Monday, July 11, 2016


Kitengo cha Polisi nchini Rwanda kimeunga mkono maamuzi yaliyofavywa na Baraza Kuu ya Waislamu nchini Rwanda la kupiga marufuku uvaaji wa NIQAB "GUBIGUBI". Hijabu ni vazi ambalo huvaliwa na wanawake wa Kiislamu kufunika uso mzima na Kubakiza macho tu. Huu ni utamaduni wa Kiislam na nchi za Kiarabu.
Kamishna Msaidizi wa Polisi wa Rwanda Bwana Celestin Twahirwa amesema kuwa POLISI RWANDA imepokea Uwamuzi huo wa Baraza kuu kwa mikono Miwili na Kusema ni Uamuzi Mzuri katika kuimarisha Usalama na Ulinzi wa Nchi na sio wa Kidini.
Kwa habari zaidi soma hapa:
RNP supports decision on Niqab by High Council of Muslims in Rwanda
Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP) Celestin Twahirwa, Rwanda National Police spokesperson.
Following a decision by the High Council of Muslims in Rwanda banning Niqab, a veil worn by Muslim women covering the whole face apart from eyes, Rwanda National Police (RNP) has welcomed and supported the decision adding that it is a measure for safety and security.
The decision to ban Niqab, cloth that covers the face as a part of sartorial Hijab, was reached during the meeting of High Council of Muslims in Rwanda also known as Fatuwa held on May 14, 2016.
This also followed a report by the Muslim community in Rwanda that raised security concerns the Niqab is likely to cause in the face of the emerging security threats, which are cross-border and transnational in nature.
“Rwanda National Police supports any decision by any institution, religious denominations and other civil society organization that aims at complementing existing policies and initiatives to ensure maximum security,” said RNP spokesperson, Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP) Celestin Twahirwa.
“Religious institutions and the Muslim community in particular are among RNP active partners in policing and if they find and decide that some of their traditions and beliefs pose security risks it is a healthy decision to do away with them for the general good and we will continue to work together to ensure public order,” he added.
Chanzo: RNP supports decision on Niqab by High Council of Muslims in Rwanda…

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