Friday, May 25, 2018

Troglodyte Imam says muslim man is the owner of his wife's body and can beat her when she does not let him use it

Top Iraqi Imam says a man is the owner of his wife's body and can beat her when she does obey him.
Is this what the feminists call "the most feminist religion"?
Shari'a laws are a set of laws that are based on the life of President Muhammad.
Shari'a is not just a law but a way of life, ideology and political movement, according to the Sharia laws:
– There is no freedom of religion or freedom of speech.
– There is no equality between people (the non-Muslim is not equal to the Muslim).
– There are no equal rights for men and women.
– There is no democracy or a separation between religion and state politics.
FGM, Acid attacks, honor killings, beheading and stoning.
Sharia is incompatible with Christian values.
Liberals and leftists in the West use the made up term "Islamophobia" to portray anyone who criticizes Islam as a "racist". 
Radical Muslim terrorists all over the world carry out terror attacks "in the name of Allah". 
They justify their violence by quoting verses from the Quran. 
Islamophobia is a made up word created by the Muslim Brotherhood specifically to silence debate. 
Liberals and leftists ignore the fact that Islam is an ideology that has nothing to do with race. 
Islamophobia is a neologism created to silence any possible debate about the problems Islamic extremism has got with modernity, with the intention of using the collective post-colonial "guilt" to exempt a particular set of beliefs from scrutiny, analysis and criticism. 
It's a buzzword used in an attempt to silence anyone, whenever had legit questions or criticisms about the religion. 
Islam is not a race. It's a religion.
There is an attempt in the West to impose a sharia-blasphemy law to criminalize criticism of Islam. 
It started when Saudi Arabia and Muslim countries tried to pass a UN resolution to force Western states to criminalize criticism of Islam. 
The Parliament in Canada passed "Motion M-103" to condemn the so-called "Islamophobia (Fear of Islam)" in a preparation for a blasphemy law in Canada. 
According to the sharia blasphemy law anyone who criticizes Islam or the Prophet Muhammad should be killed. 
Under Sharia blasphemy law in Saudi Arabia and Iran Muslims are executed if they are accused of blasphemy. 
In Pakistan, the situation is even worse, radical Muslims use the blasphemy law to persecute the Christian minority. 
Is this the law the liberals in the West want to adopt? 
If you think Sharia blasphemy law has no place in the West, share this post!

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John 14 ► Peshitta Holy Bible Translated Verse 5 and 6 Thoma said to him, “Our Lord, we do not know where you are going and how can we know ...