Tuesday, April 18, 2017

GREAT NEWS! Turkish Muslim immigrant who went on a shooting rampage at Cascade Mall in Washington hangs himself

Arcan Cetin, 20, the Muslim immigrant accused of killing five people at Cascade Mall in Burlington last fall was found dead in the Snohomish County Jail on Sunday night, apparently after hanging himself.

It’s good that he did himself in because the family and defense attorney were trying to have the charges dropped because of “mental issues,” the new favorite defense tactic for Muslim terrorists in the West.

King5  Arcan Cetin, the man charged with killing five people in a shooting at Cascade Mall in Burlington, Wash., last September was found dead Sunday night at the Snohomish County Jail.

The Skagit County Prosecutor’s Office said Arcan Cetin (pronounced AR’-jahn CHEHT-in) was discovered hanging in his cell just before 9 p.m. The office could not immediately say why Cetin had been transferred from Skagit County.

Cetin, 20, was charged with five counts of aggravated first-degree murder for the Sept. 23, 2016, killings. The charges alleged Cetin acted with “premeditated intent” when he used a rifle to kill a teenage girl, three women and a man at the Macy’s Women’s store inside the mall, 65 miles north of Seattle.

Killed in the shootings were Sarai Lara, 16, of Mount Vernon; Shayla Martin, 52, of Mount Vernon; Belinda Galde, 64, and her mother, 95-year-old Beatrice Dotson, both of Arlington; and Wilton “Chuck” Eagan, 61, of Lake Stevens (above).

Cetin had visited his mother and Marshall before the Sept. 23 shooting, and stole his stepfather’s .22-caliber Ruger rifle, which had been hidden under a bed, according to records acquired by The Associated Press.

Cetin’s stepfather, David Marshall, previously told the media that Cetin “has had mental health issues that we have been working on him with.”

Cetin in the mall during shooting rampage

Cetin entered through the Chuck E. Cheese restaurant just before 7 p.m. and headed for the Macy’s Women’s store, Mount Vernon Police Officer Dave Shackleton said in an arrest warrant affidavit.

Surveillance video shows Cetin shooting a teenage girl near some clothing racks and then shooting a man. He then headed for the cosmetics section where he shot two women who were hugging and trembling in front of the counter and one who was trying to hide behind it.

CCTV footage of the Muslim gunman shooting people in the mall

During interviews with police, Cetin admitted that he shot the five people at the mall, but did not provide a reason. (It’s always the same reason: ISLAM)

King5  Federal sources confirm to KING 5 that Cetin was not a U.S. citizen, meaning legally he cannot vote. However, state records show Cetin registered to vote in 2014 and participated in three election cycles, including the May presidential Democrat primary.

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