Tuesday, January 10, 2017

AUSTRALIA: Muslim migrant mob of savages brutally beat two workers

The terrifying ordeal unfolded when the gang of African Muslim teenagers began destroying fencing outside the St Kilda Life Saving Club on the famous Melbourne beach, Australia. Two landscape gardeners working on the site yelled at the men who responded by unleashing a brutal onslaught.

UK Express (h/t Terry D)  Andrew said: “There were about 30 of them and they all turned at once and attacked me, all of them swinging at once. “I just told them to get out of the construction site and then they just looked at me and they just charged at me like animals, like in the wild, they were wild animals.”

The 21-year-old said the gang said nothing before the attack, in which he received a sudden punch to the head before being kicked, stamped on and whipped with a belt. He sustained multiple facial injuries and his colleague, named only as Nathan, had his nose broken by the youths. 

According to local reports, the African teenagers had been terrorising people enjoying the beach for hours, stealing phones, bikes and other possessions.  Police were called to the south-east Melbourne beach on a number of occasions throughout the day but each time the gang would just disperse before joining up again to continue their campaign of intimidation.

In recent years, gangs of mostly Sudanese men have terrorised Melbourne suburbs with a spate of burglaries, rape, assault, and carjackings. Police have said the gangs seem to be motivated by pleasure, warning: “Drugs or money aren’t the driver. It’s purely for the fun. They’re getting off on humiliating their victims.”

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