Monday, December 19, 2016

SYRIA: Muslim savages strap suicide vest to 7-year-old girl, then remotely detonate her in police station

Girl walks into a Syrian police station to ask to use the bathroom, then is blown up when her handlers (Obama-supported ‘rebels’) detonate her suicide vest by remote control. 

Girl in the below photo was the bomber.

UK Daily Mail  (h/t Doug G) The explosion in the bustling Midan neighbourhood of the Syrian capital wounded three police officers, said the Al-Watan daily, which is close to the government. ‘A seven-year-old girl entered the police station, carrying a belt that was detonated from afar,’ the paper posted on its Facebook page. 

A police source told Al-Watan that the little girl had appeared lost and asked to use the bathroom when the explosives went off. The girl’s explosive device was reportedly detonated by her handlers, who were outside the building at the time.  

The horror incident comes as children in besieged city of Aleppo were reportedly burned alive by either ISIS or the ‘rebels’ in violent clashes as President Bashar al-Assad’s forces closed in.

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