Saturday, November 25, 2017
Radical Muslims from Makangarawe, Cape Town Mosque, Buza Ward, Temeke District in Dar es Salaam Tanzania, on 17th Oct, at 8:45 pm at night, having killing weapons including pangas (bush knives), invaded the Pork Kiosk and injured on the head one of its owner Mr. Antelim John,(31)( (pictured above). The invaders also destroyed other properties including tables, chairs, scales, charcoal burners, pork and water containers total worth Tsh.1,200,000/= (USD 670).
Mr. Antelim John said the invaders were shouting Takbir! Allah Akbar! as they were destroying the properties.
Police were, immediately, informed and arrived at the scene ,took the casualty Antelim John to Makangarawe Police Post, where they filled PF3 form for treatment. He was stitched three threads.
The case was then registered at Chang'ombe Police Post, at Temeke District and given no:- CHA/RB/7988/2011 of 17th Oct, with the remarks " UNYANG'ANYI WA KUTUMIA NGUVU".
Three accused persons, who are believed to be Muslims, were arrested, then remanded but later were all bailed.
One day before the invasion, the Village Executive Officer (V.E.O) a Muslim too, told Mr. Antelim John, to stop the Pork Project, otherwise Muslims would destroy them. The same happened on the following day.
Earlier, on 8th March, the Temeke District Commissioner summoned Ward and Village Executive Officers of Makangarawe to discuss the problem.The problem was not solved since the Government leaders at Temeke District were very reluctant towards addressing the problem.
The trend of discussion chaired by the District Commissioner, favored more Muslims against Non-Muslims, regardless the fact that the Pork Project pre-existed the settlement.
Muslims from Al-Masjid Jamiatul Islamiyah of Yombo Makangarawe on 9th Nov, 2009 forwarded their complaining letter to the Village Executive Officer asking him to immediate ban the pork project because of religious effect. The letter was signed by the Imam of the Mosque Sheikh Habibu Mgunda. The invasion was an echo of their former warning letter. The Pork Project is an aid from donors through the DADP's programme, which aimed to support the efforts of Tanzania government to alleviate and eradicate poverty among the Tanzanians. The project was surveyed by the government expertise including environmental authorities, who suggested the Project to be allocated where it is now. Muslims oppose the project to be there, for their religious reasons.
So far, it is not known when the trial will be brought before the court of law because the investigation continues.
The whole situation revealed the insecure of Non-Muslims against radical Muslims, who always thirsty to practice Islamic Shariah in the pluralism countries like Tanzania.
The weekly Christian newspaper in Swahili "NYAKATI" (Times), reported that Tanzania ranked 24th among 50 most dangerous countries on Christian Persecution.
The reason for this rise, is due to the increase of radical Muslims in many African countries, the report said.
Radical Muslims are struggling to impose Islamic laws (sharia) to change the secular state into Islamic territory, which ranges politically, economically and socially.
Lindi is located on the Southern side of Tanzania Mainland.
Evangelist Francis Mulinda, one of the preacher, said, the first two days were calm, but on the third day in the afternoon, after the preaching started, they were, suddenly, assaulted by radical Muslims who carried stones and other weapons. Their intention seemed to harm people and destroy the preaching instruments.
People ran away from the ground in different directions in search of secure. The programme of preaching stopped, although Christians had obtained permission from government authorities in the area.
Lind is one of among the most Muslim dominated areas in Tanzania where radical Muslims are found and train. They have organised a campaign of what they call " eradicate Christianity from the Islamic territory."
This campaign began during pre-independence era of Tanganyika in 1961, Just few churches exist in Lindi.
The government still struggles to abolish this oppression against Christians and Christianity in Tanzania, to ensure the freedom of worship in the diversity of beliefs as stipulated in the constitution.
Tanzania is a secular state, but Muslims struggle to create Islamic hegemony.
The building of T.M.R.C is down after set on fire
The building of the Tanzania Missionary Revival Church (T.M.R.C) at Kyabitembe Parish, Bukoba Urban Distict, Kagera region in Tanzania, at dawn of 12/3/2015 was set on fire by petrol by un identified people.
Host Pastor Emmanuel John Mwesiga said when the incident occurred no one was in the church. He estimated the total damage to tsh.40M /- (U$ 23,000). The same was reported at the Regional Cenral Police at Bukoba and filed no BUK/RB/2600/2015 of 13/3/2015.
So far more than 170 adherents of the Tanzania Missionary Revival Church, use temporary tents during conducting services.
Attacks against Christians are increasing in Tanzania including Kagera region, despite the efforts of the government to control them.
On Thursday, Oct. 9,2014 unknown attackers killed a Christian man by machete the late Dioniz Ng'wandu, 31, a secondary school teacher and injured anotherThemistores, 25, in the same district of Bukoba in northwest Tanzania. The two men were at overnight prayer-meeting at the Busimbe Parish of the Pentecostal Assemblies of God-P.A.G.
Bukoba is reported to be a Muslim-dominated town of about 100,000 situated on the shore of Lake Victoria bordering Kigoma, which also has a local reputation as a Centre for Islamist extremism.
So far some religious leaders and lay Christians have been killed, while others have been attacked by extremist Muslims wielding acid. Some of the perpetrators have been arrested and charged, yet their cases continue in courts.
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