Sunday, August 14, 2016


Sheikh Khalifa  Khamis, Chairman of Immams in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, has condemned appointment of Ministers and Regional Commissioners by the President of the United Republic of Tanzania, Dr. John Magufuli as religiously and influenced by what he called “the Christendom system in Tanzania.”

Sheikh Khamis said the Christendom system logic is that the state decision-making and performance of government activities seen clearly oriented against the interests of the Muslim community. That is, wherever the government makes decisions, such decisions will be based on advice or pressure of the Christian community

Complaints against what in recent years has been known as the Christendom, an informal system that favored the Christians more and oppresses Muslims, are still elevating." He said and added;.

"Among the indicators of the presence of such a system in our country is divisive inequalities of titles of selection and employment in government based on the provision of social services, especially education, high participation of Christian community in planning and decision-making of the government activities than the Muslims community."

He further said, he would pick only 16 government parastatals and institutions as exhibit following the recently appointed Ministers of the Cabinet and Regional Commissioners by the President of the United Republic of Tanzania.

These 16 model of statistics of Government Parastatals and Institutions, reflects the typical of other institutions. About 4  out of 134 of Chief Executive Officers in 16 Government Parastatals and Institutions, are Muslims- 3%, while the rest 130 are Christians-97.01%
In a situation like this everyone can see how the government has failed completely to care of equal participation of civil society without considering the criterion of religion.” Weekly Muslim Newspaper “MIZANI” quoted Sheikh Khalifa  Khamis, Chairman of Immams in Dar es Salaam.

Announcing the new Cabinet at State House, Dr Magufuli said he decided to merge some of the ministries in line with his cost-cutting philosophy.

The appointment always comply with the constitution and self ability of the appointee, regardless his/her religion.

Tanzania is a secular state constitutionally; there fore there is no room for self interest including appointments.

For a long time radical Muslims in Tanzania yearn to see their fellow radical Muslims appointed as government officers in various decision making bodies, who will influence their interest and agenda of implementing the Extreme Islamic Shariah Law in the land, towards Caliphate regime.

However, Tanzania enjoys a diversity of beliefs in the peace co-existence atmosphere.

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