Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Imam Found Guilty of Sexual Assault at Canadian Mosque…

A Port Coquitlam man has been found guilty of sexual assault stemming from events that took place in 2013 at the Masjid Al-Hidayah and Islamic Cultural Centre.
According to the judge’s ruling, during his trial, physician Saadeldin Bahr, who is known as Dr. Saad and was imam of the PoCo mosque, told the court that semen found in the victim’s vagina could have come from a toilet seat, where he had ejaculated earlier in the day. Bahr also said the victim’s DNA, which was found on his boxer shorts, may have been the result of the woman putting her hands down his pants.
In his decision, B.C. Supreme Court Justice Robert Crawford said he did not find Bahr’s assertions credible, noting the cleanliness practices associated with the Muslim religion.
“I have great difficulty with Dr. Bahr’s evidence,” Crawford said Wednesday during his reasons for judgement. “Much of what he said is contrary to fastidious cultural procedures.”

Muslims Pray Allah Rains Petrol on a Burning Israel…

JAFFA, Israel – Two of the most popular hashtags currently trending on Arab social media are #Zionist_entity_burns and #Israel_on_fire, as a significant volume of users rejoiced in the wake of a string of forest fires striking Israel this week, some of which were reportedly sparked by arsonists.
Some social media users claimed the blazes were divine punishment for a bill that was recently deliberated in the Knesset seeking to impose noise restrictions on houses or worship, legislation that could impact the notoriously loud Muslim calls for prayer.
Other users announced that despite the drought in the region, whoever prays for rain in Israel is a traitor.
Bahar Ibrahim recalled that Thursday was the anniversary of the death of Abdullah Azzam, a Palestinian militant from the northern West Bank who was an influence on Osama bin Laden during his sojourn in Afghanistan.
“#Zionist_entity_burns on the anniversary of the martyrdom, on 24 November 1989, of Sheikh Abdullah Azzam. Is there a greater avenger than Allah?”
Waeel wrote: “For the first time I feel joy because of a fire. Good morning to the fire that struck Israel. A fire that became perfume in the sky of Palestine.”

Afghanistan Refuses to Take Back Citizens from Sweden…

FOREIGN. Afghanistan's parliament has voted down a contract that was to receive Afghan nationals who have been expelled from Sweden, reports 

Thousands of Afghans, many so-called unaccompanied refugee children, have remained in Sweden even though they have had their asylum application or sentenced to deportation for example, rough sex crimes. They have not been sent home because there has not been a functioning repatriation agreement between Afghanistan and Sweden recently.

And a new planned agreements negotiated between countries stopped now by the Afghan parliament.
Minister for Justice and Minister for Migration and Morgan Johansson (S) however says that Sweden will still be able to send home migrants using the agreement that Afghanistan recently signed with the EU.

- We seek connection with the Afghan government now to sort out the issue.But even if we could implement our bilateral agreements we can still apply the agreement between the EU and Afghanistan. The agreement gives us the opportunity to implement returns to the bilateral agreement would give us, he says to SR.

Germany Stops Religion of Peace Plot to Poison and Blow Up Children

Yusuf T Mohammed O bombersPH
This surveillance camera image shows the images of the two bombers
The gruesome plan came to light during hearings of two Islamic State fanatics who blew up a Sikh temple in the industrial city of Essen during wedding celebrations.

Mohammed O., 17, one of the temple bombers who carried out the assault in April which wounded four people, planned to sell the toxic ices before blowing himself up in the midst of the children.
Yusuf T., 17, was the leader of the so-called Temple bomber group.
The young Salafists first formed their murder gang on Whatsapp and built bombs from ingredients ordered from online retailer Amazon.
When they were captured after the bombing a letter that Mohammed O. had written to Yusuf T. while he was in detention was intercepted by guards. 
On it he posed the question: "May one kill targeted children?"
Sikh temple bombed EssenAFP•GETTY
The Sikh temple in Essen, western German where an explosion took place at a wedding on April 16
The letter went on to say: "I work as an ice cream man with my ice cream van and sell to many children. May I, following Sharia, use arsenic or warfarin, or better still strychnine, to kill children?"

EVEN THE FBI knows a CAIR scam when they see it…crying “Islamophobia” to get media attention and free police protection

For the past several days, designated terrorist group CAIR has been demanding federal law enforcement “hate crime” investigations of an anti-Muslim letter (below) allegedly sent to 3 mosques in ‘Caliphornia.’ But the FBI, fed-up with Muslims constantly crying wolf, appears to be ignoring them this time.


The letter,  as you can see, likely was sent by a Muslim, as evidenced by the kind of phrases Muslims like to use against infidels. For example: “Children of Satan.” “What Hitler did to the Jews.” “Your mothers are whores and your fathers are dogs.” (Only Muslims consider dogs a dirty word) But they are right about one thing…there is a new sheriff in town and Muslims won’t get to play their victim card on a daily basis anymore.

TEXAS Governor Greg Abbott to sign law banning all sanctuary cities in the state

cywdzlrviaezeev-jpg-smallFirst, Abbott withdrew Texas from the (Muslim) Refugee Resettlement Program, now he will stop mayors and sheriffs in Texas from declaring their cities sanctuary cities for illegal aliens by withdrawing state funds to the cities and potentially arresting anyone who ignores the ban.

UPI  Texas Gov. Greg Abbott will ban cities from sheltering illegal aliens in his state, especially the capital, Austin, which declared itself a sanctuary city under Obama. Abbott already deployed National Guard & added DPS Officers to the border & filed the suit that halted Obama‘s illegal amnesty order. 

Now, where did that idea for punishing people who burn the American flag actually originate?

Just hours after President-elect Donald Trump tweeted that there “must be consequences” for burning the American flag, protesters set the stars and stripes ablaze outside Trump Tower.

FOX News  The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in 1989 that flag-burning was not a crime but rather a form of protest protected by the First Amendment. In his tweet yesterday, Trump suggested that an individual who burns the flag should face serious consequences, such as loss of citizenship or a year in jail. However, this is not a new idea and look at who supported it.

(For the record, BNI disagrees that flag-burners should be jailed, but they should be shunned/discriminated against by potential employers, college admissions, and patriotic family members)


Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Moroccan TV airs makeup tips for hiding the telltale bruises on a Muslim woman’s face from domestic violence

As beating your wife is allowed under Islamic law, this advice should come in handy.

Washington Post (h/t Grant B) The makeup tutorial, aired on Moroccan state television, instructed viewers how to use concealer to “camouflage the traces of violence against women.” “After the beating, this part is still sensitive, so don’t press,” the host said in Arabic as she applied makeup on the woman’s face, eventually concealing the woman’s bruises. The segment was broadcast two days before the U.N. International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women.
“It’s a subject we shouldn’t talk about, but unfortunately that’s what it is,” the segment’s host, Lilia Mouline, said in the tutorial. “We hope that these beauty tips help you carry on with your normal life.”

MEET HERO COP who killed the Somali Muslim terrorist at Ohio State University


Somali Muslim terrorist, Abdul Razak Ali Artan, left at least 9 people injured, one critically, by running them down with his car and stabbing others with a butcher knife. Those numbers would have been a lot higher if not for the quick response by Ohio State University police officer Alan Horujko.

The Daily Caller  Horujko, 28, stopped Abdul Razak Ali Artan (below) in less than two minutes after the junior OSU student rammed his car into a group of pedestrians and then attacked them with a butcher’s knife.


Horujko radioed to dispatch at 9:52 a.m. that a man had driven his car into a group of pedestrians near Watts Hall on campus. He then radioed again to say there was a man with a knife, and, “officer in trouble.”

One minute later, at 9:53 a.m., Horujko radioed for a third time to say he had engaged the suspect and shots had been fired. His quick thinking — and decisive actions — prevented Artan from further harming students he’d already attacked, and stopped him from hurting anyone else.

Eleven people were sent to the hospital after the attack, and the school was placed on lock down as a precaution while police searched for any additional attackers. Thankfully, none of those sent to the hospital have life-threatening injuries.

Horujko joined the OSU police force after he graduated from OSU in 2015.


OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY Somali Muslim terrorist blames the media for making Muslims feel bad in America

His Facebook post shortly before his attack on campus warned America to stop interfering with the Muslim “ummah” – reinstating the rules of Islam and the political unity among Muslims on a global scale.


SHOCKING ADMISSION from 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Muhammed, currently rotting away in Guantanamo Bay

filkins-khalid-sheikh-mohammed-torture-report-1200-630-30171618Khalid Sheikh Muhammed said, “If not for the ferocity of George W. Bush’s response to the 9/11 attacks, al-Qaeda would have been able to carry out more attacks against America.”


Essentially, KSM is saying that they carried out the terror attacks on 9/11 in the mistaken belief that George W Bush would treat the attacks as a law enforcement issue and respond as Bill Clinton had done after the two US Embassy attacks in Africa and the USS Cole attack in Yemen – firing a few missiles into empty tents. Or as Ronald Reagan had done after the 1983 bombings of the US Marine barracks in Beirut in 1983 – pull all the troops out.



Wakati hatuwezi kuwa na hakika kabisa kwa nini Yuda alimsaliti Yesu, baadhi ya mambo fulani ni halisi. Kwanza, ingawa Yuda alichaguliwa kuwa mmoja wa wale kumi na wawili (Yohana 6:64),ushahidi wote wa maandiko matakatifu unaashiria kwamba kamwe hakuamini kuwa Yesu ni Mungu. Yeye pengine hata hakushawizika kwamba Yesu alikuwa Masihi (kama Yuda alivyoelewa). Tofauti na wanafunzi wengine waliomwita Yesu "Bwana," Yuda kamwe hakutumia jina hili kwa Yesu na badala yake alimwita "Mwalimu," ambalo lilimtambua Yesu kama tu mwalimu. Wakati wanafunzi wengine mara kwa mara walifanya fani kubwa ya imani na uaminifu (Yohana 6:68; 11:16), Yuda kamwe hakufanya hivyo na alionekana kuwa kimya. Ukosefu huu wa imani katika Yesu ni msingi kwa masuala mengine yote yaliyoorodheshwa hapa chini. Ukweli sawa na huu unatangamana nasi. Kama tutashindwa kutambua Yesu kama Mungu mwenyewe, na kwa hiyo tu wa pekee ambaye anaweza kutoa msamaha kwa ajili ya dhambi zetu-na wokovu wa milele ambao huja na hilo- tutakuwa chini ya matatizo mengine mbalimbali ambayo yanatokana na mtazamo mbaya wa Mungu.
Pili, Yuda si tu alikosa imani katika Kristo, lakini pia alikuwa na uhusiano kidogo wa kibinafsi na Yesu au aliukosa. Wakati muhtasari wa injili unaorodhesha kumi na wawili, wameorodheshwa kwa mpangilio sawa na uwiano wao(Mathayo 10: 2-4; Marko 3: 16-19; Luka 6: 14-16). Mpangilio wa jumla umeaminika kuonyesha utangamano wa karibu wa uhusiano wao kibinafsi na Yesu.Licha ya tofauti, Petro na ndugu zake Yakobo na Yohana daima walioorodheshwa kwanza, ambayo ni sawa na mahusiano yao na Yesu. Yuda daima alitajwa mwisho, ambayo inaweza kuonyesha ukosefu wake wa uhusiano binafsi wa karibu na Kristo. Kwa kuongezea, kumbukumbu ya pekee ya mazungumzo kati ya Yesu na Yuda inahusisha Yuda kukemewa na Yesu baada ya usemi wake kwa Mariamu uliochochewa na tama yake(Yohana 12: 1-8), Yuda kukataliwa na usaliti wake (Mathayo 26:25), na usaliti wenyewe (Luka 22:48).
Tatu, Yuda alitawaliwa na tamaa kwa kiwango cha kusaliti uaminifu sit u wa Yesu, bali pia wanafunzi wenzake, kama tunavyoona katika Yohana 12: 5-6.Pengine Yuda angetamani kumfuata Yesu kwa sababu tu yeye aliona umati mkubwa uliomfuata na akaamini angeweza kufaika kutoka kwa makusanyo yaliyochukuliwa kwa ajili ya kikundi. Ukweli kwamba Yuda alikuwa msimamizi wa mfuko wa pesa kwa ajili ya kundi ingeonyesha haja yake katika fedha (John 13:29).


Ndugu zanguni,
Leo nawaletea ushahidi mwingine kuwa Shetani alisilimu na kuwa Muislam. Hebu ungana nami moja kwa moja.
Shet'ani kwa mara ya kwanza ameapa kiapo cha utii kutoka Abu Bakr katika msikiti na Shet'ani alisilimu na kumfuata Allah. (Israr-e-Muhammad, Page No 30)
Ni bahati mbaya kwamba Adamu Hawa hawakufanikiwa kufanya jitihada za kumwezesha shetani na wanae kuuomba msamaha kwa mwenyezi Mungu na kuwa Waislamu, ni mtume Muhammad tu ndiye aliyemsilimisha shetani akawa muislamu… (KITABU CHA ASILI YA MAJINI UK 20)
Sasa Ikiwa shetani ni muislamu, na sisi tunajua kuwa shetani yeye ndiye adui yetu namba moja ambaye sisi hatupaswi kushirikiana nae,
Yakobo 4:7 Basi mtiini Mungu. Mpingeni shetani, nae atawakimbia.
Sasa iweje tena tumfuate shetani katika uislamu? Kwa kuwa shetani ambaye aliwadanganya Adamu na Hawa.
Max Shimba mtumwa wa Yesu Kristo


Nabii Muhammad alimtukana na kumlaani mtoto yatima aliye kuwa na Umm Sulaim (Ambaye ni mama ya Anas). Sahih Muslim, Book 032, Number 6297)

Kumbuka dini zote zinakataza matusi! 

Amesema Muhammad: "Hakika muumini wa kweli hawi ni mwenye kuwatuhumu watu, wala KUWALAANI watu, wala hawi na maneno MACHAFU" {Musnadu Ahmad juzu ya 1 ukurasa 416, hadith nambari:3948}

(Waefeso 4:31)-Uchungu wote na ghadhabu na hasira na kelele na MATUKANO yaondoke kwenu, pamoja na kila namna ya ubaya.

(1Wakorintho 6:9-10)-Au hamjui wadhalimu hawataurithi Ufalme wa Mungu? Msidanganyike;Waasherati hawataurithi Ufalme wa Mungu wala wevi, wala walevi,wala WATUKANAJI.
Mungu awabariki sana.

Ni mimi Dr. Max Shimba, mtumwa wa Yesu Kristo, Mungu Mkuu. Tito 2:13

For Max Shimba Ministries Org,
Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.


Abu Huraira (r.a) amesimulia kuwa: Mtume (s.a.w) amesema, "Ye yote mwenye kutukana, basi huyo amejambiwa na Shetani katika Mdomo wake." (Fat'hul Baary J. 10, Uk. 176)
Kwa hivyo wenzetu hawa wapo katika himaya ya shetani, tusiwashangae sana bali tuzidi kuwapa Injili, Ili wazinduke waache kujambiwa midomoni mwao na shetani, maana shetani amewatawala sana, Licha ya kuwajambia midomoni, lakini pia, hujikita kulala katika tundu za pua zao waislamu.
Kasema Mtume (s.a.w) “Anamwijia mmoja wenu shetani katika sala, basi anapuliza (anampuliza) katika matako yake, basi yule mtu inamwijia fikiria ya kuwa umemtoka upepo (kajamba) nae haukumtoka, basi akiona hali hiyo asiondoke kwenye sala mpaka asikie sauti ya kumtoka huo upepo au anuse harufu yake”. (KITABU CHA MKWELI MWAMIU, JUZUU YA 1 -2 HADITHI NA. 74, UK 42)
Kwa hivyo sisi Wakristo tunalo jukumu kubwa sana la kuwafikishia Injili hawa watumwa wa shetani yaani Waislamu, Ili waache Kujambiwa na shetani, waache kufanywa vitanda vya shetani, Waachwe kufanywa sehemu ya michezo ya shetani kupitia matako yao.



Quran 40: 60. Na Mola wenu Mlezi anasema: Niombeni nitakuitikieni. Kwa hakika wale ambao wanajivuna na kuniabudu Mimi wataingia Jahannamu wadhalilike.

Allah wa Waislam amesema kiuwazi kabisa kuwa “wale wote ambao wanajivunia Uislam na kumuabudu Allah wataingia Motoni”.
Poleni sana waenda Jehannam.
Dr. Max Shimba mtumwa wa Yesu Kristo anakwambia kuwa, MPOKEE YESU ILI USIDHARIRISHWE NA ALLAH.


Quran 4 :43. Enyi mlio amini! Msikaribie Sala, hali MMELEWA,………
Hii aya haikatazi pombe bali inatoa ushauri juu ya Waislam ambao walikuwa wanasali huku wamelewa.
Sahihi Muslim 3753:'' Sisi tulikuwa pamoja na Mtume wa Allah, na Yeye Mtume wa Allah alikuwa na kiu na mtu mmoja akasema: Ewe Mtume wa Mwenyezi Mungu, Je, UNATAKA KUNYWA MVINYO? Mtume Muhammad akasema: NDIO. Basi yule Mtu alikwenda kuleta mvinyo. Mtume wa Allah akamwambia: Lete MVINYO ULIO MKALI ILI NINYWE; Basi Mtume wa Allah alipo kunywa ule MVINYO MKALI ALILEWA"
Biblia ishaonya vileo kabla ya Muhammad, na Muhammad anadai anasadikisha ya manabii waliopita, swali halishindwa kusadikisha ayah ii ifuatayo mpaka akanywa mvinyo mkali? Tazama…
Isaya 5:22 Ole wao walio hodari kunywa kileo chenye nguvu, watu waume wenye nguvu kuchanganya vileo;
Muslim-3721 Mtume wa Allah alikuwa anatumia chombo(bakuri) cha jiwe kunywea mvinyo.
Mithali 23:31,32 Usiitazame mvinyo iwapo ni nyekundu; Iitiapo bilauri rangi yake, ishukapo taratibu.Mwisho wake huuma kama nyoka; Huchoma kama fira.
(Muslim-AlHayd-451). Aisha alikuwa anammiminia mvinyo mtume wa Allah asubuhi na usiku na pia alikuwa anampelekea ndani ya msikiti.
Quran 16: 67. Na kutokana na matunda ya mitende na mizabibu mnatengeneza ULEVI na riziki nzuri. Hakika katika hayo ipo Ishara kwa wanao tumia akili
Quran 47:15. Mfano wa Pepo walio ahidiwa wachamngu ina mito ya maji yasiyo vunda, na mito ya maziwa isiyo haribika ladha yake, na mito ya ULEVI yenye ladha kwa wanywao, na mito ya asali iliyo safishwa. Na wao humo watakuwa na kila namna ya matunda, na maghfira kutoka kwa Mola wao Mlezi. Basi hao ni kama watakao dumu Motoni na wakinyweshwa maji yanayo chemka ya kuwakata matumbo yao?


BAADA ya shoga maarufu jijini Dar es Salaam, Ibrahimu Mohamed ‘Anti Suzy’ (25), kutoboa siri kwenye vyombo vya habari jinsi watoto wa kiume wanavyoharibiwa na wanaume na kueleza namna alivyobwagiwa mtoto wa mwaka amtunze, mwanamume aliyembwagia mtoto ameibuka na kumjeruhi kwa visu akitaka kumuua.
Mwanamume huyo mwenye mke, awali alikuwa akiishi na Anti Suzy kama mume na mke eneo la Jangwani, baada ya kumkimbia mkewe na alikorofishana na shoga huyo baada ya kumfanyia fujo na kumuibia.
Akizungumza na gazeti la Habari Leo jana nyumbani kwake, ‘Anti Suzy’ aliyejitangaza kuwa ni muathirika wa Virusi Vya Ukimwi kwa zaidi ya miaka 10 sasa, alisema mwanamume huyo alikuwa akimsumbua warudiane, lakini yeye alikataa na kumtaka aishi na mkewe na kutunza watoto badala ya kumng’ang’ania.
“Nilimwambia simtaki, vituko alivyonifanyia ukiacha kuniletea mtoto wa mwaka na nusu wa kike nimlee hapa nyumbani, alikuwa akinipiga, kunitukana na aliniibia vitu vyangu vyote. Kwanza nilishamwambia nimeathirika na Ukimwi ananifuata nini?” Alihoji shoga huyo.
“Jana (juzi) alinipigia simu akinitaka turidiane nikamwambia asinifuate kwanza nimeshaenda kwenye vyombo vya habari.”
Alisema alimwambia hivyo ili asimfuate, lakini baada ya kumweleza hayo, alimvamia nyumbani juzi kati ya saa nne na tano asubuhi akiwa na panga na visu akimtishia kumuua kama hawatarudiana na kama ataendelea kwenda kwenye vyombo vya habari kumuanika mambo yake.
“Nilikimbilia ndani na yeye akanifuata humo, akarusha panga anikate shingoni huku akisema ataniua, nikakwepa, lakini likanijeruhi shingo, kama haitoshi akachukua kisu alichokuwa nacho akanikata vidole.
“Damu ikaanza kutoka nyingi, alivyoona hivyo akanikaba kooni ili aninyonge, majirani waliposikia nakoroma, wakavunja mlango na kuniokoa,” alidai Anti Suzy.
Shoga huyo aliyeanza vitendo hivyo akiwa mkoani Mwanza, alisema aliamua yeye na mama mwenye nyumba kwenda Kituo Kidogo cha Polisi Jangwani kutoa taarifa na kupewa hati yenye namba MS/RB/10695/20....


Mfalme Nebukadneza aliota Mti Mrefu na Mkubwa sana ulioota katikati ya nchi ambao ulikua na kuwa na nguvu, na Urefu wake ukafika Mpaka Mbinguni na kuonekana kwake mpaka Mwisho wa dunia. Majani ya Mti ule yalikuwa ni Mazuri, na matunda yake Mengi na ndani yake palikuwa na chakula cha kutosha kuwalisha watu wote. Wanyama wa kondeni walipata uvuli chini yake, na ndege wa angani walikaa katika matawi yake; kila kitu chenye mwili kilipata chakula kwake.
Kisha katika Njozi Mfalme akaona Mlinzi ambaye ni Mtakatifu akishuka toka Mbinguni. Akapaza sauti yake, akasema, Ukateni mti huu, yafyekeni matawi yake, yapukusieni mbali majani yake, na kuyatawanya matunda yake, wanyama na waondoke hapo chini yake, na ndege katika matawi yake. Walakini kiacheni kisiki cha shina lake katika ardhi, pamoja na pingu ya chuma na shaba, katika majani mororo ya kondeni; kikapate maji kwa umande wa mbinguni, na sehemu yake iwe pamoja na wanyama katika majani ya nchi; moyo wake ubadilike, usiwe moyo wa binadamu, na apewe moyo wa mnyama; nyakati saba zikapite juu yake. Hukumu hii imekuja kwa agizo la walinzi, na amri hii kwa neno la watakatifu; kusudi walio hai wapate kujua ya kuwa Aliye juu anatawala katika ufalme wa wanadamu, naye humpa amtakaye, tena humtawaza juu yake aliye mnyonge.
Baada ya Mfalme Nebukadneza kuiota ndoto Hii, aliwaita waganga na wachawi na wanajimu na wenye Hekima ili wapate kumtafsiria ndoto ile walakini walishindwa kutafsiri ile ndoto. Ndipo Mfalme akamwita Danieli maana aliona kuwa Roho ya Miungu watakatifu inakaa ndani yake. Mfalme Alipoisikia ile ndoto alifadhaika maana alifahamu tafsiri yake. Nabii Danieli Kwa Hekima akamfafanulia Mfalme kwamba Yeye ndiye alikuwa ule Mti mrefu na Mkubwa uliofika Mpaka Mbinguni, na ambao wanyama wa kondeni walipata uvuli chini yake na ndege walikaa juu ya matawi yake, na ndani yake palikuwa na chakula cha kuwatosha watu wote.
Ufalme wa Babeli uliitawala dunia yote walakini Danieli alimfafanulia Mfalme kuwa sababu ya Kiburi chake na kutomtukuza Mungu ataondolewa roho ya Binadamu na kupewa moyo wa Mnyama, naye atafukuzwa mbali na wanadamu na kuishi porini kama wanyama wa mwituni na kula majani kama ng’ombe hata miaka saba ipite hata apate kujua kuwa Yeye aliye Juu ndiye anayetawala wafalme wote naye humpa Ufalme kila amtakaye.
Walakini ule ufalme wake hautang’olewa wote bali kama wale walinzi walivyoambiwa kuwa wakiache kisiki katika shina lake maana yake ni kwamba baada ya Miaka saba Ufalme wake utarudishwa. Nabii Danieli alimshauri Mfalme kutubu na kumrudia Mungu pengine Mungu anaweza kughairi na kuacha kumtenda Mfalme mambo aliyokusudia kuyafanya juu yake.
SWALI: Kwenye Daniel 4:1-3, je Nebukadneza alisema maneno haya kabla au baada ya mkasa wa Danieli?
Jambo hili lilitokea baada ya mkasa wa Danieli, kwa sababu maelezo haya ya Nebukadneza yenye kutumia nafsi ya kwanza yanatoka kwenye barua ambayo aliiandika baadaye.

Monday, November 28, 2016

But what did the Muslim student do to provoke the teacher?”

Designated terrorist group CAIR is calling for a “hate crime” investigation of a North Carolina teacher who allegedly grabbed a 5-year-old Muslim boy by the neck and called him a “bad Muslim boy” multiple times over several weeks. 

But as usual, we only get CAIR’s version of this story.

It will take you only about 10 seconds to see how many people are interested in hearing Muslims talk about “Islamophobia”

And at least half of the attendees are Muslims themselves.

ENVER TV ANCHOR forced to quit her job after getting death threats from accused Muslim fraudster whom she exposed

3acec0da00000578-3976682-heidi_hemmat_a_reporter_at_kdvr_fox_31_claims_to_have_quit_her_j-a-12_1480284931511A six-time Emmy award-winning reporter, Heidi Hemmat, had no choice but to quit her job at a Denver TV station after being warned of death threats allegedly from a crooked Muslim businessman, Muhammed Murib, whose fraudulent activities she had uncovered for a story broadcast on KDVR Fox31 TV.

UK Daily Mail  Heidi Hemmat, an investigative reporter at KDVR Fox 31, penned a post on her website on Thursday confirming details of her departure from the news station saying she felt her life was in danger because of threats from Muslim store owner Muhammed Murib.

Muhammed Murib
Muhammed Murib

Hemmat, who has won six Emmy awards, claims to have received ‘downright terrifying’ threats from the Muslim store owner she had investigated at length in 2015 over his alleged dumping of customers’ receipts and documents top defraud the IRS. 

SOMALI MUSLIM suspect killed after running down, then stabbing as many as 10 people at Ohio State University

Before being gunned down, in an apparent Islamic State-inspired terrorist attack, a SOMALI MUSLIM man, 20, ran into a group of pedestrians on a street corner with his vehicle, then got out and used a butcher knife to cut several people, said OSU President. FBI refuses to rule out terror link. (Well, DUH)

Somali Muslim dead terrorist Abdul Razak Ali Artan
Somali Muslim dead terrorist Abdul Razak Ali Artan

NBC  NBC News has identified the suspect as 18-year-old Somali Muslim Abdul Razak Ali Artan. Artan was an Ohio State student who left his homeland with his family in 2007. They lived in Pakistan before coming to the U.S., where Artan became a permanent resident in 2014. 

Columbus police said a man driving a car on The Ohio State University campus jumped a curb and hit several pedestrians before getting out of his gray Honda Civic and stabbing others. Within one minute, police said, an OSU officer shot and killed the man and confiscated his butcher knife.

Here’s a photo of the DEAD MUSLIM TERRORIST. 


CNN  Ten people were hospitalized after an attack Monday at Ohio State University, Columbus Fire spokeswoman Rebecca Diehm said. Nine are in stable condition, and one is in critical condition, she said.

Jesus said to Thomas that HE IS THE LIVING GOD

John 14 ► Peshitta Holy Bible Translated Verse 5 and 6 Thoma said to him, “Our Lord, we do not know where you are going and how can we know ...