The Muslim Moors feint Spain for a long time and when they left, they left a significant mark on Spanish culture and architecture that can be seen today. In the Muslim ruled period, they made many Islamic buildings, especially related to religious. When they left the Spain and the Christian reconquest of the Iberian Peninsula, then they turned most of the religious places into own religious places like churches.
Nevertheless, some building directed to endure the attempt of the Spanish to remove the reminders of the Muslim rule. Here is the list of 5 most impressive historical mosques in Spain which ironically and probably stay alive only because they were curved into Catholic Churches.
1- The Great Mosque of Córdoba

The Grand Masjid of Córdoba is considered a great masterpiece from both side Muslims and Christians. It was built between 784 and 987 on a site of a Visigothic church in the rule of Al-Andalus in Córdoba. Its design is regarded as one of the most accomplished monuments of Moorish architecture.
After the defeat of Córdoba by Ferdinand III of Castile in 1236, it was turned into Catholic Church. It was rebuilt over the following centuries, but its many features are saved in its original architectural features. In 1984, the Great Mosque was affixed to the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites as a part of the Historic Center of Córdoba.
2- Mosque of Cristo de la Luz

Commonly, this mosque is supposed one of the best Moorish Masjid in Spain. It is not made according to the unique Moorish style and local building style but it also the authority of the Caliphate of Córdoba. It is spectacular columns and a magnificent Masjid of the Córdoba.
3- Giralda

It was built under architect Ahmad Ben Baso in 1184 and was completed in 1198 with the copper spheres on the minaret’s top. Like many other Islamic theological structures in Spain, this mosque was turned into the church. In 1248, when the Christians defeated the Seville city the minaret was known as the bell tower.
Due to the earth quick of 1365, the structure of the former Masjid was damaged and rebuilt the current Cathedral. It was survived and late 16th, and 17th century it was built higher.
4- Almonaster Mosque or Almonaster la Real

In the 13th century, it became an early Christian church, Nuestra Senora de la Concepcion. In the 18th century, the Christian was turned by a fresco dome, called the ‘Hermita de la Concepcion.’ In 1931, it was stated a National Monument.
5- Alcazar Of Jerez De La Frontera

This mosque is a part of the former Moorish fortress in Jerez de la Frontera, Andalusia, Spain and only one surviving mosque of total 18, which were built in the Andalusia city during the Moorish region. In the 11th century, the first fortress was probably built when Jerez was part of the insignificant kingdom of the taifa of Arcos de la Frontera.
A new design was stuffed to be used as both dwelling and fortress by the rule of Almohad of Southern Spain, in 12th century. After the Christian reconquest of Alcazar of Jerez de la Frontera in the middle of the 13th century, this mosque was turned into the church and its minaret into a bell tower. In 1931, the complete fortress was declared the Property of Cultural Interest.
These are those five mosques that are converted to the church in a different period. All mosques were built in the rule of Islamic culture and turned into the church after the defeat of Christians. All Masjids are located in Spain’s different city and timeworn mosques.
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