Saturday, January 31, 2015

Thirty-Two Sins of Muham-mad(Pbuh)

Louis Palme
A new book has been published in German and English by author Zahid Khan, titled “The Criminal Acts of Prophet Mohammed.” The author demonstrates that Muhammad, instead of being a true Prophet of God, was misguided by his own evil pursuits and ambitions. His success was not due to the depth of his religious insights, but rather due to animating thousands of idled Arabs by the prospect of spoils and sex-slaves on earth and even more virgins and material pleasures in the hereafter.
When Muhammad died suddenly, thousands of followers tried to escape the clutches of Islam, triggering the bloody Wars of Apostasy (Ridda). But the trap had been closed, and even today it is a capital crime to leave Islam. The only way to open the Islamic trap is to expose the evil nature of Islam for all to see.
While the book is sold in the U.S. only in Kindle format via, that hasn’t stopped German Islamists, namely Stefan Salim Nagi and Pierre Vogel, from allegedly trying to prosecute Mr. Khan or arrange for his assassination. These days, such attempts to silence an author courageous enough to tell the truth about Islam are as valuable for book sales as a Pulitzer Prize. Just ask Salmon Rushdie, Taslima Nasrin, or Geert Wilders.
Readers who want a hard copy of the book can obtain it through Mr. Khan’s publisher at The website translates into English for easy navigation, and buyers can pay through Paypal. (Be sure to select the English version, as after translation both book titles appear the same on the website.)
To give readers an idea of the scope of Muhammad’s criminal acts, here is a short synopsis of the 32 failings Muhammad owns up to in the book’s narrative:
1. I ordered the veiling women, which was never ordered by God
2.  I ordained polygamy, which was not God’s plan
3.  I also conceived the special dispensation for me to marry any woman I wished
4. I made many pronouncements that were driven by my lust for women
5.  I even captured and raped Jewish married women and kept them in my harem
6.  I determined that a woman’s testimony only counted as half that of a man
7.  I ordained that men could beat their women if they were disobedient
8.  I began attacking caravans (at Nakhla) against God’s wishes

9.  I ordered the killing of poets who criticized me
10. I made God angry by refusing to make peace with Jews and Christians

The loving Holy Spirit - He loves you dearly!

The Holy Spirit cares for us and loves us dearly. We are precious to Him, and there are many scriptures to give us an insight into the loving nature of the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit wanted to make us in God's image

Let's start at the beginning. When God made man in His image, they (the Father, Son and Holy Spirit) said, "Let us make man in our image!" The Holy Spirit (along with the Father and Son) wanted to make you and I in His image and give us dominion over all other creation here on earth! You'll find this passage in the first chapter of Genesis:

Genesis 1:26, "And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth."

It was the Holy Spirit who sent Jesus to heal and restore us!

If you turn to Luke chapter 4, you'll find that it was the precious Holy Spirit who send Jesus forth to minister healing, deliverance and restoration to us. Let's look at this passage in the Bible:

Luke 4:18-19, "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised, To preach the acceptable year of the Lord."

Thursday, January 29, 2015


The final proof that Allah is not Yahweh Elohim of the Holy Bible is that Allah is not a trinity. According to the Holy Bible, there is only One true God (Deuteronomy 6:4; Galatians 3:20).
Yet, at the same time Scripture affirms that this One God eternally exists in three Persons:
The Father
"...elect according to the foreknowledge of God the Father..." 1 Peter 1:2
The Son
"... looking for that blessed hope and glorious appearing of our Great God and Savior Jesus Christ..." Titus 2:13
The Holy Spirit
"But Peter said, 'Ananias, why has Satan filled your heart to lie to the Holy Spirit... you have not lied to men but to God." Acts 5:3-4
Three in One
"... baptizing them in the Name (singular - implying unity) of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit ..." Matthew 28:19
But the Allah of the Quran is not any of the three Persons mentioned above. For example S. 112 states,
Say: He is Allah, the One and Only; Allah, The Eternal, Absolute-, He begetteth not, Nor is He Begotten; And there is none like unto Him. S. 112: 1-4
Allah does not "beget" meaning that Allah has no children either in a spiritual or carnal sense. Thus, Allah can never be the Father. Nor does he allow himself to be "begotten", i.e. does not take on human nature such as God the Son did when he became man for our salvation. Finally, in orthodox Islam the Holy Spirit is not God, but the angel Gabriel. This fact separates Allah from ever possibly being the same God that Christians worship.
Furthermore, we read in I John 2:22-23:
"Who is a liar but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ? He is Antichrist who denies the Father and the Son. Whoever denies the Son does not have the Father either; he who acknowledges the Son has the Father also."
Thus, to the Christians Allah cannot be the biblical God since the inspired New Testament record teaches that anyone denying the Father and Son as God is Antichrist.

Marriage in Islam and Christianity

A Muslim man can marry more than one wife. Some suggest that he can have 4 wives at one time.
Shia’ Muslims believe in a temporary marriage also. Such a marriage may last as less as a day. It is known as Muta’.
A Muslim should not marry an unbeliever nor allow his daughters to be married to unbelievers (Sura 2:221).
A Muslim man can marry a Jewish or Christian woman (Sura 5:5).
Muslim scholars advise that children from such a marriage should be brought up as Muslims.
A Muslim woman can marry a man from another faith only after His conversion to Islam (Basis on Sura 5:5 and Sura 2:221).
A husband has permission to exert a lot of Patriarchal authority. Sura 4:34 permits men to hit their wives.
If a Muslim married man converts to another faith, his marriage dissolves. He is an apostate and worthy of capital punishment (Muslim laws).
If a Muslim married woman converts to another faith, marriage still remains intact. She should be punished, scourged, until she repents or in that situation she dies (Muslim laws).

A Christian woman is free to marry anyone she wishes but the advise is that he must belong to the Lord (1 Cor. 7:39).
‘Don’t be yoked with unbelievers’ (2 Cor. 6:14-18).
If the couple has been already married and one becomes a believer in Christ, the marriage still remains in tact. A Christian is encouraged to be Christ like in all manners and pray for the other.
If however, the non-Christian partner leaves then there is no restriction on her or him.
No capital punishment of apostasy. The matter is left to the Lord to deal with.
A husband has to love his wife as Christ has loved the church (Eph 5:25-26).
Similarly a wife has to submit herself to him (Eph 5:22).

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Prayer to Break Curses

Heavenly Father, we come to you in the mighty Name of Jesus by the power of His blood. You are our deliverer. You know all our problems and all the things that binds, torments, defiles, and harasses us. We confess that our bodies are the temples of the Holy Spirit, redeemed, cleansed, sanctified, justified by the blood of Jesus. We refuse to accept anything from Satan. In the Name of Jesus, we bind the principalities, rulers of the darkness of the world and all spiritual wickedness in high places. We bind the powers in the heavenlies. Spirit of antichrist, Jezebel spirit, death & Hades spirit, spirit of Balaam, all familiar and seductive spirits assigned to us, we bind you and render you harmless and ineffective against us and our family. We loose ourselves from every dark spirit in us or around us that is not the spirit of God and we command you to leave us now, in the Name of Jesus. Since we are justified, redeemed, cleansed and sanctified by the blood of Jesus, Satan has no place in us or around us and no power over us. Through the blood of Jesus I tell him to flee!

In the name of Jesus the anointed one, I now rebuke, break and loose myself, my wife (husband), my church, my pastor (s), my family, my brother (s), and sister (s) and all my children (grandchildren) from any and all evil curses, generational curses, charms, vexes, hexes, spells, jinxes, psychic powers, bewitchments, witchcraft and sorceries that have been put upon me or my family line, from any person or persons or from any occult source.

In the Name of Jesus the anointed one, we now address you devils, witches and cohorts. We know that you are attempting to harass and embarrass this ministry (family) in order to smear and discredit this ministry so that others who would receive benefits from this ministry would become discouraged. We are not ignorant of your tricks, your wiles and your strategies. Now, in the name of Jesus the anointed one, we command you to stop your operations, and all your psychic commands, your incantations, your prayers and desires against this ministry be turned again upon you who sent them out. Retreat, flee in defeat this moment. We also command that the mouths of all who spread lies and gossip against this ministry be stopped! The Lord rebuke you and all who help you! In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015


Hebu tuzungumzie jinsi Biblia inavyotumia neno “roho.” Watu fulani hufikiri kwamba “roho” ni neno lingine linalomaanisha “nafsi.” Lakini, si kweli. Biblia inaonyesha wazi kwamba “roho” na “nafsi” ni vitu viwili tofauti. Vinatofautianaje?

Waandishi wa Biblia walitumia neno la Kiebrania ru′ach au neno la Kigiriki, pneu′ma waliporejelea “roho.” Maandiko yenyewe yanaonyesha maana ya maneno hayo. Kwa mfano, andiko la Zaburi 104:29 linasema: “[Yehova] ukiiondoa roho [ru′ach] yao, wanakata pumzi, na kurudi katika mavumbi yao.” Andiko la Yakobo 2:26 linasema kwamba “mwili bila roho [pneu′ma] umekufa.” Katika andiko hilo “roho” inamaanisha kile ambacho huupa mwili uhai. Bila roho, mwili umekufa. Kwa hiyo, katika Biblia neno ru′ach halitafsiriwi tu “roho” bali pia “nguvu” au kani ya uhai. Kwa mfano, Mungu alisema hivi kuhusu Mafuriko ya siku ya Noa: “Ninaleta gharika ya maji duniani ili kuharibu kutoka chini ya mbingu wote wenye mwili walio na nguvu [ru′ach] za uhai ndani yao.” (Mwanzo 6:17; 7:15, 22) Hivyo, “roho” inarejelea nguvu isiyoonekana, inayotendesha viumbe vyote vilivyo hai.

Nafsi na roho hutofautiana. Mwili unahitaji roho kama vile redio inavyohitaji umeme ili kufanya kazi. Kwa mfano, unapotia betri katika redio na kuiwasha, nguvu zilizo katika betri huiwezesha redio kufanya kazi. Hata hivyo, redio haiwezi kufanya kazi bila betri. Hali kadhalika, redio ambayo imeondolewa kwenye umeme haiwezi kufanya kazi. Vivyo hivyo, roho ni nguvu ambayo hutendesha mwili wetu. Kama umeme, roho haiwezi kuhisi wala kufikiri. Ni nguvu isiyo na utu. Lakini bila roho au kani ya uhai, “tunakata pumzi na kurudi kwenye udongo,” kama mtunga-zaburi alivyosema.

Andiko la Mhubiri 12:7 linasema hivi linapozungumzia kifo cha mwanadamu: “Mavumbi [mwili wake] huirudia nchi kama yalivyokuwa, nayo roho yenyewe humrudia Mungu wa kweli aliyeitoa.” Roho au kani ya uhai inapoondoka mwilini, mwili hufa na kurudi ulipotoka, yaani, kwenye udongo. Vivyo hivyo, nguvu ya uhai hurudi ilipotoka, yaani, kwa Mungu. (Ayubu 34:14, 15; Zaburi 36:9) Hiyo haimaanishi kwamba nguvu ya uhai huenda mbinguni kihalisi. Badala yake, inamaanisha kwamba mtu akifa, tumaini lolote la kuishi tena linamtegemea Yehova Mungu. Ni kana kwamba uhai wake uko mikononi mwa Mungu. Ni kupitia nguvu za Mungu tu ndipo roho au nguvu ya uhai inaweza kurudishwa ili mtu aweze kuishi tena.

Inafariji kama nini kujua kwamba hivyo ndivyo Mungu atakavyofanya kwa wote wanaopumzika ndani ya “makaburi ya ukumbusho!” (Yohana 5:28, 29) Wakati wa ufufuo, Yehova atamfanyizia mwili mpya yule anayelala katika kifo na kuuhuisha kwa kutia roho, au nguvu ya uhai ndani yake. Itakuwa siku ya shangwe sana.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Divine Attributes Held by the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit

Having started by emphasising that there is only one God, we now see that the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit all have divine attributes.

  1. All three Persons are called God.
    • Grace to you and peace from God our Father” (Philippians 1:2)
    • For in Him (Jesus) dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily” ( Colossians 2:9)
    • But Peter said, ‘Ananias, why has Satan filled your heart to lie to the Holy Spirit and keep back part of the price of the land for yourself? While it remained, was it not your own? And after it was sold, was it not in your own control? Why have you conceived this thing in your heart? You have not lied to men but to God.’” (Acts 5:3; emphasis mine)

Why Christianity is NOT a Religion

The way to be right with God in every religion is by earning your way.  It is based on works, not grace.  Christianity is different from every religion in this aspect: all other religions (including Mormonism, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism) state that you must earn the right to be reconciled with God.  It is by what you do in this life (good deeds or bad deeds) that determines your eternal destiny.  Christianity is completely different from this.  It is not religion.  My high school American Literature Teacher, Mr. Patton, (who wasn’t a Christian) described it this way:

“The difference between Christianity and every other faith in the world is that all other religions are about man trying to reach up to God.  Christianity is about God reaching down to man.”
This is a very important distinction, and it is core to what I believe, so I would like to try to clarify what I mean.  Here is the way I am defining religion:
Religion is a system of beliefs or a code of moral conduct that judges (qualifies or disqualifies) a person based on their adherence and obedience to certain codes, rules, laws, traditions, or the performance of required acts.
Religion (almost universally) is enforced by those in power in an attempt to maintain, increase, or abuse their power over others.  Religion is the creation of man and is not the intention or design of God.  A modern day example (taken from the movie “Footloose”, starring Kevin Bacon) is a preacher who believes that dancing leads to promiscuity and destructive behavior (the Bible does not speak against dancing).  He uses (abuses) his influence and his position of authority to convince his congregation that dancing is evil and forbids it.  He sets up rules that are not in the Bible and adds additional beliefs that Jesus never endorsed.  He is trying to control the people, using their trust of his authority to force them to believe his version of the truth.  He adds rules that don’t exist in the Bible.  In this example, he even has good motives, but he is still being religious and this “religion” is not from God.  This is so very common.  People have used Jesus to justify adding so many “requirements” to being a Christian.  Here are just a few of the countless examples:


Unknown people using petrol fuel, burned to ashes the building of the Tanzania Assemblies of God (T.A.G), Bunyambo Parish, Kibondo District, Kigoma region in Western of Tanzania, 1258 km from Dar es Salaam. The incident took place on Saturday of 10th January, 2015 at 11 p.m night.

The criminals poured petrol fuel on church benches and other furniture, and set fire which consumed many church properties. Neither  human affection nor the total sum of destruction is reported.

The reason is said to be the political hostility, when Mr. Danford Mushachi, won the seat of Village Chairman, during the Local Government Election held on 14th December, 2014. Mr Danford Mushachi, is a church-member of the T.A.G- Bunyambo Parish.

The allegation said the church of Bunyambo-T.A. G Parish supported Mr. Danford Mushachi to win the seat of Village Chairman. The allegation was denied by the Bunyambo Parish Secretary, Mr. Samwel Msachi, who said the church shall never interfere with the political affairs, because church-members adhere to different political ideologically.


Few of us realize the effect of our spoken work on our heart or on our adversary. He hears us make our confession of failure of sickness, or lack, and apparently he doesn't forget; and we unconsciously go down to the level of our confession. No one ever rises above it. If you confess sickness, it develops sickness in your system. If you confess doubt, the doubts become stronger. If you confess lack of finances, it stops the money from coming in. You say, "I can't understand this." No. Because most of us live in the sense realm and spiritual things are very indistinct.

Hebrew 4:14 must become a constant reality: "Having then a great high priest, who hath passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession." Our confession is that the Word cannot be broken; that what the Father says is true. When we doubt the Father, we are doubting His Word. When we doubt His Word, it is because we believe something else that is contrary to that Word. Our confidence may be in the arm of fresh; it may be in medicine; it may be in institutions; but whatever our confidence is in, if it contradicts the Word, it destroys our faith life. It destroys our prayers. It brings us again into bondage.

May your confidence in the Word be strengthened to make you know "that no Word from God is void of power" or can go by default. There isn't power in all the universe to void one statement of fact in this Word. He said, "I watch over my Word to perform it" Again, "Whosoever believeth on Him shall not be put to shame" Your confidence is in that unbroken, living Word, and you hold fast to your confession in the face of every assault of the enemy.

Be blessed,

Max Shimba

January 26, 2015

Friday, January 23, 2015

Maswali ya Biblia Kitabu cha Mwanzo

Swali (S): Kwenye Mwanzo, tunajuaje kuwa Kitabu cha Mwanzo kinatakiwa kuwa kwenye Biblia?
Jibu (J): Pamoja na sababu nyingine, kwa sababu Yesu na watu wengine wengi kwenye Biblia walithibitisha ukweli wa Agano la Kale na walikielezea Kitabu cha Mwanzo kuwa ni Maandiko (Matakatifu).

S: Kwenye Mwanzi, ni nani aliyejibu maswali ya Kitabu cha Mwanzo?
J: Kwa kadri nijuavyo, mtu wa kwanza kuandika majibu ya maswali yahusuyo kitabu cha Mwanzo ni Philo, Myahudi wa Kiyunani (Kigiriki) wa Alexandria aliyeishi kutoka karibu mwaka 20 KK hadi 50BK. Leo hii tunayo tafsiri ya Kiarmenia ya kazi yake. Aliandika kazi yake yenye sehemu tatu, Questions and Answers on Genesis (Maswali na Majibu kuhusu Mwanzo). Tumetunza majibu yake kwa maswali 244 toka Mwanzo 1 hadi 17, kwa mujibu wa mtazamo wa Myahudi mcha Mungu ambaye aliathiriwa sana na falsafa za Kigiriki za Plato.

S: Kwenye Mwanzo 1, kwa kuwa vitu vingine vinapaswa kuwa kweli, kama 1 = 1, na 1 + 1 = 2, je Mungu aliumba hesabu na namba? Angeweza kuviumba kwa njia nyingine tofauti?
J: Mungu aliumba kilakitu; hata hivo, marudiorudio (tautology), kitu ambacho ni kweli sawa na maana yake ilivyo kama vitu vyekundu vina rangi nyekundu, si kitu. Tunaweza kukisia kuwa Mungu aliumba "kila kitu" kwenye hesabu na hii si marudiorudio.

S: Kwenye Mwanzo 1, kwa kuwa Mungu aliumba kila kitu, je aliumba giza, uovu, na mashimo ardhini? Kama aliumba uovu, haonyeshi kuwa mzuri mkamilifu. Kama sivyo, yeyote aliyeumba anaonyesha kuwa muumbaji pia.
J: Mungu aliiumba vitu vyote. Giza si kitu, bali ni kutokuwepo au upungufu wa mwanga. Uovu si kitu, bali kutokuwepo au kupotoa mambo mema. Mashimo, giza, na maovu hayakuumbwa moja kwa moja na Mungu, lakini yametokea kama marudiorudio, au "matokeo ya maisha" ya mada, mwanga na mambo mema. Hivyohivyo, kivuli si kitu kinachojitegemea, kikiwa na mada, nishati, au roho. Hata hivyo, mimea inaweza kufa kwenye kivuli.

S: Kwenye Mwanzo 1, kwa kuwa Mungu aliumba kila kitu kikiwa kizuri, kwa nini radi, milipuko ya magonjwa na majanga mengine hutokea?
J: Kila kitu kilikuwa kizuri mwanzoni. Lakini Warumi 8:20-22 inaonyesha kuwa tokea wakati wa anguko, dunia "ilitiishwa chini ya ubatili" pia. Ulimwengu wote upo chini ya utawala wa mwovu(1 Yohana 5:19), na mkuu wa dunia hii ni Shetani kwa mujibu wa Yohana 12:31; 14:30.

S: Kuna hoja gani ya umbo na muundo wa ulimwengu kwenye Mwanzo 1?
J: Kwanza, ifuatayo ni njia rahisi na yenye mantiki rahisi yenye kuelezea.
Huwezi kupata kitu bila kuwa na kitu (kingine). Kila kitu kilichoumbwa kilihitajika kuumbwa. Hata vitu vya kwanza kuumbwa vilihitajikwa kuumbwa na kitu/mtu mwingine ambaye aliisha kuwepo. Kwa hiyo, panatakiwa kuwa na kitu au mtu ambaye hajaumbwa na anaishi milele.
Yafuatayo ni maelezo makali; maana ni zangu mwenyewe.
Tunadhani kuwa kila mtu anaufahamu wa kutosha kuweza kuwa na maana inayofaa ya mantiki, kupingana na kutopingana, tukio, mchakato, "ndani ya", kitu, mkusanyiko, muda, mada, nishati, roho, chanzo, kilichosababishwa na, na matokeo.
Uwepo halisi kunafafanuliwa, katika makala hii, kuwa ni kuwepo kwenye ulimwengu huu, kuwa na uwezo wa kuathiriwa na kitu mojawapo hapa ulimwenguni, au kuwa na uwezo wa kuathiri kitu kimojawapo hapa ulimwenguni. Huu ni ufafanuzi mfinyu sana wa kuwepo/kuishi, kwani unashindwa kuhusisha mawazo, mienendo, na mambo mengine. Kwa hiyo, hebu na tuuite uwepo "halisi" na tufanye majadiliano yetu hapa yakomee kwenye uwepo halisi.
Kitu halisi kinafafanuliwa hapa kuwa ni kitu au mkusanyiko au mada, nishati, roho, au mchanganyiko wenye kuwa na uwepo halisi. Ukweli wa kimantiki, ukinzani wa kimantiki, na ushahidi wa kihesabu havichukuliwa kuwa vitu hapa.
Uwepo wa kimelea, kama kitu cha ndani, unfafanuliwa kuwa ni uwepo halisi wa vitu ambavyo si vitu halisi. Mashimo, giza, upungufu, kutokuwa sahihi, na maovu si mada, nishati, au roho, lakini kama ambavyo kivuli kinaweza kuua mimea ambayo inahitaji jua, au upungufu ea chakula unavyoweza kuua mtu, vivuli na upungufu wa chakula vina uwepo halisi licha ya kutokuwa vitu halisi.
Ulimwengu unafafanuliwa hapa kuwa ni mkusanyiko wa vitu halisi ambavyo vipo kiuhalisi. Tazama kuwa katika ufafanuzi huu, ulimwengu unajitisheleza, na Mungu (tuchulie kuwa Mungu yupo, ni roho na anaweza akaathiri vitu) yupo ulimwenguni.
Kutokwepo (nothing) kunafafanuliwa kuwa ni kitu ambacho hakijawahi kabisa kuwepo, au ambacho hakijawahi kuwa na uwepo wa kweli/kihalisi wakati wowote ule. Kwa maneno mengine, kabla hakijaumbwa [au baaday ya kuharibiwa], kitu halisi hakipo ulimwenguni, hakiuathiri ulimwengu, na hakiathiriki na ulimwengu.
Uumbaji unafafanuliwa hapa kuwa ni tukio au mchakato wa kufanya kitu halisi kipya. Kuumba kunatofautishwa na "kubadilisha", ambako hakuhitaji chanzo chochote mbali ya kitu chenyewe. Kuumba kitu halisi kipya kunaweza kuhusisha kubadilisha au kuharibu kitu halisi kilichowahi kuwepo, lakini hakulazimiki kufanya hivyo. Hata hivyo, angalia sehemu inayofuata.
Hakuna kitu kinachoweza kuwepo kutokana na kitu kisichokwepo. Kitu chochote halisi kilichoumbwa kinahitaji chanzo cha kuumbwa kwake. Kwa maneno mengine, hakuna kitu kinachoweza kuumbwa isipokuwa kitu/vitu vinginie vimekiumba.
Hakuna kitu kinachoweza kujiumba chenyewe. Hakuna kitu kinachoweza kujiumba chenyewe. Ingawa vitu halisi vinaweza kujibadilisha wakati mwingine, au kujiharibu vyenyewe, hakuna kitu kinachoweza kuwa chanzo cha kuumbwa kwake.
Chanzo cha kwanza. Ingawa vitu halisi vilivyoumbwa vinaweza kuumba vitu vingine halisi vilivyombwa, mwisho wa siku patahitajika kuwa na chanzo cha kwanza. Kwa maneno mengine, kwenye mlolongo wa vyanzo, chanzo walau kimoja kinatakiwa kuvitangulia vyanzo vingine vyote.
Kisichoumbwa. Kwa vile chanzo walau kimoja hakitakiwa kuwa na chanzo kilichokitangulia, na kila kiumbe kinahitaji chanzo, kuna kitu halisi walau kimoja ambacho hakijaumbwa na kimekuwepo toka milele iliyopita, kwa sababu kuna kitu halisi walau kimoja ambacho hakijaumbwa.
Mhutasari: Kila kitu halisi ambacho kinaishi ama kina wakati au kipindi fulana=i ambacho kiliwahikuishi, vinginevyo hakijawahi kuishi. Kama kimewahi kuishi, basi kuna kitu halisi ambacho ni chanzo cha kuwepo kwake.
Mipaka: Hoja hii haithibitishi kwamba chanzo cha kwanza ni kitu chenye uhai, au kwamba kuna chanzo kimoja tu ambacho hakijaumbwa, au kwamba vyanzo vyovyote ambavyo havijaumbwa bado vinaishi. Kitu ambacho hoja hii inasema ni kwamba kuna walau kitu kimoja halisi (nafsi iliyo hai au kitu kisichokuwa nafsi) ambacho kimekuwepo milele bila kuumbwa.
Moja ya waandishi wa kwanza aliyeiona hoja ya muundo na umbo la ulimwengu na kusema kuwa Mungu ni chanzo cha kwanza alikuwa Philo, Myahudi aliyeishi Alexandria, Misri, toka mwaka 15/20 KK hadi mwaka 50BK. R. C. Sproul na Norm Geisler wameandika kazi nyingi na nzuri kuhusiana na hoja ya muundo na umbo la ulimwengu.

S: Hoja kuwa "kushindwa kuelezeka kirahisi kwa ulimwengu kunaonyesha kuwa ni lazima kuwe na muumba" inaonekana nzuri, hadi inapochukuliwa kwenye hitimisho lake la kimantiki. Vipi kuhusu ugumu wa Mungu kueleweka? Kama kitu chenye utatanishi kinahitaji muumba basi Mungu lazima ahitaji muumba mkubwa zaidi, na kwa jinsi hiyohiyo na kuendelea. Je hoja hii inaishia wapi? Hoja hii inaishia na "kurudi nyuma kusikokuwa na ukomo," na hakuna jibu kwa hili? Ama je lipo?
J: Kabla ya kuijibu hoja hii, hebu nilikuze "tatizo hili" kwanza. Licha ya ugumu wa kuelezeka, suala hil pia ni aina iliyopotoka ya hoja ya muundo na umbo la ulimwengu. Kama kila kitu kina chanzo, basi Mungu naye pia ana chanzo.
Kwa kuwa kila kitu ni lazima kiwe na mwisho, vinginevyo hakitakuwa na mwisho, kuna majibu mawili tu yanayoweza kutolewa:
  1. hakuna mwisho wa kurudi nyuma kusikokuwa na ukomo
  2. hakuna mwisho wa kurudi nyuma kusikokuwa na mwisho, chanzo ambacho hakijasababishwa na kitu kingine chochote.
Kama a), kusingekuwa na mwisho wa kurudi nyuma kusikokuwa na ukomo, basi si kila kitu kingekuwa na chanzo kwa sababu kurudi nyuma kusikokuwa na mwisho kwenyewe hakuna chanzo. Kwa hiyo, kwa vyovyote vile kuna mtu/kitu ambacho hakina chanzo.
Kama b), kuna mwisho wa kurudi nyuma kusikokuwa na mwisho, basi ni lazima kuwe na chanzo cha kwanza, cha ugumu fulani wa kufahamika. Kwa ajili hiyo, jambo hili linamaanisha kuwa Mungu si nafsi iliyotokana na kitu kingine, si matunda ya uumbaji.
Hata hivyo nashangaa, kama Mungu angeiona hoja hii yote kuwa nyepesi namna hii, kw asababu tunafikiri kuhusu vyanzo ndani ya muda. Kama mungu anaishi nje ya muda na pia ndani yake, na kama muda ni kitu kimojawapo kilichoumbwa na Mungu, basi kusema kuwa hali ilikuwaje kabla ya kuwepo kwa Mungu ni kujipinga.

S: Kwenye Mwanzo 1, Mungu anaweza kuwa aliumba viumbe wengine na ulimwengu mwingine?
J: Aliumba viumbe wengine: malaika na mapepo. Kuhusu kuumba ulimwengu mwingine wenye viumbe ndani yake, Biblia haituambii haya yote tunayotaka kujua — na tunapaswa kuhakikisha kuwa walau tunasoma jambo hilo. Mungu angeweza kuwa ameumba ulimwengu mwingine, na huenda hizo ndizo mbungu na kzimu.

S: Kwenye Mwanzo 1, kwa nini Mungu aliwaumba Adam na Hawa, kwa kuwa Munug alijua kabla kwamba hawatamtii?
J: Pamoja na Mungu kujua kuwa watafanya dhambi, anatuambia vitu kadhaa kutuonyesha kuwa kwa nini aliumba watu.
Kwa utukufu wake: Mungu aliumba watoto wake kwa utukfu wake. Isaya 43:7; 61:34.
Watu wa kuwapenda: Mungu anatupenda sana. Zaburi 145:9,17; 1 Yohana 3:1.
Kuwa watoto wake: 1 Yohana 3:1-2; Wagalatia 3:28, Warumi 8:15-17.
Kuishi ndani mwetu: 1 Yohana 4:12-16; Warumi 8:9-11.
Mungu hataki mtu yoyote apotee. Ezekiel 18:23, 32; 33:11; 2 Petro 3:9. Hata hivyo, Mungu hajuti kwa kuwaumba watu ambao walipopewa nafasi walichagua kwa hiari zao wenyewe kumkataa. Mungu aliishajua kabla kuwa watafanya dhambi, na bado hakupenda kuingilia uchaguzi wao au "kutokuwaumba."
Huenda moja ya sababu ya Mungu kuwaumba viumbe ambao watakuwa na sura yake inafanana na sababu ya wazazi kuwa na watoto. Ni kweli, watoto wana gharamua: nepi, chakula, na kweli wanasababisha maumivu ya kichwa tokana na kuugua, kuumia, na kutokutii lakini pamoja na hayo yote upendo unawafanya wastahili kuwepo.

S: Kwenye Mwa 1:1, Mungu aliumba kwa sababu alihitaji kuumba?
J: Biblia haiungi mkono hisia hizi. Mungu hana uhitaji wowote ule, kwa maana ya kwamba atadhulika au kukoma kuwepo kama hangeumba vitu vingine. Kwa upande mwingine, lengo la Mungu lilikuwa kuumba, na Mungu alitimiza lengo hilo kwa kiasi kikubwa kikubwa sana.

S: Kwenye Mwa 1:1, je kulikuwa na uumbaji zaidi ya Mwanzo?
J: Maandiko hayasemi chochote kuhusu jambo hili, na Mungu Mungu anao uhuru wa kufanya kama apendavyo. Kama Mungu angeumba viumbe wengine, wangekuwa kama malaika, mapepo, kama Adam na Hawa kabla ya anguko, kama sisi, kama mapepo, kama wanyama, au kitu tofauti kabisa.

The Bible Tops the List of the Most Read Books in the World

Researcher James Chapman has compiled this look at the top 10 most-read books in the world. Chapman created the list by examining how many individual copies of the books had been printed and sold over the last 50 years. As you can see from the graphic below (created by designer Jared Fanning), The Bible leads the countdown by a large margin, with nearly 4 billion copies printed and sold globally in the last five decades. Quotations from the Works of Mao Tse-tung was No. 2 (820 million copies), followed by The Harry Potter series (400 million copies), The Lord of the Rings trilogy (103 million) and Paulo Coelho’s The Alchemist (65 million). You can go here to see the full list and a larger version of the graph ...


The Healings of Jesus Christ

Individuals Who Demonstrated Faith

References of Individuals Who Received Their Healing by Faith in Jesus Christ
Leper in Galilee
Paralytic (palsy) at Capernaum
Man with a withered hand in Galilee
possibly Capernaum
Women with issue of blood (hemorrhaging) healed
at Capernaum during first preaching tour through Galilee
Two blind men at Capernaum (on the northern shore of the Sea of Galilee)    
Man born blind who was outside the Temple at Jerusalem   
Ten lepers between Samaria and Galilee  
Samaritan leper    
Blind Man Approaching Jericho  
Blind Bartimeaus at Jericho   
Two Blind Men Departing Jericho    

Thursday, January 15, 2015


John 11:1-44 - Now there was a man by the name of Lazarus (not the poor man who went to heaven in Luke's parable, Luke 16:19-31) who became seriously ill. He lived in Bethany (outside Jerusalem on the eastern slope of the Mount of Olives), the village where Mary and her sister Martha lived. (Lazarus was the brother of the Mary who poured perfume upon the Lord and wiped his feet with her hair.) So the sisters sent word to Jesus: "Lord, your friend is ill."
When Jesus (across the River Jordan in Perea) received the message, he said, "This illness is not meant to end in death; it is going to bring glory to God - for it will show the glory of the Son of God."
Now Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus. So when he heard of Lazarus' illness he stayed where he was two days longer. Only then did he say to the disciples, "Let us go back into Jude"
"Master!" returned the disciples, "only a few days ago, the Jews were trying to stone you to death - are you going there again?"
"There are twelve hours of daylight every day, are there not?" replied Jesus. "If a man walks in the daytime, he does not stumble, for he has the daylight to see by. But if he walks at night he stumbles, because he cannot see where he is going."

Plead the Promises of God

By Armin R.Gesswein
Founder and Director of Revival Prayer Fellowships, Inc.
An elderly Methodist lay preacher named Uncle Am always had assurance his prayer would be answered. A young preacher asked for his secret. He said, "Young man learn to plead the promises of God."
-D.L. Moody: "Every work of God can be traced to some kneeling form."

Early in the ministry, I had an experience which completely changed my understanding of prayer. What a transformation! I was called to start churches and had just discovered "prayer meeting truth" in the Acts. So I started a prayer meeting-the first one I ever attended.

In came an elderly Methodist one night. When he prayed, I detected something new. "I have never heard praying like that," I said to myself. It was not only fervency-I had plenty of that. Heaven and earth got together at once when he prayed. There was a strange immediacy about it. The prayer and the answer were not far apart-in fact, were moving along together. He had it "in the bag!" so it seemed to me. The Holy Spirit was right there, in action, giving him assurance of the answer even while he was praying! When I prayed, God was "way out there," somewhere in the distance, listening. The answer, too was in the distance, in the bye and bye.
Eager to learn his secret, I went to see him one day. His name was Ambrose Whaley, and everyone called him "Uncle Am." He was a retired blacksmith-also a Methodist lay preacher. I soon came to the point: "Uncle Am, I would love to pray with you." At once he arose, led me outside across the driveway into a red barn, up a ladder, into a haymow! There, in some old hay, lay two big Bibles-one open. "What is this?" I thought. I prayed first, as I recall it. Poured out my heart, needs, burdens, wishes, aspirations, ambitions to God. Then he prayed-and there was "that difference" again. There, in that hay, on our knees, at the eyeball level, I said: "Uncle Am, what is it? ...You have some kind of secret in praying...Would you mind sharing it with me?"

I was 24, he was 73 (he lived to be 93), and with an eagle-look in his eyes, he said:
"Young man, learn to plead the promises of God!"

Jesus said to Thomas that HE IS THE LIVING GOD

John 14 ► Peshitta Holy Bible Translated Verse 5 and 6 Thoma said to him, “Our Lord, we do not know where you are going and how can we know ...