Monday, December 22, 2014

Isn’t it time for Muslims to stop blaming the media for “distorting the image of Islam?”

It is Muslims themselves who are showing the world exactly how violent Islam is which is no distortion.


Unfortunately, the author of the whiny drivel below is Huma Munir, a MUSLIM teacher in the San Antonio school distirct.

American Statesman  This past weekend, the world held its breath as a manMUSLIM who took control of a cafe in Sydney held more than a dozen people hostage for 16 hours.

The incident is deeply concerning not only because innocent lives were put at risk but also because the Islamic affirmation of faith was clearly visible from the window of the Lindt cafe in Martin Place. While Muslims around the world spoke against this atrocity and prayed for victims, they also saw their faith being defamed by a lunatic on live television. (But he wasn’t a lunatic, he was a normal Muslim doing what Muslims do around the world on a regular basis)


As the situation unfolded, I felt a familiar feeling of guilt creeping into my heart.(Guilt? HAH! More like “Let me cry that I am the victim of Islamophobia”)

I moved to the United States 13 years ago — three weeks after 9/11 (Timing is everything). Like many Muslims in America and western nations, I have become strangely accustomed to this feeling every time the Islamic State or another terrorist organization rises to power and takes innocent lives in the name of Islam. (Pretty much on a weekly basis)

Islamic State beheading victims
Islamic State beheading victims

But our guilt is not prompted by an offense. Rather, it is a product of bias in the media that puts Islam and extremism side by side in words and images (Islam is a form of extremism, as evidenced by the extremely violent teachings in the quran). During the hostage situation in Australia, several media outlets reported immediately that the flag visible from the cafe’s window with Arabic writing belonged to the Islamic State. This was later refuted by the Australian government. (That’s right, it wasn’t the flag of ISIS, it was the black flag of jihad, used by al-Qaeda linked groups like al-Nusra)

The tendency of media leaning towards sensationalism, when its priority should be to educate people, is appalling. (You call it sensationalism when you should be calling it educating the public about Islamic terrorism, a tenet of Islam)A study published by Christopher Bail, a sociology professor at the University of North Carolina, found that powerful organizations in America have backed anti-Islam agendas in the media since 9/11. “We learned that the American media almost completely ignored public condemnations of terrorist events by prominent Muslim organizations in the United States,” Bail notes.

(Because educated media organizations realized early on that Muslim condemnation of terrorism is a crock of crap, aka taqiyya – deception – as recommended in the quran when dealing with unbelievers)


But the media are not solely responsible for stigmatizing the Muslim population. I do believe that the extremists and incidents of violence across the Islamic world also promote a sinister image of Islam. (Ya think?) And as more incidents of terrorism continue to happen in the name of Islam, Muslims around the world are forced to brace themselves against a possibility of active discrimination. (One can only hope there will be more active discrimination as people realize you are the sworn enemy of the West no matter what you say)


After 9/11, the whole nation came together and grieved the loss of innocent lives. (Palestinians in Paramus, NJ and other parts of America were dancing in the streets and handing out treats) Among these people were also Muslims who faced higher rates of anxiety, depression and stress, according to a study by Mona M. Amer, a professor at the American University of Cairo. (Oh, boo hoo) The study shows that discrimination and racial profiling were mainly responsible for these disorders, especially among the Arab population. (Being an enemy of America is bound to get you profiled)


As a Muslim, I have felt compelled to defend my faith on numerous occasions.(That’s why you are hated) Through the humble art of writing, I have tried to show people a different picture of Islam (Fortunately, not many people are buying that crap anymore. Too much evidence to the contrary is widely available). I have quoted the Holy Quran’s verses that resoundingly reject violence of any kind.  (But I can quote many more that do prescribe violence)


I have quoted the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be on him), which blatantly put extremist ideologies to shame (Too bad they were all abrogated by the later verses (see video below), and the peaceful ones that remain are mainly in reference to other muslims). I have provided research that shows Muslims around the world are increasingly concerned about terrorism.(Only as far as the backlash it creates against Muslims)


But writing, unfortunately, does not efface the guilt in one’s heart. There will always be people who will discredit my faith,  whether it be the Islamic State through the beheadings or the opponents of Islam who ignorantly label it as a fundamentalist religion.  (We don’t need to label it, we only need to turn on the nightly news or open the link to BNI everyday) These people will always try and convince the world that my faith somehow supports these senseless tragedies.(You do)


With every new act of terrorism in the name of Islam, I feel as if my previous efforts to restore Islam’s image as a peaceful religion have been in vain. (They have!) With the hostage situation in Australia, I feel myself starting all over again, trying to separate extremism from Islam. It is exhausting. (Don’t waste your time, nobody believes you anymore)


Muslims who believe in peace should not have to live this way.  I am a peaceful citizen like many other law-abiding Muslims residing in the West and other parts of the world, seeking peace and security. (Yes, you are, but only while your population numbers are still low) I want to feel normal again. I deserve to feel normal again. I hope one day I can live in a world where Muslims don’t have to feel stigmatized. (Hey, bitch, there are 56 Muslim countries you can live in to feel that way. Pick one and go there)


But I am not the only one suffering. People who believe in peace all over the world have suffered from the trauma of incidents like the Sydney siege. (Can’t argue with you there, Muslims are attacking people all over the worldI know in the end, we won’t let these attacks break our spirit. When an Australian started the “I’ll ride with you” hashtag on Twitter (quickly proven to have been based on a lieto counter discrimination against Muslims following the siege, consoling thoughts from citizens around the world came pouring in (Good little ignorant dhimmis)The world was surely dark for a second, but light found a way to dispel it(Only in your inbred muslim mind)


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