The evangelical giftwrapping of “Islamophobia” marches on, by Giles Fraser. “It’s depressing that a decade after I wrote about a Christian charity’s thinly disguised Islamophobia, they’re still at it.”
The Guardian It’s a simple idea. Find an empty shoe box. Fill it with toys, toothpaste or school crayons. And allow Operation Christmas Child to fly it out to some of the neediest children in the world. It’s the sort of thing that you can do together as a family. And it’s a pretty good way to introduce our children to how fortunate they are in comparison to others – not a bad lesson at Christmas.

Given this, it is unsurprising that hundreds of UK schools have become involved. Samaritanspurse – What we do
So far, so good. Except all is not quite what it seems with this charity. Yes, it is open about the fact that it is an evangelical Christian organisation, with a mission to share the love of Jesus with those who do not believe in him. It is slightly shifty about the fact that it distributes evangelical literature along with the boxes – though not actually in them – and that this literature promotes an exclusivist version of Christianity in the form of innocuous-looking comic book with the sinister message slipped in:
“There is only one way to be friends with God.” In many places these boxes are distributed, this is thinly disguised code for: Islam is wrong. (It is!)

And here we come to the heart of the purpose of OCC. For, according to the boss and guiding force of OCC, Franklin Graham – son of the evangelist Billy Graham – Islam is not just wrong, it is “a very wicked and evil religion.” (It is!)And by that he does not mean that Islam has been taken over by dangerous radicals, but that Islam itself is intrinsically evil. (It is!)

He recently told the British journalist Ruth Gledhill that Islam has been the same for 1,500 years. It “has not been hijacked by radicals” but is essentially a “religion of war.” (Right again) But this comes from someone who, when recently asked about Muslim fundamentalism, insisted that “they only respond to force… I think there is going to have to be much large US involvement militarily.”

This is also a man who thinks the Muslim Brotherhood has “infiltrated every level of our government” (they have) and that President Obama’s “problem” is that “he was born a Muslim, his father was a Muslim. The seed of Islam is passed through the father”. (He was and it was)

This year 60,000 OCC shoe boxes have been shipped off to Islamic State-displaced children in northern Iraq. It’s an irresistible political move for Graham and his compatriots. “These children will be reminded that there is a God who loves them,” says OCC domestic director Randy Riddle, making a clear contrast to the Muslim God that doesn’t. “That is the point and purpose of Operation Christmas Child, to share the love of Jesus Christ.”

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