Thursday, January 12, 2017

‘CALIPHORNIA’ MUSLIM phone store salesman caught pulling a gun on customers who came in asking for refund after being sold “used” iPhones

Basel Mohammad Farha, the salesman, was arrested and booked on suspicion of brandishing a weapon, making threats, and assault with a deadly weapon after the incident was caught on video.

UK Daily Mail (h/t Billy H)  Los Angeles comedian Pat Gallegos was among the group of three friends and relatives who accompanied a female cousin to the Metro-PCS store to ask for a refund for an iPhone 6s, according to NBC Los Angeles.  ‘My cousin is a very nice and shy girl so she asked me to go with her,’ said the account user who posted video of the shocking encounter that followed on YouTube.

As taunts of ‘Pussy’ and ‘Whatta you have?’ are heard faintly off camera, the bearded shopkeeper in a purple Metro-PCS shirt is seen pulling what appears to be a semi-automatic pistol from his rear waistband. The man, identified by cops as Farha, cocks the action of the pistol and waves it at the customers standing outside the shop door, shouting ‘Get the fuck outta here, I said!’

One of the customers, identified by NBC as Gallegos, is shown briefly in the video clutching what appears to be paperwork for a phone contract.  The dispute came about after Gallegos’ female cousin bought a new iPhone at the store. But when she got home, she discovered that the iPhone was used, and still had photos, contacts, and notes from the previous owner.

Along with three friends, the woman went to the store to ask for a refund, as a one-week refund clause in her contract allowed, when Farha pulled a gun on the group, the customers claim.

The South Gate Police Department responded quickly to the report of a gun, and arrested Farha after taking interviews and viewing the video, witnesses said. Questioned by police, Farha said he himself had felt threatened by the group of four angry customers, claiming they called him a ‘terrorist.’

‘Based on the circumstances of the case, officers felt there was a threat’ and arrested Farha, said Det. Sgt. Ismael Ververa.  Formal charges are pending are pending in the case, and Farha was released on a $200,000 bail.

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