Mchungaji Saeed Abedini aliwaongoza sala ya toba hao Waislam wakiwa jela nchini Iran.
Baada ya viongozi wa Jela kundua hivyo, walimwamisha Mchungaji Saeed Abedini kwenda kwenye jeal nyinge. Huko ali ilikuwa mbaya zaidi maana Waislam 1000 walimpokea Yesu papo hapo.
Kwa habari zaidi soma hapa chini:
10 Muslims accept Jesus as their personal savior.
Pastor Saeed Abedini led them to the Lord in an Iranian prison.
Pastor Saeed Abedini led them to the Lord in an Iranian prison.
When he was in prison in Iran, Pastor Saeed Abedini led 10 Muslims to Christ. He shared the good news that there is salvation only through Jesus and they accepted Jesus as their savior. Pastor Saeed Abedini who was released from prison and is now in the US continues to preach the gospel to whoever he can. In a post on his FB, he quoted Matthew 6:33 “Seek ye first the kingdom of God and all these things shall be added unto you” and said: “Since I first came to know Jesus, He told me He is coming back soon and to preach the gospel and I did in every condition and at any cost. Many times I preached in prison to other prisoners. I made my decision to preach every time I had the opportunity with all my weaknesses not by looking at who I am but looking at Who He Is ! Today, on my way to Washington DC, as we got in our taxi, the driver was Muslim from Afghanistan and his name was Karim and I got to share the Lord Jesus Christ with him and again I got the blessing of sitting by a Jewish gentleman called Cliff and share the gospel with him. He gives opportunities daily if we look for them. During the last sixteen years of walking with the Lord, I saw how He blessed me every time I put Him first. I pray we will all follow Jesus example by putting God first in everything we do. Seek Him First!” he said. In an interview to CNN, Pastor Saeed Abedini explained: “Ten of the prisoners turned to Christ the first year, so the prison found out, the intelligent police found out, and they moved me to another prison where the situation was worse,” he said. “Every time they changed my prison, it was a good time to evangelize,” said the pastor. However, the Iranian prison authorities tortured those Muslims who accepted Jesus as their person savior. Abedini said they were tortured and separated from him and he himself was kept in isolation. Abedini’s captors continued to threaten intimidate him in the prison. “You know the first six months they always threaten me to death and they said, ‘For sure you’re going to be executed for what you did — you made 1,000 Muslim Christians’ … But every time that I prayed, [the] Holy Spirit put in my heart, ‘No, still I have some work to do for you.'”
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