Monday, December 19, 2016

Russian ambassador to Turkey assassinated by MUSLIM police officer ‘in revenge for Aleppo’

Russia’s ambassador to Turkey has been assassinated by an off-duty police officer in front of terrified witnesses allegedly in retaliation for the crisis in Aleppo.

Mirror  The gunman – smartly dressed in a black suit and tie – reportedly shouted “Allahu Akbar” and said in Turkish “We die in Aleppo, you die here” after shooting Ambassador Andrei Karlov in the back.

The attacker was fatally shot by police after killing Mr Karlov and wounding three others in what Russia’s Foreign Ministry has called “an act of terrorism”.

Mr Karlov, 62, was delivering a speech at an art gallery in the capital of Ankara when he was shot from behind in an attack caught on camera, and then shot at least once more at close range as he lay on the floor.

According to the Turkish news, the assailant was a 22-year-old, Molood mart AltinTash (sp), who had studied in the Turkish police academy and was carrying a police ID when he entered the Ankara’s art exhibit. During the attack, he shouted Allah o-Akbar. Then in Turkish, he said: “Don’t you dare to forget about Halab (Halab is the ancient name of Aleppo), don’t you dare to forget about Syria.” First, he started by reciting a poem in Arabic that Muslims in the war of khandaq (The battle is named after “trench”, or khandaq, that was dug by Muslims in preparation for the battle) used to hum: “We are those who have given a pledge of allegiance to Muhammad that we will carry on Jihad as long as we live.”

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