Monday, May 22, 2017

FRENCH MUSLIM stabs priest in neck and abdomen at the Altar of Mexico City’s Metropolitan Cathedral

The priest wasn’t criticizing Islam or the prophet Muhammad. He was simply a Christian cleric carrying out his duties.

Actuall via Lionheart News (h/t Susan K) The attacker, reportedly a convert to Islam, was offended by something the priest did or said. Or perhaps he was heeding the Islamic call to duty – to slay the unbelievers wherever they are.

According to the archdiocese, the attacker, named John Rene Rockschiil (below), of Muslim faith according to the Mexican media, was arrested after carrying out the attack with a knife. After calling the police, a Condor unit from the capital’s public security secretariat arrived in the vicinity of the cathedral, located in the historic city center, to transfer the clergyman to San Miguel Chapultepec hospital.

Some of the testimonies of the parishioners who were in the cathedral emphasize that some of those present detained the 35-year-old man, in addition to providing medical care to the parish priest Miguel Angel Machorro, until the aid services arrived.

Father José Miguel Machorro Alcalá, 55, was stabbed in the neck and torso May 15 at the conclusion of saying Mass at the cathedral. Witnesses reported that it appeared the attacker’s intention was to slit the priest’s throat. 

In a radio interview Tuesday morning, archdiocesan spokesman Hugo Valdelomar said the attack occurred as Machorro was blessing the congregation with holy water.

He said the priest suffered severe injuries to his neck and near his lung. Machorro was transferred by helicopter to a private hospital. He was operated on, and is now stable but in intensive care, according to the Mexico City archdiocese.

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