Sunday, December 14, 2014

RIFQA BARY, who defied her Muslim parents by secretly converting to Christianity as a 17-year-old, still feels her life is in danger

Muslim convert to Christianity, Rifqa Bary, now 22, writes her first book about her secret conversion to Christianity when she was just 17 and running away from her Ohio home to live with a Christian pastor’s family in Florida who took her in after her father threatened to honor-kill her for her apostasy.

Aysha & Mohamed Bary (left) vs Rifqa (right)
Aysha & Mohamed Bary (left) vs Rifqa (right)

Columbus Dispatch  (h/t Reader) A 22-year-old woman has written a book about running away from her central Ohio home as a teenager after converting from Islam to Christianity — a case that gained national attention and pitted Christian fundamentalists against Muslims.


Rifqa Bary’s Hiding in the Light: Why I Risked Everything to Leave Islam and Follow Jesus is scheduled for release on May 5.


Bary, a native of Sri Lanka, was 17 and living with her family near New Albany when she ran away to Florida in 2009. She claimed that her Muslim father had threatened her for converting, but authorities in Ohio and Florida found no evidence of that.

(Of course not, the Muslim parents denied it, so it was Rifqa’s word against theirs. The “authorities” never bothered to do any research on the punishment required for apostasy in Islam)


In a news release, publisher WaterBrook Press said Bary is now a college student living in an undisclosed location and still convinced her life is under threat.

“In the Islamic culture, women do not have a voice. My goal in writing is for my pen to be my voice,” Bary said in the release. A publicist said she was unavailable to comment.


RELATED STORIES/VIDEOS about the court battle between Rifqa and her parents

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