Al-Hadis, Vol. 3, p. 137, Abu Sayeed al-Khodri reported that Mohammed was talking to a group of women when he said, "... I see the majority of you will go to Hell." The women asked why, to which Mohammed responded, "You often curse and are ungrateful to your companions." He then told them they had a basic defect in their religion, to which they responded, "How?" Mohammed answered, "Is not the attestation (knowledge and witness) of a women only worth half of a man's? And that is on account of her short intelligence." Attested by agreement
It is clear that Mohammed thought of all women as half-wits. This is no doubt why he forbid a man to walk between two women in Al Hadis, Vol. 1, p. 586 (64). The two women would become the equal of the man. That would be terrible to Mohammed who saw women, mentally, as children. Perhaps that is why he often favored his nine year old wife, Ayesha, and avoided his older wives.
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Al Hadis, Vol. 2, p. 692, Ibn Ma`sud reported from the Messenger of Allah who said, "A woman is like a private part (sex organ). When she goes out (walking) the devil casts a glance at her (in lust). Attested by Tirmizi.
To Mohammed, a woman was a walking vagina, which tells us more about his own mind than about women.
It is also clear that, to Mohammed, women were for one main use, copulation. This is why he required women to be completely covered from head to toe-- otherwise he had no control over his lusts. It is only reasonable that a walking vagina should be totally covered, right? This is what Al Koran, Sura 4:34 is talking about when it demands women obey their husbands and "guard what Allah has guarded" when their husbands are away. Nowhere, in Islam, in Al Koran or Al Hadith, is a Muslim man told to guard his private parts for his wife's sake! Read that again please. He can use his private parts anywhere he wants, even in sodomy with boys, without much rebuke from Allah.
Some writers claim that Mohammed gave no hope to Muslim women in Paradise. Not so, and here is their hope,
Al Hadis, Vol. 1, p. 211 (60), Omme Salmah reported that the messenger of Allah said, "Any female (wife or concubine) who dies while her husband was pleased with her will enter Paradise." Attested by Tirmizi.
This is clarified in the very next
Al Hadis, Vol. 1, p. 211 (61), Tal qe-b-Ali reported that the Messenger of Allah said, "When a man calls his wife to satisfy his desire, let her come to him though she is occupied at the oven." Attested by Tirmizi.
So a wife can be certain of heaven if she is in the act of servicing her husband when he dies. Does this not explain why Mohammed's wives fought over him every night? Copulation is a sure ticket to Paradise. David Moses or the Children of God cult also taught this, as did Joseph Smith of Mormonism.
Mohammed expanded this:
Al Hadis, Vol 1, p. 220, Anas reported that the Messenger of Allah said, "When a woman says her five prayers, fasts her month, obeys her husband, and guards her private parts, let her enter Paradise by whichever door she likes." Attested by Abu Naveem.
Mohammed gives one Gospel or Injil for women other than that they provide a pure and eager vagina to your husband. What lofty spirituality! Indeed, lofted upon the Islamic phallus! Let us hear no more of this rubbish from the Mullahs about how well Islam treats its women.
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