Tuesday, March 21, 2017

GERMAN Ex-Muslim, Hamed Abdel-Samad, kicks the crap out of the argument by Muslims and Leftist sympathizers that “Islamic terrorism has nothing to do with Islam”

FYI:  Hamed Abdel-Samad, an ex-Muslim son of an imam of Egyptian origin, who believes “Islam is a danger to society,” was forced to move out of Germany because he now requires 24/7 security against Muslims threatening to kill him there.

Wiki Abdel-Samad became known to the German public through his book Mein Abschied vom Himmel (My Farewell from Heaven) (2009). Following the book’s publication in Egypt a group issued a fatwa against Abdel-Samad and he was put under police protection.
He criticized the German political establishment for appeasing Islam, while ignoring fears about Islam. According to Abdel-Samad, this behavior created resentment in the German population. In an interview aired on Al-Hafez on June 7, 2013, hardline Egyptian cleric and Al-Azhar professor Mahmoud Shaaban accused Abdel-Samad of committing “heresy” and stated that “he must be killed for being a heretic…if he refuses to recant.”

RELATED STORY/VIDEO: EX-MUSLIM forced to leave Germany because he needs 24/7 security against Muslims there who want to kill him

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