Book 13, Number 2380:
Narrated Aisha, Ummul Mu'minin:
The Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) used to kiss her and suck her tongue when he was fasting.
Book 13, Number 2381:
Narrated AbuHurayrah:
A man asked the Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) whether one who was fasting could embrace (his wife) and he gave him permission; but when another man came to him, and asked him, he forbade him. The one to whom he gave permission was an old man and the one whom he forbade was a youth.
Book 13, Number 2390:
Narrated AbuHurayrah:
The Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) said: If anyone breaks his fast one day in Ramadan without a concession granted to him by Allah, a perpetual fast will not atone for it.
From the above three hadiths, one quickly becomes aware that Mohammad (may peace be upon him) used to love sucking on Aisha's tongue while he was fasting. In fact, he just liked to suck, period! (http://muslimhadith.blogspot.com/2008/07/mohammad-original-kfc-colonel.html)
Ignoring the sexual aspects of the Holy Prophet Mohammad (May peace be upon him) breaking his own fasting rules to suck on a little girl's tongue - which has already been discussed ad nauseum throughout the blog, the author wants to show that a young Muslim man is being discriminated by Mohammad in favour of older Muslim men.
1) Why does Mohammad (SAW) allow old Muslim men to break the fast and engage in sexual activities with their wives but not allow young men to do the same?
a) Is it because Mohammad (SAW) himself was old?
b) Is it because he viewed young men as competition - (How so, he was Allah's Apostle - why else would he forbid Muslims from marrying any of his widows after his death?)
c) Is it because old people really would not care as much about his rules, especially since they had been experienced in life?
2) If you break a the Ramadan fast for one day, Muslim Male, without a concession granted to him by Allah, a perpetual fast will not atone for it.
a) Allah is the most merciful, most kind.
b) Allah will never forgive you, even if you made a perpetual fast, for breaking the Ramadan fast for one day.
c) Allah is the most merciful, most kind.
d) Allah's Apostle broke the Ramadan fast by invading Makka during Ramadan.
e) Will Allah forgive Mohammad for breaking the Ramadan fast by invading Makka during Ramadan?
f) Will Allah forgive you for sucking on your wife (or wives) tongue(s) during Ramadan?
g) Allah will never forgive you, even if you made a perpetual fast, for breaking the Ramadan fast for one day.
h) Allah is the most merciful, most kind.
i) Will Allah forgive the Holy Prophet Mohammad (may peace be upon him), the greatest man to have ever lived?
The Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) used to kiss her and suck her tongue when he was fasting.
Book 13, Number 2381:
Narrated AbuHurayrah:
A man asked the Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) whether one who was fasting could embrace (his wife) and he gave him permission; but when another man came to him, and asked him, he forbade him. The one to whom he gave permission was an old man and the one whom he forbade was a youth.
Book 13, Number 2390:
Narrated AbuHurayrah:
The Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) said: If anyone breaks his fast one day in Ramadan without a concession granted to him by Allah, a perpetual fast will not atone for it.
From the above three hadiths, one quickly becomes aware that Mohammad (may peace be upon him) used to love sucking on Aisha's tongue while he was fasting. In fact, he just liked to suck, period! (http://muslimhadith.blogspot.com/2008/07/mohammad-original-kfc-colonel.html)
Ignoring the sexual aspects of the Holy Prophet Mohammad (May peace be upon him) breaking his own fasting rules to suck on a little girl's tongue - which has already been discussed ad nauseum throughout the blog, the author wants to show that a young Muslim man is being discriminated by Mohammad in favour of older Muslim men.
1) Why does Mohammad (SAW) allow old Muslim men to break the fast and engage in sexual activities with their wives but not allow young men to do the same?
a) Is it because Mohammad (SAW) himself was old?
b) Is it because he viewed young men as competition - (How so, he was Allah's Apostle - why else would he forbid Muslims from marrying any of his widows after his death?)
c) Is it because old people really would not care as much about his rules, especially since they had been experienced in life?
2) If you break a the Ramadan fast for one day, Muslim Male, without a concession granted to him by Allah, a perpetual fast will not atone for it.
a) Allah is the most merciful, most kind.
b) Allah will never forgive you, even if you made a perpetual fast, for breaking the Ramadan fast for one day.
c) Allah is the most merciful, most kind.
d) Allah's Apostle broke the Ramadan fast by invading Makka during Ramadan.
e) Will Allah forgive Mohammad for breaking the Ramadan fast by invading Makka during Ramadan?
f) Will Allah forgive you for sucking on your wife (or wives) tongue(s) during Ramadan?
g) Allah will never forgive you, even if you made a perpetual fast, for breaking the Ramadan fast for one day.
h) Allah is the most merciful, most kind.
i) Will Allah forgive the Holy Prophet Mohammad (may peace be upon him), the greatest man to have ever lived?
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