Saturday, June 18, 2016


Leo nawaletea burdan kutoka kwa Allah.
1. Eti "Sperms" zinatoka katika kifua cha Mwanaume " Soma (Quran 86:5-7).
2. Mfalme Sulemani alikuwa anazungumza na Ndege Soma (Quran 27:16).
3. Sulemani alikuwa anazungumza na Chunguchungu. Soma (Quran 27:18)
4. Allah kaumba Dunia kama Zulia "Carpet" The Qurân 20:53. (Qurân 13:3; 15:19; 18:7; 19:6; 21:30; 35:40; 41:10; 43:10; 50:7; 51:48; 55:10; 78:6; 79:30; 88:20)
5. Eti USIKU UNAOGELEA KATIKA anga. The Qurân talks of the earth in terms as if it were stationary, with the sun and stars moving around the earth (Qurân 2:258; 21:33; 36:40; 52:49; 53:1). "It is he who created the night and the day, and the sun and the moon: all (celestial bodies) swim along, each in it's rounded course" (21:33). We know today that the sun is far bigger than the earth, and is drawing the round earth in it's orbit.
Huyu ndie Allah wa ajabu ajabu. Anapenda sana kulazimisha vitu. Sasa anadai kuwa Solomoni alikuwa anaongea na Ndege, Chunguchungu. Huku Zaburi na Taurat vinakataa huo usanii wa Allah wa kwenye Quran.
ALLAH anadai eti "Sperm" zinatoka kwenye kifua, huku sayansi inapinga huo usanii wa Allah.
Allah anadai kuwa eti USIKI unaogelea katika Anga. Hivi huyu Allah ni kweli aliumba au ni msanii tu?
Sasa Allah anadai eti, Dunia ni kama Zulia "Carpet" huku ikifahamika kuwa dunia haipo kama Zulia. Ndio maana naendelea kusema kuwa Allah sio Mwenyezi Mungu. Allah sio Yehova. Allah sio Yehuh.

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