We’ve seem reports of multiple acid attacks on British citizens in recent weeks but not a peep from the media about who the attackers or suspected attackers are. I guess revealing the identity of the attacker is only politically correct when the victims are Muslims. Yet virtually all acid attacks on Muslims are carried out by their own family members but the media has little interest in reporting on that.
UK Express (h/t Susan K) RAHAD HUSSAIN 23, has been charged with two counts of wounding with intent to do grievous bodily harm and one count of possession of an offensive weapon, namely acid.

The victims, both Muslims, were rushed to hospital after a noxious substance was sprayed on them on Tuesday. They suffered scorched and bleached skin and were ‘screaming in agony’ after having acid thrown in their faces in the latest London ‘face-melter’ attack.
The men, aged 23 and 24, managed to flag down officers at around 7pm on Roman Road, Bethnal Green, where the incident took place. On Friday, the police said of the two injured men: “Whilst their condition is not being treated as life-threatening, it is being treated as life-changing.”

Following the attack, a shopkeeper said the two men screamed “we’ve got acid on us” as their skin was “peeling off”. “They were two Bengali Muslim boys who came into the shop. They had acid on their face and they were burning and their skin was peeling off.
Shocking footage of the aftermath shows the men had litres of bottled water poured over them before fire fighters arrived and used their hoses to douse them down.

One of the victims, Shakwat Hussain, 24, is due to be released from Broomfield Hospital in Chelmsford today after being treated overnight at a specialist burns unit. The attack follows a spate of similar incidents occurring in London in east London (a heavily Muslim populated area).

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