If celebrating Christmas or wishing others a ‘Merry Christmas’ were allowed, it would have been stated in the Qur’an. In Christianity, Jesus is God and this is just plain ‘shirk’ (the worst sin in Islam). So being associated in any way with Christmas is haraam (forbidden) on every level.

Standup4Islam The fact is that Muslims should not be taking part in Christmas or other festivals that are not based in Islam, that do not uphold the principles that we have been taught by the Prophet Muhammad. Muslims need to start standing up for Islam and stop acting like non-Muslims. We are not Christians and do not hold to those false beliefs.
Muslims need to stop attending Christmas parties, the giving of presents, sending cards, or giving Christmas greetings. This is not Islamic. Muslims need to remember that we are ordered by Allah not to imitate the kufaar (filthy unbelievers). Muslim parents need to explain to the schools that their children only believe in Islamic values which is why their children should not be encouraged to take part in Christmas plays.

Islamic ruling on acknowledging, celebrating, or engaging in non-Islamic festivals such as Christmas is as follows:
- It’s haraam to support the idea of Christmas by celebrating it
- It’s haraam to support the idea of Christmas by sending Christmas cards
- It’s haraam to support the idea of Christmas by buying Christmas presents
- It’s haraam to support the idea of Christmas by wishing others Merry Christmas
- It’s haraam to support the idea of Christmas by going to and holding Christmas parties
- It’s haraam to support the idea of Christmas by singing Christmas songs
- It’s haraam to support the idea of Christmas by telling your kids about a fictional figure like Santa Claus
- It’s haraam to support the idea of Christmas by doing secret Santa
- It’s haraam to support the idea of Christmas by going to your company Christmas party
- It’s haraam to support the idea of Christmas, we should educate people on Islam instead
- It’s haraam to support the idea of Christmas by having one foot in Islam and one foot in Christianity
- It’s haraam to support the idea of Christmas, you are after all celebrating SHIRK
- It’s haraam to support the idea of Christmas by buying your kids advent calendars
- It’s haraam to support the idea of Christmas by putting up a Christmas tree
- It’s haraam to support the idea of Christmas by having your kids take part in Christmas nativity plays
- Christmas is for Christians, Eid is for Muslims.
- Christmas is a made-up, pagan festival 4 the Christians/non-Muslims. Eid is a Gift from Allah for the Muslims
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