A burqa-wearing Muslim convert teacher says it is sinful for Islamic women to pluck their eyebrows.
Umm Jamaal ud-Din's fiery, two-hour sermon covered the delicate topics of female grooming and obeying Allah.
The Islamic instructor from western Sydney, who is also known as Mouna Parkin, said it was sinful, or haram, for women to pluck their eyebrows, even if they believed it was hygienic.
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Umm Jamaal ud-Din says it is sinful for women to pluck their eyebrows in the eyes of Allah
'You're still falling into a major sin whatever you like to call it yourself,' she said in a YouTube video for her followers.
'You can say as many things that Allah makes haram, like plucking the eyebrows.
'What do the girls say? 'I'm just cleaning, I'm not plucking I'm cleaning.'
'That sounds great, doesn't it?
'Clean shaven. Sounds great but it's haram. Names of things don't change the reality.'

Islamic College of Australia teacher Umm Jamaal Ud-Din says there's no excuse for plucking
The Saudi-trained Islamic College of Australia teacher, who converted to Islam 28 years ago, is weighing into a hot topic doing the rounds at Sunni workshops in western Sydney.
The daughter and granddaughter of lay Christian preachers told her followers engaging in acts that were against the will of Allah were unforgivable sins.
For women, it is sinful to pluck their eyebrows as it is for men to groom their beards, under a fundamentalist interpretation of the Hadith.
In April, Sheikh Mohamad Doar told a room of teenage girls in at Punchbowl they would incur the wrath of Allah of they plucked their eyebrows, waxed their body or shaved.
'You are not allowed the remove the hair of the eyebrow, it's a major sin,' the preacher from the hardline Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jamaah Association said.
'The lady who plucks her eyebrows and the one who gets them plucked, they're both cursed by Allah.'
He was referring to the hadith, describing the actions of the Prophet Mohammad, as part of a question and answer session organised by Muslim charity Sisters United.

Sheikh Mohamad Doar told a group of girls it was a 'major sin' for them to pluck their eyebrows
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4808230/Burqa-wearing-Muslim-preacher-says-plucking-eyebrows-sin.html#ixzz4qPzSFFKk
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