Sunday, September 10, 2017

Muslim Man Marries Young Bride And Proceeds To Slice Off Her Nose, Then The Abuse Gets Even Worse

AImage result for muslim man cuts wife's nosen unfortunate Muslim wife has almost literally loses her face after an inhumane torture acquired after requesting to her husband for one thing.
When a Muslim man married an 18-year-old girl, he believed he was acquiring a subservient wife who would fulfill his every desire. However, as soon as she stood up to him and made a very “dishonorable” request, that’s when she received the horrific punishment from her husband.
Over 1,400 years ago, the Islamic Prophet Muhammad told his followers that men are superior to women by right of Allah and that they must prove this to disobedient wives by physically beating them. The most devout Muslim men obey this scripture from Quran 4:34, although many get a little too creative with what Allah has commanded.
After Alamzeb Rehman married 18-year-old Gul Shifa in Karmang, Pakistan, he soon realized that his teen bride needed extra instruction on how to be a good Muslim wife. Faithfully adhering to Quranic scripture and Muhammad’s own demonstration of wife-beating, Alamzeb took to regularly beating his young wife for two years, hoping that she would learn to submit. Instead, she mustered up the courage to request something wholly un-Islamic — a divorce.
Gul Shifa said her husband Alamzeb subjected her to mistreatment because she was trying to walk out of a bad marriage.
In her complaint to the DPO, the 20-year-old from Ahal village said she was 18 when she was married off to Alamzeb, son of Abdul Rehman, from Karmang village.
Soon after their marriage in August 2014, Gul attempted to escape her new husband’s brutality by running back to her parents’ house. On two separate occasions, the battered and terrified woman was returned to Alamzeb, who had convinced her father that he would stop the abuse.
After a third instance, an assembly of religious leaders called a jirga came together to decide the couple’s fate. Adopted by many Muslims in Pakistan, the jirga concluded that Gul should not be granted separation from Alamzeb and that she should be returned to his house immediately.
The hapless woman saw no other route but to escape. Fearing she may be sent back into the abusive relationship, Gul Shifa chose not to go back to her parental home.
She reached Gandiyan Bridge, a few kilometres from her house, by foot.
“Tired of the constant walking, I decided to rest under a tree for a few minutes,” she said.
“That is when a police van stopped near me and the personnel took me back to my husband’s home after questioning.”
Gul Shifa said her husband severely beat her again when she returned home.
This was the final straw that prompted Alamzeb to accuse Gul of adultery, which subsequently increased the number and severity of her beatings. It was not long after her return that Alamzeb locked her in her room and invited over his brother to carry out his gruesome plans.
While there, the men attempted to force Gul under horrific torture to confess to having an affair. When she refused, they shaved her head, hacked off her nose with a kitchen knife, and began round two of their torture session.
“They also burnt my body parts repeatedly with a hot iron,” she said.
As Gul lie bleeding and near death, she cried for her husband to bring her to a local hospital. The brothers even denied her access to a medical facility as they feared legal action. Instead, the brothers offered their own inexperienced medical treatment, bandaging her various wounds to little avail.
The woman said both the brothers had gone out to a market in Karachi when she escaped and managed to reach her parents’ home back in Ahal village where they rushed her to receive the emergency medical attention that saved her life. When she spoke of her nightmare, her family took her to the police station, but officers refused to file a case as the offence was committed in Karachi.
Permanently disfigured and suffering from the trauma she endured, it’s recently come out that Gul’s horrific plight could’ve easily been prevented by authorities several times.
However, she then proceeded to the district police officer who ordered that an FIR should be registered, and arrest of the suspects.
The police sent her for a medical examination and said a case would be filed after the results are obtained.
Police are currently investigating Gul’s case. Fortunately, Rafique has been arrested, but Alamzeb is still on the run, believed to have fled back to his home village in Karachi.
This kind of abuse is not only prevalent in Islam, it is a fundamental of the violent ideology. From the moment Muhammad ordered men to beat their wives, and beat his own in the process, billions of Muslim men would be encouraged and justified in domestic abuse over the next millennium. Since their prophet’s tyrannical reign, Muslims have committed 91 percent of honor killings worldwide, and it is only increasing in brutality and number.
Sources:  MWN

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