the Quran, 666 , is Praise. This sura is the gift of GOD to us to establish Contact with Him through our daily Contact Prayers. The G.value of this sura is 10143.
666 10143 (19x3505797)
In the Quran, 666 , there are 114 suras and the sum of the sura numbers is 6555. There are 6234 numbered verses in the Quran.
666 6555 6234 (19x3508713486)
Lets concatenate the sura-verse numbers in the Quran and add them all. (17+2286+…..+9127+……….+1146 = 7 14 114 )
15:87…. "We have given you the seven pairs and the Great Quran." We know that the 7 pairs, the 14 sets of the Quranic initials were the components with which the End of the World (2280 AD - 1710 AH) was discovered in the year 1980.
666 + 714114 = 714780 (19x19x1980)
50:1 points out the letter Qaf which is the first letter of the Quran.
666 + 50 + 1 = 7 17.........7 th prime number is 17
Let's look at the first 7 prime numbers : 2,3,5,7,11,13,17 Let's take its Pairs : 2x2, 3x3, 5x5, 7x7, 11x11, 13x13, 17x17 Now, lets sum of Pairs of the first 7 prime numbers :
2x2 + 3x3 + 5x5 + 7x7 + 11x11 + 13x13 + 17x17 = 4 + 9 + 25 + 49 + 121 + 169 + 289 = 666
Indeed, sum of Pairs of the first 7 prime numbers gives the result of 666, The Quran.
The Quran, 666 was revealed to Muhammed, 92 in the year 610.
666 + 92 + 610 = 1368 (684x2) (19x72)
684 is Gv of "el Quran el Kerim", the Honorable Quran.
The Quran was revealed through Muhammad (92) in the 27 th night of the month of Ramadan (9). 97:1......"We revealed it in the night of Destiny." If we add the Quran (666), the sura-verse number (971) and Gv of Muhammad (92)
666 + 971 + 92 = 1729 (19x91)
97:1 has 5 words and 20 letters. Gv of 97:1 is 695.
97 + 1 + 5 + 20 = 123
666 + 97 1 + 5 + 695 = 2337 (19x123)
The number 123 is 92 nd composite no.
Sura 97 has 5 verses and it is made of 30 words and 111 letters.
97 + 5 + 30 + 111 + 27 + 9 = 27 9
Gv of sura 97 is 6721.
97 + 5 + 6721 + 27 + 9 = 6859 (19x19x19)
Sura 97 has 5 verses and it is made of 111 letters and the Gv of the Sura is 6721.
97 + 5 + 6721 + 111 + 92 + 27 + 9 = 7062
Total verse no where the word of GOD placed in 7:62 is 666 19. 7062 is 66 x 107 and 107 th word of GOD is placed in the verse of 165....the Gv of "Lailaheillallah", There is no other God beside GOD.
32:2… "The Book is, without a doubt, a revelation from the Lord of the Universe." The Book is This Quran , 666.
666 + 322 = 988 (19x52)
In the Quran, 666 , there are 3 suras which have 19 verses. These are sura 82, 87, 96
666 + 82 + 19 + 87 + 19 + 96 + 19 = 988 (19x52)
The title of Sura 98 in the Quran is the Proof and it has 8 verses. Gv of sura 98 is 28108.
666 + 98 + 8 + 28108 = 28880 (19x19x8x10)
The number 19 is 8 th prime no and 10 th odd no.
We have seen the number 666 as a gift in Torah ; The First Book of the Kings 10:14 and The Second Book of the Chronicles 9:13, where the queen sent 666 talents of gold to King Solomon as a gift. In the Quran, 666 , there is a mention of this gift in 27:35.. "I am sending a gift to them………"
666 + 2735 = 3401 (19x179)
27:35 has 39 letters and 8 words.
666 + 27 + 35 + 39 + 8 = 775
775 is Gv of el Muddessir (sura 74), The Hidden Secret. 4:105...We have sent down to you the scripture........
666 + 4 + 105 = 775
34:44.. "We did not give them any other books to study………." It points at no other book but the Quran, 666 , which the sincere believers should study as they are commanded by GOD and should follow its contents. 34:44 has 47 letters and 11 words.
666 + 34 + 44 + 47 + 11 = 802
802 is Gv of 74:1..."O you hidden secret."
666 + 34 + 44 = 744
74:4..."Purify your garment." 744 is pointing at the Purified Quran : The Quran without the two false verses 9:128-129, the Satanic verses are out of The Quran, 666.
666 + 74 + 4 + 9128129 = 9128873 (19x480467)
In the letter Qaf that I witnessed, there are 7032 times of the letter Qaf placed in 3749 verses in 109 suras. These 3 numbers give the result of the numbers of 66 and 165. Totally 5 numbers I witnessed in the letter Qaf.
109 + 3749 + 7032 = 10890 (66 x 165)
Let's add these 5 numbers ; 109,3749,7032,66,165
109 + 3749 + 7032 + 66 + 165 = 111 , 21
The numbers 111 and 21 have a incredible proof. Let's look at the Gv of Bahattin Uzunkaya , 468 102, according to Gematrical value sequence.
Gv : (Bahattin) 2 , 5 , 1 , 400 , 10 , 50 (Uzunkaya) 1 , 6 , 7 , 6 , 50 , 20 , 1 , 10 , 1 Sequence : 2 , 5 , 1, 22 , 10 , 14 1 , 6 , 7 , 6 , 14 , 11 , 1 , 10 , 1 Total : 54 57 111
The Digital total of Gv : 4 + 6 + 8 + 1 + 0 + 2 = 21
On the other hand, including Basmalah, Sura 111 has 6 verses and total of verse numbers is 21 (1+2+3+4+5+6=21). Sura 111 has 100 letters and the Gv of letter Qaf is 100. Sura 111 has 6 verses ; 111 x 6 = 666 , The Quran Sura 6 verse 111 is 666 th verse in the Qaf table. The number 666 is written mathematically as : 6 x 100 , 6 x 10 , 6 x 1 Adding the factors gives the result of the number 111 (100+10+1). We say "ALLAHUAKBAR" 111 times in daily contact prayers. Adding all the factors gives the result of 18 (6+6+6) and 111 (100+10+1). Sura 18 has 111 verses and 18 x 111 = 1998 (666x3)..The Year that The Message "This Quran" delivered. In sura 111, there are 3 times 6 which is the letter vav : 36 The total numbers up to 36 is 666 and it points Triple (3) 6 which gives 6+6+6 = 18 The number 36 is 18 th even no and also 3 rd even no is 6. The number 36 is 6 x 6 and Sura 111 has 6 verses and it is 6 th revelation to Muhammed. In sura 111, 6 th letter is the letter Lam, 30 ; 6 + 30 =36 In sura 111, there is only one verse which has 6 words ; it is 111:3. 111:3 has made of 6 words and 19 letters. 111 + 3 = 114 and 6x19 = 114......The Quran that is made of 114 suras. The Gv of sura 111 with 6 verses is 6217.
666 + 111 6 + 6217 = 79 99 (19x421)
1998 was the year that the Message "This Quran" delivered and 1999 was the year that GOD's retribution as Quake was upon the disbelieving community, Turkiye. The number 79 is the Gv of Quake, "Zelzele" and 99 is the Sura Quake. It was GOD's judgment. The Digital no is 11 and digital total is 43. 11:43 indicates the fact of GOD's judgment upon disbelieving community. The disbelieving community rejected His Messenger and the Message of One God. 11 + 43 = 54....the Gv of "ilahuvahid" , "One God". Including basmalah, Sura 99 has 9 verses and it is made of 175 letters and 40 words. 1999 was the year of the rise of GOD's Messenger, 570.
99 + 9 + 175 + 40 + 570 = 893 (47x19)
47:19 indicates the fact of "Lailaheillallah", "There is no other God beside GOD" The disbelieving community rejected the Message of 19 and suffered its consequence as Quake on 17.8.1999. The Gv of Sura 99 is 17393.
99 + 9 + 17393 + 175 + 40 + 17 + 8 + 1999 = 19740 (1974x10)
10 th odd number is number 19 which is revealed in 1974. Indeed, they rejected His Messenger.
666 + 99 + 9 + 17393 + 175 + 40 + 17 + 8 + 1999 = 20406 (19x1074)
10:74 indicates the fact of disbelievers who reject His Messenger. GOD supported His Messenger on 17.8.1999.
666 + 99 + 9 + 175 + 40 + 17 + 8 + 1999 = 3013
3:13 indicates the fact of GOD's support on His Messenger. GOD made His Messenger a witness with the letter Qaf and the number 666. In Qaf table, 3:13 has 570 th Qaf letter. In this verse, there is 245 th word of GOD. GOD shall support His Messenger and the believers for the year 2014 which shall be Victorious Year by GOD's will.
17393 + 17 8 + 1999 + 570 = 20140 (19x1060) (2014x10)
10 th odd number is number 19 which is revealed in 1974 and 2014 shall be the 40 th year of it. The age of 40 is maturity year and it is placed in 46:15.
46 15 + 40 = 4655 (19x245)
46 15 + 40 + 2014 + 570 = 7239 (19x381)
3:81 is the verse where the 666 th letter Qaf is placed at the word of "misak", Covenant.
Praise be to GOD, Most High, be Glorified
1 comment:
Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is 666.
I'm looking at the HUGE list of calculations. Do you think that's the kind of counting that God had in mind??? The gymnastics you went through to obtain the 666, is worthy of the gold medal.
I'm no fan of Islam.
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