Thursday, February 16, 2017
“AUSTRALIANS are fleeing areas housing Muslim migrants so as to protect their daughters (from rape and sexual assault)”
“Culture and integration matter to Australians,” he told colleagues in the Australian parliament’s upper house, condemning the “coldness and arrogance of [the] political elites” who refused to recognize this.
“If immigrants are to assimilate we should be choosing those from cultures with a track record of ready assimilation,” argued Senator Roberts, pointing out that Australians had few complaints about “Buddhists, or Sikhs, or Hindus, or Jews or Catholics or Protestants and so on”.
Pauline Hanson’s One Nation colleague said Australians were now fleeing areas of heavy migrant settlement, especially where Muslims lived. ‘Self-segregation has become a reality,’ he said, adding immigrants should be chosen from cultural groups that assimilate.
“Show me a successful democracy in the Middle East that imposes the death penalty on gay people for being gay, imposes the death penalty on women who are unfaithful to their husband and denies the right of the Jewish people to live in peace in Israel.
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