Monday, February 26, 2018

Dying Man Says He Saw God And He Gave Him A Warning For All

“If you had seen what I saw in the hospital, there would be no doubt in your mind forever, because hell is so terrible so awful. It goes as far as eternity, forever & ever. Once you’re in hell, you’re in hell.
“The Lord gave me a glimpse of heaven and I saw an angel. I saw my guardian angel. And also a glimpse of hell. And I’m telling you now, please listen, Hell is so bad, so awful , you have no idea how bad hell is.”

Atheist Professor in Hell! Best Testimony Ever

He was a college professor, and thought anybody that believed in God was an idiot. After hell experience, he realized how terrible the darkness without God is, and how great God’s grace is that he has been saved by Jesus. Watch this best testimony of former atheist professor Howard Storm on the “Heaven & Hell Night” together with Don Pipper.

Atheists Witness That “I Died and I Saw Jesus Christ “

“For myself I will not make this video, but for God I am here today! What I am saying is 100% from my heart and 100% percent true, I see the Jesus Christ!”
I’m here to testify that you will never know what love and peace is until you accept Jesus Christ as your lord and Savior. Lord, I pray that this testimony will help save others who are lost, b/c I was lost and now I’m found. Thank you Jesus!! Amen!!
May more and more people can see this video and be saved by our savior Jesus Christ!

An Atheist Dead on Morgue Slab, Goes to Hell, Then to Heaven and Back!

Ian McCormack was an atheist, living a totally worldly lifestyle, when he got stung by 5 deadly jellyfish, died and went to hell, then to heaven, due to his Christian mother’s prayers, and back!
James 5:16- The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.

Father And Son Die In Car Crash But Son Comes Back To Life–Then Tells Mom He Saw Dad In Heaven

The True and Touching testimony give us so much hope…and Heaven is real…. Heaven exists…. Amen!

11 Years Old Girl Dream Of Jesus Return

She’s 11 years old her name is Evelyn and she had a dream about Jesus return guys this is forreal Jesus is coming back soon we need to be prepare repent for all you sins ( Acts 2-17), and it shall come to pass in the last days says God that I will pour out my spirit on all flesh your sons and daughters shall prophesy your young men shall see visions your old men shall dream dreams.

Muslims Are Turning to Christianity in Iran!

See how Muslims in Iran are tiring of Islam and are turning to Christianity!!

Nigerian Muslim Cleric Kills Neighbor over 14-Cents

Islamic Cleric Kills Neighbor over N50

Islamic Cleric Kills Neighbor over N50

The Ogun State Police Command has launched a manhunt for an Islamic cleric, identified only as Raheem , for allegedly killing a co- tenant , Monday Olaleye, aka Messiah.
The duo, who lived in a house on Adebayo Close, in the Ibafo , Obafemi Owode Local Government Area of the state, reportedly had a disagreement which degenerated to fisticuffs.
The fight, which occured on Sunday , February 11, 2018, started
after 49-year-old Olaleye demanded the N60 contribution of Raheem for the replacement of a burnt electric fuse .
Olaleye was appointed by other tenants to collect funds for the purchase of the new fuse , valued at N600 .
During the fight, Raheem , aka Alfa, was alleged to have hit Olaleye with a stick, while the victim used a plastic chair to fight back. Both men were reportedly injured .
The next day, Olaleye’ s health condition deteriorated and he was rushed to a private hospital where he was confirmed dead .
The deceased ’s family members were said to have reported the case at the Ibafo Police Station .
Neighbours who got wind of a possible mass arrest, fled the house .
Residents approached for information either declined comment or feigned ignorance of the incident.
A father of two said the police locked up the house when they did not meet anyone , adding that they left with three generators belonging to tenants .
He said , “ I remember the two men had a disagreement over payment for a burnt electrical fuse. which was valued at N600 . We are 10 tenants in the house occupying the 10 single room apartments . We divided the money and everybody was asked to pay N60 .
“ I was sleeping when I heard a noise . I was indisposed and couldn’t go out. But I learnt there was a fight between Alfa and Messiah over the fuse money. Within a few minutes, it was over and everybody dispersed .
“ By morning , the man woke up , took his bath , drew water from the well , and prepared a meal which he ate. But around 12 noon, we observed that his door was ajar . I heard heavy breathing and rallied other tenants
to get him to a hospital .”
Another tenant said no one knew the victim was ill until a family member visited him. He noted that the relative raised the alarm , blaming the neighbours for being uncaring .
He said , “ After we settled the dispute between him and Alfa, everybody left for their apartments. They were both OK . Messiah was a painter and he rarely went out . We all saw him do his chores that morning ; nobody suspected anything until someone said he was breathing abnormally .
A relative who visited him around 12 noon queried us for not checking up on him.
“ We didn’t get a vehicle on time to convey him to a hospital . We later got one. The medical workers did not allow us to take him down from the vehicle before they said he was dead . Inasmuch as I find it difficult to
connect his death to the fight , some people said he might have had internal bleeding.”
The news of the death sent fear into the community, as many residents took to their heels . The prime suspect ,Raheem , who had gone to work, reportedly did not return to the house .
A female tenant said later that evening , the police arrived in the community in a bus.
“ They broke Alfa’ s apartment and took some things away . They also locked up the entire house after carrying away three generators . As I speak to you, most of the tenants are squatting with friends and family members . We have nowhere to go ,” she said .
A senior police officer from the Ibafo division said it was a murder case , adding that it had been transferred to the State Criminal Investigation and Intelligence Department , Eleweran , Abeokuta .
He urged the victim ’s neighbours to come forward and assist the police with information.
“ The suspect hit the man with a stick and he died. It is a murder case, ” he added.”
The state Police Public Relations Officer , Abimbola Oyeyemi, confirmed the incident.
He said , “ There was a fight between the two tenants on Monday and in the process, one of them died. All the tenants in the house fled ; nobody reported to the police . It was when the victim ’s relatives arrived from Lagos that they met his corpse in the house . That was how the police knew about it.
“ When we got there , we didn’ t see anybody ; the house was deserted . The police found two generators on the corridor and because it was not safe to leave them there , they decided to secure them by taking them to the
station. We have not seen any of the tenants since then. “

Imam Rapes 6 Children at Mosque

By Hajare el Khaldi
Rabat – An imam in the Temara region has been accused of raping six children inside of a mosque. Amid the parents’ outrage and the childrens despair, the authorities have little help to offer.
Temara has been shaken by accusations that an imam, entrusted to convey a divine message to children, instead performed gross sexual acts on the innocent minors.
The newspaper Assabah reported that the imam in question had established a kuttab, an elementaryschool in that follows the Islamic tradition, inside of the mosque with hopes of encouraging the children of Douar Southern Aoulad Bennaser to memorize the Quran.
Parents from the community met the imam’s seemingly benevolent initiative with great enthusiasm, placing their sons and daughters’ well-being in his hands.
However, the parents soon began to suspect the imamof inappropriate behavior when their their children share some of the his odd requests, such as asking them to sit on his lap inside the kuttab. Others reported more serious charges.
One family filed a complaint to the General Deputy of the King on charges of rape, only to be met with negligence.
Confronted by the authorities’ lack of support and the lack of evidence against the imam, the residents of the Douar decided to take matters to their own hands by forming teams to track the his behavior and accumulate evidence.
On Thursday February 15, the families’ nightmare came true when one of the residents witnessed the imam alone with an eight-year-old boy. Sacrificing the child’s safety to gather evidence, the local chose to contact the child’s family, rather than intervene. When the family arrived at the kuttab with other witnesses, they were appalled to see the imam sexually assaulting the child.
After the arrest, five other people presented complaints against the alleged rapist, which finally caused the police listen to the children in the presence of their parents. The victims’ identical stories and the imam’s silence convinced the detectives of the legitimacy of the accusations.
This is certainly not the first crime of its kind, as news of children’s sexual abuse by religious authorities, teachers, and family members continues to make headlines. The hope remains that this time, after the shock dissipates, real action will be taken to raise awareness about this sexualabuse and provide support those who have been forever scarred by this misconduct.

Source: Moroccan News 

Saudi Arabia May Allow Women to Visit Graves of Relatives…

Imam of the Quba Mosque Al-Maghamisi supports fatwa letting women visit graves
Picture Tweeted @SalehAlmaghamsi
JEDDAH: Soon after a member of Shoura Council and former judge Eissa Al-Gaith issued a fatwa that allows Muslim women to visit graves of their close relatives and triggered a controversy among scholars of Islamic jurisprudence, Imam of the Quba Mosque, Sheikh Saleh Bin Awad Al-Maghamisi, has come in support of the fatwa.
According to a Saudi Gazette report, Sheikh Al-Maghamisi confirmed his support for the fatwa through Twitter on Sunday supporting a similar edict issued by Sheikh Mohammed Mukhtar Al-Shanqiti, a member of the Council of Senior Scholars. Maghamisi’s office said the fatwa would benefit many people.
Al-Maghamisi’s fatwa pointed out that women are allowed to visit graves, especially those of parents and other close relatives. However, he advised women not to increase such visits.
Sheikh Al-Maghamisi referred that the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) taught the following prayer to his wife Ayesha (may Allah be pleased with her) when he went to Baqie graveyard:
“May Allah’s peace and blessings be upon you the believers; You have gone before us and in sha Allah we’ll follow you shortly. May Allah forgive us and you.”
He added: “If visit of grave was not permissible for women, the Prophet (pbuh) would not have taught Ayesha this prayer. At the same time, he did not tell her that grave visit is not permissible for women.”
Al-Maghamisi pointed out that the Prophet (pbuh) only prohibited women from crying and wailing near graves. He also referred to the evidence of opponents who quote another Hadith of the Prophet (pbuh) that Allah curses those women who visit graves.
Siasat web team

Somaliland Make FGM Mandatory…

A woman participates in a discussion about FGM in Somalia
A woman participates in a discussion about FGM in Somalia (Photo: Nichole Sobecki/AFP/Getty Images)
The government of Somaliland issued a fatwa (religious edict) making female genital mutilation (FGM)mandatory for all females.
Somaliland is an autonomous area inside Somalia, a country where 98 percent of women and girls have been cut.
At the same time, the Somaliland government banned the two most extreme forms of FGM (see below).
Meanwhile in Switzerland, the Islamic Central Council of Switzerland recently issued a legal opinion saying Islamic law justifies the practice of FGM and that it is not harmful to girls. FGM is illegal in Switzerland and any type of cutting is punishable by up to 10 years in prison.
FGM refers to all procedures involving partial or total removal of the external female genitalia and/or other injury to the female genital organs for cultural or other non-medical reasons.
The practice has serious and permanent negative impacts on the heath and sexuality of women and girls, including, in the short term, severe pain and bleeding, infection and urinary disturbances. Long-term effects include complications during childbirth,  anemia, the formation of cysts and abscesses, keloid scar formation, damage to the urethra resulting in urinary incontinence, painful sexual intercourse and sexual dysfunction, hypersensitivity, increased risk of HIV transmission, as well as serious psychological effects.
FGM is classified as follows by the World Health Organization:
Type I: Partial or total removal of the clitoris and/or the clitoral hood
Type II: Partial or total removal of the clitoris and the labia minora, with or without excision of the labia majora.
Type III: Narrowing of the vaginal orifice with a covering seal. The seal is formed by cutting and re-positioning the labia minora and/or the labia majora. This can take place with or without removal of the clitoris.
Type IV: All other harmful procedures to the female genitalia for non-medical purposes, for example: pricking, piercing, incising, scraping or cauterization.
Watch a clip from Clarion Project’s film Honor Diaries  about FGM:

Sunday, February 25, 2018


Ndugu msomaji, nakusihi ufuatilie somo hili kwa makini ili ujue ukweli kuhusu Umungu wa Yesu Kristo katika Koran:

Waislam wote wanakiri kuwa Allah ana majina ya kipekee 99, ambayo ni ya Mwenyezi Mungu peke yake.

Moja ya majina hayo ni "AL MALIK" ambalo amejiita mara 206 katika Quran iliyo kuja miaka 600 baada ya Yesu kukiri hivyo kwenye Injili Takatifu. ALLAH ANASEMA HII NI SIFA YAKE YA TATU KATI YA 99.

Quran 59: 23 Ù‡ُÙˆَ اللَّÙ‡ُ الَّØ°ِÙ‰ لاَ Ø¥ِÙ„َـهَ Ø¥ِلاَّ Ù‡ُÙˆَ الْÙ…َÙ„ِÙƒُ الْÙ‚ُدُّوسُ السَّÙ„َـمُ
Yeye ndiye Mwenyezi Mungu ambaye hapana Mungu isipo kuwa Yeye tu. MFALME, Mtakatifu, Mwenye salama, Mtoaji wa amani, Mwenye kuyaendesha Mwenyewe mambo yake, Mwenye nguvu, Anaye fanya analo litaka, Mkubwa, Ametakasika Mwenyezi Mungu na hayo wanayo mshirikisha nayo. Nukuu zaidi soma [Quran, 20:114]

Allah amejiita "AL MALIK" HUKU AKIFAHAMU KUWA Yesu Kristo kasema hivyo kwenye Biblia miaka 600 kabla yake. Hivyo basi, Ushahid wa Yesu ambao ni wa kwanza ndio wa kufuatwa na sio wa mkopiaji ambaye ni Allah.



Ufunuo 17:14
Hawa watafanya vita na Mwana Kondoo na Mwana Kondoo atawashinda, kwamaana yeye ni Bwana wa Bwana na MFALME wa Wafalme.

ALLAH AMEIBA JINA LA YESU KRISTO LA AL MALIKI lililo shuhudiwa kwenye Ufunuo 17 aya 14.

Katika aya hii tunasoma kuwa Yesu anaitwa “Mfalme wa Wafalme” ambayo ni adhama ya Mwenyezi Mungu kama ilivyo shaidiwa na Koran Surah ya 59 na aya 23. Hivyo basi , Allah na Koran wamekiri kuwa Yesu ni Mungu kwasababu Biblia imetuthibitishia kuwa Yesu ni Mfalme wa Wafalme katika Ufunuo 17 na aya 14 miaka 600 kabla ya Quran.




Max Shimba mtumwa wa Yesu Kristo Mungu Mkuu na Mwokozi wetu. Tito 2:13.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

We serve a Miracle working God, Type Amen and Share now to receive your miracle in Jesus Name!

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We serve a Miracle working God, Type Amen and Share now to receive your miracle in Jesus Name!

Monkey Steals ₦70Million Cash From Nigerian Senators’ Farm House – Shehu Sani

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Image result for tied monkey nigeria
Senator Shehu Sani has given some insights into why Sen. Abdullahi Adamu was removed as chairman Northern Senators Forum.

Mr. Sani said about N70 million belonging to the group was claimed to have been carted away by monkeys in a farm house.
Adamu’s removal was announced in a letter read by the presiding officer, Ike Ekweremadu, shortly before the end of the plenary on Wednesday.
The letter signed by the forum’s Public Relations Officer, Dino Melaye, noted that Mr. Adamu was removed for ‘financial mismanagement and misadministration.’
Responding to questions on why the senator was removed, Mr. Sani said the financial mismanagement borders on a N70 million belonging to the forum. He said the money was rumoured to have been carted away by monkeys in a farm house.
“There are some things some of my colleagues will not say but I’m not used to holding back. When we assumed office, Senator Ahmed Lawan tendered the sum of N70 million to the 8t Senate.
That N70 million was money gathered from the 7th Senate. It was handed over to northern senators of 8th Senate.
The rumors going round, which I don’t know whether it’s true but I believe other senators know, is the fact that there were allegations that some monkeys raided the farm house of some of the executives of the northern senators forum and carted away some of these money.
I think, this country is becoming a huge joke. First of all, it was the rodents that drove away the president and then we now have snakes consuming about N36 million and now we have monkeys raiding farm house. So, they don’t want this to be said but I believe that we should be very clear.”

Watch: Saudi Muslims drink camel urine because Western medicines are "haram"

People are drinking CAMEL PISS because it might be good for you... No thanks, we'll stick to water. 
In Saudi Arabia everything that is considered Western is "haram" and all the time clerics are issuing religious rulings to prevent Western influences in Saudi Arabia. 
They believe it can cure diseases and mental illnesses because the Prophet Muhammad said so. 
Please write in the comments below: What do you think about this?
Here's why sharia law should be banned in the West. 
Under Sharia law a woman is considered half of a man, when a woman attests to a Sharia court in countries like Saudi Arabia or Iran, she should bring at least 4 men who support her testimony. 
So in most cases of rape a woman can not prove that she was raped and the court can sentence her to death for adultery, that is what happened to Suraya Menuchari who was stoned to death in Iran on false charges of adultery. 

Under Shari'a laws in the Arab world, almost 90% of women underwent FGM. 
The practice of FGM is banned in most Western countries but some Muslim immigrants are ignoring the law and practicing FGM even in the UK and US. 

Under Sharia law girls can marry at the age of 6, just like the Prophet Muhammad from the Koran did when he married Aisha. 
In Muslim countries like Yemen and Iran, girls are considered "adult" and being sold into forced marriages with grown men by their families. 
There are even some cases of child marriages in Australia and Britain when immigrants brought this tradition into the West. 

According to the Sharia laws An honor killing is the homicide of a member of a family, due to the perpetrators' belief that the victim has brought shame or dishonor upon the family.
Shari'a honor killing is very common in the Muslim world, but it also happens in the West, in countries such as Britain, the United States and even the Netherlands. 
According to the British media there are 12 honour killings in the UK each year. 

Human rights organizations in the Western world are turning a blind eye to the brutal violation of human rights in the Muslim world under Sharia law. 
Sharia law should be banned in the Western world. 
Share this post if you think Sharia law should be banned in the West. 

Liberals and leftists in the West use the made up term "Islamophobia" to portray anyone who criticizes Islam as a "racist". 
They ignore the fact that Islam is an ideology that has nothing to do with race. 
There is an attempt in the West to impose a sharia-blasphemy law to criminalize criticism of Islam. 
It started when Saudi Arabia and Muslim countries tried to pass a UN resolution to force Western states to criminalize criticism of Islam. 
Even The Parliament in Canada passed "Motion M-103" to condemn the so-called "Islamophobia (Fear of Islam)" in a preparation for a blasphemy law in Canada. 
According to the sharia blasphemy law anyone who criticizes Islam or the Prophet Muhammad should be killed. 
Under Sharia blasphemy law in Saudi Arabia and Iran Muslims are executed if they are accused of blasphemy. 
In Pakistan, the situation is even worse, radical Muslims use the blasphemy law to persecute the Christian minority. 
Is this the law the liberals in the West want to adopt? 
If you think Sharia blasphemy law has no place in the West, share this post!

All slay Queens must see this!

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Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, standing and car

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Her name is Ebiminor Preye, she bought a Lexus jeep without the help of any man as she does POP Ceiling for a living.
God bless the work of your hand
Please share, share, share, share to help a slay queen who is lazing around.

World Champion Boxer: Born Again Christian Manny Pacquiao Builds 1,000 Homes For Poor Filipinos

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Most of the athletes came from poor families and communities and once they have all the glory and money you will think that they will forget about their roots, but this is not true. They always remembered their beginnings and have been involve in different charitable causes for helping their communities. Despite the fact that they put their health at risk in the ring, professional boxers are known to bank amazing sums, win or lose, in world-class match-ups.
Being part of what’s said to be the ‘fight of the century’, professional boxer Manny Pacquiao, even after loosing the game, made over $100 million and is currently using his profit towards a respectable cause. The Philippines-native took to Facebook with the message: “I’m so happy giving this houses free to my constituents in Sarangani Province from my own pocket more than thousand families are the beneficiaries.” After his major, worldwide-viewed fight with Floyd Mayweather Jr, he was motivated to do great things with his profit. The boxer felt it was his obligation to give back and recognized his roots at this time in his life.
This kind gesture has now housed a thousand families in the place where he grew up, all on account of his big heart and his plan to make a difference. Despite the ferocious attitude that he shows to the world in his matches, he is a kind and caring person who is a man of the people.
Born in poverty himself, he knows very well the every day struggle to survive from his community and he feels that it’s his duty to give back from his own fortunes, to where his story started. He has constantly credited the people from his past for his success, and this gesture is an example of his appreciation.
The present Senator of the Philippines dealt with this plan, paying completely out of his own pocket. Despite the fact that he lost the fight, his kin have kept up their pride in the man who dared to fight the best boxer in history and put his nation back on the map. Amid his present term as Senator, he intends to keep building homes for families in need and using his profit towards the advantage of his kin.
This acts of kindness are the best examples that can come from sports, where numerous individuals feel that athletes are overpaid for what they do. What these people doesn’t know or forget is that athletes devote their lives to these sports, and sacrifice family time in doing as such, as they’re always on the road during their busy seasonal schedules. In view of accomplishments and salary caps, athletes are paid in like manner, and obviously, have the extravagance and choice to give back anyway they please.
And this example Many gives to all of us, is the impact that athletes can have if they choose charity. It’s reviving to see the humanly choices that some of our idols can make, knowing their capacity to impact and make a difference, and not forgetting their roots. “I will always remember where I came from. I thank god for allowing me to help other people”.

Armed gangs WIPE OUT 15 villages in mass Christian slaughter in Nigeria

Nigerian Farmer struggles with Fulani attacks on his land


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May vows to 'protect and enhance' the UK's natural environment

Dozens of people have been killed after the gangs ransacked towns and villages to clear them of all aspects of the Christian faith.
Houses belonging to believers have also been razed with authorities doing little to help, an anti-persecution watchdog claimed. 
Open Doors spoke to one Christian who described the broad daylight attack carried out by a group of Fulani - one of Africa’s largest ethnicities. 
A spokeswoman said: “One attack took place in broad daylight, as people were about to go to church.
“The assailants chased and killed the villagers and burned down nine churches and many more houses.”
Nigeria Christian persecutionGETTY
Churches are regularly attacked in Nigeria in waves of Christian persecution

Church roof COLLAPSES in Nigeria and kills hundreds

Christian persecution is a major problem in Nigeria which has been exacerbated by the spread of radical Islamic teaching and practice. 
The shocked witness said Christians needed more protection from the country’s leader or lives would continue to be lost. 
They said: “Despite several calls to the governor and his deputy, and other security apparatus, the government remained silent as the atrocities continued.
“The Fulani were able to carry out their deadly attack. They stayed for hours in the vicinity, moving at will, unchallenged.”
Nigeria Christian persecutionGETTY
Christians are subject to waves of oppression and attacks in Nigeria
Details of the attack, which took place in north-eastern state of Adamawa earlier this year, have only just emerged.
In the central state of Nasarawa, 25 villages have been destroyed since January 15. 
Again, the predominately Christian victims said they had been abandoned by leaders. 
A spokesman for the Concerned Indigenous Tiv People group said: “Since the outbreak of the crisis on January 15 this year, due to the Fulani /herdsmen attack on our villages, leading to the displacement of Tiv in their ancestral homes, the Nasarawa State Governor, Tanko Almakura, has done very little to bring the situation under control.”
Christian persecutionGOOGLE MAPS
Fifteen villages were attacked in the state of Nasarawa
Other attacks have taken place in Benue State and across the Middle Belt region of the country. The Army has now been deployed to certain areas in order to stop the violence. 
A spokeswoman for Open Doors said: “Believers experience discrimination and exclusion, and violence from militant Islamic groups, resulting in the loss of property, land, livelihood, physical injury or death; this is spreading southwards. 
“Corruption has enfeebled the state and made it ill-equipped to protect Christians. Rivalry between ethnic groups and raids by Fulani herdsmen compound the persecution. Converts face rejection from their Muslim families and pressure to recant.”

Jesus said to Thomas that HE IS THE LIVING GOD

John 14 ► Peshitta Holy Bible Translated Verse 5 and 6 Thoma said to him, “Our Lord, we do not know where you are going and how can we know ...