Tuesday, January 10, 2017

EXCELLENT! Senior Palestinian thug says: “If Donald Trump makes good on his promise to move the American Embassy to the capital of Israel in Jerusalem it is declaration of war on all Muslims”

Palestinian Authority’s supreme Sharia judge Mahmoud Al-Habbash declared on Friday: “When something harms our faith and our existence, we cannot stand by and do nothing,” Habbash, who also serves as a senior aide to Abbas, said.

Breitbart  “(Palestinian)-illegally occupied Jerusalem is our eternal capital, the capital of our existence and the capital of our state. (NO, IT ISN’T, Jerusalem is the capital of Israel and has been for thousands of years)  In politics, there can be compromises here and there… In politics there can be negotiation. However, in matters of religion, faith, values, ethics, and history, there can be no compromises,” he added. (That’s right, it’s time for Israel to evict all Muslim occupiers from its capital in Jerusalem)

Saeb Erekat, secretary-general of the Palestinian Liberation Organization and chief Palestinian negotiator, said that moving the embassy would “destroy” the peace process (that never was) between Israel and the Palestinians and would cause the region to descend further into “more chaos, lawlessness and extremism.” (Good!) Erekat also warned that if Trump were to go ahead with the move, the PLO will revoke its recognition of Israel and the U.S. will be forced to shut down all of its embassies in the Arab world. (Even better! And we’ll shut down all the financial aid we waste on Arab nations, especially the Palestinian squatters in Israel)

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