Saturday, June 30, 2018

Al Hadis, Vol. 2, p. 657, Oqbah-b-A`mer reported that the Messenger of Allah said, "The most equitable of the conditions of marriage is that you should fulfil that (dowry) with which you have made private parts lawful. Agreed.
In other words, the dowry is payment to use the wife's private parts.
In No. 57 of p. 659, Mohammed said that a handful of barley or dates is enough.
Next, we see how some sponsor is to give the bride away in order to be Sunnat, or lawful.

Al-Hadis, Vol. 3, p. 137, Abu Sayeed al-Khodri reported that Mohammed was talking to a group of women when he said, "... I see the majority of you will go to Hell." The women asked why, to which Mohammed responded, "You often curse and are ungrateful to your companions." He then told them they had a basic defect in their religion, to which they responded, "How?" Mohammed answered, "Is not the attestation (knowledge and witness) of a women only worth half of a man's? And that is on account of her short intelligence." Attested by agreement
It is clear that Mohammed thought of all women as half-wits. This is no doubt why he forbid a man to walk between two women in Al Hadis, Vol. 1, p. 586 (64). The two women would become the equal of the man. That would be terrible to Mohammed who saw women, mentally, as children. Perhaps that is why he often favored his nine year old wife, Ayesha, and avoided his older wives.
Page 190
Al Hadis, Vol. 2, p. 692, Ibn Ma`sud reported from the Messenger of Allah who said, "A woman is like a private part (sex organ). When she goes out (walking) the devil casts a glance at her (in lust). Attested by Tirmizi.
To Mohammed, a woman was a walking vagina, which tells us more about his own mind than about women.
It is also clear that, to Mohammed, women were for one main use, copulation. This is why he required women to be completely covered from head to toe-- otherwise he had no control over his lusts. It is only reasonable that a walking vagina should be totally covered, right? This is what Al Koran, Sura 4:34 is talking about when it demands women obey their husbands and "guard what Allah has guarded" when their husbands are away. Nowhere, in Islam, in Al Koran or Al Hadith, is a Muslim man told to guard his private parts for his wife's sake! Read that again please. He can use his private parts anywhere he wants, even in sodomy with boys, without much rebuke from Allah.
Some writers claim that Mohammed gave no hope to Muslim women in Paradise. Not so, and here is their hope,
Al Hadis, Vol. 1, p. 211 (60), Omme Salmah reported that the messenger of Allah said, "Any female (wife or concubine) who dies while her husband was pleased with her will enter Paradise." Attested by Tirmizi.
This is clarified in the very next
Al Hadis, Vol. 1, p. 211 (61), Tal qe-b-Ali reported that the Messenger of Allah said, "When a man calls his wife to satisfy his desire, let her come to him though she is occupied at the oven." Attested by Tirmizi.
So a wife can be certain of heaven if she is in the act of servicing her husband when he dies. Does this not explain why Mohammed's wives fought over him every night? Copulation is a sure ticket to Paradise. David Moses or the Children of God cult also taught this, as did Joseph Smith of Mormonism.
Mohammed expanded this:
Al Hadis, Vol 1, p. 220, Anas reported that the Messenger of Allah said, "When a woman says her five prayers, fasts her month, obeys her husband, and guards her private parts, let her enter Paradise by whichever door she likes." Attested by Abu Naveem.
Mohammed gives one Gospel or Injil for women other than that they provide a pure and eager vagina to your husband. What lofty spirituality! Indeed, lofted upon the Islamic phallus! Let us hear no more of this rubbish from the Mullahs about how well Islam treats its women.
Ayatollah Khomeini admonishes men-- on the use of the Libido:
A man can have sexual pleasure from a child as young as a baby. However, he should not penetrate; sodomising the child is OK. If the man penetrates and damages the child then he should be responsible for her subsistence all her life. This girl, however, does not count as one of his four permanent wives. The man will not be eligible to marry the girl's sister. Ayatollah Khomeini It is better for a girl to marry in such a time when she would begin menstruation at her husband's house rather than her father's home. Any father marrying his daughter so young will have a permanent place in heaven. Ayatollah Khomeini A man can have sex with animals such as sheeps, cows, camels and so on. However, he should kill the animal after he has his orgasm. He should not sell the meat to the people in his own village; however, selling the meat to the next door village should be fine. Ayatollah Khomeini (Quotes above are from Khomeini's book, Tahrirolvasyleh, vol. 4, Darol Elm, Gom, Iran, 1990, Source: Homa) If one commits the act of sodomy with a cow, an ewe, or a camel, their urine and their excrements become impure, and even their milk may no longer be consumed. The animal must then be killed and as quickly as possible and burned. Ayatollah Khomeini (From The Little Green Book: Sayings of Ayatollah Khomeini, Political, Phylosophica, Social and Religious, with a special introduction by Clive Irving, ISBN number0-553-14032-9, page 47 Source: Homa) Eleven things are impure: urine, excrement, sperm... non-Moslem men and women... and the sweat of an excrement-eating camel. Ayatollah Khomeini (From The Little Green Book, Source: Harwood's Mythology's Last Gods, 175) |
Mohammed's libido

Much has been written about the libido, or sexual zeal, of Mohammed. In this section you will see the prophet at his most depraved. No person under fifteen years of age should read this section.
Dear Muslim reader, you will now have to face the side of Islam which is most revolting. I hope by now you have seen that something is very wrong in Islam, which cannot be hidden by the high-toned words of the Mullahs. In spite of Arab revisionists, the Koran, Hadith, and history expose Mohammed to the serious seeker for what he really is. I hope this picture will cause you to flee into the arms of The Lord Jesus Christ who will never embarrass you like this Mohammed.
Here is the foundation of Islamic sexual doctrine-- Mohammed's massive libido:
Sahih Bukhari Narrated Qatada: Anas bin Malik said, "The Prophet used to visit all his wives in a round, during the day and night and they were eleven in number." I asked Anas, "Had the Prophet the strength for it?" Anas replied, "We used to say that the Prophet was given the strength of thirty (men)." And Sa'id said on the authority of Qatada that Anas had told him about nine wives only (not eleven). Volume 1, Book 5, Number 268.
Narrated Muhammad bin Al-Muntathir: on the authority of his father that he had asked 'Aisha about the saying of Ibn 'Umar (i.e. he did not like to be a Muhrim while the smell of scent was still coming from his body). 'Aisha said, "I scented Allah's Apostle and he went round (had sexual intercourse with) all his wives, and in the morning he was Muhrim (after taking a bath)." Volume 1, Book 5, Number 270.
Fazlul Karim Maulana, Book 002, Number 0557: Hazrat Anas (Radiyallahu Anhu) reported: A Bedouin (villager) urinated in the mosque. Some of the persons stood up (to reprimand him or to check him from doing so), but the Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi WaSallam) said: Leave him alone; don't interrupt him. He (the narrator) said: And when he had finished, he called for a bucket of water and poured it over.
Muslim (8:3309) - Muhammad consummated his marriage to Aisha when she was only nine. (See also Bukhari 58:234 and many other places). Bukhari (6:298) - Muhammad would take a bath with the little girl and fondle her.
Bukhari (93:639) - The Prophet of Islam would recite the 'Holy Qur'an' with his head in Aisha's lap, when she was menstruating.
Bukhari (6:300) - Muhammad's wives had to be available for the prophet's fondling even when they were having their menstrual period.
Tabari IX:137 - "Allah granted Rayhana of the Qurayza to Muhammad as booty." Muhammad considered the women that he captured and enslaved to be God's gift to him.?
Bukhari (62:137) - An account of women taken as slaves in battle by Muhammad's men after their husbands and fathers were killed. The woman were raped with Muhammad's approval.?
Abu Dawud 38:4458 - Narrated Ali ibn AbuTalib: “A slave-girl belonging to the house of the Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) committed fornication. He (the Prophet) said: Rush up, Ali, and inflict the prescribed punishment on her. I then hurried up, and saw that blood was flowing from her, and did not stop. So I came to him and he said: Have you finished inflicting (punishment on her)? I said: I went to her while her blood was flowing. He said: Leave her alone till her bleeding stops; then inflict the prescribed punishment on her. And inflict the prescribed punishment on those whom your right hands possess (i.e. slaves)”.
Sahih Bukhari 7.18 Narrated 'Ursa: The prophet asked abu Bakr for 'Aisha's hand in marriage. Abu Bakr said "but I am your brother." the prophet said, "you are my brother in Allah's religion and his book, but she (Aisha) is lawful for me to marry."
Sahih Bukhari volume 5, book 58, number 234 Narrated Aisha: the prophet engaged (married) me when I was a girl of six (years). We went to medina and stayed at the home of Bani-al-Harith bin Khazraj. Then I got ill and my hair fell down. Later on my hair grew (again) and my mother, um ruman, came to me while I was playing in a swing with some of my girl friends. She called me, and I went to her, not knowing what she wanted to do to me. She caught me by the hand and made me stand at the door of the house. I was breathless then, and when my breathing became alright, she took some water and rubbed my face and head with it. Then she took me into the house. There in the house I saw some ansari women who said, "best wishes and Allah's blessing and a good luck." then she entrusted me to them and they prepared me (for the marriage). Unexpectedly Allah's apostle came to me in the forenoon and my mother handed me over to him, and at that time I was a girl of nine years of age.
So, many years later, the Islamic scholars came up with an explanation, though they had NO clue if they were right or not. They were not there in Mohammed's day:
The permanent committee for the scientific research and fatwahs (religious decrees) reviewed the question presented to the grand mufti Abu Abdullah Muhammad al-Shemary, the question forwarded to the committee by the grand scholar of the committee with reference number 1809 issued on 3/8/1421 (Islamic calendar). After the committee studied the issue, they gave the following reply:(Suhayli, ii. 79: in the Riwaya of Yunus i. I. Recorded that the apostle saw her (Ummu'lfadl) when she was a baby crawling before him and said, 'if she grows up and I am still alive I will marry her.' but he died before she grew up and sufyan b. Al-aswad b. 'Abdu'l-asad al-Makhzumi married her and she bore him rizq and lubab… [Ibn Ishaq, The Life of Muhammad, Karachi, p. 311]
"As for the prophet, peace and prayer of Allah be upon him, thighing his fiancée Aisha. She was six years of age and he could not have intercourse with her due to her small age. That is why [the prophet] peace and prayer of Allah be upon him placed his [male] member between her thighs and massaged it softly, as the apostle of Allah had control of his [male] member not like other believers."
Muhammad saw Um Habiba the daughter of Abbas while she was fatim (age of nursing) and he said, "if she grows up while I am still alive, I will marry her." (Musnad Ahmad, number 25636)
Narrated 'Aisha: The prophet and I used to take a bath from a single pot while we were junub. During the menses, he used to order me to put on an izar (dress worn below the waist) and used to fondle me. While in itikaf, he used to bring his head near me and I would wash it while I used to be in my periods (menses).
Sahih Bukhari volume 1, book 4, number 231: Narrated Sulaiman bin Aasar: I asked 'Aisha about the clothes soiled with semen. She replied, "i used to wash it off the clothes of Allah's apostle and he would go for the prayer while water spots were still visible. "
Bukhari (5:268) "The prophet used to visit all his wives in a round, during the day and night and they were eleven in number." I asked Anas, 'had the prophet the strength for it?' Anas replied, 'we used to say that the prophet was given the strength of thirty men. "
Quran 65.4: "A man can marry a girl younger than nine years of age, even if the girl is still a baby being breastfed. A man, however is prohibited from having intercourse with a girl younger than nine, other sexual acts such as foreplay, rubbing, kissing and sodomy is allowed. A man having intercourse with a girl younger than nine years of age has not committed a crime, but only an infraction, if the girl is not permanently damaged. If the girl, however, is permanently damaged, the man must provide for her all her life. But this girl will not count as one of the man's four permanent wives. He also is not permitted to marry the girl's sister."
I remind you that the Hadith, sayings of Mohammed, presented here are not of a lower authority than the Quran itself. The Hadith are actually much more important to Muslims than the Quran for codes of life and social rules.
It seems to me that the behavior of Muhammed would get him arrested in almost any nation on earth today except in Islamic nations. During his life, Mohammed was simply living as the filthy merchants of Mecca and south Arabia lived long ago. To you Muslims who read here, I invite you to consider the holiness of Jesus Christ and the Bible.
Tuesday, June 26, 2018
EXCLUSIVE: US freezes Palestinian aid budget

ers that US assistance to the West Bank and Gaza “that directly benefits the PA” be suspended unless the Secretary of State certifies that the Palestinian Authority has met four conditions: terminating these payments to terrorists, revoking laws authorizing this compensation, taking “credible steps” to end Palestinian terrorism, and “publicly condemning” and investigating such acts of violence.
The Taylor Force Act was passed as part of an omnibus $1.3 trillion spending bill on 23 March 2018. It was named for the US army veteran who was murdered by a Palestinian terrorist in Jaffa in March 2016, in an attack that injured eleven people.
A Senate Foreign Relations Committee aide told i24NEWS, “Our understanding is that US funding to the West Bank and Gaza is on hold pending an administration review.”
A US Embassy spokesperson told i24NEWS that assistance to the Palestinians remains under review at US President Donald Trump's direction.
"While the Taylor Force Act restricts aid to the Palestinian Authority, with very limited exceptions, the Palestinian Authority has the ability to ease those restrictions by ending the abhorrent policy of inciting violence against Americans and Israelis through payments to terrorists and their families," the spokesperson said.
Separately, i24NEWS understands that the West Bank and Gaza office of USAID -- the American international development agency -- has not received its budget for the upcoming fiscal year and therefore has not been able to put its projects out to tender.
The funding freeze has caused the suspension of certain programs run by international agencies. An official at the HALO Trust, which performs landmine clearance operations in the West Bank, told i24NEWS that it had suspended operations because the United States had stopped transferring funds at the end of May, leaving a major funding shortfall.

The withholding of USAID’s total budget as well as third-party projects means the administration is taking an expansive interpretation of what assistance “directly benefits” the PA, viewing humanitarian projects that would otherwise need to be paid for by the PA as constituting direct assistance to that organization.
A Palestinian official confirmed the report, saying the Trump administration had told the PA in mid-January 2018 that it was reexamining its Palestinian aid budget. He said the United States had informed the PA after the emergency Organization of Islamic Cooperation meeting in Istanbul in mid-May, which convened in protest at the relocation of the US Embassy to Jerusalem and the situation in Gaza, that the assistance had been put on hold and placed under review.
The head of the PLO General Delegation to the US, Dr. Husam Zomlot, neither confirmed nor denied the report, saying only that if Washington decides to cut funding to the PA it would damage American interests in region and its vision of a two-state solution.
"If the US freezes its funding it means its freezing its vision," Zomlot told i24NEWS, calling any decision to freeze funding "very regrettable" and "very harmful and damaging to the US's interests and its allies' [interests]."
Zomlot further stated that "using financial means as a political tool and financial pressure as a political tool does not work," adding that such a move would not hinder the PA's legitimacy in the region.
"What will be affected is peace, not us," Zomlot asserted.

AP Photo/Evan Vucci, File
The United States was, until now, the world’s largest financial backer of the PA. Although it did not provide the PA direct budgetary assistance, unlike the European Union, it contributed massive funds for humanitarian projects in the West Bank and Gaza Strip as well as for UNRWA, the UN’s Palestinian refugee agency.
The total aid budget requested by the State Department for fiscal years 2018 and 2019 stood at $215 million annually for projects designed to boost the Palestinian economy, develop infrastructure, and boost institutional capacity among other goals.
The suspension of this aid means the Secretary of State has not certified that the Palestinian Authority has taken the steps the Taylor Force Act demanded. Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas has defended these payments as “social responsibility”.
The committee aide also confirmed that the State Department has submitted to Congress its criteria for determining assistance that directly benefits the Palestinian Authority, as the act required. The US State Department declined to share this unclassified report.
The PA has long had a policy of paying stipends to convicted terrorists in Israeli jails and to the families of dead militants. In 2017, the total budget for “prisoners’ payments” stood at $345 million, equivalent to half of the international contributions to the PA’s budget. The stipend is pegged to the length of the convicted terrorists’ prison sentences, meaning it is indirectly pegged to the severity of the crime.
The Trump administration slashed US payments to UNRWA in January 2018. UNRWA says $305 million have been withheld, plunging the agency into its “largest funding crisis ever” and forcing it to scramble for emergency contributions from other nations.
The funding cut comes at a time of an unprecedented diplomatic crisis between the United States and the PA, which is boycotting Trump administration officials and rejecting in advance the Israeli-Palestinian peace plan they intend to launch soon.
Eylon Levy is the i24NEWS investigative reporter. Follow him on Twitter @EylonALevy.
Senior Middle East Correspondent Mohammed al-Kassim and Junior Middle East Correspondent Emily Rose contributed to this report.
Monday, June 25, 2018
SOMO LA 1 Ufafanuzi: 2 Petro 1:19-21
Tunapoanza kuangalia Biblia na ujumbe wake unasemaje hebu
kwanza tujibu baadhi ya maswali ya kawaida yaliyoulizwa.
“Biblia Takatifu” maana yake nini?
Neno “Biblia limetoka katika neno la Kiyunani ‘biblos’
likiwa na maana “Kitabu”. “Takatifu” ni
neno lenye maana ‘weka kando” au “tenga”, likiwa ni jambo lililowekwa kando au
limeweka wakfu kwa ajili ya Mungu kwa hiyo kuitwa “Biblia Takatifu”hiki kitabu
kiliitwa hivyo kwa sababu kilionekana kuwa ni neno la Mungu lililovuviwa,
kilitengeka kabisa toka katika vitabu vingine vyote vilivyowahi kuandikwa.
Biblia iliandikwa lini?
Kwa kweli Biblia ni mkusanyiko wa vitabu au maandiko ambayo
yaliandikwa kipindi kirefu takribani miaka 1600 na waandishi wengi
tofauti. Vitabu vya kwanza viliandikwa
na Musa karibu 1500 KK, ambapo cha mwisho kiliandikwa na Yohana Mtume kuelekea
mwisho wa karne ya kwanza.
Kwa sababu gani Biblia imegawanyika katika Agano la Kale na
Kama tukitazama orodha ya majina ya vitabu kabla ya dibaji
tunaona kwamba Biblia ina vitabu 66. Waliofasiri waligawa hivi vitabu katika
Agano la kale na Jipya miaka mingi baada ya kuwa vimeandikwa. Agano la Kale
lina vitabu 39 vilivyoandikwa kwa kiebrania kabla ya kuzaliwa Kristo. Agano jipya lina vitabu 27 vilivyoandikwa
katika lugha ya Kiyunani –Kigriki baada ya Kristo.
Mahali gani ilipoandikwa Biblia?
Palikuwa na watu wengi ambao Mungu aliwachagua kuiandika
Biblia zaidi ya muda wa kipindi kirefu.
Ingawa zaidi waliandika wakiwa katika nchi ya Israeli, walikuwepo baadhi
kama Daniel na Ezekieli walioandika wakiwa Babeli na wengine kama Mitume
walioandika wakiwa katika majimbo tofauti ya dola ya kirumi. Ukweli wa kushangaza ni kwamba ingawa Biblia
iliandikwa kwa kipindi hicho kirefu, sehemu nyingi tofauti na waandishi wengi,
ujumbe wake ni kwa kulingana sawa na umekuwa mmoja. Hali hii peke yake inaonyesha kwamba Mungu
ndiye aliyekibuni.
Ni jinsi gani Mungu aliwafanya hawa watu waandike Biblia?
Kuna ushahidi mwingi katika Biblia unaotuambia namna Mungu
alivyofanya ujumbe wake unakiliwe. Mtume
Petro anaeleza jinsi hii” … hakuna unabii katika maandiko upatao kufasiriwa
kama apendavyo mtu Fulani tu. Maana
unabii haukuletwa popote kwa mapenzi ya mwanadamu; bali wanadamu walinena
yaliyotoka kwa Mungu, wakiongozwa na Roho Mtakatifu (2 Petro 1:20 –21).
Petro anaeleza ya kwamba Mungu aliteua watakatifu au watu
wenye kumcha Mungu ambao kwao akawajulisha nia yake. Hawa watu waliandika
ujumbe ambao walipokea toka kwa Mungu.
Haya maandishi yaliyounganika yamekuwa kitabu tunachokifahamu kuwa ni
Ni kwa sababu gani Biblia iliandikwa?
Swali hili linajibiwa na mtume Paulo namna hii. “Kila
andiko, lenye pumzi Mungu, lafaa kwa mafundisho, na kwa kuwaonya watu makosa
yao, na kwa kuwaongoza, na kwa kuwaadibisha katika haki ili mtu wa Mungu uwe
kamili, amekamilika apate kutenda kila tendo jema” / 2 Timotheo 3:16 – 17).
Kwa sababu hiyo Biblia ilitolewa ili kumfundisha mwanadamu
kuhusu Mungu na kusudi lake, na
kumwongoza katika njia ya maisha yampendezao Mungu na kuwapa thawabu wale wenye
Ni jinsi gani tunaweza kuthibitisha ya kwamba Mungu yupo na
kwa kweli Biblia ni Neno lake?
Hili ni swali lenye busara sana lakini jawabu halitatanishi
wala si gumu kulifahamu, maana Mungu mwenyewe alitazamia, naye ametoa jawabu
sehemu nyingi katika Biblia. Moja kati
ya hili ni katika unabii wa Isaya:-
Maana mimi ni Mungu wala hapana mwingine, mimi ni Mungu wala hapana
aliye kama mimi, nitangazaye mwisho tangu mwanzo, na tangu zamani za kale mambo
yasiyotendeka bado; nikisema, shauri langu litasimama, nami nitatenda mapenzi
yangu yote” (Isaya 46: 9-10).
Tazama kadhia ambazo Mungu ametoa hapa:
Yeye peke yake ni Mungu wala hayupo mwingine. Ikiwa hii ni kweli basi Mungu wa Biblia peke
yake ndiye Mungu wa ulimwengu, na kwa hiyo dini zote nyingine zenye kudai
kumwabudu Mungu Mwingine sio za kweli.
Aweza kujulisha mambo yajayo. Tunafahamu kwa kuona kwamba hakuna mtu wa
kumtegemea awezaye kujulisha yajayo.
Katika Biblia Mungu anajulisha kabla matukio ambayo ni vigumu kubashiri,
kunena kibinadamu lakini yametokea kwa usahihi kabisa.
Anauweza kutimiliza aliyoeleza habari zake kabla ya kutokea.
Sio tu anauwezo wa kujulisha habari ya mambo yajayo, bali pia kuhakikisha
yanatimia kwa wakati wake.
Kutokana na hili twaona kwamba Mungu ametoa njia iliyo
rahisi sana ambayo kwayo mtafutaji halisi wa ile kweli aweza kupata jawabu la
swali “Je! Yupo Mungu na Biblia ni neno lake? Hatutakiwi kuwa na akili nyingi mno
au wenye elimu vizuri ili kutafuta jibu.
Inategemea upande wetu kuwa wanyoofu katika kupima mambo kwa maneno ya
akili ambayo yameonyeshwa katika Biblia. Unabii ulio katika Biblia
unathibitisha kwa nguvu kadhia yake kuwa ni pumzi ya Mungu. Kwa kifupi tutaona baadhi ya unabii rahisi na
kupima dai la Mungu kwamba aweza kujulisha yajayo.
Ukweli Mwingine wa kukumbuka
Biblia Agano la Kale ni dhahiri lilikamilika zaidi ya miaka
200 kabla ya kuzaliwa Kristo. Septuagint
(Tafsiri ya Kiyunani Agano la Kale) inatoa ushahidi wa kihistoria kuhusu jambo
Gombo la Bahari ya Chumvi linasaidia katika kujua tarehe ya
Agano la kale.
Ya kwamba Yesu Kristo aliwahi kuishi alihubiri Injili na
kuuawa hayo yote yamesemwa dhahiri mbali na taarifa ya Biblia na wana historia
walioishi kipindi kile kile yalipotokea.
Ukweli huu unaweza kuthibitishwa na Maktaba inayotegemewa na
watu wote.
Katika ukweli huu uliothibitishwa kihistoria sasa tunaweza
kupima iwapo Mungu aweza kujulisha hasa mambo kabla hayajatokea tukitambua kwamba
utabiri uliofanywa katika Agano la kale umefanywa karibu miaka 250 kabla ya
kutimi katika Agano jipya.
Unabii wa kusulubiwa Kristo
Ona kidogo maelezo
yaliyoanza katika unabii ulio katika Zaburi 22 kuhusu kusulubiwa Kristo na
jinsi kila maelezo yalivyotimia. Zaburi
hii iliandikwa na Daudi miaka 1000 kabla ya kuja kutimia.
Zaburi 22 Tukio lilipotimilika
Mst 1 Maneno
ambayo Kristo atanena akiwa msalabani Mathayo 27:46
Mst 7-8 Matendo
na maneno ya Wayahudi wakiwa kando ya msalaba Math 27:39-43
Mst 16 Namna
hasa ya kufa – kwa kusulubiwa. Math
Mst 18 Namna
ambavyo nguo zake zitagwanywa
Math 27:35; Yn 19:23-24
Ingekuwa vigumu kwa mwanadamu kubashiri matukio haya katika
maelezo ya jinsi hii. Maelezo mengine
yanatutaka tu kuamini ya kwamba Yesu mwenyewe, wakati wa Wayahudi waliokana dai
lake kuwa ni Masihi, na askari wapagani wa kirumi wote walishirikiana
kutekeleza kumsulubisha Yesu na hivyo kutimiza unabii wa Agano la Kale, tena wakaona
wawadanganye watu waamini ya kwamba Biblia si neno la Mungu. Kamwe hili si wazo lenye akili wala ni lenye
Sio tu Zaburi 22 ilibashiri kusulubiwa Kristo bali pia,
katika aya ya 22, ufufuo wake.
Baadhi ya unabii kuhusu mataifa.
Nabii Isaya aliishi katika nchi ya Israeli kati ya mwaka760
– 700 KK katika siku zake dola kuu mbili zenye nguvu zilikuwa Ashuru iliyokuwa
upande wa kaskazini na Misri upande wa Kusini.
Katika Sura yakeya 13 Mungu alifunuwa kupita kwake kuinuka
na kuanguka kwa dola ya Babeli.
Tunatakiwa kutambuwa kwamba utabiri wake wa kwamba Babeli itakuwa dola
yenye nguvu ulifanyika si chini ya miaka 100 kabla ya tukio. Ingawa hivyo unabii wake sio tu unahusu
kuinuka kwa Babeli bali pia kuangushwa kwake na Waajemi. Waajemi waliiangusha Babeli mnamo mwaka 536
KK, kwa hiyo utabiri huo uliafanyika karibu miaka 200 kabla ya kutokea.
Sio tu Isaya alinena kuharibiwa utawala wa Babeli, bali
alisema ya kwamba mji hautakaliwa nao utakuwa jangwa. Huu ulikuwa ni utabiri wa ajabu kwa mji ambao
katika siku zake ulikuwa ni mmojawapo wa maajabu ya ulimwengu wa kale (Isaya
13:17-22) .
Hata hivyo hayo sio yote! Tena Isaya alitaja jina la mfalme
atakaye iangusha Babeli – Mtu aliyeitwa Koreshi (Isa 45: 1-2) kwa kuongelea
hili, Isaya alieleza amri, atakayotoa Koreshi, ya kuwataka Wayahudi
waliotawanyika katika dola yake warudi Yerusalemu na wajenge tena Hekalu ambalo
liliharibiwa na Wakaldayo (Isaya 44:27-28: Ezra 1:1-4)
Unabii huu unakwenda mbali zaidi ya ubashiri awezao kuufanya
mwanadamu. Ni Mungu tu awezaye kujulisha
Ona unabii huu ulikuwa na maana gani katika ulimwengu wa
leo. Ulikuwa na lazima.
Kutabiri taifa litakalokuwa likitawala ulimwengu miaka 100
tangu hapo
Tena likatabirika taifa litakalo angusha nguvu hii ya kwanza
miaka 200 tangu hapo.
Ukataja mtawala wa taifa hili la pili.
Na kutaja amri ambayo atatoa alipofikia kuwa na mamlaka
Ni wazi hali hii haiwezekani kwa mtu kutabiri. Walakini, Mungu kupitia nabii wake Isaya
alifanya hivi kikamilifu. Kwa hivi Mungu
hawezi tu kutabiri yajayo, bali pia anaweza kutimiliza kwa usahili wa
Ajabu ya Unabii wa Danieli.
Daniel aliishi kati ya mwaka 600 – KK 534. Unabii wake
Kuanguka kwa utawala wa Babeli (Daniel 5:25-31)
Kuinuka na kuanguka kwa utawala wa Waamedi na Waajemi (Dani
Kuinuka na kuanguka utawala wa Uyunani (Dn 8:21)
Kuharibiwa mji wa Yerusalemu na Warumi mnamo 70 BK (Den
Mwaka wa Kusulubiwa Yesu Kristo (Dan 9: 24 – 27).
Usahihi wa unabii wa Daniel umeshangaza watu ambao wamekuwa
wakiichunguza ‘kweli’ kwa uhalisi, nao wameweka katika hali ngumu wenye mashaka
na mafundisho ya dini na wasioamini kuwa yupo Mungu.
Mungu amejulisha nini yajayo?
Tunaweza kusoma Biblia kwa ujasiiri, tukijuwa ya kwamba kama
Mungu ametimiza unabii wake wakati uliopita, kwa hakika atatimiza alichotabiri
kwa wakati ujao.
Haya ni matukio kwa kifupi tuonayo kabla yake yaliyotabiriwa
kipindi chetu.
Kutakuwa na hali ya kuanguka kwa uadilifu na heshima katika
jamaii (Luka 17:26-30)
Wayahudi watarejea katika nchi ya Israeli, na Yerusalemu
kuwa kitovu cha mivutano ya kimataifa (Zekaria 12: 2-3; Ezekieli 38: 8,12)
Yesu atarudi mwenyewe na wa kuonekana wazi duniani (Mdo 1:
Mungu ataanzisha Ufalme wake duniani ambao utaingia mahali
pa utawala wa binadamu (Daniel 2: 44)
Ufalme huu utatimiza sala ya Bwana “ Ufalme wako uje,
Mapenzi yako yatimizwe duniani, kama yalivyo mbinguni” (Mathayo 6: 9-10)
Yerusalemu utakuwa makao makuu ya huo ufalme (Yeremia 3:17)
Yesu Kristo atakuwa
Mfalme kipindi hicho (Ufunuo 11: 15, 18)
Katika siku hiyo wakazi wa dunia kwa hiari watajifunza njia
ya Mungu wala hakutawa na vita tena (Isaya 2:2-4)
Je! Kuna ujumbe binafsi katika Biblia ulio kwa ajili yetu?
Naama upo. Mungu
anawapa wanaume na wanawake tumainila kushiriki ulimwengu huu mpya na Bwana
Yesu Kristo ajapo. Huu ujumbe wenye tumaini unaitwa Injili, ambao unamaana
habari njema za ufalme wa Mungu ujao, na wokovu toka dhambi na mauti kupitia
Bwana Yesu Kristo . Huu ni ujumbe ambao
Kristo na Wafuasi wake waliuhuribiri (Marko 16:15-16).
Muhutasari wa Maana
Biblia ni neno lenye pumzi ya Mungu, limetolewa kwa uwezo wa
Roho Mtakatifu / 2 Petro 1:20-21)
Ilitolewa ili binadamu aweze kufahamu mpango na kusudi la
Mungu na aweze kuwelewa njia zake (2Timotheo 3:16-17)
Kutimia kwa usahili unabii wa Biblia unathibitisha ya kwamba
Mungu yupo na kwamba Biblia ni neno lake lililovuviwa (Isaya 46:9-10)
Unabii ambao bado haujatimia unajulisha kwamba Yesu Kristo
atarudi hivi karibuni hapa duniani kusimamisha ufalme wa Mungu duniani (Dan
2:44 Math, 6;9 – 10; Mdo 1:9-11)
SOMO LA 1 –Maswali.
1. Maneno “
Biblia Takatifu” Maana yake nini?
2. Kuna vitabu
vingapi katika Biblia?
3. Ni jinsi
gani Mungu alifanya Biblia hata ikaandikwa?
4. Ni kwa
sababu gani Mungu akafanya Biblia ikaandikwa?
5. Ni kwa nini
Unabii ni moja ya ushahidi mkubwa wa kwamba Biblia ni neno la Mungu?
6. Baadhi
ya matukio gani ambayo Mun
Sunday, June 24, 2018
Muslims Are Turning to Christianity in Iran!

See how Muslims in Iran are tiring of Islam and are turning to Christianity!!
Saturday, June 23, 2018
Kaká: “Without Jesus, I can’t do anything.”

Lying in bed for two months with a broken neck, 18-year-old Ricardo Izecson dos Santos Leite made a list of 10 goals. These were audacious dreams even for a boy raised on the soccer mania of Brazil – especially one who had needed a medical program to spur his stunted growth and who was yet to crack the starting lineup of the junior squad of São Paulo Football Club. The list began with “Return to soccer” and scaled upward to finish with “Compete in the World Cup” and “Transfer to a big club in Italy or Germany.”
In January 2001 about two weeks after returning to soccer he was called up to São Paulo’s professional team. Brazil had met Kaká. (The nickname, pronounced Ka-kah’, came when his older brother couldn’t pronounce his name.) He claimed his starting spot for São Paulo and within two years could cross off the entire list of goals, including playing for Brazil’s 2002 World Cup champions. By 2007 Kaká stood at the apex of world soccer, sweeping its highest individual honors: the FIFPro World Player of the Year, the Ballon d’Or for best in the world and the FIFA World Player of the Year.
“It may seem that I have everything,” he says. “Due to my wealth and fame, some people ask why or if I still need Jesus. The answer is simple: I need Jesus every day of my life. His Word, the Bible, tells me that without Him, I can’t do anything. I really believe that. The ability I have to play football and all that has resulted from it are gifts from God. He has given me a talent to use for Him, and I try to improve on it every day.”
Kaká’s star shot into the stratosphere in soccer-mad Brazil following his breakout game. The press couldn’t get enough of him. After the initial shock, Kaká developed a warm accessibility with the press and fans, but he avoided the limelight and temptations of the nightclubs. His family and faith were his anchor.
“Many people think that I became a Christian after the accident, but that is not true,” Kaká says. “My parents always taught me the Bible and its values, and also about Jesus Christ and faith.”
Being baptized at 12 was an important milestone for Kaká and one that had a profound effect on his young spiritual life. “Little by little, I stopped simply hearing people talk about the Jesus my parents taught me,” he says. “There came a time when I wanted to live my own experiences with God.”
There’s a common saying about soccer: “England invented it. The Brazilians perfected it.” The Brazilian game is generally an artful, rhythmic flow marked by skillful dribbling and unexpected passing. The nation brought joga bonita, the beautiful game, to the world and holds more World Cup championships, five, than any other country.
European soccer is generally considered more physical and tactical than the South American game, but the 6-foot, 1-inch, 180-pound Kaká adapted instantly. His first season he earned a starting role.
Most media have shown respect for Kaká’s faith and praised his sportsmanship. His consistency and graciousness matched with his stellar play make it difficult to do otherwise. Yet when some have suggested that his lifestyle is boring, Kaká has countered that it is radical to follow Christ. As Kaká continues to pursue new goals, he leaves little doubt that he is all about Jesus.
“Today, I have my ministry through sports, but I play because I have a God-given gift,” he says. “I play because He has perfected the gift He gave me in my life. Jesus said ‘without me, you can do nothing’ and I believe this.”
In January 2001 about two weeks after returning to soccer he was called up to São Paulo’s professional team. Brazil had met Kaká. (The nickname, pronounced Ka-kah’, came when his older brother couldn’t pronounce his name.) He claimed his starting spot for São Paulo and within two years could cross off the entire list of goals, including playing for Brazil’s 2002 World Cup champions. By 2007 Kaká stood at the apex of world soccer, sweeping its highest individual honors: the FIFPro World Player of the Year, the Ballon d’Or for best in the world and the FIFA World Player of the Year.
“It may seem that I have everything,” he says. “Due to my wealth and fame, some people ask why or if I still need Jesus. The answer is simple: I need Jesus every day of my life. His Word, the Bible, tells me that without Him, I can’t do anything. I really believe that. The ability I have to play football and all that has resulted from it are gifts from God. He has given me a talent to use for Him, and I try to improve on it every day.”
Kaká’s star shot into the stratosphere in soccer-mad Brazil following his breakout game. The press couldn’t get enough of him. After the initial shock, Kaká developed a warm accessibility with the press and fans, but he avoided the limelight and temptations of the nightclubs. His family and faith were his anchor.
“Many people think that I became a Christian after the accident, but that is not true,” Kaká says. “My parents always taught me the Bible and its values, and also about Jesus Christ and faith.”
Being baptized at 12 was an important milestone for Kaká and one that had a profound effect on his young spiritual life. “Little by little, I stopped simply hearing people talk about the Jesus my parents taught me,” he says. “There came a time when I wanted to live my own experiences with God.”
There’s a common saying about soccer: “England invented it. The Brazilians perfected it.” The Brazilian game is generally an artful, rhythmic flow marked by skillful dribbling and unexpected passing. The nation brought joga bonita, the beautiful game, to the world and holds more World Cup championships, five, than any other country.
European soccer is generally considered more physical and tactical than the South American game, but the 6-foot, 1-inch, 180-pound Kaká adapted instantly. His first season he earned a starting role.
Most media have shown respect for Kaká’s faith and praised his sportsmanship. His consistency and graciousness matched with his stellar play make it difficult to do otherwise. Yet when some have suggested that his lifestyle is boring, Kaká has countered that it is radical to follow Christ. As Kaká continues to pursue new goals, he leaves little doubt that he is all about Jesus.
“Today, I have my ministry through sports, but I play because I have a God-given gift,” he says. “I play because He has perfected the gift He gave me in my life. Jesus said ‘without me, you can do nothing’ and I believe this.”
Daniel Sturridge

Daniel Sturridge
His life of faith: The England and Liverpool forward is very vocal about his faith and is well known for his tweets quoting scripture, most noticeably, Phillippians 4:13. He recently spoke openly about his faith in an article where he was compared with his England strike partner Rooney, for having an easy ride in being able to express his beliefs.
His life of faith: The 22 year old revelation famously said that "Life only makes sense when our highest ideal is to serve Christ". Known for his magical feet on the pitch, off it he is described as a humble individual who tithes 10% of his mega salary to his home Church in Brazil.

Ama mwanamme yeye anaweza akatoboa TIKITI "Water melon" au akaponda unga mbichi au ngozi akaweka katika sanamu (la mtu) au kwenye PAJA akaingiza uchi wake!! Na Ibnul Qayyim anasema (na kufanya hivi ni afadhali kuliko punyeto ya mkono wake mwenyewe)
“And if a woman had no husband and her temptation grew stronger, it is said by some of our companions that it is permissible for her to behold a ‘Akrabanj’ (which is made of leather) for her to use, or the use of cucumbers or small percussion or what is similar to that.” [Bada’i Al-Fuwa’id 4/96-97]
That was not a typographical error. Ibn Qayyim continues this discussion, which exemplifies the morals espoused by Sunni Islam:
“If a man makes a hole in a watermelon, or a piece of dough, or a leather skin, or a statue, and has sex with it, then this is the same as what we have said about other types of masturbation [i.e., that it is halaal in the same circumstances given before, such as being on a journey]. In fact, it is easier than masturbating with one’s hand”.
No. 13588: ath-Thawri, from Ma’mar, from al-A’mash from Abi Ruzayn (Mas’ood bin Maalik, thiqah), from Abi Yahya (mastoor)[4], from Ibn ‘Abbaas that a man said to him, “I fondle with my penis until I ejaculate”. He replied: “Having sex with a slave-girl is better than it, and it is better than zinaa”.
No. 13593: Ibn Jurayj informed us, Ibraaheem bin Abi Bakr (al-Akhnasi, mastoor) informed me that Mujaahid said: “Those from our predecessors used to command their young to masturbate, and the woman as well to enter something (in her).” We said to ‘Abdurazzaaq: “What’s ‘to enter something’ mean?” He (‘Abdurazzaaq) said: “He means a sihq[7]” Mujaahid says: “To keep her from zinaa”. This athar has a mastoor who was not followed (in narration) by others. It is thus, an unauthentic isnaad. In any case however, it is a constrained permissibility, Mujaahid constrained it to permissibility only if one fears zinaa (if one were to assume the narration is authentic).
No. 13587: ath-Thawri narrated from ‘Abdullah bin ‘Uthmaan (bin Khaytham, jayyid), from Mujaahid who said: Ibn ‘Umar was asked concerning it, so he said: “It is having sex with oneself”. This is a jayyid (good)
Tunapo sema hii sio dini ya Mwenyezi Mungu huwa hatubahatishi.

Mwanamke asiye na mume au aliye katika majaribu makali, ilisimuliwa na maswahaba kuwa ameruhusiwa kutumia "AKRABANJ" uume bandia ulio tengenezwa kwa ngozi, au atumie Tango kujichua tupu yake. [Bada’i Al-Fuwa’id 4/96-97]
“And if a woman had no husband and her temptation grew stronger, it is said by some of our companions that it is permissible for her to behold a ‘Akrabanj’ (which is made of leather) for her to use, or the use of cucumbers or small percussion or what is similar to that.” [Bada’i Al-Fuwa’id 4/96-97]
No. 13588: ath-Thawri, from Ma’mar, from al-A’mash from Abi Ruzayn (Mas’ood bin Maalik, thiqah), from Abi Yahya (mastoor)[4], from Ibn ‘Abbaas that a man said to him, “I fondle with my penis until I ejaculate”. He replied: “Having sex with a slave-girl is better than it, and it is better than zinaa”.
No. 13593: Ibn Jurayj informed us, Ibraaheem bin Abi Bakr (al-Akhnasi, mastoor) informed me that Mujaahid said: “Those from our predecessors used to command their young to masturbate, and the woman as well to enter something (in her).” We said to ‘Abdurazzaaq: “What’s ‘to enter something’ mean?” He (‘Abdurazzaaq) said: “He means a sihq[7]” Mujaahid says: “To keep her from zinaa”. This athar has a mastoor who was not followed (in narration) by others. It is thus, an unauthentic isnaad. In any case however, it is a constrained permissibility, Mujaahid constrained it to permissibility only if one fears zinaa (if one were to assume the narration is authentic).
No. 13587: ath-Thawri narrated from ‘Abdullah bin ‘Uthmaan (bin Khaytham, jayyid), from Mujaahid who said: Ibn ‘Umar was asked concerning it, so he said: “It is having sex with oneself”. This is a jayyid (good)
Friday, June 22, 2018

In one the authentic tradition in Islam, speaks about the Prophet who was crucified by his people and forgave them.
It reads, “Narrated ibin Mas’ud (r.a): As if I saw the Prophet (p.b.u.h) talking about one of the prophets whose nation had beaten him and caused him to bleed, while he was cleaning the blood off his face and saying, “ O Allah! Forgive my nation, for they have no knowledge.”
None other than Jesus spoke those words at the Cross when he was crucified..
We read, "When they came to the place called the Skull, they crucified him there, along with the criminals—one on his right, the other on his left. 34 Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” (Luke 23:33-34 (NIV)
Muhammad was talking about the story of Jesus not like what the Quran denies about it.
The decision of believing in Jesus is upon every Muslims’ shoulder. Jesus is Alive! Hallelujah!
How Muslim Mobs Attack Christian Churches in Egypt with Impunity

(Morning Star News) – Christians coerced into an out-of-court settlement following an Islamist attack on a church building in Egypt recently saw the usual outcome – a closed church – a practice that has long oppressed Christians, according to Middle East observers.
Members of an armed Muslim mob that attacked a church building in Meinin village, Beni Suef Governorate, in April were acquitted on May 22 of mobbing, fighting and possession of unlicensed firearms based on a “conciliation” settlement calling for the church site to close.
Nine Christians were arrested – with five held illegally for a month – and charged with failing to have a church building license in a country where officials are slow to approve licenses if at all, Middle East specialist Raymond Ibrahim noted on his website. The State Security Court handed the nine Christians and 11 Muslims one-year suspended sentences, essentially acquitting them based on the out-of-court settlement.
Coptic villagers told Watani newspaper that authorities had recently visited the site in preparation for legalizing the church building, prompting the attack.
Obtaining or constructing a church building in Egypt was nearly impossible before a 2016 Law for Building Churches, and the Meinin church of the Holy Virgin and Pope Kyrillos had applied for legalization under the law – which stipulates that no church that has submitted its application to officials shall be closed, according to Watani.
Muslim attacks on church buildings create the threat of sectarian conflict that then serves as the pretext for closing them, Ibrahim notes.
“Authorities tell Christian leaders things like, ‘Yes, we understand the situation and your innocence, but the only way to create calm in the village is for X [the offending Christian and extended family, all of whom may have been beaten] to leave the village – just for now, until things calm down,’” Ibrahim wrote in a previous article. “Or, ‘Yes, we understand you need a church, but as you can see, the situation is volatile right now, so, for the time being, maybe you can walk to the church in the next town six miles away – you know, until things die down.”
Should the Christians refuse and demand their rights as citizens against the assailants, authorities smile and say “Okay,” he states.
“Then they go through the village making arrests – except that most of those whom they arrest are Christian youths,” he writes. “Then they tell the Christian leaders, ‘Well, we’ve made the arrests. But just as you say so-and-so [Muslim] was involved, there are even more witnesses [Muslims] who insist your own [Christian] youths were the ones who began the violence. So, we can either arrest and prosecute them, or you can rethink our offer about having a reconciliation meeting.”
The dejected Christians see no alternative but to comply, or else their young men will go to prison and be tortured, Ibrahim notes.
Islamist assailants are further emboldened to attack the next church about to be legalized, he adds.
In the Beni Suef attack, five Coptic Christians illegally held without charge for a month were released on May 21. One of them, Farag Sehata, lost his job due to the detention, his brother told Watani. Sehata was unable to provide proof to his employers that he was in police custody because, not wanting to admit holding him illegally, officers refused to give it to him.
The Meinin village church had used its now-shuttered building for about 10 years, according to Watani. It is one of 3,370 churches that Samuel Tadros, a senior fellow at the Hudson Institute’s Center for Religious Freedom, said have applied for licenses. Earlier this year the government announced the legalization of 53 church buildings under the new law, all constructed before the 2016 church building law went into effect.
Delta Church Attack
Another church that applied for legalization under the new law was attacked by Muslims who feared it was about to be legalized, according to Watani.
Muslims at a mosque in Al-Shuqaf, near Housh Eissa in the west Delta governorate of Beheira, on May 26 reportedly used mosque microphones to call on villagers to attack the church.
“The mob also pelted the Coptic villagers’ houses with stones, damaged the priest’s car, and set on fire a motorbike that was parked in front of the church,” Watani reported. “Seven Copts suffered slight injuries. The Coptic villagers claim that the nine Copts who were arrested had been caught randomly in what has now become common practice by the police in order to pressure the Copts into ‘conciliation,’ so that no legal action would be taken against the Muslim culprits in exchange for setting free the Coptic detainees and ensuring a swift end to hostilities.”
With the intervention of local political and security officials, the Coptic Christians and Muslims forged an agreement allowing the church building to remain in use if charges were dropped against the assailants, according to Watani.
The church is among those that have applied for legalization under the 2016 law, which eases building and restoration restrictions for the first time in centuries.
Egypt was ranked 17th on Christian support organization Open Doors’ 2018 World Watch List of the countries where it is most difficult to be a Christian.
Source Morning Star News
Christians Arrested at Wedding Site on ‘Forcible Conversion’ Charge in India, Relatives Say
HYDERABAD, India (Morning Star News) – Two weeks ago a Christian couple in eastern India was about to get married, not knowing the bride’s father had filed a false complaint of forcible conversion against them, relatives said.
As they were preparing for the wedding on May 28, police in Jharkhand state arrived at the site of the ceremony and arrested the bride and groom, along with pastor Sudarshan Manjhi, who was to officiate, and a Christian woman invited to attend, they said.
In his complaint, the bride’s father, Somaru Manjhi, alleged that Christians beat him and threatened to kill him if he did not convert to Christianity, allegations which his 18-year-old daughter, Tripti, said were false.
Bolba police in Simdega District registered a First Information Report on May 30, charging the Christians with forcible conversion under Jharkhand state’s new anti-conversion act.
“My father was drugged with alcohol that day, and the Sarna tribals, including the village president, abetted him to submit the false complaint in the police station pending the wedding so there won’t be a Christian wedding in the village,” Tripti told Morning Star News.
“He [Somaru Manjhi] is now repentant for what he has done, but it is too late.”
Everybody in her family of six (four children) put their faith in Christ except her father, she said. Her sister, Sumanti Kumari, the bride, was baptized in 2012 and could never think of marrying a non-Christian in the Sarna tradition, Tripti said.
Though her father wanted Sumanti Kumari to marry a tribal Sarna, she refused, and the rest of the family supported her, Tripti said. Her marriage to 28-year-old Rupesh Manjhi was decided after discussions with elders in the family and church in the presence of Pastor Manjhi, she said.
The pastor’s wife, Biyari Devi, told Morning Star News that the wedding was decided according to the bride and groom’s wishes.
“They both come from Sarna families but have accepted Christ, and it is obvious that they would want a holy matrimony,” Devi said. “Somaru Manjhi is my uncle also in relation. He has always been against Christ and the church since the house church was established in 2008. But he never became violent or aggressive with us until the question was about his daughter’s marriage.”
Rupesh Manjhi, the groom, was ostracized by his family after he came to Christ, Devi told Morning Star News.
Tripti said her family has been pleading with her father to drop the charges.
“We have been pleading with my father to testify in the court that he was instigated by the Sarnas, and that the allegations are false,” she said. “My younger brother and I keep asking him, ‘How can you go against your own daughter? She is in jail because of you. Why are you doing this?’”
Her father responded that he had filed the complaint on the command of the village president and elders, and that he would ask them for help to free only his daughter, Tripti said. Completely in their control, he had only signed the complaint they wrote, she said.
“They have used him to falsely frame the pastor and the couple,” Tripti told Morning Star News.
An attorney representing the Christians told Morning Star News that a family dispute has turned into a nonbailable offense by the “draconian” anti-conversion act.
“The fact that an irrelevant law has been pulled in needlessly in a family dispute that could have simply arisen from difference of opinions between the members is unfortunate and must be condemned,” the attorney said on the condition of anonymity. “It is very unfortunate police registered the FIR without enquiring or verifying into the matter under a law that contains harsh provisions.”
A bail petition was rejected by the chief judicial magistrate. The attorney said a decision on another bail petition before the district sessions judge is awaited.
“They are just a young couple who wanted to be married, and two other people, the pastor and a female believer who were present at the venue, also have been arrested,” the attorney said.
Section 4 of the Jharkhand’s anti-conversion law, ironically titled a “Freedom of Religion Act,” punishes a person guilty of forcible conversion of a minor, woman or a person belonging to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes by imprisonment of four years and fine up to 100,000 rupees (US$1,480).
In 2017, six Christians from a Simdega village were falsely charged with hurting religious beliefsafter the villagers attacked them for praying for a sick woman.
11 Christians Arrested
In neighboring West Singhbum District, 11 Christians in Mohanpur have been charged with forcible conversion, including a politician who ran in state Legislative Assembly elections in 2014.
Indrajeet Samad, 53, leader of Adivasi Ho Samaj Mahasabha Prakhand Samiti, a movement launched by indigenous tribes, submitted a complaint to Mohanpur police against the Christians, sources said.
Samad alleged that the Christians who visit his village often entice tribal people with money in order to convert them to Christianity. The May 12 complaint, translated from Hindi, accuses Christians Ajay Champiya, as well as Suman Champiya and his family, of being influenced by Christianity and conducting prayers at their residence with the 11 Christians.
He also claimed that the Christians threatened his group, alleging that they warned that if Samad’s party resisted their conversion efforts, they would have Maoists kill him and his colleagues.
“These are false allegations,” one of the accused told Morning Star News. “Eleven are booked in one case, and there is no connection between us. I belong to CNI [Church of North India], others are Pentecostal or Baptist.”
In 2016, villagers ostracized Suman Champiya’s family after they were baptized, and they have been under pressure since then, said a source who requested anonymity.
On April 9, Ajay Champiya and his wife, Suman Champiya, filed a complaint with Mohanpur police that villagers had ostracized them for more than two years, and that Samad and his colleagues had made it difficult for Christians to live in the village.
“They told us that they work for [Hindu extremist group] RSS, and that all the Christians should be put to death,” the Christians said in the complaint. “Inderjeet Samad passed an order that the Christians water supply must be disconnected, and that they should not be allowed to excrete in fields.”
Mohanpur police refused to register a First Information Report (FIR) based on the two-page complaint, filing an FIR only after tribal leader Samad filed a complaint. Only Samad’s complaint made its way into the FIR. Police charged the Christians with criminal intimidation and Section 4 of the anti-conversion act.
“We moved a petition before the district’s sessions judge with the help of a Christian attorney and are waiting for anticipatory bail,” another accused Christian told Morning Star News.
An attorney representing the Christians said the complaint randomly accuses them of saying certain people have come to know Christ.
“The accusations do not seem specific to any particular person, and the Christian family in question were converted 10 years ago,” the attorney told Morning Star News. “Eleven individuals who have no connection with each other are booked under the draconian act merely because they identify themselves as Christians.”
Samad is a front-runner as the Hindu extremist Bharatiya Janata Party’s candidate for the Legislative Assembly from Mohanpur in elections to be held in 2020, said another source.
Religious freedom advocacy group Alliance Defending Freedom-India has recorded 76 incidents of violence against Christians in India in the first four months of 2018, a rate of 20 per month, as recorded on its United Christian Forum helpline (1-800-208-4545).
ADF-India’s records show 15 Christians have been booked under Section 4 of Jharkhand’s anti-conversion act since it became a law in February 2018.
According to the 2011 Jharkhand Religion Census, only 4.3 percent of the state’s population practices Christianity.
The hostile tone of the National Democratic Alliance government, led by the Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party, against non-Hindus, has emboldened Hindu extremists in several parts of the country to attack Christians since Prime Minister Narendra Modi took power in May 2014, religious rights advocates say.
India ranked 11th on Christian support organization Open Doors’ 2018 World Watch List of countries where Christians experience the most persecution.
Source Morning Star News

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John 14 ► Peshitta Holy Bible Translated Verse 5 and 6 Thoma said to him, “Our Lord, we do not know where you are going and how can we know ...
Baba umenipa funguo muhimu katika Mathayo 16:19 za kufunga na kufungua. Ninatumia funguo hizo kufunga na kufungua, kuvunja na kubamiza kil...
Kuna watu wanapitia mateso mengi sana, wengine wamefungwa katika vifungo bila wao kujijuwa basi chukua muongozo huu utakusaidia au itasaid...
Adui anakuja kuiba, kuua na kuharibu kila kitu chetu, ni lazima kuwa tayari kupambana na maadui, tujue silaha zetu, na kutumia neno la Mun...
Twakusalimu kwa mara ingine katika jina tukufu na takatifu la Yesu Kristo Bwana wetu. Twazidi pia kukushukuru kwa ajili ...